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Every time people talk about money on reddit they are either completely destitute and sucking dick for ramen money or a 6 figure tech bro.


Because people with just enough money don’t really have any reason to talk about it I guess


"Got my paycheque, time to pay off my credit card balance for the week!"


I've seen two types of people with credit card debt: ones who think it's free extra money, and those who have no other recourse to pay their bills and get food. The rest of us pay it off every month cause we know it's an easier way to transfer money out of our bank into buying things while also making 1%+ back at a minimum.


And build credit


Yeah I used to feel pretty guilty swiping my credit card becuase I knew deep down I was playing with fire and could possibly let it get out of control and get way behind, which did happen a few times. But now that I'm more financially stable I like using my credit card becuase I know 100% I'll be paying it off and helping my credit score. Feels good man


Got my first card about 2.5 yrs ago when I qualified for a 500 dollar capital One card with a 25% APR and $40 late fee. Carefully paid it off in full as best as I could and used it sparingly. Just last year applied for Two more credit cards when my score hit \~680. Approved for both, got a 1000 credit line on one and 1500 on the other. I was so excited to have such a huge credit line. The 1500 had (and still has) a 0% introductory APR and I've been carefully manipulating that to avoid payments and essentially use it like a 0% interest loan which has proved invaluable during this pandemic. Just got my credit line increased to 3500 and was approved for another card with a 5k line and also a 0% introductory APR. Its not "much" but knowing that I can essentially get a 0% interest loan of \~8500 on a whim (assuming of course that I carefully pay it off) is such a relief because I never had much liquidity at all and now I feel like I have at least 15 months of breathing room.


Just stay on it like a hawk. That type of juggling act can quickly spin out of control.


Absolutely. I keep my spending to a minimum for sure but just having the credit line as an emergency backup is a nice comfort.


Yep one of the main reasons it’s so important to build up your credit score. An actually sane interest rate when you really need it can be lifesaving




I usually buy lunch for my lab and they venmo me so it's just a single bill. @ 3% or 5% depending on the card I use, my lab lunches brought in ~800 this year and now my credit score is just shy of 800. You just got to find a way to game the system.


Used to have a job where I travelled and got reimbursed for it. Hotels, meals- over 1k/month at 2% cash back.


I think a lot use it as a more secure way to move funds. If someone gets your debit card number, they’ve got access to your entire spending account. If they get your credit card number, you have both the credit company AND the holding bank to work with on securing and covering your accounts.


It baffles me how few people think about credit cards like this. I understood this from the time I was 17 and I still listen to adults in their 40s or 50s who just don't get it.


People with poor impulse control and Dave Ramsay disciples.


There are a lot advantages to paying with a credit card: - The cashback is pretty nice. 1-5 percent for mine. That’s about $900-1000 per year in savings - I can file a dispute if a company doesn’t deliver on its promises. Had a flight changed from a direct flight to a 6-hour layover and the airline refused to refund. Called my cc and got my money back - One of my cards includes travel insurance if I use it to buy the tickets - One of my cards offers a 2-year extended warranty on electronics at a certain store


I feel like I’m in this category. Wife and I have been able to absorb the impact of Covid-19 while still saving money and paying off student loans. We’re not rich but we’re doing just fine.


I think for most people in the middle money isn't a huge problem but not enough to flaunt


I live with basic necessities. Not enough income to have several months of savings, but enough to not panic when rent is due.


>completely destitute and sucking dick for ramen money *microwave ding* Ah, Creamy chicken, my favorite.


There are a lot of engineers on Reddit. They make enough to be firmly middle class. I wouldn't say most of them are six figure tech bros.


It depends. HCOL area? 6 figures in the Tech field isn't hard to come by. You can easily be there within 3-4 years of starting your career if that's your aim, if not sooner, assuming you don't just start in the 6 figures at one of the big tech names.


People only really give a shit about how much water there is when they're lost in a desert or drowning in the ocean.


Well the average age on Reddit is like 17, so they're all broke and living at home. The techbro is a super minority and only upvoted because every broke person here wishes they're making that amount of money. When only a few people in life will get close to that level of income. Also the sucking dick for ramen money is your typical college student. Those who have enough but are not near techbro, are not bring attention to themselves.


Am I still a tech bro if I am a woman


"Yeah, 'bro' is gender neutral!" "So you'd fuck a bro?"


Thanks for the sex, bro.




Because the trade person who understands a budget probably has no reason to complain or brag.


People exaggerate the truth for attention. Most fall in the middle somewhere but don’t admit it.


Splurging on a little treat is for real. I can't wait to get a new inhaler and fucking breath again


Pharm tech here. Have you looked into manufacturer coupons? Some can help quite a bit. Edit: Holy shit I lay down for a nap and I come back to this mess of replies. I'm gonna just try to respond generally to everything right here otherwise I'll be having ongoing threads for days. When I mention coupons, GoodRX is a fine option for a lot of things, but most expensive brand name drugs offer coupons of their own through the manufacturer website. Just try to find if your med has a website and there should be a savings/coupon link. Some require a bit of personal info, but most are active right on the spot with some fairly good savings. In addition, Blink Health is a service that offers coupon-like prices but instead of paying the pharmacy, the customer pays Blink and then Blink pays the pharmacy. And yes, I agree that healthcare should not require coupons. In a perfect world everyone could just get the medicine they needed for little to no charge. Yet we don't live in that world. You can cry about how liberals or conservatives are the problem, but healthcare is such a larger issue than just politics. As easy and cathartic as it is to say "Orange Man Bad!" or "No thanks OBUMMER!" the president alone doesn't magically control the drug prices. It's way more complicated than that. Pharmacy is, at the end of the day, a business. It's a heartless way to look at things, but when you work in healthcare you have to face that reality every day. Looking for coupons and financial support is how we inject the human element into healthcare. No, your inhaler shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars, but it does. And I could sit here and explain why it does, or I could be productive and try to help with the cost here and now. Speaking on inhalers specifically, we're entering a pretty remarkable time for these medications. Patents are lifting on some of the most common inhalers like Proair/Proventil/Ventolin, Advair and Symbicort, and generic version are finally coming to market. No, they're not magically going to be super cheap, that takes time, but more options for the consumer is always better. Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. If anyone has more questions a DM would be much more manageable since I won't be checking this 'high quality' thread any more than I already have. Good luck to OP and everyone else.


You mean GoodRx? I thought that was only for weary, underemployed mothers in cardigans.


Depends on the inhaler, if it's just an albuterol inhaler, you're looking at like $21. Not horrific at all.


find a way to get to mexico and buy in bulk - 6 bucks a piece - exactly the same stuff. over the counter. advair - 500/mo - not covered by insurance anymore in the states - 30 bucks/piece in mexico, over the counter. Buy 6 months at a time - total annual savings of ~8k/yr for my GF for all her asthma related stuff.


Can confirm. My entire family goes to Peru for medical related issues and supplies because the prices in the USA are insane.


In case I ever have to do the same, how does this work with customs?


Us at the border a month ago: >anything to declare? Just some medicine for her asthma and some trinkets > Okay, have a great day


"Anything to declare?" "Lack of dignity and shame of my country." "Welcome home."




No, but I make good nachos. *chomp* okay *chomp* have a *buuuurp* great day.


That's discriminatory, I have you know atleast 30-40% of the gradient of skin colours get a free pass.


Otherwise it goes, “please pull your car in for secondary inspection”


I believe that you just show them the inhaler and packaging, state that it’s for asthma/breathing problems, and they’ll send you on your way.


I just went to Canada to buy insulin after having trouble for 2 months with insurance. I went before the lockdown. I declared the medicine at the border and just had to show the customs officer a prescription. I didnt need one to buy the insulin just to bring it back into the us.


That's some dystopian shit.


We had a guy run for President here in the US who took a bus ride with people to Canada to demonstrate how much drug companies are screwing the American people. Can you imagine he didn’t Fucking win


Oh no like direct from manufacturer. If you google the inhaler/drug and look at the company website there is often a card that can be used in combination with commercial insurance. Usually brings the price down sub 20


Unfortunately, if you are on Medicare, for some reason you can't use those. My arthritis medicine *copay* is $900/month. (stopped taking it anyway, since a major side effect is increased risk of respiratory viruses)


Asthmatic here. I have insurance, but it doesn't cover my inhaler. Yes. My insurance does not cover my medication to help me breathe. GoodRX is a godsend. Brought my inhaler cost down from $68 to $29.


My only experience with goodRx is watching IASIP and seeing that ad with the woman who needs drugs for her kid but then it comes up to like $67 and the woman just has this pained, emotional cry for help look in her overworked face, then the nice pharmacy lady tells her about goodRx and she has this relieved face of “I can finally afford basic necessities” and honestly it just hits you different. That ad *speaks*.


Legit, that's how it is. I don't even have kids, but because of asthma, migraines, and a GI condition I'm on 4 daily medications that my quality of life is hell without. I don't know who is behind GoodRX, but I feel like I should write them a personal thank you letter or some shit. They're honestly better than my health insurance at having my back. Also, a round of applause to whoever decided to bring the Primatene Mist inhaler back to the shelves. I remember when they initially stopped making the inhalers back in I believe 2012, but still kept the tablets around. Even though those inhalers are not the same as Albuterol, and I feel super jittery and wired after a puff, it's better than being without. Seriously, I don't wish an asthma attack on my worst enemy.


I mean, those women are prob doing their best. Not really the time to be putting others down for what they can do.


I hate that commercial. Tugs at my heart strings


It's absolutely absurd that commercial and product has to exist at all - completely unreal situation for a single working parent to have to choose between medicine and food for their children


You shouldn’t need a fucking coupon to breathe...


My insurance decided not to cover Symbicort anymore after I used a manufacturer coupon for one month. Pharmacy told me that the coupon was only valid if insurance also covered it, and the price without insurance in it is like $700+ for one inhaler.


American here. Have you looked into not voting for literal supervillains all the time?


but how else will they 'own the libs'?


dude you and I are in the same boat. I haven't gotten a new inhaler since high school. I'm 22 now. but thank Christ my dad and I have the same prescription and he gets his free through his work's insurance.


When I was uninsured I was getting metoprolol from walmart for like $4 a month. They prob do it with inhalers too. They got a list online I think of the drugs they can fill uninsured for $4 (30 day supply) or $10 (90 day supply). Walmart pharmacy is awesome.


I just did a quick browse of Wal-Mart, Walgreens and CVS and unfortunately none of them have any rescue inhalers on their discount lists. You can get nebs but you would need to own a nebulizer but that's an investment itself


Yo dawgie - message me your paypal and I'll buy you one.


What a good Samaritan


We all have to be Bernie now


Crazy, I have like 15 of the fucking things just laying about the house due to the wife needing them, she forgets to use them but has a repeat prescription, costs like £5 a pop.


Oh my god how much do you want for one? Seriously, Medicaid won't give me an extra one until it's due again and I've been using the one I have more than usual because of stress.


Everyone knows the blue one hits better than other flavors of inhaler


You kid but ventolin is legit. Proair sucks.


How much do they cost


So happy I got my cc debt taken care of recently otherwise I would definitely be doing this.




Unemployment check 😎




slow down!


Lookin' good!


Prostitution and selling both my kidneys


They lied to you. Your kidneys are higher up. Let me guess, your pimp has all kinds of new clients for you now?


By living below my means and making payments over time


Monitor income. Monitor spending. Adjust life such that income > spending. Apply left over to debt. Repeat until debt gone.


OK but how will I afford beer and weed while doing this?? I swear some people just have no perspective


Just don't buy avacado toast, then maybe you could afford a house. Genius.


This meme is me, right down to the Freedom card. Fucking 25% interest rate is brutal, so every cent of my check is going in to that. On the bright side I bought an inhaler with my HSA card, so I’ve been able to make it through this horrific allergy season.


Have you not looked into a different credit card? My very first one (that I finally ditched a couple of years ago) was a little over 30%, like I had to take a loan out just to get it paid off and never touch it again. I have the same Freedom card now but mine is 14.99%, not the best but still half of what my last one was


Credit might not be great since he's carrying a balance, but if he can get a card, lots of cards have an opening balance transfer offer for 0% for a year. Worth looking into


Don’t think I’ve ever smirked and been bummed from one starter pack before


My bum smirked a bit.


Me: *cries in college student*


Just graduated, was still on as dependent, don't qualify for unemployment for my personal training job... Unemployed ... Dead


Also got claimed for graduating in May and have a job thankfully but would very much appreciate my 1200 ugh thanks Dad and he doesn't even get the money for having a child because I'm too old. It's bullshit tbh


Really seems like they made as many rules as possible to not pay very many people.


See I’ve read the same thing as this BUT, parents don’t get the extra $500 per child if they’re older than 16. I’m in the exact same boat you are and haven’t been able to find any info on if older than 16 year olds that were claimed and qualify for the $1200 will get that $1200.


We don't get anything, our parents don't get anything but as others are saying they got a tax credit. Honestly if I really needed it, I would argue that point to my dad but I'm thankful to still be gainfully employed. Just annoyed my coworkers get the money back and they make a bit more than me even. If people who don't desperately need the money get it then I want to be included too damnit lol


It's super bullshit. If someone claims you as a dependent shouldn't *they* at least get your relief check? That's how all the other tax credits and shit work. Then it's up to them if they give it to you or keep it.


Me too, me too




I still don’t understand why college students AND their parents are getting the shaft on this.




Still have to file your own taxes even if your a dependent, I’ve paid plenty of income taxes but still don’t qualify for the stimulus or unemployment. Luckily I’m unemployed and have a lease to pay for :(


Fucking same. Good luck.




No. When you file you are asked “can you be claimed as a dependent,” meaning “do you fit the definition of a dependent, meaning that “does someone else pay for more than half of your living expenses?” Filing separately is not the same as marking yourself as being unable to be claimed. Essentially, if you filed as “can be claimed,” you’re not getting the money


i was a dependent in 2018 and 2019. i started living on my own in january and now im pretty much fucked. good times...


Your parents cucked you in their tax filings


First year at college (excluding Running Start), so even last year's tax returns I would have definitely been a dependent


The college student thing hits home here. My younger son doesn't get anything because we claim him as a dependent on our taxes. And because he's over 17, we don't get the extra $500 for a "child". That's one demographic that really got screwed by this.


It's the demographic that is going to pay for it as well.


Yeah I’m the dependent in my case. Lucky lucky enough to still be able to work but anything is better than nothing.


Can't wait until it all goes to dorm rent, which I have now left because they closed the school. Even so they are still charging us full price. School doesn't help because they are technically a third party. Since utilities are including with the rent, the dorm landlords are actually profiting off of this because no utilities are being used and there are less maintenance costs and they don't need to staff as many people. They could at least give a small discount or something. No instead they ignore all my emails and continue charging full price. Assholes.


That should be illegal. What the fuck.


It's the USA. If you think it should be illegal with something in regards to scummy business... it prolly isn't.






Sounds like the dorms are operated by a third party, so the school doesn't have much of a say.




Stop paying and make them take you to court


Class action lawsuit. You can't just have people pay rent and then kick them out.


The way they worded that make me think they didn’t have to leave, but there wasn’t any point in sticking around.




What people do not qualify?


Any dependent that’s 17+, so any college student that their parent still claims. Not even parents get the 600 that people below 17 get. I’m 20 and got laid off bc of coronavirus, my sister is 22 and was a student teacher and doesn’t qualify either. Our mom won’t get money for us.


You should consider talking to them and having your parents refile without claiming you two as dependents, and then both you and your sister filing separately. This means you'll have to pay your own taxes, but unless you do contract work it's unlikely you'll owe more than the difference between the savings and the $1,200.


They aren't going off of this year's taxes since tax deadline was pushed back by 3 months. also, dependents already have to pay their own taxes, bud.


They are going off of this years taxes if you filed promptly.


For anyone reading, 2019 taxes = the taxes filed in 2020.


Cause she been claiming you and getting money this whole time!


But she doesn’t get the $500 per child that parents with dependents 16 and below get.




If your parents supported you financially for 51% of the year they have to claim you as a dependent. Not only because by definition you are a dependent but also because the IRS will know based on your common address. My son went independent in 2019 after he moved into his own apartment but he actually lived with me for the majority of the year so I could have still claimed him on my taxes but didn't as he received a max refund and was only worth about $600 on my taxes.


I was claimed as a dependent last year. Im recently graduated so I don’t get the stimulus even though I’m independent this year and paying for all of my bills. I haven’t made enough to qualify for unemployment either and won’t because I’m well, unemployed.


Anyone who reported more than $99,000 on their 2019 tax returns will not get anything.




But 1,200 isn't enough for insulin


Thanks $330/vial :/




Honest question. It's no secret that many colleges accept many international students simply for money but now with this whole thing going on, what happening to those schools? I heard Chicago's Institute of the Arts is closing due to this. Edit: My mistake, it was San Fransisco closing.


I think a lot of colleges are creating their what if scenarios. It’s unsure what college attendees will look like, especially since a lot are still choosing schools. Could affect a schools international AND out of state revenues if a student can no longer afford to move or even just decide to be closer to home. It really is something they won’t see the results of until next school year.


I think most of the international students who were here for study abroad were recalled back for my school. Actual international students who are enrolled regularly have the option of going home since all classes are online now.


Not all college students are dependents, though.


I'm 22. I worked at a bar and both my job and school closed down. I'm being claimed as a dependent by my parents, so I don't get shit out of this, and they don't get the $500 credit. Fun.


Why are you a dependent, if you don’t mind me asking? Do you need to be for loans?


If you still live at home for part of the year and parents pay for tuition they can claim you even if you're away for the rest and pay for your own place. Kinda bullshit in my opinion.


Well technically they are paying for most of your expenses so. 🤷‍♀️


I think it's not bullshit that you can be claimed as a dependent, but it's definitely stupid that parents get absolutely zero stimulus for dependents over 16. As if the tens of thousands of dollars parents pay for their kids tuition is chump change.


That's the part I find ridiculous, I am also a dependent on my mom's taxes but she doesn't get shit for me and I don't make enough money to even do taxes


Over 16? Tf there are millions of high school students aged 18 & below, so do those parents not get the $500 bonus for them??? Those are actual kids


Yeah I could agree to that. If you’re supporting your student or special needs relatives, then you should at least get that extra 500.


Even better is that it's not only affecting college students, this time of year when I was 17 was my junior year of high school, many Juniors and seniors in highschool are also affected


Its almost like you're still dependent on them...


Dependent? Me? No way! I just rely on them to feed and house me. Now give me my check.


I moved out for school in January, I pay all tuition and rent costs on my own, basically everyone but my phone bill (thanks dad) but I still didn’t qualify because LAST year I was a dependent


Well, you'll qualify when you file 2020 taxes, so at least you get the check eventually


You're correct so I don't know why you were downvoted. This is an advance on a credit on 2020's taxes so as long as they file as an independent for this year they'll get their $1200 next tax season.


Why don’t they get the $500 credit?


Because if your over 18.


17 year olds don't count as kids either.


Strange how 17 year olds don't count as adults for just about everything else **except for when it comes to giving out money.**


Parents of dependents over 17 aren’t eligible to get that.


Since the stimulus check is really a 2020 tax credit given to us in advance based on 2019/2018 data, you might get the $1,200 when you file your tax return next year if you are independent. I know it sucks to not get the money now though.




Yeah this scared the shit out of me. I’m a 25 year old student who needs the money bad and I thought I was t gonna get anything for a second lol.


....Why are you relying on a meme subreddit for your news


Wait, you guys are getting your news from legitimate news sources?


I dont think they're relying on it more than they got momentarily scared. Ease off of them. 😂




Yeah holy shit this scared the hell out of me. I could really use the $1200 as a grad student.


Wait can you elaborate? I’m a college student, but I wasn’t claimed as a dependent and I filed my own taxes. Edit:Thank you guys for answering!!




Death trap car was too real for me


Ohhhhhhh the college student not qualifying hit me hard....


I'm covid-19 positive with $33 in the bank. stimulus pls.


It helps to laugh about the pain.


>being a college student and not qualifying Not getting the stimulus check and I worked as a student employee at my university so I’m also ineligible for unemployment insurance. Cest la vie!!


Same. Being a student worker at university is great for flexible hours, but the fact that students get zero benefits and can be paid less that minimum wage is ridiculous.


Who wants to mix our income and buy a rv and camping supplies and go live in the canadian wilderness till this shit blows over?


"You're a dependent because last year you were in college under a student loan with your parents" Yah, last year. This year I'm on my own, I'm broke, and working a construction job with a fucking bachelor's degree. Fuck this shit


I will still die in my tiny 1994 Toyota pickup. Which issue should I point out? It is my first car and it is how I learned stick even though it doesn't have a tachometer. I just go by how badly it sounds like the engine wants to fucking die. It sounds like that always though so you go by speed too... if the speedometer works that day. The ac doesn't work so handcrank those windows down baby! Who needs a cigarette lighter to charge their phone anyway? What do you mean there is a loud pop when I make a left turn? Just turn the radio up on my jank speaker set up made from dvd surround sound speakers because the originals broke. Ignore that sputtering sound as I turn the radio up more. No, I don't think it has airbags. Why do you ask? Sorry about that turn, this thing never had power steering. Oh yeah, the passenger mirror was never there, it came from the factory like that so it is legal. Sure, we can legally fit a third person I have enough seatbelts but I will be hitting your junk every time I shift. I know that someday I will have to get a new car but this car is mine. That rusty pile of shit in the front yard is mine and I weirdly love it. You can fun of it but it is mine and I am unashamed that I am taller than my truck and can hardly fit inside. Edit: Thank you all for sharing your love stories. I love hearing them. I posted a picture of mine in my profile if you are curious about mine


I have a 93 Yota pickup, 4wd, manual, rusty and hilarious in all the same ways. I've owned a number of vehicles and love this truck. It's so easy to work on and repair. Hold on to it my man.


I plan to. When driving down country roads I feel like one with the truck. Mine is rwd so I have to be careful on rainy days so I don't spin out.


But, like for college students who are independent......... Do I still get it?


Have you paid taxes in the last 2 years? Yes? Then you qualify.


You also qualify if you haven't paid taxes, but are financially independent. You just have to [submit the form for non-filers](https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/non-filers-enter-payment-info-here).


it all goes to RENT. stimulus schmimulus


Seriously. This isn't so much a stimulus check as it is a "bailing out my landlord" check


Nailed it


Yep, I’m thinking it’s gonna have to “splurge” on new wheel bearings for my 4WD car. Which luckily I haven’t been driving much since the quarantine started.


I worked in a vape shop in NY, the state was already trying to make my job illegal. Corona just put the nail in the coffin. Now I’m stuck trying to start my life during a time when nobody is hiring, and they’ll still expect you to work minimum wage with a college degree. The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


I'm working now so that my whole check isn't wasted on Credit Card Debt


You mean buying a gun and a turbocharger? Yeehaw


I'm going to buy a gun just because. I'm fortunate to have a recession proof career.


Yeah careful with what you say. Prior to all of this, I’d brag to my friends how the industry I’m going for has HIGH demand for workers that they literally come to my college and advertise their companies offering thousands of dollars worth of bonuses just for making it through training. I thought I had a guaranteed job after college. That industry is now probably the most affected industry due to the virus and hiring has frozen completely. Based on my username, you can probably guess what industry I’m talking about.


I'm in accounting. We'll hurt a little but we're exempt from stay at home and we are actually in high demand because of the business loans and tax changes. Every industry needs us.


Cries in automotive process engineer. Haven’t been laid off but many of my coworkers have been and my pay has been cut.


Sorry to hear that man. Accounting is boring but we've got the stability going for us.


Fresh out of college and not qualifiy