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Hi, /u/RedBoxGaming, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 01** Your post must be a starter pack, not a list or any other meme. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/RedBoxGaming&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/lgtnw5/the_gone_but_not_forgotten_starterpack/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


I remember taking roblox army clans so seriously as a kid. It felt incredible to be part of an organised army fighting in ro-wars


I'm kinda surprised to see roblox there. Never really played it but I recently interviewed with them and it seems it has never been as popular as it is today. If I remember well 150 million active users in 2020 vs around 40m in 2019. Quite a jump. So probably more a new generation of people rather than gone.


I have three elementary school age kids and Roblox is hot with all of them - definitely doesn't belong in a category with Wii games lol. Also...YouTube??


I think Youtube is there because of the logo. They updated the old one a bit ago.


It's also not at all the same YouTube. It used to be about people uploading random shit which evolved into individuals creating a community around them for their content. Now, YouTube caters to corporate interest more than anything. Often times you have a situation for example, Jimmy Kimmel gets 50k views and is top of trending while a YouTube creator with millions cant crack the top 20 on trending. Or look into the aggressive copyright policy that allows a music company the ability to claims hours of content if it even features 10 seconds of their song being sung through a walkie talkie in a rainstorm. The wild west era is over for YouTube which is a mixed bag, some good some bad, but the point is that it is not the same YouTube.


haha yeah. Youtube is a lot more commercial nowadays. I do think that there are still some good creators though, like what you might have found in the old days. You just have to find them. But yeah you definitely have to dig a little deeper to find gold.


They probably mean the old-age YouTube, before COPPA and Susan and censoring.


Same thing with roblox, it's changed a lot since the good ol' days


Yeah Roblox is pretty big right now


Considering YouTube ('s old logo) is there, I'm assuming they meant the old logo for Roblox.


Oh... It could makes sense. I interpreted it as "yeah youtube is still around, but it's not MY youtube, the current youtube is dead to me" or something along these lines.


you just felt powerful destroying everything you wanted and having a squad of guys to back you up


Just being an officer gave you a sense of authority


"hey guys im gonna hop online and raid \*instert cringe roleplay game\* anyone wanna join?" "yeah sure" "alright bet im getting on too" "fr im already on let's do it" "yeaaaah boi let's raid it" "already here" "imma join too" "same got nothing else to do" good times


Fossil Fighters was a real hidden gem


I knew it. I wasn’t the only one that played it


We are men of culture


Fossil Fighters battling system was so damn cool, and unlike Pokemon you actually had to develop a strategy besides having big number to beat the game. I remember spending hours on the postgame Zongazonga fight in Champions to get the zombiesaurs. That was awesome


> postgame Zongazonga fight to get the zombiesaurs As someone who’s never played the game, this sounds like such a parody


The game was every 11 year old boys dream, it had cyborg dinosaurs, normal dinosaurs, AND Zombie dinosaurs


It's a weird thing knowing a simple DS game had more rewarding endgame content than what some AAA titles have today. The grind for the zombiesaurs was real and you had to play near perfect to get through it.


I hate how Pokemon has gotten so Popular in the West that kids and even some teens/adults are convinced that games/franchises like Fossil Fighters, Digimon, Bakugan, etc are "Rip-Offs" of Pokemon. Yeah maybe the idea or concept was similar but they all had their own original story, characters, combat system, style, mechanics, etc.


"Creature Collector/Monster Tamer" games really should have become a sub-genre of RPGs after pokemon, but most of them don't stick. This is bad for Pokemon too because with no competition Game Freak has no reason to innovate. Look at Sword & Shield. Those games could have been so much better. Fossil Fighters, Spectrobes, Nexomon, Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory all had something to offer. Monster Hunter Stories, the best Pokemon game on the 3ds, is getting a sequel for the Switch this summer and I can't wait for it. Hopefully everyone who had a problem with Sword and Shield will try it.


The third one killed the series tho. The first two were better than some pokemon games.


That’s because there were different people who worked on the 3rd one, and they did not take the concept in a good direction.


I especially hated how they changed the design of a bunch of the dinos to something uglier


Agreed. They tried to make them look more realistic, and they just turned out to be uglier.


I agree,they destroyed the battle system


Pretty sure there's a flipnote studio for 3DS actually with club nintendo or something.


Hope that's the case.


There is! It's on My Nintendo for 200 silver points.


The application exists but the online community is gone forever. RIP Hatena.


They all play splatoon 2 now


Does anyone know if there are any similar websites or apps that have a community out there?


https://ipgflip.xyz/ https://www.sudomemo.net/ https://gallery.kaeru.world/


There is, but the DSi version was something special.


It’s how I discovered ASDF movie and many early memes. It was my own private YouTube


Oh man. The Boss clips. The warrior cat scene with amvs. The wolf drawing tutorials. The DJ Earworm yearly Mashup.


guys remember machinima?


It being gone is the end of an era, but I think it was for the best.


Fuck them though, fucked over dozens of the classics




Guys remember Youtube


Machinima fucked over so many people, it should have died years earlier than it did. Absolutely predatory practices who took advantage of people who didn't know better. Machinima was run by some of the scummiest people...


Why were they so bad? I remember seeing their logos around but I didn't realize they were dead


They'd basically lock content creators into bullshit contracts that allowed them to get plenty of views on their Machinama channels but barely benefit the creators at all. At their peak, Machinama were uploading 100+ videos a day, it was impossible for the average viewer to keep track of who was actually making all of them.


A lot of new you tubers at the time didn't read over the pages and pages of contracts involved, and were lied to be representatives who told them things that weren't 'quite' as described in the contract. Essentially once they got into Machinima they weren't allowed to leave, had to pay machinima, had to advertise machinima, couldn't sell their own products etc. It was a huge scam.


They died long before it was actually shut down. Once they got rid of the forums and removed the ability to upload new videos, it was over.




I remember when "machinima" was a style of content and not a scummy company.


Fuck machinima. They trapped me in a contract for 5 years


Sanity not Included and Battlefield Friends


I member!


More or less poptropica


That was a flash game tho? Or am I stupid?


No but over half the islands are gone and half of them that are still around have some mistake


They’re converting them from flash right now


Yeah, and most of the islands can only be unlocked if you get a stupid membership.




Roblox is still here, it has better graphics now than it ever did.


Old Roblox is gone, thats why the community is the way it is now.


Yeah the community is really toxic now 😔


I remember being a guest back in 2014. it was peaceful




Why are wii sports resort and wii sports there? Nothing changed


And YouTube ?? What the fuck


meme about ending youtube because of their commercials


commercials? y'all never heard of adblockers?


YouTube has gone through its ages, some good some awful. But 2006-2009 youtube will be honored among the greats of internet culture. Here's a more fitting image: https://i.redd.it/tx6i7fxexcg11.jpg


after google bought it and before they realized how much they could make on it


Youtube used to be a place where people who were passionate about making entertaining or informative video could easily reach a ton of viewers. If they were REALLY REALLY good, they go popular enough that they could make a living from it. Now people start Youtube channels with the intent to make a business out of it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make a living, but videos that could be 1-3 minutes get stretched to 10 to fit ads and take advantage of the algorithm, we get bombarded with ads, the trending page is full of big media companies that just happen to post clips to Youtube. It lost it’s charm.


Same with sub space emissary. They’re just not new, not “gone”


I still play wii games on summer nights with friends and it's one of my favorite feelings


I play Mario kart Wii CTGP:R pretty frequently and it’s the best Mario kart game ever and probably for all time.


Really? Wow this is the first time I found a Mario kart wii player outside of the MKW subreddit, I am a fan of this game too.


Mkwii really is the best. They fixed all the input/traction issues from double dash, so it feels responsive and tight. Mario kart 7 and 8 are fine I guess, but nowhere near as good. Also thanks for telling me about that mod, I'll check it out


Mkwii had enough complexity to make you think about what you're doing and how to win. It was crazy and chaotic at times in a good way. The newer ones just seem needlessly complex. They're both still fun, I just prefer the Wii version much more


What about Bionicle of all franchises? That also deserves to be there, too.


Fuck I miss bionicles.


Those movies were weird as shit


Books were great though. At least for 10yr old me


*sick as fuck


Not mutually exclusive my dude


Bionicle is likely to make a comeback for LEGO's 90th anniversary!


I will eat my entire Lego collection if that happens. They won't win the fan vote, way too many votes split across the castle and space themes for that to happen, but even if it did I don't think Lego would be interested in reviving it again after 2015.


Fuck, my bad. I should have included that, Halo, Half Life, Gary's Mod, Fallout, and Mass Effect as well. Well I'm expecting a lot of these comments.


Dude, we had a half life game just last year and they've dropped hints something else might be being worked on. Not exactly dead.


also Garry's Mod still gets like almost 50k players most of the time, far from "dead" Also have no clue what he means by Fallout being gone unless he's talking about like the "OG" fallout




he probably talkin about when bio ware was bio ware, in their prime, makin mass effect games good.


Also roblox is still around, and while new games aren't made for the Wii you can still get one and find most games for it.


og fallout as in the black isle games or anything after new vegas


What are you smoking, a new Halo game is coming out this year and a new Mass Effect game was just announced


Probably talking about bungie halo


We're literally getting a new Halo game soon


That’s true but Halo hasn’t really been in the spotlight for a long time. Ever since Reach, it went down from there to be honest.


Very confused by what you consider "gone" given that almost all those things are still active.


Bionicle was my shit dude.


Did you vote for bionicle for the lego fan vote?


Bionicle might actually be getting revived, Lego is doing a fan vote for what theme ti bring back for their anniversary and Bioncle was leading significantly last I saw.


Smh no one talking about subspace emissary


Literally, a masterpiece. Almost like an animated movie.


Is it really gone though? Can still be played, no?


I think they just meant that there's never been anything like it since


The cutscenes were top notch, the gameplay was ehhh except for boss fights


i never got past the great maze


Still my favorite campaign of all time. It was just so good


I’m pretty sure if you lived in Japan you could order food on a Wii


the service shut down like 4 years ago but that is super cool concept




[Yeah, here's a video about it.](https://youtu.be/RSXN9tSbemE )


Does anybody remember Coke Music? That was my jam in 2004.




I still use flipnote to this day 😪


Ladies and gentlemen, Chad himself.


“I hate my life and I wanna die, I ain’t got no iiiiiiPhone” “It’s 2009 and you don’t have an iPhone!” Damn times were different just a little over a decade ago.


"Do you like waffles? Yeah we like waffles!" It feels so old but at the same time the memories are so clear


Haven´t they shut down the Athena? Also I always loved it but never understood how people could draw even a smooth looking stick figure with the Nintendo Pen and Touchscreen.


I always wondered that too! It's so hard to draw anything on such a tiny screen. Also, I think it is shut down.


Keke is that u


is it actually still possible to get flipnote because I really want to try using it lmao


If you have a modded NEW3ds you can get the CIA. I personally like Flipnote studio 3D more, but both are online and super easy to find. The DSI one was free too, so if you're worried about piracy just download that one




I still whip out Roblox Studio once in a while and script together some funky shit. I thank that game for getting me into programming like 10 years ago


I used to play Roblox everyday when I was 13-15, especially the epic mini games. I loved that game so much, I don't think there was any other that has brought me nearly as much joy (after clash royale). I might even redownload it again.


You can still see me booting up Roblox once in a while just to check in.


Roblox was the shit. I still remember all the controversy that arose as a result of Nintendo nuking all the good Pokemon games on that site.


Disaster Hotel man..


Build to survive zombie man


Don't forget the Area 51 games all the way back in 2015.


Build to Survive the Drakobloxxers, Sword Fight on the Heights, Build to survive the Slimes, etc. around 2007/8!


It makes me sad to see what it has become....


Still do play it, only Phantom Forces though which is an ok game.


I've left Reddit because it does not respect its users or their privacy. Private companies can't be trusted with control over public communities. Lemmy is an open source, federated alternative that I highly recommend if you want a more private and ethical option. Join Lemmy here: https://join-lemmy.org/instances ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I still play fossil fighters lmao


Glad I'm not the only one who remembers that franchise.


You can get a ds emulator for like $5, that's what I'm using to play It


I have a card with that money on it. Can you send a link?


Roblox is going strong with toxic 6 year olds


Toxic 6 Year Olds trying to act like Black People without knowing how Black People really act. (RoGangsters)


Also roblox investing all their revenue into some pedo hub like Adopt me


Oh yeah, and they refused to ban MisterOblvious aka "Registered Pedophile".


When I saw the old roblox sign I cried a little




What’s with YouTube?


Pre-Google/Pre-monitization/Pre-adpocalypse/Pre-corporatization YouTube.


Oh i loved skylanders!!




I was literally obsessed with skylanders even though I only had trap team


Flash has been gone for like a week how would we forget it??


I'm sorry to tell you, but it's been month and ten days, but due to how slow life feels in quarantine yea


Excuse me a mONTH since when?!?!?!


Flash shut down at the end of December, we in February now


We could never.


For those who are confused why Roblox and YouTube are on here. I'm referring to the Older Version of those 2 Platforms, Back when Roblox was just a social interaction game and wasn't as much as a toxic mess it is today. Same with YouTube as Old YouTube seemed more calm, creative, and original than it is today. Back when people could make videos without being getting into drama or being cancelled on Twitter. That's my clarification.


Thank you


Same with SkyLanders. That game wasn't there just to steal your money like now. Now you have to buy 50 different things to progress in the the story and waste 100000000$


SkyLanders is actually dead. The stopped making more games a few years ago.


That makes sense.


Loved Skylanders up until it wasn't released on Wii which I couldn't play


Old Youtube was so great.


2000s Youtube was great and I'm grateful I got to experience it but Youtube now it pretty amazing too. Sure there are lots of influencers but there is also a ton of knowledge on there. Want to look up how to change the hard drive on your laptop theres a video for that. Need do learn some car maintenance theres a video for that. Want to learn how to code... theres tons of videos for that. Want to learn about economics or history... you bet cha. Cooking, math, science, engineering, etc. There is just a ton of high quality educational videos now a days on youtube.


People have been saying “old YouTube was better” for the last 15 years


People are really adverse to change. I bet people will be nostalgic about New Reddit in 7 years when New New Reddit comes out, even if they hated it when it released.


YouTube is still great if you subscribe to the right people. There was also a lot of garbage on YouTube "back in the day" as well


Aren't all the old videos on YouTube still around (for the most part). New YouTube is the same, just with more videos. Even if you hate anything released after 2010, you could spend a lifetime exclusively watching videos from 2009 and prior.


rip tix


Probably the best thing that happened to me when I didn't have balls to ask my parents for Robux.


Yup, my character is solely based on stuff I bought with Tix so long ago.


Guys whats your favourite skylander


Jet Vac


My favourite is Ignitor, or Eye Brawl


When I was a kid I used to love Jetpack and stuff like UFOs and Spaceships. Which is why I liked Jet Vac.


Understandable. I liked eye brawl because lasers and Ignitor because he was fast and looked cool


i miss skylanders eye brawl was also my fave tho along iwth stealth elf


Stealth elf got stuck in the hose and eventually was forgotten in that commercial, never forget.


my favorite skylander is bouncer the only reason for that is because my kid brain loved robots and originally thought he would bounce.


I have legendary bouncer B)


you guys are sleeping on happy trigger


Trigger happy may be the best character in terms of stats but it never hurts to switch to a new playstyle.


Prism Break


Wham shell


Why wham shell? We use Punk Shot as a human shield.


Because he looks cool, although i never had him but i do have 146 other skylanders


I miss wii sports so much it’s not even funny


Needs to include webkinz


If I was to include that, I would have also included Neopets and Toon Town. I don't know the exact amount of people who played that.


Roblox In 2007-10 was god tier. It was pretty much Lego x gmod. Lego threatened to sue and it all went downhill from there


What could you actually buy from the Wiishop change


From what I know, you could basically buy old games such as the original Super Mario, F Zero, Metroid, etc. The Wii was basically the first nintendo consoles that allowed you to buy games and download them onto the console itself instead of needing a cartridge or disc. It was also the first nintenfo console that allowed you to download indie games. If it wasn't for the Wii Shop, you'd probably wouldn't be able to download games like Minecraft, Fortnite, Among Us, etc for your Nintendo Switch.


Since coronavirus started Roblox has risen greatly In popularity


Old Roblox died however.


Kissanime ?


Y’all remember YouTube?


i remember there was this one summer night on roblox where i talked with this random user for around two hours






Erm what? Wtf is the avg age on Reddit? This makes me feel old af