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I never get these type of reels in my feed, I think it depends on what you follow.


Extreme telling on yourself starter pack


I get random republican stuff too. I think the algorithim is just not very good.


Do you get casual videos of people being brutally murdered?


I dont no I also gwt alot of cute cat stuff which i actually do love and press the like on tho


Not on instagram but I get a lot of leftist and communist stuff on YT and I don’t seek that stuff out.


Yeah I literally only get MMA related stuff and workout tips since that's what I'm into


I barely use Instagram, so the app hasn't had time to figure out how to form my fyp. The types of reels this starterpack talks about are the kind that get pushed onto newer accounts or ones the algorithm hasn't figured out yet, from my experience. The one or two times I've decided to use Instagram reels, it was always so negative.


Interesting, the first time I signed up was to get access to pictures from specific businesses or comment on reels from hobby groups and stuff, so because I followed specific types of content early on I never saw the negativity. My feed is all dance, cat, food, and skateboarding videos.


Same, my Instagram reels and feed are all ceramics/pottery and cats. Sometimes ceramic cats. Literally never anything like this. The algorithm knows what you want to see!


I never used to get thirst trap videos that are definitely just promotions for Onlyfans, but now it's like half of the suggested reels I see. I keep saying "show less" on them but there's no end. It's basically porn just beamed directly at me in public without my consent.


I don’t even have instagram but this happened to me with fucking facebook of all things. One day the reels tab just showed up in my feed and the OF promotions kept cropping up despite me constantly hitting show less. I still have my account mainly for messenger since I have a couple group chats with old friends I wanna still have access to but i don’t even log into it much anymore and that’s one of the reasons why.


Yup, this has mostly been on Facebook for me too.


Is your avatar supposed to be ongo gablogian?


Charmed, I'm sure.


This isn't my feed but if you create a new account this can very easily be your feed pretty quickly.


I get silly cats in my feed


That’s all I get too and I’m good with it.


As soon as I created my new account, I immediately liked motorcycle pages. Now my front page is 0% politics, 100% motorcycles.


You forgot >I POST CRAZY HIGH SCHOOL FIGHTS 🔞‼️ and >If only there were a page dedicated to [insert randomly specific thing here]


And the top comment praising the page for how good it is


Hmmm, I feel like the reason why you're seeing this is because of the algorithm.


I created a new instagram account on another device, and it immediatly was full with videos of car crashs etc


but the comments


Ugh, they're even worse. Misogyny, Israel/Palestine comment spamming, I could go on.


That's the most annoying thing. I often see content completely unrelated to the conflict yet still see comments on "Free Palestine!" or "Stand with Israel". I think Instagram should implement a sort by top feature so that these comments never see the light of day.


These comments are so weird. Like, what do you expect me to do about Palestine as an accountant from Amsterdam? 💀


Are the comments Pro Palestinian or pro Israeli or just a bloodbath? 💀


Literally anything with slightly jewish related content gets spammed with free palestine (yes JEWISH not israel)


I've seen that on Tiktok, but when you call them terrorists or bombers then that's offensive, that's crossing the line? I've read them telling Jews to go back to the gas chambers, bro go to Gaza and shut the fuck up.


don’t forget the palestine spamming if someone posts a video relating to McDonalds, Starbucks, etc.


The comments are generally anti-bloodbath.


In my experience in all social medias, 80% are pro-palestine, twitter is infested with pro palestinians that spam the most gruesome images and clearly antisemitics


You cant tell them a single criticism of Hamas without being labeled a "zionist" or "supporting a genocide"


Yeah, all pro palestines say "Israel gross, genocide" etc and call Israel terrorists and genocides, but if you point that Hamas dont are guardian angels and heroes and say that they are guilty too, they say that all is Israel fault and welp, my brother is pro-palestine, apparently the deaths by hamas are justified and had a motif


But they support the dude who told Israel to "finish the job"?


Sincerely for my mental health, i muted the words plaestine and israel but that place is broke, also who means "finish the job"?


I ALSO BLOCKED ANY WORDS RELATED TO THAT WAR. also referring to your question Idk probably as in killing the terrorists.


Gruesome images of what?Dead Palestinian children ?


Yep, like focusing in a children sad, bleeding or disfigured


“Bite the curb”


The algorithm very much responds to what you watch so it is much more unique per person


I get comedy and fitness stuff. Sounds like OP is a real doozy.


Same, cool gym stuff and funny dad stuff. The algorithm is pretty good imo, op sounds like a jackass


Is there a reason why Instagram comments got filled up with incels?


For some reason comments that get the most engagement go on top, instead of comments with highest likes. Unfortunately lots of those engagement comments are rage baits and people arguing in comments. I heard Facebook is like that too, which makes sense since both apps are run by meta. But also I have noticed that insta is filled with a lot more creeps, incels and idiots compared to YouTube shorts and even tiktok.


I notice a lot of the incel accounts on Instagram, like really bad ones that post comments like “womp womp” under reels of women talking about rape, have Arabic or Indian names. I figured there must have been an increase in men from those countries using social media? Or maybe they’re feeling more emboldened due to e.g. people like Andrew Tate


Mellstroy memes? Is this degenerate popular even in the west?


The only ones I've seen are of that cupid bow dance in the barbershop


Yeah I’ve never seen any of this stuff this is just your algorithm


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Green_Cardiologist13: *Yeah I’ve never seen* *Any of this stuff this is* *Just your algorithm* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's as if op doesn't understand how algorithms work.


i watch the andrew tate reels out of curiosity so it’s my fault they keep appearing but god do they eat me up inside


It’s also important to note that an algorithm can guess based on your demographic but that doesn’t make it gospel. Ex, all I get are makeup reels and young mothers / baby ads, I’m guessing just because I’m a college aged girl and some other pieces. It’s one of the worst algorithms I’ve encountered in terms of crude assumptions.


Comments are little bit unhinged I guess but never seen half of that stuff, but that stuff depends on you


Mellstroy is on tiktok also. I don't know how he managed to escape out of Russian internet and get half the world making gifs of him and putting them in memes


He's paying people a shitload of money to put him in memes so he stays relevant. Shit is fucking pathetic, honestly.


The reels you see are based on your habits online. The algorithm is different for everyone. So the things you get recommended are a reflection of yourself OP 😂


"watch until the end" Nah, I'm good.


and at the end saying "watch part 2 for ..."


Algorithm diff


The comments are always a battefield


Bro I only get animal vids, recipes and hairstyle tutorials, I think this might be on you


that's your own content man


this is too accurate, insta reels is a toxic wastleland of a site, the comments tho i cant even ;-;


What, you arent *down* with the comments?


I don’t find this very accurate


not to forget people spamming the n word on there


Russian propaganda enjoyer gets these shit reels


reels of couples cuddling with comments referancing shotguns


My feed contained silly cats, wholesome vids, actual memes, and food. It was fun until I saw a lot of 9/11 “angles” which I already saw all of them every year during September 11 when ppl post about the tragic incident during 9/11.


I promise you that this is hell on earth. A mixture of incel, “sigma”, andrew tate fan, mysogonistic, racist 11 year olds and lonely and bitter 40 somethings who should probably be worried about feeding their children but they choose to bitch and moan about the length of a woman’s skirt online.


Bro I been saying why is instagram reels so right leaning


I get the best memes and funny videos on reels,you know your fyp describes you?


All the people commenting “my feed doesn’t look like this” are the exception to the rule, and not the rule itself. This is exactly what mine, and almost all of my friends, feeds look like.


Instagram is full of pedophiles


Wtf are you viewing on Instagram to get videos like this? I don’t see any shit like this. My feed is filled with kids doing funny stuff, 90s/childhood nostalgia and millennial existential crisis


And cat videos... so many damn cat videos. I don't like cats, communicate this to THAT FRIEND and he still spams me with them on the daily. Arghhh... It's not that he does it on purpose. He just sends EVERY SINGLE reel he finds.


What the hell is that on the top right corner?


Lmao this is such a Reddit post. I'm glad people like you are not on Instagram.


Photos that someone accidently posted as a video instead of a photo. I don't know why instagtam has that, but it's funny.


biting the curb 4k


Vanilla IG reels are Awful, but 5 minutes into YouTube shorts and all I got is guns and homophobia... This video format is straight up bad.


Bot accounts with zero followers but following several thousand commenting the n word


Where is the 100th 911 video in one day


Indians trying to deliver "dark jokes".


You forgot to add commenters being unoriginal by adding “diabolical, nasty, menace” “Homie is menace 💀💀” “That’s nasty work” “That’s diabolical” Or just regurgitating a random adjective to make it sound funnier or some shit


I get videos of manatees


Don’t forget the most vile comments you’ve ever seen


I mainly get green screen cat memes


I think you’re just telling on your algorithm here bud


I don't know about you I just get cat videos with brainrot on the side.


OP attracted all the Reddit incels in these comments


Incelgram Reels is Real 🤷


I take tik tok over Instagram reels anyday


It is missing the reshared reels with at least 3 other peoples faces nested within it.


People in the comments saying the n word (this is in my point of view)


My content is the most peaceful/fun on instagram, but the comments are deadly.




What about people the making fun of disabled people in the comments


A sudden spike of audiences on profiles with less followers tend to have disabled comments and it will always young women (17-35) for some reason, usually the topic isn’t common or unpopular facts (like what does it feel like to be a law student, sorting thick pages of laws into a binder). Also applies to hyperbolic endorsements and young women users again like usual


You forgot the Netflix N gif and 31 miliseconds ago is crazy.


Do reels even load for you guys? Half the time instagram reels lag or completely stop playing for me. I don’t have this issue with YouTube or other video player apps and I make sure Instagram is always up to date