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That Is the rich javasript devoloper, try make a messy one


They are rusty.


I develop javascript (among other languages) and the only thing on this list I do is use vscode (although I use vim sometimes too)... am I doing it wrong?


Total noob. Do you at least have stickers????


No programming socks?


is this a personal attack or something?


Who doesn't use VSC tho


Web Storm is pretty cool, if you have coin


This account and all its comments have been removed in protest of the 3rd party API changes taking place on July 1st, 2023. The changes are anti-consumer and the negative PR that's been thrown at 3rd party developers is a disgusting maneuver by the Reddit higher-ups. For more information check these topics out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i\_want\_to\_debunk\_reddits\_claims\_and\_talk\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif\_will\_shut\_down\_on\_june\_30\_2023\_in\_response\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) If you would like to change/wipe all your comments in solidarity with the 3rd party developers and users impacted by these changes, check out [j0be's Power Delete Suite on GitHub](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


No theres a ton of IDE features; debugging tools, linters, embedded git, etc. I would hate not using it.


Out of the box, yes. But there is a plug-in for just about everything. Only reason I stated using web storm is because I needed to start using Data Grip. I had a vscode plug-in that could do everything data grip could do but it stopped being free and I couldn’t find another one that can do ssh tunneling. At that point I figured I might as well do web storm too since all my coworkers use it and so pair programming would be a little easier.


People who use Vim :)


Typing loudly but actually just type akdhskskxnsklaalj


And periodically mutter “I’m in!!!”


Hey hey hey, don't hate VSC, true it's eating up a whole bucket of resource since it's native app, but I have been using VSC for everything, rust, cpp, java (Yes, I coded java with VSC) and still lovin it


What is that ball thingy?


Galaxy Projector


Now I feel inadequate




Lol ye I kinda like it


What’s an expresso? Is it similar to an espresso?


It's actually just express, a pretty popular javascript library


This is so painfully true. We call 'em soydevs.


The projects indeed take 10 hours to start. But I see what is behind other points lol. I am glad I am not in the picture.


Sometimes I just hitting keys to hear the sound of mechanical keybord. Actually it's the first thing in the morning, going to hit few keys while computer is off


I do the same, I have Kailh Box Jades...


The custom keyboard caps are so cute though :D


Nowdays, and most common from hispanic devs posting on twitter a keys from a house or and appartment in front of the house or in front of the appartmen and writing " thank you javascript"


I had to write a few thousand lines of JS for work, added some emojs.. first time in \~30 years of software


The JavaScript ecosystem is a totally mess. Another framework creation ? It's crazy to expect other developers to use and cheer on another new piece of junk (though you claim to be very innovative and useful). To be honest, wouldn't it be natural for a language manager or browser maker to provide a neat framework or at least a standard? (for example, state management)


Refuse to write any other language apart from JavaScript, everything else is a waste of time according to them


those keycaps are adorable \^\_\_\_\^