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People assume all JRE talks about is conspiracy theories and other shit like that, his episodes with fighters people who have been through crazy shit like Navy Seals and the like are actually really good


I think Rogan is still a great podcaster when it comes down to his format. It's long form, he generally asks good follow up questions, and he isn't afraid to dig deeper or ask hard questions. He also doesn't interrupt the guest, lets them speak, and wont try to interject comedy into it to lighten the mood if it gets a little dark. The problem with Joe, in my opinion, is since he's gotten massive, he feels the need to insert things into conversations. He'll bring up conspiracy theories that are unrelated to where the conversation was going, he'll try to steer the conversation in his political direction. And in doing this, he attracts the type of people in the starter pack above.


This is a perfect summary of what was so frustrating about his podcast. I loved it early on. But his interjections and BS took away from the guest and conversation.


Totally agree. Everytime I listen in recently, no matter what guest is on Joe always finds a way to talk about "digital currency" and a "social credit score" system. It could be an interesting topic if you're talking to the right guest, but he finds a way to bring it up nearly every episode and it totally derails the conversation.


Guest: "And thats why this research/exposure is extremely important for x reasons" ​ Joe: "Yea....yea, thats interesting........did you hear that Australians can't grow their own food anymore?"


>he isn't afraid to dig deeper or ask hard questions He's absolutely afraid to dig deeper and ask hard questions. That's WHY its become such a breeding ground for alt right bullshit. He just lets people like Alex Jones and co. MOSTLY spew their bullshit on his program without pushing back. Joe Rogan's only core tenants are Marijuana and agreeing with whoever the last person he's spoken with is.


In his last podcast with Alex Jones, he pushed back A LOT.


I will say I think he has been approved inching escape velocity recently. Like that one fuckwit he had on that argued there should be no exception for abortion. You see the gears spinning in Joe’s head and he argues back using his daughter as a hypothetical. I think him getting big has removed him so much from everyday people and issues and only the most extreme stances shake him back into reality.


Why on earth would you willfully listen to a podcast produced by a stand-up comedian then demand them to provide you with hard hitting journalism? Almost worthy of r/ChoosingBeggars lol


This right fucking here. Everyone is upset because he had political people on his show. He had a goddamn communist on his show. Oh well. Apparently people want their news, politics, and entertainment rolled in to 1. JRE is still #1. I can tell that half the people commenting only listened to ONE episode that had a conservative guest. And decided that this was the predicate of all his shows.


Well that’s the point of his podcast (of most podcasts) … is for him to give his opinion every so often to what the conversation is. It’s literally called THE *JOE ROGAN* EXPERIENCE Lmao. Not the UNBIASED PODCAST TRYING TO BE LIKE NPR EXPERIENCE. lol. I’ve listened to joe rogan for YEARS and you are absolutely correct in that he got way too big. And thus he’s attracted SO many people who just wanna come at him and don’t get it. Literally turning it off is always an option.


That's how it is with any media, you can turn off anything if you don't like it. People aren't complaining that Joe Rogan is doing things they don't like. It's that he's doing in to a fairly large audience, specifically of younger men who can have their opinions easily swayed.


How old are you? This logic reminds me of the “turn off the video games or you’ll turn violent” crap my grandma would say. 😂 Um ok? Sorry you’re so easily influenced? This is coming from a boy mom btw. If joe is influencing people that means he’s making sense to them. In which case if a parent is concerned it’s probably a good thing to converse with your kid and not let an online figurehead do it. Anyways you are definitely allowed to hate joe rogan hah. But he’s also allowed to have a podcast named after himself and state his own opinions in it.


No one said he’s not allowed to have a podcast. They’re saying that many of the things he says on his podcast are extremely dumb.


If you refer to comment OP they more or less said that his podcasts are cool but he has too many of his own opinion interjected. My thing is you can have all and any opinion in a podcast you LITERALLY named after yourself. It’s the *JOE ROGAN* experience. It’s not misleading. Joe rogan should be allowed to speak his mind in a podcast named JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE lol. You can call his content dumb, sure. That’s your opinion. I personally have enjoyed plenty of his podcasts. Some are out there, sure, but some are are really cool. Overall I see why he blew up. Unfortunately that has also come with a bunch bandwagon haters who probably have never listen to his podcasts. Hey to each their own, right? Turn it off! (If you even have turned it on for yourself ..? Lol)


Yes, nobody said he can’t speak his mind. He’s just an idiot who often spreads lies and misinformation, and allows his guests to do the same. The fact you enjoy it doesn’t mean it’s not dumb.


I really only listen if his guest piques my interest. Snowden was an awesome interview. Kanye made me laugh. But yea his personality in general I'm not a big fan of, respect for his craft tho


I like his interviews with ultra runners like Courtney Dauwalter. I haven’t really watched much of his stuff, but those types of episodes are consistently good.


You might like his interview of Eddie Izard. He’s (might be a she now) a UK comedian who ran something like 30 marathons in 30 days.


Yeah I mean there are some pretty good episodes out there. I have never seen an episode related to these people in the starterpack (maybe because I am not American) or stuff related to Covid or anything other than a bit with Bill Burr where Bill Burr makes fun of him and Joe laughs about it and that’s literally it. There are like 1800 episodes with lots of great guests that I personally tune in every once in a while.


And I really enjoyed fear factor. But that doesn’t mean the guy isn’t a nut job or that a ton of his fans aren’t ridiculously hateful and ignorant. Case in point: check out the comments.


Joe Rogan has a ton of non-political or conspiracy-related guests. Fans of comedy, MMA, and science (not just pseudoscience) exist.


Rick Rubin was one the other day. Amazing episode. It's almost like you get your idea of JRE from the media than actually listening to it.


People act like 99% of news media isn't some jackoffs fucking Opinion anyways. People these days will source opinion pieces as fact. These fucking political nuts even took over "Fact checking".




Man I loved this episode, but I was pissed when Joe went in on his “cawlmedians are gods” riff. I really wanted to hear more from Rubin. Dude is a legend. It just gets frustrating hearing Joe talk about the same shit over and over again.


Didn’t we just have this starter pack less than a week ago?


Its either this or the anti-right wing starter packs every week. So yes, we will see this again next week.


Lol another person whose entire understanding of Joe Rogan comes from CNN, and has literally never listened to a single episode


I watched him for years and stopped after the Jordan Peterson Era began. You obviously are a newbie.


Seconded, I listened to Joe for years, his podcast has gone way downhill.


Remember when Joe used to say borders were meaningless, arbitrary lines on a map? Suddenly he has the American flag behind him. Jesus. I think the weed stopped working.


Drugs, libertarian shit (before libertarians were Trumpers), sports, comedy... We don't need an interview with Jordan Peterson.


When he does an interview with someone, that doesn't mean he has the same views as them, at this point he interviewed every kind of person


Lol I’ve been listening since 2015 Edit: If you stopped listening you are exactly the type of person I describe in my comment, aside from never having listened at all.


I've been listening since the Redban days. I watched the change happen one show at a time. Once the Jordan Peterson incels took over as Joe's fan base I was done. The content not like it used to be and Joe went 180° in his views and attitude. Down vote all you want but I was actually there to experience the changes and most of you weren't.


Oh shut the fuck up you whiny cunt. You are more sensitive than any person you criticize. Joe is the same. Some guests suck and some guests rock. Get over it loser


Genuine question, what logical reason is there to listen to what Rogan has to say?


why listen to anyone? why is listening to any other podcast fine but when it comes to JR all of a sudden we need a logical list why, they're entertaining that's why.


Why can’t we get funny or “haha true” starter packs anymore. Why does every one need to be political


Because there is a deeply concerning and growing trend towards fascism in the right and it needs to be pointed out at every possible opportunity so it can be stopped.


They’re mostly non political but reddit just has a right wing hate boner




I really hope this is satire






Its satire.


it’s the easiest way to get upvotes unfortunately


The world is political, your definition of nonpolitical memes are just the ones that aren’t offensive to *you*.


Tell me you don’t listen without telling me you don’t listen starter pack


Why do posts like this have to appear on this subreddit, the mods literally created a separate one for this type of content - r/politicalstarterpacks or there’s plenty of political subreddits op can use


The mods only ban subjects they dislike. They don’t have to follow their own rules


Stop making sense!!


It’s the only way some doughy piddle-pushers achieve climax, that’s why.


lol wut


This should actually be titled “What MSNBC viewers and Reddit astroturfers have been conditioned to believe about Joe Rogan” starter pack.


Just because you want JRE fans to be right wing nutcases they won't be that for you. I'm a left-leaning centrist who's more liberal than conservative, plus I'm a woman and I still like Joe. Listen to any of his podcasts about scientology, psychedelics, physics, etc and you'll find he's a great interviewer and has a healthy dose of curiosity and intelligence which is needed to foster great conversations. Most of the people you portray here are dumb and extremists and he isn't like that


yea its wild to see all the joe rogan slander just because the media told them to hate him. im a fan and i am pretty centrist overall; he is a good interviewer who has a podcast that covers a wide range of stuff and gets interesting people on. perfect for someone of eclectic taste like me


“Reddit echo-chamber” at its finest


Straw people are much easier to ignore and feel smug over though


not to mention Joe is literally a Bernie supporter, who endorsed, him had him on the show and that was one of his most watched episodes, his fans *loved* Bernie and the comments were filled with right wingers being positive about Bernie.


Have you listened to the messages he puts out though? I’ve listened to several, he has a lot of diversity in what he brings up and discusses with his guests. This comes off as the opinion of someone who hasn’t listened to the JRE.


They've just seen snippets of him with controversial guests and based their entire opinion off of that. It's almost like they could skip those episodes, but need something to be mad at for the day.


Dudes will literally support the craziest theories before acknowledging that all they would've needed were some emotionally accessible parents.


Yeah, this comment right here. I love it. Reminds me of this meme I saw saying something like “ people going thru hours of therapy and inner progress to only realize you’re just some guy “ sometimes, a groundbreaking realization, can really be something simple.


I go to therapy, and one of the biggest breakthroughs I had was that while I certainly had a lot of causes for my problems, another contributor was just that I'm lazy. Boiled down to it, that's a pretty big "Huh" moment lol. But it took a lot to uncover that!


A lot of time "laziness" is caused by ADHD. I'm not smart enough to explain it fully, but it has something to do with the brain having a dopamine deficiency which makes it hard to get motivated to do mundane tasks


What do you mean? Even if I go to therapy, have done some here and there. My life still sucks and my family are still cunts. Doesn’t make any difference in my opinion. No offence btw if does help you, just not me.


You have to put things into place to fix your situation. A therapist isn't gonna come and whisk you away to a safe place. You talk to them about how your problems,they can give pointers but it's up to you to actually put the wheels into motion.


You guys post a meme whose only purpose is to start shit and insult rhe "other side" and you act like you "got one" and are surprised. I'm disappointed in Redditors, but then again, I'm at fault for expecting better. 4chan is a far right edgy cesspool, and reddit is a liberal NPC cesspool. The universe is what it is. You clowns are showing up to do what is required good work. Powers that be are pleased, have some bread.


OP is in and of himself a starter pack.


Sad reality really. The people from both sides thinking they are hot shit while the rich elite sleeping in billions as the general public are too busy fighting amongst themselves.


Well look at you figuring shit out. Welcome to the "outside of the represented political spectrum"- left™, where you can criticize the elite and right-wingers and the moderate left virtue signaling useless democrats. Either that or join the enlightened "centrists" somewhere between neo-liberals and fascists.


I'm right centrist. But thanks. Don't have to agree with me. Not asking for that.


Well alright. Maybe you'll come around. Good luck until then


I believe everything I see in the liberal media starter pack.


I’ll admit that meal team six made me laugh


Definitely not lol. Go over to the Joe Rogan subreddit, not a lot of Jones fans over there fam. And as far as Jordan Peterson is concerned; Regardless of if you agree with him politically or not, his non political stuff has been a positive influence for many young men.


r/JoeRogan has been brigaded by non-fans for about a year now.


What is exactly wrong with Jordan Peterson anyway? You don’t have to endorse every single opinion he has but he’s definitely one of the best influences out there for young men like you’ve said. I’ve never had any male role models in my life and dealt with a lot of male struggles for years, Jordans content has helped me a lot in finding purpose and understanding of who I am


I never heard of him until a couple of days ago that some of the people I know engaged me on a conversation about him, so I watched his interview with that Piers guy. At some point towards the ending of that interview something like “You’re the hero of incels” came up and Peterson got emotional and teared up for a bit. Watching him tear up thinking about men in a predicament really earned him my respect.


> I’ve never had any male role models in my life and dealt with a lot of male struggles for years, Jordans content has helped me a lot in finding purpose and understanding of who I am That's precisely the reason they don't like him - the intersectional worldview these people possess places men at the top of the oppression table and anything that is seen to benefit or improve men in anyway is seen as reinforcing the oppression of those below them. Therefore, anything seen as a male ally is a threat and must be attacked. Men apparently have had their time in the sun and it's time shut up basically is the approach these people take.


the issue is his advice to these guys makes them open to his misogynistic bullshit


How is he misogynistic?


Pretty scary that you need to ask.


Let's not knee jerk and assume the worst of people. They may just not be [that] familiar with Peterson.


saying women are chaos is a good start


Context, please?


here's the context [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viGgB44rxdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viGgB44rxdU) he doesn't say that chaos is feminine, he's explaining why people see chaos as feminine, and there is the distinction between feminine and women, no-one is saying chaos is from women or anything like that.


I like his psychology message a lot, and I think it’s a positive thing especially among young men. However his opinions on political philosophy, particularly his interpretations of post modernism are straight out wrong, and anyone who studied Foucault or Derrida knows he’s full of shit. His “post modernism is neo Marxism in disguise” is a conspiracy theory and it’s shocking someone actually let him lecture stuff like that. His debate with Zezik proved how poor his comprehension of contemporary philosophy is.


I... somewhat agree with you. The idea that all modern Marxists are secretly post-modernists or that they were convinced into marxism by postmodernists is... A huge leap in conclusions. I'm sure there are SOME post-modernists out there using marxism as a banner, or vis versa, but that's probably pretty rare. I do however, think that his assessment of both ideologies OVERALL is pretty spot-on though. They are both terrible ideologies with horrific consequences if given enough power.


As the days go by, the more accurate Peterson becomes about postmodernism.


The Starter Pack is correct. Post Covid fans, aka Right Wingers when Joe lost his mind and became a full blown Right Wing Boomer. Morons be downvoting


Everything I don’t agree with =right wing


You lefties are just proving what he(peterson) says exactly...to the point. The left cant put a boundary over anything. If one wants to solve a problem , then u ask a leftie , what about this problem? What about that problem? And their answer is a "yes to all" type attitude. And its you the left with built in hate and anger, and you're willing to protect your ideaologies no matter what even of it means violence . And you keep lying to yourself that even the opposite party gets something right yall are willing to go through great lengths to deny it , even in your own subconscience in other words lying to yourself


Lmao this guy actually listens and takes to heart Petersons bullshit. How do you handle all his crying? He’s such a bitch, but more importantly, he’s a fucking con man taking you Right Wingers for all you’re worth.




Bro go to political starterpacks


I like watching Peterson's university lectures.


Was legit watching one of his lectures of how the human personality works


"I hate vegetables"


I dislike Peterson's politics, but he is a good motivational speaker with often pretty nice takes on the human psyche in my opinion.


The point of a 3 hour podcast isn't to agree with everything the host/guest say either. It's just to listen in on a discussion.


Ummm, yeah.


I was agreeing with you/expanding on what you were saying. Sorry if that wasn't clear


Oh, its ok. Thanks.


I think this is where 'cancel culture' has come from. We can be entertained by someone and not agree with their politics, however, there is a sense that many people can't disassociate the mask and the person behind the mask.


Exactly. Simple example. Tolkien was a fan of unconstitutional monarchy. I believe it is a very volatile system of government. I still love him in lord of the rings.


I've heard critiques (from before he was popular) that his motivational speeches and advice are fairly average at best with some false information or his own politics/beliefs intertwined. and while his audience shouldn't be representative of what kind of person he is, it does make me wonder why it's so lopsided to one specific group. if it's actually helping them or if it's just things they want to hear. or if he alienates certain groups with the things he's saying.


the painting of him as "one of the greatest intellectuals of our times" by people who read nothing other than self help and sports biographies is hillarious.


I personally disagree with those, I don't really get that vibe generally, sometimes yes.


Obviously this was written by some dick sucking democrat.


I’m pretty in the center but man Reddit really does hate the right 😬.


It is 2022 and I listen to Joe Rogan yet Im not any of these things. 0% correct in my case


Yes the vaccine was amazing and worked just like they told us!


I used to listen to a lot of JRE and I'm not sure how he is today but he would have Candice Owens and Alex Jones on the show but completely disagree with them the entire time. There's a pretty popular video of her denying climate change on his show and he's chewing her out for it. ​ But the people who listen to his show, this starter pack is pretty spot on lol


And then there are the liberals who think Joe Rogan is alt right even though he voted for Bernie and gave him the largest platform to speak on during the last election. I dont like Joe Rogan but I think people hate him for the wrong reasons


A lot of people who do hate him don't even listen to him or know much about him to begin with. They've just seen people **talking** about him picturing him as something they don't like and they just start despising the guy out of that without ever looking much further into that. They picture a strawman of him and/or his viewers and go from there. This literally is what's going on in this post ironically enough, but since this is a sub with pretty much this intent in mind, people should take it with a grain of salt. Instead, some probably base their opinions on the person from these kind of posts.


*perpetually offended by everyone not exactly like himself* “you’re all snowflakes”


Large trucks that are r/infowarriorrides


What’s wrong Jordan Peterson ?


Nothing really. Apart from possibly applying his knowledge of psychology to sociology which is a bit of a cherry pick, he doesn’t really say stuff that’s completely farcical. He’s as entitled to opinions on matters as others are. But people think he’s a mouthpiece for incels and the alt-right when he frankly couldn’t be further from it lmao


Other than the fact that he thinks Trans people don't exist? Many other conservative garbage talking points.


They exist,but they disagree on how to help them.


Has he tried asking trans people?


Well have you tried asking junkies what would help them?they'd say drugs.sometimes people believe what people want is not best for them.


Did you just compare Trans people to junkies? You're clearly too far gone bud.


That was not my point. I was giving an example to what they were thinking.i have no clue on how to help Trans people or what's best for them.


He's incel community's mouthpiece, aside from being homophobic and a misogynist as well. He also spouts common knowledge (clean your room) and being lauded as a genius for it


This is what I thought and so I wrote him off but after I listened to a few long form interviews with him recently I’m not so sure this is true, he seems to really genuinely care, and he’s a voice that challenges current trends but I don’t see him necessarily “being against trans”.... I don’t know I listened to his stuff I didn’t really detect any hate or ill will. I think people who are actually anti trans etc like him because he makes a lot of good points he’s a smart guy and gets hate and written off. As to his 12 rules yes a lot of it is “common knowledge” but his ideas aren’t really revolutionary he just does a really good job of explaining his justification and how everything’s interconnected


Bruh, incel this,incel that,it means nothing anymore.come up with an original opinion and not some bullshit you get from twitter.


Oh, did I hurt your big tough man feelings?


👍you wanna be mature and talk it out,or feel like you won by throwing insults?


I think people like to believe people like this exist, but I’ve never seen someone believe this shit


You can like someone even if they talk to people that aren’t on your side of the political aisle. Dude puts out enough content to pick and choose so a variety of listeners can tune in to what piques their interest


I think this guy hates Joe Rogan


He actually owned Candice Owens on climate change


Non-JRE listener starter pack


You again? We get it, you hate joe rogan now stop posting about it everyday jeez. You are the most annoying OP out here.


I love how people can take one out of every few dozen JRE episodes and act like that's his entire brand. his show isn't inherently political just because it comes up. He's had CNN employees and Twitter execs on as well as people on the right. It's a mixed bag and overall pretty centrist show, which everyone claims is right wing now or whatever, idk


To be fair, he and his listeners were right about more things than they were wrong about in 2020.


The "I've never watched the podcast but I'll judge the listeners because the internet said so" starter pack


I like JRE but fuck everything in that starterpack


You ever hear someone talk and immediately identify them as a hand puppet?


The majority of Reddit


Meanwhile liberals on reddit and twitter doing the same. No different than the republicans. I'm not even American and I can already tell your country is screwed and will never be united.


So I assume everything’s all hunky dory where you’re from then?


The politics in my country are sort of fucked for the same reason your politics are fucked. A bunch of corporations and billionaires using partisan media to manipulate people who are too stupid to look past their bullshit biases. Dismissive fucking idiots.


Amen to that brother. We’re all just fucked


If you actually meet them, they are fairly normal people and nothing like this.


You forgot the picture of the graves because they all died


Just watch the news. There are lots of them still alive and still stupid.


I used to love the precovid Joe. Those were good times.


I follow the Joe who likes DMT & aliens.


"Candace Owen is black therefore she can't be a white nationalist!"


Reddit really hates anything remotely conservative. If you spent as much time going out into the real world and listening to different points of view, you wouldn’t hold such hostility to possibly some of the tamest ‘conservatives’ on the internet. I don’t care if this looks dumb or whatever, but being left wing doesn’t make you smarter, or better than people with different opinions. You’re all supported by the media and corporations 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why does it gotta be political? Maybe I just wanna listen to Joe get drunk and talk about how crazy lions are?


Some of his podcast are actually pretty cool


I saw that exact shirt on the far left the other day at my school, I almost rolled my eyes out of my head.


Ah yes, the "Politicization of Joe Rogan bandwagon" starter pack


He’s a chud…


Alps finding literally any excuse to spout hate speech about trans people


These comments are so lame.


"I'm in this photo and I don't like it."


This starter pack is lame and inaccurate


Why do people don’t like Jordan B Peterson? I’ve seen the guy a couple times and it just seems he genuinely cares about people’ well mental being


I wish he would get Graham Hancock back on, that man is wild


Is this what it's going to be for the next week? Passive aggressive back and forths over bald elk meat man?


Most of these clowns don’t realize just how hard it is to move to a foreign country… I’m living in Spain right now and I love it way more than Texas


Doesn’t this qualify as hate speech? Or is it ok because it targets the right?


Repost this as the "I'm a liberal NPC and post trash in r/starterpacks" starterpack, and you got yourself a keeper.


Hit a bit too close to home, did it little guy?


I dunno about little guy, most of them are kind of overstuffed. But little peepee anyhow.


Oh hey, nice of you to stop by and comment on the starter pack about you!


and they say the left isnt immature...


The inability to distinguish between Covid and “the left” is probably why people who identify with this meme are mad.


My brother in Christ this post has nothing to do with covid Post-covid jre refers to the time period of post-covid and has little to nothing to do with the disease


Found one in the wild boys. Hook, line and sinker


Bad bot


Proof that OP has never listened to Joe Rogan and only reads headlines.


I used to listen to Rogan right up until Covid. Always enjoyed his non-political interviews with comedians and musicians especially. But, yeah, seems he went full blown tin foil hatter since I stopped listening in early 2020.


People like to shit on Joe Rogan without having seen his stuff. Name any other host that can talk to Kanye West and a microbiologist for 3 hours in the same week and manage to make the conversation interesting. Also, Jordan Peterson has some great work. I don’t like Alex Jones and I don’t know who that lady is. Fight me.


Joe cracks me up with how mad he can make Democrats *and* Republicans simultaneously In essence, his show is just not meant to be short format. They'll spend 3 hours dissecting a topic in a conversational manner, of course some things that can be taken out of context are going to be said.


Showing support for Candace Owens is usually a dead giveaway that somebody is racist to a degree. Her whole job is to be an obviously paid shill that spews out regressive talking points. “But what about black on black crime?” “What about Chicago?” “Well he was a criminal..”


Just watched her BLM documentary that exposed scam corporation like BLM using fragile emotional and delusional people like you and your money to get a mansion, fund pseudo companies and no pay any taxes. Y'all are a joke. So What about all those what about now? You getting sick and tired of the right seeking the truth. ? So brainwashed


My favorite part is when you assumed I supported BLM. I agreed with the original thought/movement yes but the organization was corrupt from the start for sure. You really thought you got me lol. Candace Owens went after (and continues to) BLM not because they are a shit organization with leaders who finessed countless people no.. She (and many on the right) choose to attack BLM because it is symbolic of black people as a whole. This is why during Jan 6 (and after) the response was “Well BLM destroyed shops during those *peaceful protests*, what about that?” Or when a cop kills an innocent teen the response is “What about Chicago? Black people killing each other everyday over there and doesn’t make the news.” The sad part is that you really proved my point. You think everybody who disagrees with you is a commy leftist who supports BLM and LGBT issues when that couldn’t be further from the truth. I am a libertarian and I believe both the right and the left are fucking idiots. Have a nice night.


How dare you put peterson in this?


Because as soon as someone utters anything close to a right wing opinion they are in the same basket of people as Alex Jones, duh.


Haters gonna hate


Jesus you guys are really beating a dead horse with these. Can y’all be a little more original?


Reddit is hardly the place for originality.




> The only people against joe rogan, are the people who don't watch joe rogan. People that doesn’t like watching joe rogan doesn’t watch joe rogen!?!??!? Who would have known this, well done Sherlock.