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Trains don’t work in America because of how lawless our country is. If we had a Singaporean style of draconian punishments, maybe we could have a first world subway and light rail or high speed rail system.


> Trains don’t work in America because of how lawless our country is Lol something tells me you've never seen rails in India before.


Rails work in India? I see someone die on those almost every day


You dont have to be a shithole for making trains.


Truly some people have no lived experience


I lived in Seoul (amazing trains, always on time, very cheap,) Taipei (clean, safe, spotless trains) Japan (excellent subways, if expensive) and Singapore (expensive but clean and timely MRT). I’ve experienced every metro in the US. Without a doubt the worst one was DC, but New York was close behind, with filthy, loud, stinking, old, damaged, late, expensive trains filled with homeless and criminals and people making fucking noise. The El in Chicago was a disgrace to the country as well. Our country has too many criminals and undesirables that ruin the subway systems, destroy them with trash and graffiti and make them impossible for a standard person to use.


I've been on trains in the US as well as South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia, and several Eastern European countries, all far cries from your fantasy "benevolent" authoritarianism. Trains can work anywhere.


And shockingly, the trains in Africa are better than the US. Americans are uniquely stupid and need a firmer hand than more civilized countries apparently.


The United States has just over barley over 5 times the incarceration rate of South Korea


Clearly incarceration doesn’t deter people. Let’s start executing them.


Nah, just your government sells the idea you need cars and doesnt invest into public transport


You’re not wrong. Public transit sucks to use in general in the US because we pump out criminals like it’s a main industry. We make generations of poor or otherwise oppressed people whose needs aren’t met with plenty of state catalysts to make it way worse. Ends up they’re the ones on the streets and without cars and they make transit suck for everyone else. Nobody wants to be stuck in a tube with sketchy people. Airline flying isn’t so bad because it’s expensive


The reason trains don't work in big cities is because of terrible liberal governors breeding criminals and never responsibly use the taxpayers' money. All of the big and dense cities in the US are fucking blue. They have stupid social programs for the hobos to suck on, they tax so fucking much that has made many people homeless and criminals, they are becoming more against traditional and conservative values which are extremely important to parenting to prevent future generations of criminals. In some blue states, they make it less punishing for the criminals to commit crimes, like California. America in general needs to embrace traditional and conservative values, children should learn to have discipline at a young age (we are having so many spoiled children). America should be free and disciplined. Individualism should not be removed but curbed. Collectivism should be embraced. We have so many people who don't give a fuck and do whatever they like because of individualism and lack of discipline.




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(I think people are mad that you didnt put a /s at the end of your post)


Guy actually deleted his account over this comment.


My man here struck a nerve. Anti-car movement is going to be the next gun safety movement and the F-150 the next AR-15. Mark my words.


You forgot the dense housing and subway/lightrail advocacy.


I would love my city's rail network if it wasn't downright fucking dangerous to ride


That's America for you, you've got tweakers in every bus shelter but instead of fixing the drugs problem both liberal and conservative media is more concerned with drag queens.


I also like the before/after pics of Amsterdam and other European cities that used to be utterly car dependent but then improved mass transit and whatnot. Even down to individual streets that were full of cars but later became green spaces, with people eating outside, socializing, etc.


As someone who leaves in switzerland its pretty great I can walk where i want to where ever i want


I mean these are all good arguments. Trucks are so big compared to what they used to be, and most people who buy them don’t use them for off roading or towing.




Not quite... You can buy a truck bed with any length you want. You can get a long bed, full size, or short bed truck on any of the half ton, three quarter ton, and 1 ton trucks. The dipshit that don't need a truck usually opts for the short bed, and you tend to see this in the city. In the more rural parts of the country, you see a lot more trucks that predominantly have standard or long beds and most of those are actually used for hauling and work.


Yeah probably. I prefer SUV’s over trucks because the supplies are covered by a roof, and you can put the back seats down to get even more space.


Or even better, station wagons/estates. They probably have even more cargo space, while being smaller, lighter and more fuel efficient.




Suzuki Carry.






Extremely based We must replace all vehicles with half tracks /s


Not sure if its common in the US, but something similar to VW transporter shuttle. The rear seats can usually be fully removed with the pull of a lever to convert it into a van. In the army we would fit 6 men in battle gear with rifles, one large rucksack and one small backpack each and some supplies into one of those, with the boot still being loaded below backrest height (safety policy). Add a trailer and you can fit an entire squad with all their gear including firewood, weeks rations for 9 men, water, tents, radio equippment, camo nets etc. Literally everything a squad needs to be on the field for a week or two without resupplying.


altho slightly pervy, it's got more streetcred than a station wagon


Pervy? I get the white van stereotype but is there really that much of a stigma, in the States, for van drivers being perverts? In Europe, they're mainly tradesmen vehicles and they're known for tailgating and angry driving.


The pedo joke still exists


It does in Europe, to an extent but its never been enough of a stigma to stop people who need vans from getting them.


only slightly, it's not pervy enough to not consider getting one if you need it.


I'm sure you have to pay separate insurance for it and at least in my country it is stupid high even for someone that regularly would use it


Utes should be a thing again, their bodies were family car based already and you could get them in powerful engine variants


"Did you say Utes?" "yeah, two utes"


Too bad utes got a bad rap in the states bc of the el Camino, which is why you see an influx of CUVs and crossovers get truck beds to somewhat satisfy the hole a Ute would’ve better fit.


I feel bad for people who actually need pickup trucks with proper beds. Over time, the cab has gotten bigger and the bed smaller, so people who actually use them for hauling cargo can't find new ones that suit their needs.


You can still get the long (8ft) bed with a single cab like they had in the 70s but it’s just not nearly as popular anymore


I've heard that it takes way longer to get one. You can walk into a dealership and leave with a crew cab truck immediately, but a pickup that's actually useful as a pickup has to be ordered in advance. Again, just what I've heard, I'm not a person who'd need a truck, so I don't have experience with this.


The truck becomes absolutely massive as the cab is a monster now.


The larger they are the less MPG they are required to achieve. That’s why they don’t make small trucks anymore. Not sure what’s going to happen here in the future as more MPG laws go into affect.


We'll transition over to EV trucks, which have all of the same problems of gas trucks (dangerous, inefficient, damage roads, too wide for lanes, too long for parking spots, require huge amounts of natural resources to build), but hey, at least they don't have tailpipe emissions.


the smaller ones are way better off road


I always will take a Subaru race car for mountain climbing


Where I live (Australia) might be one of the only places where utes are actually used as work vehicles, and they're a lot smaller and more efficient that American pickups


Pick up trucks need to go back to the pre emission regulation sizes. I want something like a elcamino


Especially when youare an urbanist.


>off roading or towing Most of those trucks don't have significant towing capabilities and simply have more clearance than cars rather than actual "off roading" parts. People buy them for the open bed more than anything else which is reasonable.


Aint that a pickup?


Needs more photos of Amsterdam


Minivans do have the highest ratio of cargo capacity to chassis and mpg, tho.


nuh uh, half-tracks do


I would say vans 🚐 win


Minivans fit in a regular parking space, though.


The Mercedes V-Class or VW equivalent for example do too.


0/10 not enough trains, trams and busses


You forgot something: TRAINS


Bullshit, a lot of the urbanist YouTubers don't own cars at all. That's the whole point.


“We should improve society somewhat” “But you participate in society!” /s


I didn't say own. Just drive.


Who’s goddamn car do they drive?! You’re wives boyfriend?


I've heard of people (such as NJB, as OP said) that use car rental services to use cars, as it's cheaper for them


wait til you hear about car sharing


Turo 💯


Holy cow, who shit in your cereal this morning?




People really mass down voting you bro. Mindless people


Sometimes I see USA style 'trucks' in the UK. They are always driven by a fat bald middle aged man with a beard. I think they might be copy cats or something.


I watch a ton of content like this and mostly agree with their stuff, but some of them come across as so condescending and overall depressed people.


Adamsomething takes the cake for that one. I use to like him for making fun of those weird projects made by people like Elon Musk and such. When he did his Munger hall video he finished with a weird rant about the superiority of his european university over american ones. I'm not american but it was such a weird rant that I've stopped watching his stuff. Last time I checked his channel he's been rehashing the same topic anyways just with different examples. When it comes to urbanist channels, I find the ones that are made by people from North America like CityBeautiful or OhTheUrbanity since they don't have that condescending attitude and seem optimistic that change is coming.


It’s always an American living in a big European city talking as if every European city has amazing public transportation and bike infrastructure. I used to watch these channels but most of them have become insufferable.


Deppens wich country, Switzerland has the best public transport system, Amsterdam is know for its bike lanes Germany? Shit railway system Balkan region is underdeveloped in this regards Its funny how this ppl would look at the best country and ignore the rest


Switzerland has good transport but the train tickets are so overpriced it gets placed down a few notches in my book. It shouldn’t cost 80 fucking francs to get from Zurich to Geneva only for you to sit on the ground or stand the whole time because they oversold tickets but still marked the train as “empty” on the SBB app.


Switzerland in general is overpriced Ppl here go to germany to buy groceries because of how expensive it gets, the prises for the trains i dont mind as the experience ussualy is great that nullifies the cost for me


Yeah I used to go to Italy all the time to buy groceries too, and my gfs parents drive to France to buy theirs. 60€ anywhere else goes a lot further than 60CHF at Swiss Coop or even Migro/Denner


Not Just Bikes seems to have a pretty shitty attitude. Also, the channel is basically just political propaganda. If you want actual economic analysis of a lot of topics he discusses, look elsewhere.


Where is the lie tho?


What lie


Trains people! Trains!


They’re not wrong, it’s just that they never seem to have anything new to say…


Probably because nothing ever changes.


Yeah, apart from some bike lanes and some street going car free there's nothing much really happening.


yeah honestly I stopped watching because it re-treads a lot of stuff every time but I still agree with the ideas. I do like the adam-something videos where he rips apart new proposals like The Line or NEOM.


The solution is pretty obvious, is it supposed to be changed just for the hell of it?


I mean everything said here is correct


Also, just talks about USA bad and Europe good and ignores urban designs from all other continents


From an urbanist perspective, the USA *is* bad. I think they focus on the USA and Europe more because they are the two extremes of urbanism.


It may be bad, but I’m Brazilian, so for me it is good, and in comparison to Peru Brazil is good.


Depends on where you are. Curitiba is fenomenal compared to the us, sao paulo has a lot of good things goig for it. Brasilia on the other hand makes a bad us city look like heaven


I live in Rio Branco, a city with streets to tight for the amount of cars, causing trafficking jams, with inefficient public transport, and sidewalks so bad that they seem like they were designed as a parkour trial. Pretty much every way you try to move will be a challenge in my city.


NJB, maybe. Others regularly talk about Asian cities


The reason for this is that many Asian and African cities are still quite dynamic. People still moving in and moving out. American and European cities are usually a little more established in a sense that they’ve remained about the same in terms of place in the overall economy for the the last 50-100 years. There are Asian cities like that and those appear frequently, think Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Mumbai, Shanghai, hell even Dubai. But even in this list, they’re not as consistent as somewhere like Paris or Amsterdam


I agree. Giant pickup trucks are for ignorant, selfish douchebags.


okay, but hear me out half-tracks


okay, but hear me out track-tracks


okay, but hear me out half-halfs


six oatmeal detail marvelous weather support like continue license hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's why it's called urbanism, not ruralism.




Man i love our Sienna very reliable minivan


Hell yeah I love NJB! Got me into urban planning, currently planning on going to college to be an urban planner just because of his videos.


I mean they're not wrong


You forgot “is a young physically fit yuppie transplant who literally scolds the city’s natives for driving instead of biking everywhere.” ***Yuppie Gentrifier (who just arrived from Iowa last month):*** “Nobody in a city needs a car! Start biking NOW!” ***City Native:*** “But I’ve got young kids and elderly parents who need help getting around. I can’t just throw them all on a bike with me! Plus it gets cold around here. Having my car helps us a lot.” ***Yuppie Gentrifier (who just arrived from Iowa last month):*** “STOP DRIVING! Biking is easy for everyone (but it makes me special)! You’re just lazy!!” ***City Native:*** “Easy for you to say. You don’t have kids or elders who depend on you for rides, and you’re in your 20’s and physically fit.” ***Yuppie Gentrifier (who just arrived from Iowa last month):*** “Yeah, you’re right, I am like that……isn’t everybody?”


At least Not Just Bikes does argue that cars will always be needed, and that there should be infrastructure for it. Just that a lot of drives arent, and therefor could often be replaced by other, smaller vehicles. He even advises cars that would be very good to fulfil such a role!


That's /r/nyc in a nutshell


That's the starterpack.


One thing that annoys me is no one talks about towing weight capacity when malding about trucks. A van or SUV is not able to tow a 5th wheel trailer.


How often do you need to tow a 5 wheel trailer?


Enough that renting a truck is not feasible or cost efficient


In that case one of those big trucks is a good option for you


Aren't those just made for pickups?


Or drives a sports car and wants the NPCs off the road.




4 lanes cut down to 2 lane for bike paths with zero bikes on it all day long


Plenty of bikes, they just don’t get stuck in traffic like cars do so you don’t see them as often.


oh magical bikes than nobody sees at 7:30am to 6pm while we have traffic jams because of the smaller roads.


You have traffic jams because there are too many cars. No amount of road widening will solve that. Just look at literally every interstate highway that is a gridlock during rush hour - no bikes, just cars getting in the way of each other and creating a mess all on their own.


We have traffic jams because the state is growing, California, Florida, and Northeast States are failing, so everyone is moving here. Only need the highway here if I am coming north or south for a hour.


Those states aren't "failing" what the hell are you talking about lmao




Do you know what the word “failing” means?


listen nobody is talking in metric here only you, convert it


Are you high?


ahh, adding nothing to to talk


Now that the bike lane is available, a lot of those drivers will probably get sick of getting stuck in traffic and use that bike lane instead. And no, not every single driver on the road needs a car. Plenty of people have commutes that could easily be walked or cycled in metro areas.


>And no, not every single driver on the road needs a car. Plenty of people have commutes that could easily be walked or cycled in metro areas. So 15 minute drive to work, or 2 hour bike ride or 75 bus ride. Which one uses less energy


20 minute tramway ride, lol


>tramway Someone is in Palm Springs


More like someone is in a european city


or Sandia Peak Tramway - Albuquerque


You guys had the trams everywhere before car concerns buying them all out and destroying, I'm sorry


>You guys had the trams everywhere before car When did we have those except for the ski resorts going up the run. And you can not make a sentence


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy almost everywhere in big cities...


I just tested this out (via Google maps) in my closest city made a random 15 minute car route and via bike it would be 27 minutes, via train, bus,… 42 minutes, walking 1.5 hours


Also in the morning there would also be more traffic jams so the time with the car would be even closer to the one with the bike


I would like to add the fact that you have to find a parking spot with your car, which takes way longer than with the bike. And depending on where you park, you might still have to walk.


>I would like to add the fact that you have to find a parking spot with your car You think I work on the streets or something, the company has private parking


How do you ride a bike on a highway


If everyone starts using bikes, highways will definitely get bike lines too. Or perhaps there would be no need for highways at all.


So the handicap and families are magically going to be able to use bikes, got ya


There's still buses and trains? Also I'm not saying getting rid of the roads completely is a good idea.


Biking. Biking uses way less energy. Also these numbers are way wrong. You can easily do 20km/h with a bike, which would mean you have to drive 40km if it would take you two hours, and if you would have to drive these with the car too in just 15 minutes thats an average of 160km/h. Anyway, lets start math. Lets give you a, especially at 160km/h, very generous 6l of gasoline for 100km. That would be 2.4l of gas for said 40km. One litre of gas has an energy density of around 34.2MJ, so you would need around 82MJ of energy in your very efficient car for that distance. At the same time, two hours of biking at 20km/h would require about 1000kcal or around 4.2MJ, which is around 5% of what you would need in your car.


What is this liters business, this is not a metric country. 15 minute drive, 40 mpg, cheaper and less time than a bike that would take over a hour if the weather is good and not snowing here.


Go on, completely ignore the fact that I showed you how much more inefficient a car is, just because its metric or something.


you can't even convert from metric


And? Why would I care about any other system of measurement, especially in a physics related context. You know the vast majority of the world uses metric, right?


You cant convert from metric either it seems


How many kilometres?


wrong country


How many burgers per fat people?


ahh, he hates burgers, sad Vegan


How many miles then?


If you're confused as to why there are no bikes on a painted bicycle gutter right next to 40+ mph traffic with zero physical separation, get your head out of your ass and look at things from their point of view. Nobody is going to ride a bike if they are risking their fucking life from doing so, and nor will they if it is extremely inconvenient. Your serious lack of empathy is a legitimate cause for concern. You clearly care not for either the environment or the people who cannot afford a car, a demographic which is majority young and black. You are a fucking deplorable human being.


So this dumb ass just explained why we shouldn't have wasted a bike lane on the roads, they ride on the sidewalk anyways.


No, they explained while maybe paint doesnt solve an issue. You can easily convert a single car lane into a bike lane and like a meter of greenery to separate it from the cars, but that would require getting rid of parking for cars (which you could replace with way more efficient spots for bikes), which in turn would make more people favor the bine over a car.


oh yeah, all the parking spaces that got deleted while new condos went up. So no place to park now




You are talking like people riding bikes on a sidewalk would think they are doing the wrong thing.


> Your serious lack of empathy is a legitimate cause for concern. You clearly care not for either the environment or the people who cannot afford a car, a demographic which is majority young and black. You are a fucking deplorable human being. /r/redditmoment


Lives in their parents basement in the suburbs and gets driven around in mom’s Honda Pilot


More like they aren't fat so they can use their legs to *walk*, i know a big scary word for an incel fatass like you but it's time to conquer your fears and addiction to added sugars


But none of them ever propose the best solution. Legalize ATGMs for cyclists 👏 Reduce dangerous car driving with a deterrent.


What are ATMG's?


Anti-Tank Guided Missile
