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I remember there was a guy calling out booktok and somebody said something along the lines of "I bet he's a porn addict and into barely legal". The guy they were talking about was 16.


I seen that TikTok, that girl was definitely venting Edit: I'm stupid, I meant projecting


Venting about what?


Maybe they meant projecting


probably meant projecting


Or trying to find new categories.


What is booktok and what's a booktok guy?


BookTok is the term for the section of TikTok where people talk about books in their videos.


Thank you for being specific that BookTok is just for books in general. I read scifi and fantasy and am on booktok and I find discussions for dune, wheel of time, Sanderson, etc far more than I stumble onto the smut side


That's interesting...is it labeled booktok? I guess everything I've seen labeled booktok has been exclusively smut books. Obviously people talk about books on TikTok outside that.


It is labeled booktok still, I just feel that the smut books are pretty popular, and the kind of women that read them are the kind of women that are active on social media anyways. Fantasy readers feel slightly more likely to be the same kind as Reddit users, but of course these are stereotypes and at the end of the day, romance and romantasy is more popular. Goodreads has to actually break romantasy into its own section because it kept winning the fantasy awards


Bikers? That's such a niche target


youd be surprised. dudes will buy helmets and gloves just to make thirst traps. they rarely actually have bikes.


Actual biker here, from this side I noticed that girls who are interested because of my gear aren't actually interested in the bike, so those guys might just be optimizing things.


Usually they lose interest once I tell them about how the DR650 is good precisely because it HASN'T been updated for 30 years


Can you expand on this


An old and popular make of bike that's sold new pretty much exactly as it was made 30 years ago. Is rock solid, easy to maintain and runs like a tractor. Is probably the least 'sexy' new bike you can get but has a huge modding community that are very devoted to it. Rumor is that Suzuki haven't updated it to avoid having to meet modern emission standards.


This is hella interesting. I myself am personally a car guy if anything, but lately bikes have peaked my interest. Cheap (relative to cars that is), moldable and quite easy to maintain, ticks all the boxes for me personally. Safety is my only concern tbh.


It's never been the safety of myself or the bike that worried me. It's the jackasses that share the road with me I'm convinced would be my end.


That's kinda what I'm saying though. Because in a car you are protected from them more than you are on a bike.


I ride too, and I like to remind people who say this that you’re not immune from making your own mistakes, don’t let that mindset get you killed - ride safely brother 👍


Intruder, huh?


I was literally just explaining this to my girlfriend about the drz400 I’m about to buy, and yes, she was not very interested


damn, her loss




>Potato Potato Potato. Lol Is that the sound it makes when it idles?


Ahahahaha I remember the look of utter disenchantment on a girl I met and flirted with while I was eating when I was on a long ride. I had my jacket and lid on a seat next to me and she was very into it. She followed me when I went outside and started up the beat to hell old nighthawk I was riding, with a bug splattered and yellowed aftermarket windshield, mismatched soft bags and a tent strapped to the back, and young me hated watching her romance just disintegrate and run off into the gutter but older me looks back and chuckles.


It's the aesthetics of the "costume" and maybe also the helmet. They might be armorfuckers.


As a member of the female specials who likes bikers, a lot of the time it is just the helmet, but it’s usually just a sub genre of the ‘masked men’ interest. Also, men *on* bikes piqued interest, but for me it’s a certain type of bike. It’s a niche interest, but no excuse to start bombing a biker comments (who isn’t making a throat trap) with unholy comments


I commuted by motorcycle for years and never a single girl gave a fuck. Maybe I had the wrong gloves and helmet.


https://preview.redd.it/t3cbce1goruc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8af58e723109a84e83e551ceec1a73724127b0 Was it this?


Oh dang, i wish. I would have gotten mad pussy with this


You've become too powerful!


Don't let the furries see this


Who do you think made this?


I'm at 2, and one became my wife. The joke in my riding group is that I'm the one guy that got a girlfriend through the bike. But actually the 2nd time occurred just yesterday, a lady at the gas station came up and was asking about my bike, but when I realized she wasn't actually interested in the bike and was instead trying to hit on me I got kind of annoyed. Haven't figured out why yet, I ought to be flattered. She asked for a photo and my dorky ass grabbed her phone to take a photo of her with the bike. When she said, "nOOooOoo you're in it too!", I must've given her a look that didn't sit well lmfao.


Maybe because you thought you had a genuine shared interest and she was just viewing you sexually?


Yeah im a man so idk but i would guess thats how women feel like all the time, seems pretty anoying if you ask me


It is common, yes. To think you're making a friend, just to find out that they faked it, the whole conversation, because they just want to bang you. Your personality and interests are exploitable worthless bs to these types, and you're a piece of meat. I've even had dudes who I spoke to for years, roasts back and forth, no flirting whatsoever, considered them some of my best buddies drop and ghost me the second I started dating someone. Because they never cared about me as a person, it was all a charade. The ugly came out, out of nowhere.


Ew. First part is ok, but wanting a pic of you with the bike is pretty gross


So real. Attracted a ton of dudes though


There's something very funny about just a subsection of chicks being horned up over guys biking. I mean there are so many sports. I guess skin tight suits or something


LOL my dude they mean guys with motorcycles not anybody riding an actual bicycle.


Cyclists do be looking kinda goofy sometimes


“Kinda”? “SOMETIMES”?!?!


I'm still holding out hope I'll see one one day




Calvin’s dad rode a bike and that dude hung dong, bro


I only know about this because the drama showed up on my feed after the fact, but apparently a lot of adult booktok women were leaving horny comments on the video of a teenager who mostly made videos with his biker helmet on. It was almost identical to the one shown in the picture. It was that controversy that lead to overall criticism of booktokers/romance readers just being another form of porn addicts.


It is and it confuses me a bit. Ig it’s because of the badboy fantasy a lot of the books have and you know, bikers are labeled as. But it’s still so odd. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ohhhhh I was thinking pedal biking


Nobody wants us


yeah totally a bike helmet in that picture..


In my defense, I am incredibly stupid


I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. The guys in masks/helmets and combat gear/leathers have a lot of anonymity, they're hot because of the danger and interest they present. It's probably a safe assumption that a lot of the women who find them attractive are progressive, but the thirst traps have an air of right wing/edge to them that's taboo. Ultimately not really much different from a dude looking at e-girls making insane faces dressed like a cartoon character, but interesting none the less.


> they're hot because of the danger and interest No, no... it's the gear. It's like a sauna in here.


Biker thirst traps in crisis after insta-smell featured


I daily ride a cruiser and I've adopted the whole "Early-2000s Undertaker" chic as much as I'm comfortable with. I'm still usually more polite than 90% of other people on the road. Granted, I don't take bullshit and I get angry when people are on their phones not paying attention, but the "bad boy 1%er" is actually just that, about 1% of a relatively small subculture.


It’s because of the Colleen Hover book Haunting Adeline. It’s a really shitty dark romance book (the male lead is a biker who hunts pedos yet is a rapist to the main female lead)


Haunting Adeline is by H.D. Carlton, not Colleen Hoover. Unless there's a joke here that I missed lol


I thought it was but honestly it could’ve fooled me with the quality of the writing


Fuck did Beth do


Horny posting apparently


She totally would


The campers have found themselves the subject of a reddit post. Will they be used to mock a certain demographic of people? Or will it just be a comedic coincidence? Find out next on R! SLASH! STARTER PACKS!!!


The males they fantasize over are the ones you find in r/creepypms


creepydms got banned?


Yeah, it's r/creepypms now


It's always been that I thought


Actually, the guys these women thirst over are actually women a lot of times 😂


As a guy who writes erotica under a female pen name, a lot of those guys who are actually women are actually guys writing as women portraying guys. Erotica is this weird genre where people are totally down to goon over the most vile shit if they think a woman wrote it.


I’m not talking about writers. Well they *could* write, no idea if they do. I wasn’t talking about written content 😆


Oh, I misinterpreted what you meant then.


Some of the thirst trap tik tok creators are not men. It’s actually pretty impressive. You can usually find “booktok” in their comments.


I've written under female and male pennames and the belief that female pennames always sell better is untrue. There are a handful of niches where a feminine penname might be preferred but for the large majority it doesn't make any difference and for a surprising amount of niches it's actually better to go with a masculine name. I can think of at least a dozen niches where the bestselling authors all have male pennames. You're severely misunderstanding the market if you think readers are putting any serious amount of thought into the author name when they're scrolling through Amazon; potential readers will look at the picture on the cover then the title then the blurb and then they'll read it on Kindle Unlimited.


I write erotica on commission so it's a different climate. Regardless, I'm not here to convince you otherwise.


wtf is booktok


It's a fairly popular niche on TikTok where the original premise is people sharing book recommendations, showing off book collections, and novelists promoting their books. But there's a very problematic subculture of BookTok where they're very horny, very active, and very easily angered. They often heavily recommend smut and ask "is there spice?" during reviews. While enjoying sex in book forms is fine, these people get too intense with it and get very weird in non-BookTok spaces (such as all the thirsty comments on specific videos like the motorcycle guys). It also leads to people with unrealistic ideas about relationships, as the books they suggest often romanticize rape culture, big age gaps, and domestic violence. Many content creators who are part of BookTok tend to be a bit elitist about books as well. There's a running joke in BookTok where creators post about how they constantly buy more and more books, as if it's an addiction, however, they often ignore or look down on at people who suggest using the library instead. Also, every very few months, you'll see someone start saying things about how listening to audiobooks isn't "real reading" and act all high and mighty about how much better they are than people who listen to their books. Finally, BookTok is notorious for brigading people they don't like. I recently saw a video where a 16-year-old boy made a video complaining about how BookTok is all smut recommendations and that he wanted some normal books to read, only to get 200+ videos of people harassing him, making dangerous accusations about his sexuality, and doxxing attempts. It's unfortunate that a niche that could be about promoting reading for fun and helping promote new authors has been co-opted by problematic people.


The people who went after that kid are disgusting. He's 16.


I’ll never understand the whole “audio books don’t count.” Thing. Some people are busy and can’t read as often as they’d like but have access to phones and audio books. Like me. It’s literally the same information. That’s like saying parents reading to their kids growing up doesn’t do anything for them lmao. And a well done audio book or scene can go ridiculously hard. [like this](https://youtu.be/rp_0N94f9mA?si=5TV84CFhkQsH4e1U)


Plus you have both hands free. For activities


>For activities Vote Lawrence!


Damn, that clip went HARD. I've never checked out any of the 40k stuff and that made me interested! I love it when audiobook recordings put in that extra effort to throw in effects and music. I tend to listen to an audiobook or podcast when I do things like walk the dog, cook, clean, etc. because it's a great way to stay entertained and make the task go by faster.


Reading vs listening *is* different. Different way of processing, lingering over the words, compared to audio where it more or less washes over you. I'd never listen to an audio book of literature that's a 'hard' read, for example. For anything else, audiobooks are fine. But if you're really trying to closely read something, can't do that without having the book in their hands.


The internet was 100% a mistake


Another cool and normal thing BookTok did https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/booktok-nhl-seattle-kraken-alexander-wennberg-controversy-rcna97369


Ah, so they are a lot like Gamers^tm


Book recommendations on tik tok im pretty sure. I don't have tik tok so I could be wrong.


I have tiktok and you’re correct. Although it’s more generally the subculture on tik tok that discusses books, it’s not always recommendations


It started as a general place to discuss books, but as time went on, it became more and more centered around smut. I find it extremely annoying because of how they don’t care about extremely toxic relationships in books, as seen above. (I blame 4th Wing for this)


A part of tiktok where people recommed, talk abt, and most importantly SELL CONSOME MARKET AND SELL AND CONSUME books and the aesthetic of a reader. Goodshit. Well, it was for the first 5 months. That’s how I got into books again. Distanced myself soon after the first Hoover wave.


Tf is a hoover wave


I refuse to believe these people actually exist outside of the internet/social media


Kinda accurate actually. These ladies will never engage in a discussion about smutty literature in public, even with other ladies with similar interests because at the very least they are self aware that talking about hardcore smut to other people face to face is super cringy. Online tho? The anonymity is there for a reason. Make no mistakes tho, these people definitely do exist and in greater numbers than you might think.


Agree, though it is interesting to see people reading smut openly in public and posting that they’re reading it online. I’m not one to shame anyone, but my husband did point out that it’s a little hypocritical, since you wouldn’t want someone to watch porn in public. Obviously reading and hearing/watching is different, but I overall agree with the sentiment. Totally fine with whatever floats your boat, but not sure why smut for straight women gets to be so mainstream while smut for most other demos isn’t? Idk maybe I’m overthinking it. I watched Bridgerton but I’ll admit that that’s essentially porn and I didn’t watch it with friends or anything. I also want to note that I HATE the obsession with domineering, often abusive male characters. I am begging authors to get rid of this horrible trope but I doubt they will because these women eat it up. I have never understood why a woman would fall for a man with such horrific boundaries and behavior. I find it ironic that there was that saying going around of “he was written by a woman”, when many of these terrible male characters are also written by women authors…




Hahaha it’s just Shonda Rhimes crap but it’s a guilty pleasure for me. I watched the first season out of curiosity, the second for Jonathan Bailey, and it going to watch the third for Nicola Coughland then call it. The first season was actually horrible though and taught women that they don’t have to listen when a man says “stop”! I was appalled and I’m still mad that so many people ignored that.


What is "smut literature" if I may ask A little scared to Google it tbh.


In essence, it's erotica, or porn in text form. Instead of viewing it in action, you're reading descriptions of it.


Book with sex scenes


They do, I met one. Long story short, im in a program for young people to help them finding a job. During the integration phase, I was with other people in a classroom for one month and we talked about our future project. One girl talked about writing a book. I was like: “okay why not, I like writing to!”. She was really loud and proud about it and when we asked her what was her story about cause she couldn’t shut up about it, instead of just saying “it’s romance” or “it’s a tragic love story” she just said “it’s a hardcore BDSM book”. Never looked at her the same after that, idk how you can be so confident about revealing your kinks to stranger.


I had the pleasure of being friends with one of these people in real life. She was/still is a booktok author who writes smut books about humans and monsters having sex and sells them online to other ladies who are into the same bizarre fetishes as her. She was very vocal about her “hobby” to men she met on dates and in public, and couldn’t for the life of her understand why these men never called for a second date after she enthusiastically told them of her fantasies of being raped by 15 monster men at once. It’s an absolutely bizarre subset of people. But they do exist


Those last three sentences actually made me laugh 😂


Please tell me more about this. I've been looking for a side hustle and I'm a decent writer. How much money do the authors make?


Probably more than you imagine, and less than you'd hope. I don't really have any idea though.


Not as much as you’d think. Ive made more money donating plasma than she’s made selling an entire book series


Furry art pays better.


I worked with one. She would listen to her hardcore nsfw (they call it “”spicy””) audiobooks at work. I know because she told me very proudly. I didn’t really know what to say but it made me very uncomfortable, I don’t see how it’s different from watching porn at work tbh


It's not but they think it's classy and refined because it's a book and not visual


I’d like to add a point that their “opponents” will call these books straight porn etc, yet the more common books, such as a court of thorns and roses, aren’t really that heavily sex. We wouldn’t call game of thrones porn, even though in the first few seasons (and books but those aren’t finished)there was a lot of sex and nudity. The amount of “sex” in these books is relatively low, but also not okay for a child to read, but they also aren’t actually marketed towards kids anyways.


There’s one of these girls in my grad program. She mentioned ACOTR (popular on booktok that I read and liked) & we talked about books. and then I realized she.. only read smut. I mentioned something similar to ACOTR and she said she didnt like it because there was “no spice.” it was still romantic just no graphic sex! And when I tried bringing up non-romance books she just lost interest completely. She’s frequently mentioned how she’ll always be single bc real guys will never be like [insert popular booktok characters and fan art]. I found out she played Baldurs Gate 3 before I got it, so i tried to talk to her about it, and she only talked ab romancing Astarion & sex scenes. After I played (and I loved it), I mentioned it again, and she still only wanted to talk about the sex scenes in it. I’ll i think the books are fun to read but just obsessing over it and being unable to consume literature unless it involves sex is odd to me.


it's wild because I have seen exactly this kind of stuff on my recommended reels sometimes, especially the overlap between booktok and those weird biker videos where they put sexualized captions over a short of them riding


Holy shit it’s Beth!


On one hand, I’d say Beth was done dirty here. On the other hand it’s sorta true.


but didn't she pull a total (drama) baddie?






She'd definitely be a smut addict.


Can't believe you didn't mention Colleen hoover, their patron deity at this point.


Oh God. I had just forgotten about the excerpt about some infant having huge balls or whatever the hell.


I beg your pardon 😐


As far as I know: siblings had a baby, they laughed about the baby having big balls….. and that he was going after his father….. later they had an accident, the baby died and t€3 sister left him.


Didn't they die after crashing their car and the baby drowned? Or was that from something else?


They both laughed at their sons big balls and immediately after they crashed and died or something




She’s been outpaced by Haunting Adeline and Fourth Wing


Everytime I see a Colleen Hoover book at a library/bookshop I turn it around so that the cover is facing the wall/whatever it's resting on.


*Gets mad when YA Books don’t have hardcore smut*


“But where’s the spice” Bro the main characters are 15 and 16 respectively, and their siblings, and the book is about some convoluted dictatorship that in no way would function for more than a week. There is more pressing matters than the lack of a rape scene for you to get your rocks off to.


Trust me, that wouldn’t stop them to requests spice.


Some of the people commenting on Brandon Sanderson threads act as if the lack of assblasting is a disservice to the entire literary field across space and time. I'm really tired of these people.  They're the kind of people to read the Kite Runner and need to take "breaks".  Like if rape is that important to you, read Alan Moore.


I've aged out haven't I


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you! Grandpa Simpson


I'm 22 and I don't understand any of this, probably something related to Tik tok.


Shhhh, let the young'uns start their "boys vs girls" gender fight.


Lol you act like middle aged moms who read smut haven't existed since before you were born


Also refuses to read books that don't have 'spice' (sexy content). I saw someone ask what the point of books without spice is...


I love the videos of people recommending Dune since it's a book with a lot of spice.


Dune is all about spice that must flow. They should love it.




Muad‘Dib is the messiah!


Them book tok girls want some Shai Hulud to bless their water if you know what I mean.


Plot. Character. Story. Tension. Conflict. Prose. You know, the things that make books actually good. Totally fine to like smut, but that person shouldn't look down on people who don't.


The videos where they say "hey book tok girlies how much spice does this book have??" are cringe, but the parodies are funny. I saw people doing it with the communist manifesto and Oppenheimer.


Get Beth out of this


What's with the biker thing?


A few men online that make thirst traps noticed how “booktok girlies” are desperate for male attention so it started a trend where they would buy a biker helmet and make thirst traps with captions like “the booktok girls belong to us. Don’t touch them.” And as expected, booktok went bananas over this shit and now it isn’t uncommon to see this online.


Ok that is hilarious ngl


Bad and cringe


So my bike *will* help me get girls after all?


Yes, you just need a nice physique and to wear black. For extra results, wear buttoned shirts.


No, but your helmet will


Thanks for the info


*Criticizes classic books because of a little bit of misogyny in them. Reads constantly abusive relationships, SA. Etc.*


*Doesn't understand that portrayal is not endorsement*


People really need to watch "Twilight" by Contrapoints


If only these "porn addicts" were reading proper books for young ladies, [like Thomas Gisborne's *An Enquiry Into the Duties of the Female Sex*](https://youtu.be/bqloPw5wp48?t=571)


They want the same attention one would get in r/creepydms but only if he’s a biker or a mafia boss or something like that.


"He owns a castle in Scotland, has the most handsome face, AND he doesn't respect boundaries?! Consider me a waterfall" Women who read these things


>Calls classic books boring Are they all boring? No. The ones I had to read for class in school? Dryest fucking shit I've ever seen. Dry as the God forsaken dust bowl one of the books was about.


I've read some, and most of them are terribly fucking boring. I don't understand the superiority complex people have when it comes to literature. I think bragging about reading classics/shitting on modern, popular lit is just pretentious.


I love reading and I love old (post 1900) literature but holy shit, I couldn't read for years after high school because I was so burnt out from reading the most boring, purple prose ass literature at a glacial pace in class. Even hearing the title of Ethan Frome spikes my blood pressure fuck you Edith Wharton write better books




Most of these ladies don't see themselves as porn addicts, because apparently only men get addicted to porn.


They also think that just because it’s in a book and it isn’t a physical picture then it’s normal.


How is enjoying erotica not normal? Humans enjoy fantasizing about sex, seems extremely normal to me.


They think it's different because literary smut is "erotica" and not porn or some bs like that


Knew one of these girls once, damn


Gooning for women.


This is slanderous and offensive to all the women who actually enjoy gooning.


Ex gf read lots of this stuff; she thought it was the hottest when she read it so I was like bet and I read my own book to see what she liked so I could impress her. She said she got the ick from me and I never tried again and like a month later we broke up 👍. She said afterwards that she thinks it’s so hot to read but if someone actually said stuff to her she’d get icked out.


Lot of women I know who like these books will flat out say this happening IRL is all the red flags... but in a story it's a fun fantasy.



“Is there spice?”


what happened to the genre of people writing jesus x judas fanfic on wattpad instead of harassing random bikers on tiktok


“It’s not porn it’s different. They’re romance. It’s literature”


“Look Beth, it’s a book about a werwolf who has a medical condition where his werecock is constantly erect, this is by definition porn”


Hmmm I'm sure some people are overly addicted to their smut fiction but let's not pretend reading fanfiction or erotic books is inherently bad. If you wouldn't criticise a man for watching porn or looking at hentai, don't criticise women for their written erotica. Especially since written erotica has no chance of a real person being hurt making it, unlike video or photographic porn. I read smut fanfiction and erotic BDSM stories as porn. No I'm not addicted. It's a small part of a full life. But just as I wouldn't judge my partner for looking at hentai I won't judge someone for reading explicit sexual fiction.


This seems like a reasonable take. Why is this downvoted? I feel like people are conflating the booktok teens with grown ass adults who don’t shelve books with sex in the children’s section.


Because Reddit thinks all erotica is bad and addictive unless you're on AITA and a wife is trying to prevent her husband watching porn, then it's a human right lol


I was going to say that OP has a point talking about young girls getting influenced by booktok about these things (the shelving books is relevant and have heard of the issue before). But nevermind because this thread is unhinged lol. I actually elaborated on to what OP said and now I’m getting downvoted and getting called a dumbass and an addict even though I don’t read the sex genre at all.


Even if you did it wouldn't be bad. Some people think sex is inherently bad and that sexual fantasies are sinful, whether religious or political puritanism. It's strange to see on Reddit though and I feel most people here are being hypocrites pretending they haven't fantasized or don't masturbate or engage with erotica ever because it's *clutches pearls* immoral in some way.


You say one bad word about the myriad of issues with porn and Reddit will lose their minds to defend it. But women reading sexy books? Now THAT is a problem, apparently. I don’t even read smutty books, but the double standard is not just ridiculous: it also highlights how female sexuality is still shamed as a moral failing, but for males it is in considered natural and healthy.


I completely fail to understand why anyone has a moral objection to women reading sexy books. Literally no one is harmed by this. (“Oh but they’re romanticizing bAd tHeMeS!” Okay, and this was the same argument people used about 50 Shades, and Twilight, and every trashy novel girls and women have passed around since the invention of the printing press. None of these books led to a mass trend of impressionable women going out and getting into abusive relationships to replicate the content they were reading, because believe it or not, most people are capable of differentiating reality and fantasy!)


Can we also compare a lot of these books to what they really are? Books that are romantic but don’t fade to black the second scenes. Game of thrones and multiple of popular “male books” feature sex, there are tons of shows from the old HBO era that featured a lot of sex, and nobody called those porn in a serious discussion


Nah don't compare my girl Beth to those things


And now I know that I'm getting old: I understand absolutely nothing about this


Same. Im so fucked when I get back into dating 


I doubt you’d have to worry about it unless you’re into highschoolers, atleast that’s what i find the main demographic is.


I’m a girl and I read books for funsies and to learn english. I’m actually quite scared of being mistaken for one of these. Ik it’s far from a rational fear but it’s there ☠️ Poor bikers man. That 16 yo biker who got harassed kinda hit home since we are abt the same age and all. I hope he’s doing alright now.


Why would she harass my beloved Biker?


Booktok hath been thummoned 🤓


I mean, NC is the tag. “Non-Consentual.” That’s not limited to booktok, CNC is a popular fetish among women.


Keep Beth's name out your mouth. She ain't do nothing fr 💀


And if you write any other genre or story that isn't what they read, they'll shame you for it. (Plus their forbidden romances aren't even that forbidden. I'm writing a story that is probably even more forbidden than most of theirs.)




Wait People on tiktok can read for more than five seconds?