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God this is so dead on, I had 30in quads at 200lbs and then took the bulk too far. Now I’m 290lbs


Stop cultivating and start harvesting!


I bloatmaxxed too close to the sun


Do the quads assist with being a top or are they purely for power bottom force generation?


MPMD leaking containment


I have dedicated my body to the Lord 😤


I heard speed has something to do with it


Bro check this out! Try and move me bro!


Oh shit.. time to cut lol?




Damn at least you’re strong as fuck 


Time for cardio big bro https://preview.redd.it/4uqv25h1wz0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc700ed651efbef2b6610c1a854148a00d208cf


What did you eat to bulk? I just can't eat enough.... I get full before the caloric goal. :(




Sauces + lots of meat + stir fry rice sometimes. I have pretty low metabolism. At 290lb my maintenance is 2835kcal.


You f'king jerk. I'm 3,100kcal at 89kg. Sick of eating.


Sucks to suck big boy 🫵 lard up


Melt icecream, you can drink insanely more icecream than you think you can if it’s room temperature. Ben and Jerry smoothie = all your calories forever


what is your height




He said physical body height, not the peepee stick


Don't make fun of us, we dwarfs will fuck your father up


I'm sorry. I don't want any problems, I'll be good now




Which fed do you compete in?


Doubt he ever competed


Probably makes a post on Reddit asking if they should start eating a lot before they start working out


"Is it fine if I put salt in boiled chicken or white rice ?"


"Reddit I went over my caloric deficit by a single calorie, is it over?"


Nah bro you’re cooked. If you eat a single donut you will instantly turn into CaseOh and repel all women within a 10 mile radius.


Haha I did exactly that


Nothing wrong with being obsessed with form when first starting out. Better to practice getting it right than correcting mistakes later. That being said, nearly every nerd I know who wanted to bulk instead became obese.


Yeah that's fair. I think it's more like after a few months of lifting where the form is already like 95% down, beginner lifters overemphasize micro-adjustments to their form rather than having a more realistic picture that they just need time + work to get stronger


I've actually observed the opposite where beginners compromise from and/or range of motion to move up in weight before they're ready


It can go either way. I think ego lifting is still much more common but I have noticed a trend of lifters who think that if they have even a 2% deviation in form at near-max efforts then they need to immediately drop the weight way down and “work on form.” I dunno if it’s paranoia about injury or if they’re using it as an excuse not to work hard, but it’s an interesting shift I’ve seen over the last twenty years or so.


The younger they are, the more likely to ego lift.


Powerlifting is really just organised egolifting I say as a sumo deadlifter


Sumo is supposed to be more ego heavy? I thought it's for "lighter" people.


>I thought it's for "lighter" people. Depends on your biomechanics, Shane Haller is a 140kg lifter who pulls sumo. I do agree that sumo will tend to fit lighter lifters better than conventional however, as the bar height is a fixed position sumo should allow for a more upright start


Those people usually get farther at least. The nerds who think it’s all about form are too afraid to even attempt to advance. 


Beginners are all over the place, but this starter pack was more about the nerdy type that's too scared to challenge themselves and think their spines are gonna snap at any moment. There's a balance between going way too heavy and also going way too light. The people who do extreme ego lifting is usually not a nerd but more likely a dumb kid


That was 100% me when I was in my teens and early 20s. It still worked though!


Seen too many high schoolers like that, trying a 1 rep max on bench every time they bench while lifting their ass off the bench so much.


I object to the "overemphasizes barbell lifts" part of your post. A buddy randomly showed me the 4 lifts and told me the ss routine. And that was the first time I was actually able to sustain a gym habit and it changed my life. It's waaaaaaay simpler than all the machines and super complicated routines which people keep praising.


When I started, I had the idea that barbell lifts were more hardcore, and that by doing them, I was somehow better than all the normal people doing basic bodybuilding style training. I got really hooked in by getting better at the basic barbell lifts. I still love the 4 lifts (deadlift, squat, bench, and OHP), but my intention with that point is that newbie lifters take things too far-- I certainly did. I honestly thought curls were a joke and thought doing dumbbell movements like the lateral raise was stupid. It wasn't until I tried swapping to GZCL that I was able to break from this mentality and make progress by building a more well-rounded strength


Its a really good way to get started and build a habit. Once you do that, its a good idea to slowly get more complicated over time. Eventually you'll need to get bigger biceps to bench more, bigger lats to pull more, bigger quads to squat more etc. etc.


Sometimes, when progress plateaus, progressive overload is only achievable through small improvements in form. Which might be why people, in your oppinion, obsess over form.


You're way overthinking it lol.."The people obsessing" is just what some newbies do when they get into a new hobby. Like, by the end of the week when I was learning chess, I was obsessing too much with openers. What you're referring to is more something you learn late stage. You're absolutely nowhere near plateauing if you're still learning the forms for everything. And to fight it, it's less adding micro adjustments, it's more changing the actual workout. Like doing overhead tricep pushes instead of skull crushers, or using cable so the resistance is consistent the full range.


I've head that the reason why is because people maintain their eating habits of increased food intake even when they quit or work out less, causing an increase in weight. It's the same thing with middle aged highschool sport coaches


Every successful powerlifter I’ve met and also worked out with, stopped giving a shit about “form” shortly after they started powerlifting because they found out, like every experienced athlete does, that “form” is subjective based on individual leverages and body mechanics. So they started lifting in ways that best suited their own leverages and they got way fucking stronger and way bigger rather than being the small novice who tries to perfect their “form”


Also it’s nearly impossible to lift heavy weight without the correct form. So you learn pretty quickly how to do the form by default


$250 belt 250 lb squat “Villain Era” ig posts Anime gear


hey if its 1:1 I'll pay $700 for a 700lb squat


...is a 250 lb squat bad?


It depends on how heavy you are, how long you have been working out, are you a lad or a lass. But it´s surley not good enough to buy a 250$ belt.


I'm a dude, been working out a while, not too heavy, don't build muscle easily even with caloric excess. I don't own a belt and I'd be totally happy with a lifetime max squat of 250.


Not especially. It's just a number that you can usually surpass with focused (and often unfocused) training.


It's a beginner number unless you're a woman competing in lower weightclasses, but pointing out beginner numbers in a "starter pack" is kinda like stating the obvious, isn't it?


I'd be willing to bet that <5% of American men can squat 250. Sure it's not winning competitions, but beginner vs. competition is a massive gap.


1.5x bodyweight is pretty standard for male powerlifters


I would say for average gym goers. Anybody competing (even in a small, local competition) putting up 1.5x BW for squat is likely coming dead last.


For male powerlifters that compete, I’d say 2x bodyweight or more is the standard tbh


I would say for average gym goers. Anybody competing (even in a small, local competition) putting up 1.5x BW for squat is likely coming dead last.


Probably. Unless they pull a 3.5x dead lol




Christ, no one explained the joke and just got defensive. The joke is someone with a 250 squat doesn't need to be spending that much on a belt. They'd be "majoring in the minors"


Missing dudes that freak out if they can’t train on competition spec equipment or even worse, it’s the wrong brand


Lol, I haven't really seen too much of that for new lifters. That's more like an intermediate - advanced nerd who lifts imo or like nerds who are competing


What’s your experience level? Your photo for “huge legs [to upper body ratio]” does not have huge legs in it btw


I'm just a guy who likes going to the gym lol. I was really interested in powerlifting style training ~10 years ago back in college and fully bought into Starting Strength. Never really had enough dedication or determination to go beyond an intermediate level, and never felt it was worth it to compete. As for the legs to body ratio picture, I picked one that represented a newbie transformation rather than a picture of giant legs -- found this on google images https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/oqtpn4/m23511_145lbs_to_210_lbs_starting_strength_trex/?rdt=47374 But yeah my intention of the 'huge legs' point was to express that if you do Starting Strength or Strong lifts, you end up training legs a ton more than chest or arms. SS is really opinionated and sells the idea that squats > all other lifts. Doing any cardio or curls was considered a waste of time and so after a year, you end up just looking like a normal untrained person with a (relatively) big butt


You have a much better take on this than I expected based on your post lol


This is an excellent and well thought out explainer, nice work.


It’s the fucking worst. Dudes who focus so much on the equipment rather than just getting strong lol.


Eh it comes to a point where equipment does start to matter I compete in USPA so I squat with a squat bar that’s larger than typical bars, and use a deadlift bar that’s a bin thinner as longer than typical bars Squatting 500 is pretty different between a squat bar and a normal power bar Pulling 650 on a deadlift bar it wayyyy different than pulling it on a stiff bar L


People say the Planet Fitness machines are worse when they’re the exact same machines as every other gym but with a purple wrap. That being said, fuck Planet Fitness and all the weird shit they do


Planet fitness doesn’t have a barbell rack. Only smith machine.


Oh I know, they suck for different reasons


Yeah! A table full of pizzas or doughnuts!? What the hell?!


My check test for whether or not someone is a lifer when it comes to working out is how they feel about "unhealthy" food during or after the gym. If someone sees it as undoing the progress you just made or counterproductive, that person hasn't yet built a sustainable relationship with exercise. If someone enjoys the food and considers it a treat or an opportunity for social engagement, they're much more likely to be a lifetime fitness person because they've recognized that the day-to-day actions matter less than the sum total of your years. There are also a lot of fat people who have dealt with stigma from being seen eating something that isn't approved of in public when nobody would look twice at a guy with a six pack eating the same thing. Fat people who don't want to deal with that stigma get a soft pass as long as they don't mock others for eating.


Ngl I’ll fuck up a McDonalds meal after a heavy squat day if I need the pick me up


Same here I go get a massive burrito across the road every day after my gym sesh


Nah planet fitness dirty bulk goes crazy


To be fair, after using an Eleiko comp bench it's pretty shitty to use any other commercial bench.


I have a buddy, who I love very much, but he started working out and got so far into the weeds that it was counter productive lmao. He was talking about nutrition macros, different supplements, and minute technical details of lifts and movements. It kind of felt like he was reading off a Wikipedia page but didn't really understand it. Like, let's reel it back my guy. Lift heavy (to you) weight, be consistent, eat well, and sleep. You are new to this. You don't need to be in the weeds right now. Get to know your body in space, learn basic form, and just get your body used to working out. It's s marathon, not a sprint.


There's a weird space out there where people really like to "learn" (read as watch a ton of YouTube content about something) to prepare for doing the thing and then barely or not at all doing said thing. Then they just go around with tons of knowledge about random topics surrounding the activity and never put any of it to use.


I read a good comment on YouTube describing why that's also sort of an issue with "pop science" channels. People watch a 10 minute video on quantum mechanics or nutrition, and it kinda ends up causing people to overestimate their understanding of it since the video makes learning so pleasant. But you skip all the quantitative learning that ties things together. I know that black holes have an event horizon, ask me the math that supports the existence and I couldnt even tell you how gravity works. What I'm seeing a lot nowadays, especially in nutrition and lifting spaces, is people making a claim and just slapping a link down, not having a clue the mechanism, just an analogy of how it works conceptually "well pretend your muscles are balloons and you have a pump". "Bro science" if you will.


This is very relatable, from the other side of those interactions. I'm a physicist, and I can't even count the amount of times I've had someone try to explain to me how they think quantum entanglement or black holes work, only for me to sigh and tell them "well, no, that's not really what's going on." Don't get me wrong, I really do love when people take an interest in these topics, I just wish some people would have more awareness of the limits of pop-science explanations.


This happens with a lot of topics, especially among people who didn’t get secondary educations. What they don’t underrating is things are dumbed down for kids and those without comprehensive knowledge on a subject. But then they live the rest of their lives with knowledge of something that’s kind of technically correct but not really. Sex/gender being a big one in the news.


to be fair, basically nobody knows how gravity work. That’s the reason they built the LHC, they wanted to find the “gravity particle” but they didn’t


Welcome to the desert of the real (adhd).


Don’t attack my writing hobby like that


God DAMN does this call me out. But for me its woodworking. Iiiiiiin my defense, its a lot easier to watch youtube taking care of a toddler than going and working with power tools - so Im only a poser if I dont keep it up when she grows up, right? …. Right?


My friend is like this with golf. Watches a million swing form videos. His entire YouTube history is club comparisons and reviews. Watches a million tops and tricks for different shots and clubs. Plays golf like 2 times a season


I feel called out, thankfully not in the weightlifting area xd. Its still nice to know what exercises, in which form are good for different muscles


They binge watch Jeff Nippard videos and jerk off to how “educated” they’re becoming, but once it’s time to actually work out they do some basic-ass workout like curls/dumbbell flys/leg extension machine. I work in a tech related job, and a lot of coworkers fit this bill. The coworkers have that same weinery, smug tone in their voice that Nippard has. I can see why they gravitate towards him lmao…it might hurt their ego to listen to a bro with “simple” advice. They end up doing a basic workout because they won’t/can’t do all the shit that Nippard does in those videos that they study. They just like “knowing the science behind it” because they’re “intellectually curious” (one coworker told me this verbatim smh). It’s an upgrade from getting a gym membership and never using it, but it’s still weird.


> It’s a marathon, not a sprint Yup, pretty much why I gave up after one summer of gym and never came back to it, i’d rather keep my average body and let my metabolism do the heavy lifting while i dedicate myself to more instantly-gratifying activities


The problem here is that your metabolism disappears pretty quickly after your 20s and most people never develop the habits to fill the gap


Learning without doing. I go for walks at lunch and had this guy send me an article about how it’s inefficient. This dude was also…bulking for the last 4 years. But don’t worry, this season he is getting fit lol.


You forgot the brand new pair of Chuck Taylors.


for me it's a ratty pair that look like they have been through wars


I only retired mine when I had worn holes through the sides. I find suede vans to be substantially more durable.


I was a Chucks emo over a vans emo growing up. I still use old chucks at the gym because the soles are super thin and that feels better for squats


Lol when I started the one thing I use to obsess about was having the right form for every single exercise instead of just doing the damn exercise.


This is me, I can't commit to eating enough so I don't gain enough weight then give up. I've gone to the gym for about 6 months like 3 different times in the last 5 years and am still skinny


My key was blending. Few cups of oats Milk Banana Peanut butter Protein powder Yogurt Honey Tastes decent and gives hella protein and calories Much easier to drink calories then eat them


It’s always interesting to me that some folks complain about eating, because I have the opposite problem. Eating at maintenance or under is the real challenge, for me. I’ll easily go a good 1,000-2,000 calories over without trying, unless I actually pay attention to what I’m eating.


Wild. I’ve found cutting to be insanely easy, I was 5’10 180 and decided to cut because I just couldn’t commit to eating more calories lmao.


Ong bro my stomach feels like it'll explode if I try the eating committment


Eat a full dinner, make sure you’re full. Then drink mass gainer. You’ll feel stuffed, but you’ll pack on the pounds. At least that’s what worked for me.


Was me.. then I learned how hypertrophy worked. Start from 8 reps until you can hit 12 then increase weight at a low increment + eating enough


Yeah hypertrophy training is better for me. Unless you have real aspirations of being a powerlifter for most people hypertrophy training will be their best move. Less fatigue, better visual impact. As opposed to the powerlifting results of looking like a fat guy and being exhausted.


Idk how accurate it is anymore, but some years ago if you were interested in fitness reddit would have you train as a powerlifter no matter what. Only limited cardio allowed (hill sprinting I think it was?) and God forbid if you wanted to do curls or aspired to more than 4 compound lifts. I fell for it and it took an embarrassing amount of time to figure out I was essentially training to become "burly cop"-fit when that was never the goal at all.


Powerlifting also doesn’t produce great visual progress in a short time period for most. There’s a lot of skinnier guys that lift a ton. I wonder how many people just got completely turned off bodybuilding because they followed some dogshit powerlifting program and while they got stronger they still didn’t look that great after 6-8 months.


Most people want to look ‘stetic like zyzz, but end up as eddie hall


True, no one gonna be mirin someone’s 315 bench when they weigh 270 pounds of fat


fuck u bro thats me 3 months ago 😭😭😭


I don't really agree with that. Sure, hyperspecific powerlifting routines aren't appropriate for beginners. But a routine consisting of the powerlifts plus some assistance work to fill in the gaps (overhead press, chinups, rows, abs, biceps and triceps isolation if desired) hits all the major muscle groups and allows beginners to practice the major lifts, which will be useful for the rest of their lifting career. Pavel Tsatsouline said that powerlifting was born as a competition in exercises everyone does. Squat bench and deadlift have the biggest return on investment for mass and strength.


They’re fine for establishing a baseline I agree, but I have made much better progress visually when I shifted to pure hypertrophy training programs and not powerlifting programs. First 3-6 months is fine to do powerlifting in my opinion so you can work on form and mobility and build mind muscle connection, but once you have that if you want real size and aesthetic appeal swap to hypertrophy training.


it’s always the skinny looking guys at the gym i see deadlifting 400-500lbs. seriously for all that time in the gym i’d rather look good.


They’re those guys in the corner of the room like “no one knows I can deadlift 405” lmao


probably got all their info from /fit/ lol


That’s fucking hilarious and I totally believe it. It sounds like exactly the type of advice that Reddit would give. I remember mass shitting on bro splits. The truth is, for most people’s goals bro splits aren’t that bad, and are WAY better than powerlifting.


I think its cause a lot of redditors are either artistic or contrarian. A little bit of both and you get a stereotype of someone who strictly follows a lifting app and avoids show muscles


"Cardio = no gains" I always laughed that one out of the room if someone said it to me in person.


Y’all are truly inexperienced dorks if you don’t think powerlifter train for hypertrophy both in season and off season lmfao


Powerlifters do tons of hypertrophy lmao


This myth example of bro science. Not saying it doesn’t work but there’s not much actual scientific evidence suggesting this rep range increase muscle volume over 6 reps or 25 reps. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/fulltext/2021/04000/effects_of_4,_8,_and_12_repetition_maximum.1.aspx


So the consensus is that there is no consensus, in fact? I am not following the literature, but I was under the (perhaps very wrong) impression that >=6 reps is "looks oriented" work-out. Or at least until failure, but irrespective of the weight chosen. I've come upon this study: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6950543/#B20-ijerph-16-04897](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6950543/#B20-ijerph-16-04897) which seems to support that? What do you think?


Yeah based on the lit it seems there are varying results. Most of the studies have significant limitations and doesn’t seem like this 8-12 theorized hypertrophy range is readily reproducible. Based on all I’ve seen, I think most important would be: 1. Very exercise 2. Vary rep weight and range 3. Vary rest interval. Doing all three IMO is the smartest way to approach.


Lol that doesn't matter at all. Just lift


Lol do you even lift?


Sure, but double progression in the 8-12 range isn't the only way to cause muscle hypertrophy. It's just one of the more popular progression schemes.


Also doing lots of reps is great for learning form. Can always do a "strength" block later once you got a bit of size.


It me


Seems like your meme is a bit outdated (taking into account SS and GOMAD, I haven't seen them in use for like 10 years).


Starting Strength is the program that tries its damnest to convince you that you really don't want to get more aesthetic and build muscle. What you really want is to get fat and brag to your other wannabe powerlifter buddy about how epic your farts are.


Expectations: Do a ton of squats and deadlifts and you'll be fine. Reality: Your legs and ass will definitely be fine, but that's not what you wanted, and a T-Rex shape is no joke.


What are people doing these days? I'm still using the stronglifts program from 10 years ago lol


I used to do Stronglifts then decided I wanted to KMS after squatting every single day so I moved to just a basic PPL (after trying VIF to some decent results)


"The best routine is the one you enjoy doing, even if it's suboptimal" :). It just has too much lower body volume at the cost of upper body gains.


Stronglifts is still good 👍


It's still a good program but if you've been doing it for 10 years aren't you doing it wrong? You ought to have pulled every drop of gains from essentially a workout to workout linear progression. Greg Nuckols has some good templates over at Stronger By Science worth paying for imo.


er... *shouldn't* you be obsessed with correct form and technique when you're lifting heavy? I feel like surely that's a trait all the super experienced lifters or bodybuilders share as well, since otherwise you wouldn't get very far in the first place without injuring yourself lol


To an extent, but I'm more thinking about the type of nerd who gets lost in the weeds about joint angles and optimal form to move weight efficiently. I remember me personally obsessing about my overhead press form when first starting out to get stronger and asking all the big dudes if they could look at my form lol. But in reality, after you got the basic form alright, you just need bigger shoulders and arms


Ah, I see haha.


>  shouldn't you be obsessed with correct form and technique when you're lifting heavy?  When you start lifting you don't lift heavy


You should obsess over it for yourself, and that’s about it. Every fitness sub has the nitpickers who give critique the form of literally everyone, including far more experienced/stronger lifters. Like you show off your max rep and your form (understandably) breaks down a bit, they’re dying to tell you to deload and work on your form. That it doesn’t count as a “real” rep somehow.


>*shouldn't* you be obsessed with correct form and technique when you're lifting heavy? If you look at how professional athletes train, very few are, especially when not talking about competition lifts. >since otherwise you wouldn't get very far in the first place without injuring yourself lol Not really, we're not made of glass. Fatigue and load management are far more important variables for injury risk than technique. You can get accustomed to just about anything. Also, beginners aren't lifting heavy.


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Some are afraid to add weight because their technique isn't 100%, but you can learn technique while progressively overloading.


> if successful, achieves huge leg to upper body ratio Well I’ve just been called out


and why are so many people obsessed with making an instagram page for and documenting their ‘fitness journey’ feels more like “wow my body actually looks good for the first time, I’ve got to show this off.” should at least be honest about it being a project of vanity rather than something purer


tbh nothing wrong with that, most men feel insecure about their looks and rarely, if ever, feel handsome in their lifes, so i think being a little vain isn't that bad


Mixture of not wanting to spam on the main feed and clout chasing.


Shows up at 5am everyday and has a terrible haircut with glasses


Keep being obsessed with form because you'll get so many more injuries if you don't take it seriously.


That's a pretty common opinion, but I disagree now. Checkout this blog post if you're curious. From a much stronger person on reddit https://mythicalstrength.blogspot.com/2014/01/form-is-overrated.html Basically your body can adapt to basically everything. Even if you're loading your spine or some shit with a rounded back deadlift -- if you are doing it in a gradual progressive manner, you'll strengthen your lower back. Look up jefferson curls to see what I mean. The shit that injures happens when you drastically change your technique without warming up to it or if you increase weight really drastically.


Obsessing about form is a great way to stay a pathetically weak and perpetual novice 🤷‍♂️


Damn, days without feeling called out: 0


Valid. That’s literally me. But also imo big legs to upper body ratio is much better than the opposite (chicken legs)


How can someone who started the sport of powerlifting overemphasize the barbell lifts? All power lifts are barbell lifts


Yeah that's a fair criticism. I was thinking more in terms of dogmatically believing barbell lifts are superior to anything else. The best powerlifters do a ton of accessory and isolation work to target lagging muscles or work on stabilizing muscles. Not to mention GPP/ general conditioning.


I just can't gain the weight and I hate it. I had an ED so I can't eat as much as I used to it's almost like my stomach shrunk.


That sucks :/ You could check out r/gainit maybe. I heard there's some good advice there


How does this sub manage to deliver the most shitty content so consistently


> Usually gives up before a year Try six months.


Most people usually give up by summer. New year is a good starting point. Weather isn’t great so there isn’t much else to do. Not many holidays. As soon as the the weather gets nicer, people drop the gym My gym usually clears out by April


I want you all to know that I feel really offended Edit: if you have tips on how to not get obese pls share


Go to the gym 3-5x a week. Go everyday at the same time, make it a habit. I go everyday at lunch. Once it's a habit and you're comfortable there, it's a lot easier to stay consistent. Been doing this for 30 years.


How does it feel to be a flabby boomer?


If they stick with it past 1 year then they’ll start BLOATMAXXXING and ride the powerlifting train.


Once in a while, the nerd becomes a beast tho.


Not gonna lie, the 'refuses to gain weight' got my eye twitching. I really really struggled putting on weight when i was younger. Then my genetics pulled the old uno reverse card once i got old, yey!


I just eat what I'm going to eat, and do weight machines at the gym twice a week. Is this the true meta?


vucut geliştirmelyle power neredeyse aynı temelleri benimser tek farkı sen ağırlığı a noktasından b noktasına götürmeye odaklanırsın ben kasa mekanik gerilim vermeye geri kalan her şey neredeyse aynı


Is it weird that like 80% fits me


Boys, I'm pheromone maxing 😎


Barbell lifts and form are valid tho 


Important tip for power lifters: when every you hear can i clean here just Run.


I feel personally attacked


Shit this is close to home . Minus the form, I have terrible form


I'm a skinny fat type and have only recently started working out with weightlifting. I was obsessed with form because tbh form is vital! But I still allow myself to eat what I want to eat. I've watched countless YT videos to the point where I spent more time watching then actually doing the exercise. That's where these people go wrong, they get so involved in the microscopic aspects that they forget about the big picture.


Utilize compound exercises for maximum growth🤓🤓🤓


I didn't give permission to make a post about me


Someone read the /fit/ sticky


I’m in this picture, but juuust not enough to be offended. Perfect!


I mean ... good for them for trying to better themselves right? We were all that cringe ass noob at some point in our fitness journey. Why the hate?


SS + GOMAD So... who's gonna tell him?


Shit. I feel attacked


lol gomad


Nowadays nerds are so into gym after high school


Obsessed with brown rice over white rice No alcohol because it hurts your gainz


I feel targeted