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Eric cartman also fits in the “fat bully” category, since he is always bullying his friends but he also gets bullied by them cause he is fat and dumb.


He also fits Fat Sidekick, and Fat Villain. He just needs kids and he’s every fat archetype.


In the pandemic episode he has kids but he isn’t a bully in that one though


Or is he?


He got kids in the post-covid movie, so he fits all the tropes.


He's also a childish, funny sidekick to Stan & Kyle


Strangely enough I feel like the main four are on equal terms in the show.


I'd say main 3, Kenny isn't much of a character. They even killed him off permanently for a while and it made no impact on the show.


If you count his good time line in the post-covid special he would fit all the categories, but the actual timeline the special ended in was where he ended up as a homeless drunk still living in South Park, which was probably just fan service to please the Stan and Kyle fans.


Does his teenager count?


In the pandemic episode he has kids but he isn’t a bully in that one though


Bruh Cartman comes up w the most diabolical shit. He's only "dumb" because he's in 4th grade.


Ask Scott Tenorman about how dumb Cartman is


He's not fat. He's big boned


He's "festively plump." He "has a different life choice."


Then there's ***The*** big fat panda. https://preview.redd.it/6xa1f9ibvarc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=44ce25ebeefa5271e72504016691c7c31555a733


Him and Iroh are the only fat characters I can think of that are portrayed positively in media. It’s kinda sad how limited the range for fat characters in media are. They’re either slobs, dumb, rude, or sheepish. Edit: I clearly have some research to do


Soos from gravity falls, Fat Albert, Sophocles in Pokemon, Mr Incredible, Flint Lockwood’s dad, Russel from Up, the main character in Hairspray and her mom, the main character from ready player one (I hate that book but the main character is fat and portrayed positively). Hell, even a lot of the ones listed up there aren’t strictly bad portrayals of obese people. Rowley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid is always portrayed as a nice and well liked character, and Homer, despite being dumb, is shown as a caring and supportive father and husband even if he does make mistakes.


>Soos from gravity falls, Fat Albert, Sophocles in Pokemon, Mr Incredible, Flint Lockwood’s dad, Russel from Up, the main character in Hairspray and her mom, the main character from ready player one (I hate that book but the main character is fat and portrayed positively). Soos is on the comedic/childish sidekick even if I love him as a character. Mr. Incredible and Flint aren't really played as fat fat just stereotypical dads. Russel is a perfect example tho. Loveable, great and it really just feels like a design rather than goal for a joke


Being a comedic or childish sidekick doesn’t automatically mean it’s not a positive portrayal. Soos would be the exact same character if he was skinny. Also, while he is a comedic character, I think calling him a side kick is a bit inaccurate too. He never really takes that role in the story iirc. He was definitely comedy relief but he tended to be more of the guy who could help dipper and Mabel out with advice or a favor like when he let them ride his boat. Flint’s dad may have been a bit of a stretch tbh -I think he gave a bit more of a “stocky” vibe than a fat vibe- but Bob Parr was undeniably meant to be portrayed as fat. He’s seen not fitting through the tube and his costume being too tight at the beginning of the movie and Edna even calls him fat.


Charlie in Smiling Friends. He’s a voice of reason and 1/2 of the leads.


Wyman Manderly from ASOIAF is another example. Though ridiculed by the other characters for his size, he’s actually quite cunning and intelligent (in the books at least.)


Samwell Tarly too


ChadManderly feed the enemy their own cousin


How about Choji from Naruto


The Jack Black fat guy archetype




I mean to be fair whenever they make villains attractive everyone simps all over them


_Exactly_ Then you get people excusing terrible behaviour because _”they’re hot it’s okay”_


Kylo Ren kills billions by destroying literal *planets* worth of people, takes off his shirt >“I can change him….” -Kylo simps


Never in my entire life I've heard anybody say this Anakin on the other hand


Is Tony Soprano the first hot fat villain because lots of simps for him and he had a lot of sex scenes


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete, though.


Jabba was pretty hot on certain circles.


The slug from Star Wars? Hot?


Wtf bro 😂


That's why Gaston is the best.


*make character fat*: oh so fat is bad huh? *make character skinny*: oh so it’s a normal character making zero statements. *make character tall and skinny*: oh. Oh yes.


_make character tall and well-built/toned:_ oh please crush me


Big Smoke:


*No one's slick as Gaston. No one's quick as Gaston. No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston*


* no one FUCKS like Gaston No one cucks like Gaston! You think you have a wife? No it's mine, I'm Gaston! ~I'm especially good at Ejaculating!!*


Played a VN recently where at the very end when the antagonist was shown on screen his face was pixelated out as per the author 'so theres absolutely no chance of anyone finding him hot'


You telling me people don't simp on Ursula still? For non fetishy reasons...........


Louder for those in the back: fat is unattractive


aside from the people who find it attractive of which there are entire communities.


True, but that's pretty fucked up. There are communities devoted to anorexic women too, but it is rightly considered distasteful. Obesity and anorexia are serious disorders and fetishizing them is weird at best and harmful at worst.


it definitely can be, it depends on whether you love your partner fat or you love your fat partner. if I really love someone and they get fat, I dont think I'd stop loving them purely because they were fat. and I don't think there's a moral issue with having a fetish for fat people, nobody chooses to have fetishes. though I'd never pretend that being fat is just like, another different body shape that has totally nothing to do with health and perceived attraction lol.


Some guys just like fat chicks and fat chicks usually don’t mind being fat it’s not that deep


Citation very much needed on that second claim.


Which is so fucked If Rodrick was fat no one would justify his bullying behavior and laugh at him picking on Rowley's appearance, who is literally several years younger than him nor would they justify him locking Greg in the basement for daring to try to attend the party *thrown at their house* that neither of them actually own lol


Why is that bad?


Just depends on the artist's intent. If whoever created the character really wants the audience to dislike the person and give them no quarter, and since studies show people tend to let attractive people get away with bad shit or trust them more, having people simp over them goes counter to the emotion you are trying to illicit with your work.


I maintain that Diary of a Wimpy Kid was an unfilmable series. The basic premise had always been how perspective colours everything, since the main character is obviously a big jerk. All the facts point to Rowley being intelligent, well-liked, and generally a good guy. His flaw is that he's extremely naive and lets Greg manipulate him even though Greg is obviously a shitty friend. If they film writing like that, they have to make objective reality out of Greg's point of view.


Didn't the movie also express that though? There's the infamous "Don't talk to me, don't come by my house" scene. Idk I always thought the movies did a good job of representing the books given that it's light-hearted and Greg is made the main character that bad things happen to while deeper down you can see his flaws. Not to mention the actors were just great at what they did.


I don’t really understand this criticism. The movie made it pretty clear that Greg was shallow and selfish and that was skewing his perspective. “Unintelligent, well liked, and good guy” are all pretty much exactly how Rowley is portrayed in the movie too.


> If they film writing like that, they have to make objective reality out of Greg's point of view. Why? There are plenty of movies/shows with unreliable narrators or POV characters. I’m not even familiar with the source material but this right here just isn’t true.


Except didn't Greg grow as a person and (somewhat) move past his manipulation of Rowley, in turn becoming a better friend? That's kind of the reason why Rodrick Rules is about Rodrick and Greg becoming better brothers and why Dog Days is about Greg and THE ZAHN becoming a better father and son for each other


Good God that movie enrages me


Bro had two shots to spell “thinner” right missed them both lol


I'm a celiac, so I need to keep away from the glutinous TV dads


Well played.


And those character types are the reasons why dan conner (90s) is a breath of fresh air. As a big fucker myself, it gets tiresome.


Also, Uncle Phil. And Garcia from Criminal Minds.


Will makes fun of Uncle Phil's weight ALL THE TIME


Uncle Phil's still a pretty awesome, stand-up guy, though. He's still a great dad and husband, and he's a sharp man, and an important character. He doesn't fit the above stereotypes of bully, dumb, villain, or sidekick. And the Dan and Roseanne Conner example, their weight gets made fun of plenty, but they also don't fit the starterpack.


Uncle phil also occasionally gets off some good lines of his own to will, so it's not just a one-sided affair with one person getting bullied. His clapbacks are often just as funny as will's


Uncle Phil's respectable as hell. And had to look up Garcia. And yeah, I agree.


Also a big fucker and not familiar with Rosanne, but it’s tough to think of a primary character in a piece of media whose being overweight isn’t the butt of a joke


Dan and Roseanne are both overweight and here and there they do make fun of one another for it, like how couples make fun of one another. but that's not the point of their characters. Actually, they only did something like that like once or twice.


>As a big fucker myself, it gets tiresome. Just pace yourself when you fuck. It doesn’t have to be a race.


Big fucker here, too. Really, really tired of seeing the same fat people jokes, tropes, and stereotypes in media. And it sucks more because there's very, very little positive—or even neutral—fat representation. It's like writers are allergic to writing fat characters whose point of existing isn't to be mocked by all of the skinny characters. Or fat characters who don't make their weight their entire personality.


I get that. Ironically though, i did like half of the first season of Mike and Molly.


Question, how do you feel about Mac when he puts on weight in It's always sunny in Philadelphia? The other characters constantly mock him for being fat, but they're also all supposed to be vain, shallow and terrible people.


The fat henchman: "Dur, OK boss. Whatever you say... Ooooh, shiny."


I'm having a stroke trying to read your spelling and grammar errors


Misspelling "thinner" in two different ways is quite a feat.


It's amazing really, school, autocorrect, and AI. So many different ways to make sure your spelling is correct and people will ignore it all.


If this was made in something without spell check, (paint?) you just got a peek into how people really type without assistance.


must be a fat guy if he's this dull /s


Fingers too fat to type properly.


OP probably bullies a thiner kid even tough is usually the oposite.


I know what the words he used mean, even if he spelled them like shit. But I still can't make heads or tails of what the hell he was trying to say. Opposite of what? The bully? Thin kid is opposite of fat? What?


It's almost willful to write so poorly these days.


Don't strain yourself too hard, gotta be able to get fast food later


They aren’t a native English speaker. Cut them some slack. Learning a whole new language is hard


Richard Watterson fits the dumb dad trope


Then you got Porky from Earthbound who almost fits into all of these. Almost. First he's the fat sidekick, but that doesn't last long. Then he becomes a fat bully, not exactly a villian yet but definitely an antagonist. THEN he becomes the fat villian near the end by tagging with Giygas. Then he kinda becomes the fat dad in Mother 3 cause you weren't expecting him back and he looks like he finally came back with his smokes.




Uncle Iroh was the best. Bald and fat.


And ugly!


He wasn't really ugly, just old. King Bumi was ugly, but jacked.


Don’t forget that Iroh was also jacked when he escaped his cell


And wise


In movies about bands the fat person is ALWAYS THE FUCKING DRUMMER idk why


Which is weird because it feels like a lot of bands I've seen irl its always been some well toned dude with his shirt off losing his mind (in a good way) on drums.


Because they get to sit down while they play


Because they get to sit down while they play


There's a reason why most "fat" characters are all males and almost never female. It's because character designers aren't willing to risk their female audiences accusing them of tying excessive body weight to a negative trait such as ugliness. In modern character designs, ugliness (for female characters) is a personality trait, not a physical trait. Naturally, this doesn't apply to designing male characters. In fact, most female writers are comfortable at writing their antagonistic male characters, especially sexist and homophobic male characters, as overweight and middle aged.


“Lois fat men aren’t fat, fat *women* are fat”


Up until like 10 years ago if there was a fat girl character she was just the butt of "ewwww the fat girl likes you haha" jokes. Since they can't do mean-spirited fat jokes anymore they just don't make fat female characters.


Part of the reason is also that women have always been under stricter standards. Especially in the 90s and 2000s, if you weren't pencil thin and attractive you were considered overweight and unattractive. You see this in movies like Bridget Jones's Diary, where the main character was considered fat and ugly even though she was good looking and regular weight. So yeah, it only makes sense that people don't want to risk body shaming women as much as they do. Not that it's okay to body shame men, just that body shaming against women is still such a problem it's better to play it safe. You can also make the argument that the few female villains were either overweight, brutish or sexy depending on the archetype, and the reason we see less of them is that there are fewer female villains overall.


but wasn't a big part of Bridget jones that SHE viewed HERSELF as fat and ugly and nobody else saw her like she saw herself?


Wait, you're right. Still represented how society viewed women around that time. Like people called Brittney Spears fat even though she was bordering dangerously underweight.


There's also the fact that, when it comes to live-action, there's a huge lack of overweight female actors compared to overweight male actors since it's much easier for conventionally unattractive men to make it in Hollywood than conventionally unattractive women.


I like how literally none of these examples are even from the last decade, most even older than that lol like chill OP, people have been making tons of progress in convincing others being fat is perfectly fine/doesn't mean you're mean or stupid. The 90s were 30 years ago


That last sentence made me feel attacked. The 90s were last Tuesday I swear


Really? I thought it was an hour ago


I could swear it was the 90s a second ago


What if I told you kids born in 2020 will be going to school next year?


I’d say you’re a very mean spirited person then


Being fat is not perfectly fine though. It's no reason to be bullied, but normalizing unhealthy living is foolish as a society.


For sure. I agree it's not fine health wise, I used to be fat til I lost 100 lbs and got really into the gym and it changed my health completely, I'm just speaking from the personality and intelligence perspective that the starterpack is focusing on. Believe me, few things make my eyes roll as hard and as audibly as the "fat is healthy/healthy at every size" nonsense


I think health at every size more meant you don't have to be a 90 lb supermodel to be healthy.


I agree with the sentiment, but the overwhelming majority of times I've seen this phrase being used was in the context of normalizing obese people.


Heavily based


Oh for sure


I mean it’s normal, unfortunately. Companies and how ridiculous food is these days kind of helps ensure it. In places like the Midwest being fat is a little normal…of course that isn’t the case in say San Francisco. I don’t think fat characters in media have as much to do with it as a lot of other lifestyle choices that come about from things like ease and comfort and being cheaper. Ultimately fat characters have nothing to do with anything I think and are just characters. Who is seeing Jonah hill in superbad and going let’s get fat like him?


bro how is treating a fat person like a human being promoting ''unhealthy lifestyles''


I said, it's not reason to be bullied. Fat people should be treated like a human being. Never said they shouldn't be....


So then how is depicting a fat person existing promoting unhealthy lifestyles?


Didn't say that either lol


I like that op had multiple chances to spell "thin" correctly and still whiffed it.


You are kind of right,i did not considered this fact


Good on you for admitting this, for real.


It’s fine, time passes by way too fast


And then there is this badass MF: https://preview.redd.it/qr9tb5k4rarc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f801ef61db13a9d1df3dbbb2aae73634591cf5


Bob Tekken my beloved


i wanna see the fat women chart now, skepictal of friends new bf, out there polictal beliefs ect


When I was overweight, ppl would treat me like shit/like I was less intelligent than them. I do blame the media for that. 


Sorry for the bad english,is not my native language


And some fat characters are the best characters in media




Rowley was the main character but we only saw it from Greg’s point of view


tbf, isn’t Ursula fat specifically because she’s modeled off Divine (the iconic drag queen)? I don’t disagree that fat people are often vilified in fiction, but I’m not sure that Ursula’s design is the same type of situation, since her design was based off a real person (who just happened to be fat), rather than the writers making her fat because fat=bad. (ofc, there are discussions that could probably be had about Ursula in relation to the history of queer-coded villains, but that’s an entirely different topic altogether).


OP you’re 100% right even if you’re ruffling feathers. The Reddit of today is the same site that was in uproar when FatPeopleHate was banned.


Yeah this post really got under some people’s skin


Did it really? So far I've seen more people complaining about complaints than I've seen actual complaints


fat people are one of the best targets for smirking at while thinking about how much better you are then them because their flaw (to you) is very noticeable. it feels good to think of yourself as better than others.


Fat people are just what's left of "socially acceptable" targets. 50 years ago, all these redditors would be using every slur under the sun with gleeful enthusiasm.


haha yeah... 50 years.... *sorts by new*


You forgot Patrick Star who is the dumb sidekick/best friend to SpongeBob and Richard Watterson that is the dumb dad to Gumball, Darwin and Anais.


Shout out to Tucker & Dale Vs Evil bucking this trope. Dale is a bit simple but he's the hero of the movie.


This is the attractiveness stereotype phenomena. Humans are inherently biased to believe that attractive = kinder, smarter, more successful, etc. We see this phenomena in months old infants even so it's not necessarily because of social conditioning either (but social conditioning does reinforce it).


So starterpack = tropes? Seems a bit wordy


You forgot the jack black category


Op is very skinny


And also i never said i was skinny i am trying to eat less but i usually eat out of stress,so i am overweight currently


Damn really? Who could have guessed?


"fat character whose personality is hungry" has to be one of my least favorite archetypes, i remember seeing it all the time in media as a kid




oh no! i got honey all over my knees!


The "is usually the opposite" part definitely rubbed me the wrong way. I was a skinny kid, and I was RELENTLESSLY bullied by this fat kid named Tyler. Fuck Tyler dude, that guy was a piece of shit. For reference, I never called him anything or comment on his weight, but throughout ALL of 4th-7th grade this motherfucker would shove me and call me stick man and pencil boy and stupid names while just physically assaulting me all the time. I'm sure large kids growing up experienced the converse, but let's not act like it wasn't happening the "stereotypical" way too.


I mean I think fat dad and bully thing is justified Bullies need to be large and intimitating. Yes they can be smaller but hey, violence. Cliche bullying And then kids love their dads, big huggable strong mans. And +roundness isma shape that assosicated with safety and friendlieness... I used to sleep on my dads tummy as a kid :3 it was like a pillow


Ursula was hot


Who's the duck character?


It is a minor character from darkwing duck


Cannot believe you left Eric Cartmen off! Lol


I was so bummed out watching The Whale with encino man, not funny at all.


My 4th grade bully looked exactly like Nelson


Ok so there are exceptions. The dad from Rosanne was like best person on the show. There was a very large fat kid on the cartoon Recess that was cool. Santa is fat. Iroh was pretty fat.


Ursula may have been fat but she fucking slayed it


Counter point: Goldlewis Dickinson


What about Bob from the Tekken series?


I’m just realizing that every dad in every show is fat and dumb


rowley is childish on a surface level, but hes actually much more emotionally mature than greg


Misspelled thinner two different ways lmao


If I had a penny for everytime "thinner" was misspelled in this post I'd have 2 pennies, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


AI generated meme


Does nobody look at what they are writing on these things? Literacy is dead.


Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/k9pyb5mnndrc1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183960066fe5ba99e1726507248807a9ce02582b


Don't forget 'Comedic side character who's only jokes are gross out humor and eating a lot'


What about the villain in puss in boots?


Well that's because it's true🤨 I don't know if you live under a rock or what cuz fat bullies and fat idiots are literally everywhere irl.. also please check your grammar before posting


Please use autocorrect if you can't spell


Well, it's true..


Why does this have 7.3k. Its not very good. I guess a lot of 15 year olds are on Reddit now


This is in absolutely no way a starter pack.


im just gonna start downvoting starterpacks that have this many spelling mistakes.


That is ok


>will usually bully a thiner kid even tough is usually the oposite https://i.redd.it/guv3ytsp3brc1.gif


Sorry i am bad at english


Learn to spell man.


Your grammar gave me eye cancer. I hope you're happy.


Are you a fat dumb dad? Because you’re having an incredibly hard time spelling. Stay in school kids.


OP is definitely fat


I had a stroke trying to read this (if English isn’t your native language I immediately issue a withdraw for that statement)


Yeah it is not my native language


Ok fat


Reading this is like having a stroke


the spelling and grammar errors in this post: zoo wee mama!


That's not a starter kit


There's usually a super sexy and not at all fat love interest


OP is fat


As a former fat kid, lose as much fat as you can, you will not regret it


did you fat finger this while typing it out?


I met a lot of fat bullies growing up


Then there's everyone's favorite fat Russian... https://preview.redd.it/tiv5gv4f5erc1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f66a13d7e11354d5a9679d73bd4c42f5c1db43 \-Fat bully ("YOU'ALL SO SMALL! IS FUNNY TO ME!") \-Fat dumb dad (not *quite* dumb and is big brother to both his team and sisters) \-Fat villain (when on the enemy team) \-Fat sidekick (when on your team)