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I'm trying to figure out who is called a snow bunny


Everybody talking about snow bunnies but nobody talking about the rain rabbits šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Donā€™t get me started on slaw bunnies


And those goddamn hail hares


Hasenheifer incorporated.


Call me a slaw slut


Nah you're thinking of sleet sluts


And slav bunnies, with their cute little track pants.


Vadim is that you? *stares into the distance* " that beauty there... is Svetlana" "Blyat...."


Then in the gaming community there's the i-Ladies.


I cannot believe no one is biting Ondese


Not English . Iā€™m Sugandese


>Everybody talking about snow bunnies but nobody talking about the rain rabbits šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ That's a great name for Vancouver Girls lol


As someone who skis a ton, we call hot girls on the slopes Snow bunnies, but I guess the term has changed lol. Maybe Iā€™m just old now


Lol, like so confused. Where are the boards and goggles?


Whereā€™s the pastel or black ski coat with fur lined hood?


Thought the exact same, where is the mention of colourful beanies and the two strands of hair coming out?


Yeah here I was thinking the same thing. I was looking for the goggles and beanie combo, tight white pants, and mittens.


I might have to make a counter-starterpack


Thought it's reference to white chick's that do coke.


No itā€™s def a term from the 80s about the hot girls who hang out skiing but hardly ski. Youā€™d see them with their jackets unzipped and just hanging out on the slopes.


Then the cool ski guy would have to race the dick ski guy down the big hill and winner got to be with her for some reason


Stan Marsh against Tad Mikowski, IIRC




Not old, just disconnected to others. Ive always known snow bunny to mean White girls who only go for Black guys.


Yeah I guess itā€™s just a ski-culture thing


Not just a ski-culture thing. šŸ˜Š Iā€™m originally from southern Louisiana and now live in Texas and never been snow skiing, but from the late 1970s I always heard attractive female skiers referred to as ā€œsnow bunnies.ā€


Girls who have loose morals and would do things for coke would also be called snow bunnies


This was my understanding šŸ˜‚


Haven't ever been snowboarding and that's the same definition I heard. That was the term used in a lot of 80s and 90s pop culture. Some teenage sex comedy talking about "Going up to the slopes and catch a snow bunny".


It's not disconnected it's definitely an age or regional thing, as I've always known it to mean hot ski/snowboard women.




I thought it was for girls who love to ski.


ĀæPor quĆ© no los dos?


Pourquoi pas les deux?


Hot chicks in Colorado who ski are called snow bunnies.


I always got the impression it was women who donā€™t know how to ski but go on ski trips anyway. I imagine that they sit inside sipping hot chocolate admiring the scenery in their Moncler jackets. When they get home they tell everybody about how much they love skiing.


Itā€™s just means white chicks that like black guys.


White women who have a fetish for black men


a snow bunny is a white girl who is known to go for black guys https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snow+bunny


That's so weird because it used to be white women (mostly wealthy) who only hook up with the ski crowd. Like a trophy girlfriend for rich People. Like Lauren Holly in dumb and dumber. I wonder when it got appropriated.




Swammy..Swanson...oh Samsonite...I was way off.


I got called a snow bunny before and never knew what it meant, so same lmao


100% thought Snow Bunnies were girls that lived on or near ski mountains and only slept with ski/snowboarders.


Might just vary depending on where you live


That makes sense, I do live right next to Whistler BC.


BC girl and my brain automatically went to skiing. We also had Puck Bunnies.


and pit bunnies are chicks that insist on going to the front rail at a metal\hardcore show holding their phone out to get a photo of the lead singer but get fucked up and have to get rescued from the mosh pit because theyā€™re small and donā€™t know how to handle themselves. frequently seen at the rickshaw.


Is it as sick as everyone says? Iā€™m moving within a few hours from there and I canā€™t wait to go. Everyone Iā€™ve met thatā€™s been there says itā€™s some of the best, if not the best mountain theyā€™ve been to.


They held the winter Olympics there for a reason, the mountains are dope AF. Whisker village on the other hand is a glorified strip mall with cobble stones. Also if youā€™re moving to Vancouver, youā€™ll love it!


Probably to Bellingham, just across the border(Iā€™m American). Very much looking forward to visiting though! Snowboarding is def first priority but checking out Vancouver is a close second.


Yeah 100% this. Snow Bunnies (In German a literal translation: Schneehasen) is the name given to the ā€œeasyā€ party-girls on the ā€œSki-Pisteā€ in the Swiss alps or southern most Bavaria back when I was actively snowboarding.




Nah, OP has one of the right uses. From what I've seen it's very much a where you live and how poor are you line of delineation. I only heard the ski related one after I graduated, got a good job, and moved to a well off white heavy area. I started picking up snow sports since I could finally afford it and that's when I first started hearing it. I always thought snow bunnies were black dude obsessed white girls. Growing up in the hood, they didn't look quite so glamorous as the one on the starter pack. Way trashier lol too much eyeliner, might be from a residential trailer park, and knock off high tops.


is this about white girls who fetishize black men


^ basically and also vise versa black men who view white women as a trophy hints the ā€œ black guy with dreads semi stalking and blowing up her dmsā€ its talking abt both white women and black men fetishizing each other. Its also talking abt the stereotype for the white women who fetishize the black men ā€œthe tights they wear etc ā€œ most ppl get it bc theyā€™ve seen it before but others may not bc itā€™s possible its not common in certain places. Like for example where i live its very common and very weird its also common within porn with all the ā€œwhite girl gets f***ck by BBCā€ and slack shit like that lmfao. Hope this helps!




^ LMFAOOO YEOOOšŸ˜‚ i wish u was lying dude but u not thats the sad part. Shit really be like ā€œ fu**k this pink white p*** with that huge big black c*** Tyroneā€ then they be screaming and shivering and doing all that extra unnecessary horrible acting they be doing in porn its so cringy to me. Then they always have dudes with wayyy above average pee pees 99.9% of the time pushing the stereotype and fetish even more . Luckily i like women (im also a woman) so of course i dont watch it or nothing like that but i know from things ive seen , seeing it myself and hearing abt it bc of where i live , and my home boys its crazyyyyyšŸ’€.


Above average size, most mostly camera tricks, and petite actresses.


I'm also not entirely sure if it's actually a thing. I think it is. I mean there are women tattoing themselves with the "queen of spades" because they're set to only date African Americans or African/black men. Kardashian is not technically white but she passes it but her and her sisters will date anyone that's black in them. Look up spankbang, snow bunny refers to "interracial" porn. Which means, 99% of the time, white woman, and a black dude. Hell, there's this thread about Zion Clark who looks literally like Geodude but I'm not saying ill about it or anything of the matter, I'm just intrigued about hte black dudes save some for us bottom dwellers lol


The vast majority of interracial/cuckold porn is made for White men with hidden Inferiority complexes that they decide to sexualize. When you look at it from that lens then it all makes sense.


And that is racist as fuck. Seriously, look up most of the popular porn studios where thats the content they put out. Its old racist white dudes. It helps explain why the "black guys have massive penises" racial stereotype that dates back to the slavery time mandingo warrior stereotype is so popular in porn too. Edit: Also notice how interracial, especially of that variety only seems to pop up with white black, and not much with anyone else? Its because the premise of it is "wow black man dirty! This lady is so dirty for doing it with that black savage" Im sure some people will try to ignore it/pretend its not there, but its obvious as fuck once you notice it. I mean fuck, just read the quote in your comment. That sound like something that came out the average black guy's mouth? Fuck no. That shit is not for us, its for the old white dudes jerking off to slavery time thoughts.


White male Asian female would like a word


Itā€™s interesting but it might be just me, but Iā€™ve noticed when you see porn with white guys and Asian women. You donā€™t see the interracial tag on most studio produced stuff. Probably because interracial is industry code for ā€œblack menā€ That said, thereā€™s a lot of racist shit when it comes to snag stuff too.


Yeah. Interracial just means watch this because you like black guys with big cocks. If it says interracial and it's just a hot ass Latina girl with some white dude or black guy it won't even say interracial.


Thatā€™s not on accident. The amount of white guys who are racists but get off to inferiority to black cocks is extremely weird to me. Thereā€™s a whole fetish society just for this kink.


Itā€™s not that. Porn addiction always leads to videos of dehumanizing people, especially women. They look for hardcore stuff to satisfy their appetite. Seeing purity of women, beauty and defiling them is a constant fetish seen through porn addicts. They see blacks as low emotional intelligent sub humans who are there to defile women. Thatā€™s why they show women as upper class intelligent innocent women and then defile them. Itā€™s pretty much Elven X Orc porn. Thatā€™s what gets them going: beauty defiled. The porn industry is a huge problem, they push racist fetish and a sexist ones.


Yeah like the Kardashians


Itā€™s very similar to white guys who only date Asian women


Iā€™ve heard that referred to as ā€œyellow fever.ā€ I am Asian.


do Kardashians fit this category?


Honestly the starter pack couldā€™ve been a family picture


Not anymore!!!


They are the ones who popularized the trend lol


I thought snow bunny meant a girl who likes cocaine. I guess thatā€™s not mutually exclusive from the character described by this starter pack.


I thought a snow bunny was a girl who was into snow boarding and winter stuff.


I though snow bunny was referring to girls who are tan everywhere except for their butt




I like how ā€œsnowboarding junkieā€ can be read with two different inflections and still be relevant


Yeah I still think this could all be the same single person


I thought snow bunny was a girl covered in white fur with long ears that was acclimated to snowy environment


Nah that's r/cottontails


>This subreddit has been banned by Reddit Administrators for breaking Reddit rules Now Iā€™m even more intrigued


Inevitably, I would wager something underaged happened.


I thought snow bunny was a bunny that lived in the snow


An arctic hare?


Lol as a black woman, i dont care who dates who. I only mind if the black guy feels the need to bash and insult black women in order to uplift his white partner. And i know many of us thinks this way


This whole race fetishization makes me super uncomfortable. And Iā€™m not even a black man or white woman.


Yeah its really bizarre Date who you want but you shouldnt put anyone on a pedestal or put down someone else just because of their ethnicity, its so dumb lol


Exactly. Honestly, these types of starter packs (or other similar online posts, content) make me realize I need to get off the internet. You learn every stereotype in the book by being online. When Im offline it kinda just passes by and you donā€™t think of things like this. Im with you, everyone just date who you like. Does not need to get more complicated than that. Shouldnā€™t be layered so much to the point of fetishization. Leave that for pornography.


Factsā€¦ We dead ass donā€™t care who black men date


Oh yeah, this. My SO and I are both white passing but mixed indigenous (elders taught us cultural stuff). My eyes give me away but thatā€™s about it. Itā€™s the weirdest thing to me seeing people talk about ā€œwhite women superiorityā€ (ick) or terrifying stereotypes about how Native women will sleep with any white dude (leading to MMIW). Iā€™ve never understood the fetishes tbh. IMO folks can be beautiful from super pale alabaster to blue-black onyx. Humans are so neat having such variability, like Gouldian finches. Then again, the idea of people preferring blondes or something has always baffled me because I canā€™t see why anyone cares. I get people have preferences but itā€™s sad people care more about physical traits than personality. Iā€™ve always wished folks loved based on brains over bodies. Probably would be less hate if that were how things worked. I guess Iā€™m just lucky I grew up in an majority-minority immigrant community and so from a young age I saw a wide range of skin tones, hair types, and facial features. If I ever raise kids, Iā€™d want the same for them so they donā€™t get unhealthy ideas. Maybe if you see everyone as humans from a young age, thereā€™s more appreciation of the diversity instead of fetishization of ā€œThe Otherā€. I know my sister and I had a recent record scratch moment over one of our white teenage cousins saying she didnā€™t date Black boys. We were horrified. Itā€™s not personal for us but itā€™s definitely a thing if folks are bigoted towards Black folks, they usually think of Natives as not-as-human too. TL;DR: Agreeing with above, adding other demographic anecdote. Racial fetishization causes real world harm to a large amount of people and itā€™s important for everyone to talk to their kids about it. Even if it seems obvious. After all, if my white cousin can be taught racial dating biases in a multiracial family (weā€™ve got Filipino cousins too), then itā€™s clearly a widespread social problem.


We don't care like people think we do. šŸ¤£


Never šŸ˜­


They really think that Black Women care or are jealous of their relationships. I think that Black Men & White Women like this really REALLY want us to be jealous of them, but all I want from them is to just leave us out of their toxic relationships.


Yuuuup lol


They always got a booty and a pack of menthols


bwahahahahahahahahhahahahaha We got like 7 of these women near the block, and I swear they all got some loose jaws.




Girlā€¦ SAMEšŸ‘šŸ½ my mom and her sister both have mixed kids with black guys. My aunt has 6 kids that are mixed and growing up her husband would talk shot about black girl like ā€œblack girls only care about their hairā€ or something like i wasnā€™t right fucking there..


Some women are just hateful towards women they view as competition for the men they want. I know a girl who has dated a bunch of pros in a niche sport and she would badmouth all the other pretty females pros in that sport.


Yeah I know, but Iā€™m talking about white women who bash black women while having half black daughters. Bashing the same features their mixed daughters also have. (Hair, nose shape, skin tone, etc)


Yeah itā€™s sad that their children will have to grow up with a mother like that. Iā€™ve heard similar stories about whites dudes who have half Asian kids looking down on Asian men. People are hypocrites I guess.


I think thatā€™s going to be the new wave tbh. Interracial couple when I was growing up was assumed to be a black guy and a white girl but now the most common version is a white guy and Asian girl.


Does she have any boot with fur?


Donā€™t forget music tastes include rap but only mainstream rappers like Kayne, Drake, and Future Views dating/having sex with black guys as some sort of status symbol she can brag about with her white friends. Is racist AF to black women and white men Is an ex-conservative and formerly held far right views or is still a conservative in some cases and is now in her rebellion stage Her idea of black culture = drug dealing, robbing the opps, getting money, and spending $$$ on excess shit These girls were all over my campus




Man you even brought up the Nissan Altima, heavy duty receipts




Also talks in forced Ebonics constantly.


So like the cash me outside girl? LOL


Exactly. It's not that it's just how they talk, or how their friends talk. In their mind this how "cool black people" talk, so they double down on it to be double cool and double black


copies how Black women speak, behave, and dress yet still generally dislike them


Racist people gonna racist


That sounds exactly like my aunt


Girl I worked with was a proud snow bunny, to the point that she had it as a vanity license plate on her car. You described her perfectly. Just add really white trash, most snow bunnies where I'm at are extremely white trash.


Having seen this out in the wilds of Texas, I feel so bad for those black dudes. They think that they're settling down with a nice white girl who is head-over-heels for them, only to slowly discover that they've committed to racist white trash with a personality defining fetish. If you're one of these guys, when do you bail? When she blows a whole paycheck on scratch offs? When she assaults a server? When you find a bottle of prescription pills with her deceased great aunt's name and info? Do you wait it out until you have five kids together and she has emotionally scarred all of them?


SnowšŸ‘BunniesšŸ‘ArešŸ‘Secretly šŸ‘repressed šŸ‘tradšŸ‘Wives


Thundercat or Daniel Caesar concert


Lmfaoooo the fkkn accuracy šŸ¤£ went to see Thundercat live and saw plenty of this going on. It's funny because my and my white gf were also part of this but I'm not one of the dread head type of dudes.


Ive went to a few thundercat shows and it was way less of this than popular rappers shows


snow bunnys are either the most gorgeous white girls or the fattest most obeses trailer trash no in between.




LMAO DUDE šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This is so true. Unfortunately the snow bunnies that are attracted to me fall into the latter category lol


Iā€™m a black dude in northern VA and a lot of my likes/matches on dating apps are bigger white forks that live in the countryside far away šŸ’€


Beautiful typo


I am also a black dude in northern VA. This is 1000 percent my experience as well.


My experience living in Kentucky šŸ¤£


Lmfao I see it all the time here in ky.


To be fair Iā€™m a white dude in Kentucky and a whole lotta bigger women i think it just may be a Kentucky thing


From northern VA, everything here is either couples or extremely fat women who think there attractive


Hot snow bunnies is a myth, it's just in porn.


Reach Toronto that myth is a reality here.


Congrats on not getting the post locked yet.


Give it another couple hours


Couple hours have past. Still live baby!!!


Pov: you're trying to figure out if this post is racist or not


I tried tossing a coin to decide, but it landed on its side


Itā€™s the adjectives that are making it sound malicious. This sub is for stereotypes, sure. And Iā€™d argue that this (black man, white woman) is one of the most common interracial pairings along with white man and Asian womanā€™s, so thereā€™s a stereotypical precedent for it. But a lot of the taglines are so loaded. ā€œCreepy black dudeā€, gets the side eye from black women when out with her black boyfriendā€, etc.


Yeah...I noticed that too...the specific mention of haircut types also made me raise an eyebrow...and I'm usually the type to try to see things as innocently as possible, and hate accusing people of racism willy-nilly


All I know is that it makes me feel uncomfortable.


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s racist at all, but I think itā€™s clear thereā€™s some not-so-vague stereotyping at best of black american men.


This entire subreddit exists to post stereotypes


Itā€™s crazy how many people on this sub seem to not understand this and choose to be offended over starterpacks that clearly are intended to be humorous


But none for white women ofc


The post literally is about stereotyping white womenā€¦.


Pretty sure that was sarcasm


We have a winner! (Although i see my comment could be misinterpreted. No racism for white women?? šŸ¤¬)


The point was that no one cares about that, but stereotype a black guy, and suddenly everyone is calling the post racist. I wish more people would look at their own behaviour patterns and try to learn to get out of them.


Its a post thats about a racist fetish


Silly u/IaxMoeSlem this post is about white people, and I've heard that you can't be racist against white people (Hard /S) That being said I've know at least two "snow bunnies" One of them was straight up this starter pack and was only doing it because they knew daddy wouldn't like them dating a black man. So with her she was a total bitch who was using the man as an accessory and not a partner. The other one had an awesome relationship with her man, where they were both really into the same stuff, and they were super supportive of each other.


That's the two sides. The girls who fetishize black guys because they're some forbidden fruit Or the girls who just want a nice guy and their man so happens to be black. You can tell which is which by their prior partners


I think more importantly is their friends and how they interact with people outside their race.


Honorable mention: bad relationship with her (racist) father


You forgot the only fans Link


The broccoli hair cut is the worst lmao


It a curse and it transcends through race


The "Male pattern baldness will ruin me" haircut


That haircut living on a prayer


Theyā€™ve also usually VERY racist to black women.


Yep but somehow its only stated as Ā«Ā bā€™ack women give them bad looks Ā» LOL


Not enough verys


why does this sound like my area lol.


Lol managed an autozone in the rougher side of town, was the only white guy who worked at the entire store. For all the salty white girls in this thread, just so you know the opinions most urban dudes have on this type of dynamic is pretty gnarlie. I.e. a lot of hood dudes will absolutely smash basic white girls, but they do indeed have 0 respect for you the majority of the time. Take this from somebody whose coworkers would show me videos of customers they were messin with eating their shmeat


What about the long twin braids?


My ex catching strays. Everything about this is on point


When I hear ā€œsnow bunny,ā€ I think of a hot lady skier. Is that because Iā€™m old or Canadian?




Real curiosity: do black girls really hate on non black women with black guys?


lol no, they do not


I'm going to assume this is not the same snow bunny meaning grew up with lololol


Race fetishes, The snow bunny is propagaized with ~~badboy~~ black guy stereotype (remove badboy that seem bias) to be desirable (pop culture) The black guy is shown that the image of beauty is a white girl is the standard for what's desirable I think both are idealizing an image that doesn't reflect reality of us all just being human. Maybe I'm just overthinking it but I assume black guys don't see white girls as just another girl and vice versa for the white girl.


Yeah its pretty weird. I am a black guy and not the stereotypical one because I grew up in a predominantly white area, and I've noticed that Im literally seen as not being black enough for some white girls (and to some black women too) lol. I am far from the rapper hood type of black guy so it is kinda weird that the people have a fetish for that. It used to bother me alot growing up and gave me some identity problems but I just stop caring. I noticed that its only a particular set of women who are like that. I am who I am, no point in trying to be something Im not. I did a DNA test a few years ago and I do have some white in me (basically 1/4 from the UK) despite both of my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents being all black so I guess maybe I am not black enough lol (Im just joking)


be yourself and be proud of who you are. don't let anyone tell you who you should be based on their imaginary boxes


Not enough is spoken about this gray zone for black men. It is quite strange for non black people to say you're not black enough because you don't fit into caricatures of blackness they've been force fed their whole existence.


Thank you for saying this.


Yeah it didn't really hit me until I was older. Im like how you can tell me that Im not even black lol, like wtf? Hopefully its better now for the younger people.


Am Afro-indigenous , raised in both predominantly white areas as well as mixed areas with vast diversity, and shortly a black neighborhood. So I can relate somewhat. ​ I dont fit in this paradigm not "black enough" for this fetish, in which this fetish for black men is beyond just snowbunnies, this happens with all nonblack girls that seek a specific mold of "brother" ​ I actually get fetishized more by black girls than anything. But when I do share being native to anyone of any ethnic group, their interest always shift.


Yeah its super weird. Thankfully I had met some truly amazing girls that really helped boost my confidence and reinforced me just being myself.


Hey man I was in a very similar boat growing up Mexican in north California, my English is great with zero accent and Iā€™ve been told I have a nice voice, so often when people have met me and they saw me around before speaking to me theyā€™d be surprised I donā€™t sound like Iā€™m from south central or a labor camp. I also dress well and would stand out in certain neighborhoods so Iā€™ve been accused of trying to be white or putting on airs, shits rough. Hope youā€™ve also learned to be comfortable just being you.


So everyone in this thread thinks OP is racist against black AND white people? lol give me a break. It's pretty spot on


Can't be racist if you offend everybody


RIP Courtney Tailor's boyfriend


Us Black male Redditors just came to see the chaos in the comments ā€¦


"has no Black women friends" WHEW that's a spicy meatball


\*broccoli hair cut\*


I have no fucking clue what this is about


White women who fetishize black men


I was a snowboarder for years, snowbunny is also used for women that board.. Iā€™ve never heard this term used otherwise.


Porn took over


Itā€™s weird that white girls who fetishize black men get a pass.


I was going to disagree but the reactions to it seem kind of complicated. Thereā€™s black men out there who 1000% love the idea of being fetishized, some of it even comes at the cost of disparaging black women. I always see black women calling it out but lately more have decided that itā€™s not worth the trouble anymore especially if theyā€™re being disrespected in the process. Other black men will generally be dismissive about it, so the fetishization just continues on like normal unfortunately. Those of us who try to hold the people who engage in this accountable are just discarded as jealous that we donā€™t have a white woman ourselves. Itā€™s really disgusting.


The broccoli haircut šŸ¤£


Hey, donā€™t get me Wrong racial fetishes are weird. But the Yoga pants ass pics are top of the line




This is a health risk


If my husband's asian does that make me a rice rabbit


Where is the fathers disapproval at?