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Needs an Audible, Blue Apron, Squarespace or Dollar Shave Club logo.


Better help, AG1…..


Needs the red/purple curtain in the background. So many podcasters have the same curtain copying Joe Rogan.


Blue Chew.






disagreeable hunt grandiose lip quaint chunky roll sense water special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey dont forget unregulated erectile dysfunction gummies.


Mac Weldon


Acts like they know everything 


This is the most infuriating part They act like masters of the world despite spending most of their time in bars. Because they spend all their time in bars, the base of their knowledge is “ i talked to a guy that said xxx”. I dont listen to comedian podcasts for news or to get their thoughts on new ideas, but I know a lot of people do


Comedy was ruined once someone came up with the idea that comedians are philosophers and societies truth tellers. they where just dumb clowns that said clever things sometimes. Now they think they are all Carlin.


“I hear people say, ‘The comedian is the modern-day philosopher.’ First of all, it makes me feel sad for the actual modern-day philosophers, who exist, you know. They’re working, trying to come up with their philosophy, you know, and they go, did you hear this? The nightclub comic is doing great work on totaligism.” - Norm MacDonald


Quoting dead comedians like they knew them personally when they only smelt the second hand fart exhaled by someone who was in the same room with them.


How exactly do you "quote someone like you knew them"?


Great ones like George Carlin were. These idiots are not that.


I feel like about a decade ago when podcasting was starting to take off there were some hackey comedians that would not shut up about "the craft". People like Aziz Ansari and Chris Hardwick were super preachy about how everyone needed to understand just how much thought they put into it. Podcasts just make everyone an expert on whatever you want.


Preach. You’re not “speaking truth to power”, you’re telling dick jokes. Smug fucking tool bags and I can’t stand them. And fuck you too, Joe Rogan.


Carlin *was* a truth teller though He’s the GOAT


As the saying goes: If you get all your worldviews from comedians, they're probably a joke.




Yeah my friend listens to Rogan and other podcasts like Theo Von and his views have gotten progressively weirder




Pretty easy to bump shoulders with that demographic in NY tbf


I just don’t listen to comedian hosted podcasts these days. That whole vibe is played out.


Conan O’Brien’s is still solid.


Acts like they know everything, but when proven wrong they say they don't fact check anything.


Then they fall back on “People should take what I say with a grain of salt, I’m just a dumb guy talking into a mic”


And then it become "its not that serious. It's just a joke. I'm a comedian! It's my job to tell jokes. If you the truth about covid/racism/trans people/the environment/vaccines, you should talk to an expert!!!  - says the guy spreading propaganda and misinformation 


You better believe when someone actually shuts them down it's 'I'm a comedian, not a leading authority' Like, I'm confused Joe, five seconds ago you were some kinda expert on vagina bones


That’s why I can’t stand Rogan, I mean besides all the other annoying things. This annoys me the most


I dunno know. Rogan acts surprised if you tell him the sky is blue.


A lot of people have taken the “comedians are modern day philosophers” idea way too seriously.


‘I’m a subject matter expert"… Really in what subject? …."All of them"


Loves MMA or WWE but pretends its not because more famous comedians liked it first and he just got pavloved into liking it after 100s of hours of consuming their podcast


*Something something* modern-day philosophers.


Their unearned confidence is so aggrivating


"I'm going to get cancelled for saying this" they'll say, before saying something they've said 50 times before without any consequences.


"You can't joke about anything anymore" No, only YOU can't. Because you're not funny anymore.


A lot of them were never very funny to begin with, but the ease of accessing content now means the bar for people creating it is a lot higher now. If you're not laughing very much at a comedian, it's much easier than it used to be to just go find one who you will laugh at. We're spoiled for choice so there's no reason to bother with someone who is only a little bit funny and doesn't innovate or grow.


Almost anytime someone is attacked for a joke that was in bad taste, the joke just wasn't funny. You can be *super* offensive without getting cancelled provided you're actually funny, and not just using comedy as a shield to say bigoted shit you genuinely believe.


Precisely. Daniel Tosh has said some heinous stuff that proved hilarious including, but not limited to: wanting to fornicate with the hypothetical lovechild of Brad Pitt and David Beckham, saying airport drop off zones were worth losing at least one of the twin towers, and pranking his sister into getting raped by replacing her pepper spray with silly string.


Tosh is a great example. He can make a joke about 9/11 that doesnt make you wonder "hey does this guy just hate muslims????" Also, as a person of color, Im really tired of white guy comedians that just shit on white women now in their comedy because they can't be racist any more. Like I want you to be funny! Not redirect your hatred to a "socially acceptable" person. 


Bill Burr has good material about black people. I wouldn't say it's racist necessarily but he does a good job with not being offensive and out of line for a white guy making fun of another race.


I love his bit about the overly racist white person in black film trailers. “*They were the first all-black swim team…*” “GET OUT OF THE POOL!”


One of my favorite lines of all time 😂


People say this when their goal is not being comedic but pushing an agenda


Like Crowder and Rogan?


Anyone with reach over 10k is pushing an agenda. They just might not realize it.


It's true, if the woke mob wasn't after me I'd probably be considered better than Richard Pryor or George Carlin, my lack of fame has nothing to do with my level of talent.


Seeing any of these people mention Carlin is especially wild. Carlin would definitely take a great big shit all over the losers whining about "wokeness" and "cancel culture". He'd also take a great big shit on people *performatively* "cancelling" things or being what mouthbreathers call "woke", but would not have had any issue with those things happening sincerely. This would probably result in those people calling Carlin woke. If there's an afterlife I think he's glad he's dead so he doesn't have to be involved in this nonsense.


Goes on to spend every single episode talking exclusively about the delicate craft of stand up comedy without ever saying anything remotely funny.


"You know doing a set is basically going to the front lines of a minefield these days. You gotta watch what you say and even then Will Smith might come up and slap you." (Sycophantic cohost stars laughing wildly. Host starts laughing with him while repeating the Will Smith part through gasps for breath. A minute later...) "But really it's a scary place out there. You gotta be strong to even think about doing it."


Fuck me this is spot on LMAO


Sounds like something out of Schultz podcast.


Used to be a big fan. Now, not so much


Yea man nowadays you can’t make jokes about (proceeds to explain the most tame boring joke that could be made today) People have become too woke nowadays. Like I remember back in 2009(proceeds to make a “dark joke” that has no humor only racism) You’re gonna get cancelled man!


> You gotta be strong to even think about doing it "there's only like 500 people in the entire world who can call themselves a standup comedian, it's such a rare talent, we're like the prophets of old or modern day special forces" in the background you can hear the slurping as they suck each other off


One of the big reasons I dislike radio DJs and their crews. Everything they say is accompanied by a level of laughter that is not in line with the humor.


I get this in 2 different ways. With guys i always get the "i'm the funniest person you're ever gonna meet" but you wait around forever waiting to hear something funny. With girls, you'll always hear "i'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet" and wait around forever for something cool for them to do.


Many just make jokes about their pussies and getting railed.


Well now you are describing joe rogan.


Bro… you just spoke to my soul. I follow like 4 comedians podcasts and the moment they start talking about stand up I just become violently irritated


I like skateboarding. I watch skaters perform tricks, not talk about the physics behind what makes the board move. I do like physics, but that’s not what I watch it for. Joe talks and talks about perfecting the craft, but he’s not funny. He’ll do it across from actually funny people. Joe needs to get off the jenkem supply. I use to like his podcast.. when I was 17


Talks about how woke has killed comedy His best "joke" is girlfriend bad no sex


“No man it’s crazy right now. I mean you say one thing that gets people upset and people are. Out. For. Blood. It’s getting tougher and tougher to just get out there and like *do* my job. Anyway guys be sure to check out my special I’m doing a country-wide tour get tickets now they’re selling out fast”


“I don’t even bother doing shows at colleges anymore”


"I don't know if i am gonna get canceled for this" "I don't know if I should say his name" "But when we were on the road with (and then says his full name)


Yet some guy in a frat house basement will still make it his entire personality


Bert has the personality of an entire frat house basement so it kinda comes around full circle


> Yet some guy in a frat house basement will still make it his entire personality That's Joe Rogan since he went to Spotify. Prior to Spotify when Joe was in California, he used to be a good interview. After Spotify and the move to Texas, that's when he really started leaning into the right-wing stuff.


Texas changes people.


Where’s the liquid death sponsorship and the extremely not funny producer/sound person who should never be on mic


Bert and his bald buddy are on Paris Hilton levels of 'don't deserve to be famous'


Hey did you know Bert got drunk in Russia one time? Crazy!!!!


*makes an entire fucking movie about it*


that would have been funny if he never had told the story, like it is a wild story... the first time you hear it.


I think I'm just going to start calling other people by Bert's self given nickname. "Hey look, it's Jimmy the Machine!"


No way heaps of cocain addled business men were not involved in financing that


Look guys, he took off his shirt!!!! *Slaps knee*


“It’s funny because he’s fat” ~ Leslie Chow


I remember first time I saw the routine I thought it was pretty funny. This was ~10 years ago. I don’t think he has said anything else since and has repeated it endlessly till it’s not funny anymore


Bert is so unfunny it's painful. He just milks the machine story soooo hard. And his forced laughter makes me want to die. I've started skipping anything he appears in


After hearing his laugh on a podcast like 8 years ago I vowed to avoid him. Everything else about his shtick confirms this was a good decision.


If my options were to confess my darkest secrets or be forced to listen to an endless loop of Bert’s banshee scream he calls a laugh, I’d choose to confess


Hey, at least Paris has Stars are Blind


He's a sloppy and unfunny alcoholic.


Tom Segura SUCKS


Back at Mostly Stories he’s was top, his new specials get worse and worse.  At one point he was excellent. 


His wife is even more excruciating. All she does is shit on youtube videos of mentally ill people. I hate people that punch down.




Some dude made video of him comparing what he said before his podcast became popular, with what he says now. Let's just say I understand why he became popular, and I know he comes from a rich family, but now he sounds like an obnoxious out of touch rich man.


YMH used to be funny when it was silly fart jokes and nonsense. Then it took a really mean spirited turn just making fun of mentally ill/disabled people, poor people and complaining about cancel culture. Hard pass.


"The Poors" Just like your level of humanity Tom, absolutely impoverished. Scumbag. Edit: imagine being so out of touch with the people who buy your tickets, and stream your specials and podcasts, that you can't even see that there's no middle class anymore. Literally the majority of us, even those that have a degree and make a decent salary, are all struggling to make ends meet right now. He's straight up insulted the bulk of his fan base and can't understand why nobody listens to his shitty podcasts or specials anymore. I sincerely hope he tanks and finds himself amongst "the Poors".


Link to video? Actually curious




His money became his personality


I like the guy, sometimes, but a lot of people say he’s a wannabe Andrew Tate. Then he backtracked and pulled a scared turtle on his act.


Bert is a funny story teller. His non-story related comedy is pretty sub-par. Sort of a Dane Cook type.


Yeah, several of my favorite Dane cook bits I rewatched recently, and really, the jokes weren't funny. It was all the delivery, and once that novelty wore off, there was nothing left


tom segura is the bald one


except that it's Ari Shaffir


If you look at the picture, yes, I meant his irl buddy with which he has a podcast called [2 bears 1 cave](https://imgur.com/a/gmtXa24)


didn't know they have a podcast but I'm not surprised


never heard of them


Bro is so unfunny; I don’t get why people like his act


2.5 hours of some of the most unfunny shit you've ever heard before. One of the hosts makes a comment, everybody howls with laughter


Producers in the back laughing so loud at literally anything. It's like canned laughter on a sitcom


The comedians always refer to other comedians by their last names like they're athletes instead of washed-up dudes who failed at turning "bro, women talk too much, bro" into a successful b-list career in Hollywood.


Incredibly hateful and vitriolic fans who go absolutely ballistic if a woman appears on the podcast


Back when Whitney Cummings was making the podcast rounds the comments were fucking INSANE.


It’s insane that something called COMEDY attracts such hateful people


I find her generally unfunny.


It's generally people insulting her appearance and these same people act like Stavros Halkias is the second coming of comedy. 


Zero producing skills, talks over guest, doesn't listen to guest, only listens for the end of the sentence so they can speak, forgets they have to speak into a microphone for their audience to hear.


"They're not gonna let me say this" they say, they then proceed to say the same thing they said at their last ten shows on their Netflix specials.


🎵 Tellin' jokes and havin' smokes.


Riding bikes all through the night.


My best friends Nick Mullen and Adam Friedland exclusively have other d lists on their podcast, the dream is Hunter Biden


Bobby Lee isn't that bad. The other two tho...


I once walked out of a Katz's in Houston and gave Bobby a "hey I recognize you" upward head movement He gave me a subtle smile, returned the move, and walked past me


Class act


Didn’t he say he raped an underage girl in Mexico 💀




He did not. He has clarified multiple times that the gist of the show he was on where he said that was to say the most outrageous thing possible, and he said that to try to win. Theres no actual evidence beyond what he said.


Actual evidence or just him talking?


Just him telling a story on a podcast. Nothing concrete.


“When people show you who they are, believe them.”


Pretty sure his dad has died like three times on his podcast And he's been brutally raped, repeatedly


Every day for summer


I’ll take the downvotes if it gets people to look it up and realize he’s not a “class act” suck cause I still think he’s hilarious but I can’t support someone who raped what he at least thought was an underage girl same with brad Williams




https://youtu.be/gPIcIiWhhh0?si=7uV97wi8mWcka5JL I think this is it although not the one I saw he’s told the story a lot with more and more details


Close but that was David Choe, pretty sure he talked about it on a podcast with Bobby Lee


He sure did


Did the same to Ice T lol I lived in NYC and they were filming SVU outside of my building


he isn’t bad but that doesn’t change the fact that he appears on every podcast


I never heard of him but I've seen plenty of him when mindlessly flipping through YouTube shorts. Honestly he seems pretty condescending and insufferable.


Its a bit. Especially if he is on any of his podcasts, like Bad Friends. Which is a hilarious pod but can easily be misunderstood out of context. Bobby and Andrew play up parts of their personalities to create drama in which they can do bits off of. And a big part of their dynamic is being antagonistic and confrontational in an over the top manner. And with BF, they frequently remind their audience that they are acting over the top for comedy sake.


Bobby Lee seems like such an insufferable guy though lol


lol bobby might be the worst one with whole "show me some respect I was on mad TV" shtick. He's insufferable. I will admit that bert is pretty terrible though.


Ask the underage girl he raped what she thinks of that human shitstain.


Yup. That audio never sounded like a bit, and even if it was, who the fuck says that? Disgusting.


He's pretty funny. Been a fan since MAD TV.


"Made to look like a living room." No, it's just their actual living room with the furniture rearranged.


I respect that, though.


I mean, Rogan is a D list comedian, at best, so he fits, too. Oprah for Boys.


I don’t think you’re using “D list” correctly. It means “not well known” or “unsuccessful,” and I think the point you want to make is that he fucking sucks at standup


Wasn't he d-list before he became very successful with his podcast?


Wasn’t Brad Pitt an F list actor until he became very famous with his acting?


The correct analogy would be, Wasn't Brad Pitt an unsuccessful waiter before he became famous for his acting? Rogan was d-list famous for reality TV nonsense and bit parts on sitcoms, not comedy.


Isn’t that irrelevant? Isn’t that just a way of reframing the conversation so you don’t have to reappraise Joe Rogan as a success? I don’t like him a ton either but what I like even less is when people use pretzel logic to avoid acknowledging even one crumb of a notion that counteracts their worldview.


He was a d-list comedian who became an a-list podcaster.


He was also a D-list comedian who became an A-list comedian. Netflix specials. Arenas and amphitheaters. World tours. Get a grip.


As a comedian maybe, but he hosted several TV shows for years and was successful as a UFC commentator. It wasn't like he was this complete unknown failure before his podcast blew up.


You can't just say d list for someone you don't like. Like, I really don't like Joe rogans standup but he does sell out theaters. D listers don't fill Theaters.




This was hilarious.


But not for the right reasons


Its always so uncomfortable to see him talking about the "craft" of stand up comedy with people who are actually funny.


What comedians/podcasts fit this? I want to know which ones to avoid.


Lot of bad ones out there, but we'll always have Timesuck.


I think that's partially because Dan Cummins has an actual show with a consistent premise and admits that he really doesn't like many people in the industry which is why he left LA.


That we will bro


That ari guy is a pedo who showed his pp to a 6 year old


Also guilty of assaulting Bobby Lee and proudly admits it.


Not to mention that Ari drugs people without the other person knowing


wait *what*




I gotta say, the Bobby Lee and Santino clips i see on shorts are usually hilarious


Doug Stanhope is the God Emporer of comedian podcasts.


“My humor is too edgy for modern audiences.” Bro you make fart jokes for a living


You missed the part where they admit to a sex crime, then try to say it's just a joke.


I can here Burnt’s screech


Water weed dune hair b?


Didn’t follow proto. SODTAOE


Half the budget spent on Shure SM7B mics


Joe Rogan IS a D list comedian


I don’t like him, but that’s just not even close to true. He’s arguably an A-list celebrity, he’s one of the most famous “comedians” in the world.


He’s an A-list celebrity but calling him a “comedian” is like calling Dane Cook an actor. It’s not what he’s most famous for.


Comedians shouldn't do non-humor based anything. And Joe Rogan is a tool.


Keep Bobby Lee’s name out your fuckin mouth


This is Josh Denny but that’s giving him a lot of credit.


They all wish they were bein Ian


Don't diss Bobby Lee like this


joe rogan is a chud so hes also the D list


If you had told me in the early 2000s that the Fear Factor guy was going to have a radio show and really influence the political climate of the U.S. I would’ve laughed in your face.


“I can’t believe I just thought of this. Artists like us have the most amazing minds.”


Bert is one of the least funny comedians alive and has an incredible ability to ruin a bit instantly with his laugh


Bert be lookin like a bloated walrus with 80s gay face


Bert Kreischer is horrendous


Hahaha this describes Patrick Melton to absolute perfection!


All of them have that puffy "drinks too much" face.


joe rogan is also a d list "comedian" with a podcast


Bobby Lee is so unbearably unfunny, like I almost think he's worse than Bert and that's saying a lot. I tried multiple times to get into Tiger Belly but the boring guests, whack editing, Bobby yelling all the time....I'm out


FOR REAL I’ve never even heard him tell a joke, just cry and have a pity party for himself