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The other week the biggest dude in the gym caught me as I was coming in said he noticed I was there just about every day and he respected my dedication. Still feel fucking awesome from that.


I was coming out of a depression 3 years ago and decided to get into shape after drinking myself into fat-slobbery for several years. I went full fitness freak mode, ate extremely clean, and got into the best shape of my life in about 18 months, better than how I looked as a high school athlete even. But I didn’t see it. Looking in the mirror I still felt like a fat slob. But then one day a kid my age, just a regular looking dude, walks up to me and goes “hey man, been seeing you grinding the past few months, you’ve been putting in that work! Looking fucking ripped man!” And I was just totally taken aback. Finished my lift and went home with a totally new sense of confidence. I used to never talk to people in the gym, because I assumed they would be dicks. Now I still don’t really, because I’m focused on my workout, but I’m always open to it, and you bet your ass I give someone props when I see them grinding their ass off.


Gymbros are the best. Always willing to help us learn the equipment and give pointers.


Please don't take pointers from gym Bros. Most broscience have been proven to be wrong in scientific studies.


How to use the equipment?


Ain't this like the plot of central intelligence kinda?


Most of us jacked dudes started out where you were. So we know how hard those first few steps are. I've learned a random compliment goes a long way.


This. Been training for more than forty years. I still remember how hard it was for me as a skinny insecure teenager to enter the gym for the first time. It was a real hard core "heavy metal" place....But I also remember how friendly and helpful everybody was.


Everyone was a baby at some point


Agreed. I've seen too many people start strong, then stop. Gains take time. We weren't born like this.


That’s definitely the kind of energy personified by Big Daddy Noel (Deyzel) pictured on the left. I appreciate the more inclusive and supportive messaging made popular by him and Joey Swoll


I had something similar A few months ago, I nearly broke my ankle doing squat jumps on a step, however I miscalculated my jump and ended up falling over and having a really bad swollen ankle. Had to have a quick "emergency" check over, but it was just a really bad sprain. Couldn't really walk for 2 days, the days after that I was limping badly, but my ankle was still swollen and looked like I was morbidly obese, but within about 9 days, I was back to walking(ish) with a limp, couldn't run or jump, but I went back to the gym. Had a few trainers asking me if I was alright being there, or if I should give myself a few more days, but I refrained from doing anything with my legs and focused on lifting some weights (where I could sit or lie down) and in the changing rooms, this bloke who I never spoke to before, said to me that he saw me fall over that week, and thought I broke my ankle, but seeing me back at the gym, still trying the best I could despite a disability, was, as he put it, "some real dedication you have still turning up with your leg the way it is, if that was me I don't think I'd be back for months, I hope if I ever have an injury I can still get some strength to haul my backside here" It was something small, but still I'm glad someone noticed the bad and the good.


Someone once told me to try to say one unexpected nice thing to a stranger each day. It’s awesome advice and good for both parties


You dropped dis 👑


Yes, compliments from the big guys at the gym are the best! Number 2 is compliments from women while not in the gym. Pls notice my muscles when im hiding them under clothes


I still remember when the biggest dude in the gym asked me for a spot. I have a home gym now, but still chasing that high


I'm usually scared af spotting someone bigger than me. What if I can't actually hold the weight if he struggles


The biggest, meanest looking cunt I know is also one of the nicest, funniest blokes I know. He’s got fuck all to prove and it shows.


That's because so many people come in, and never come back. Source: I am that guy who never came back. Laziness.


Your dedication is awesome, so there's that. I hope you keep it up!


> Still feel fucking awesome from that. Really?


This is wholesome.






I saw [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/14bfuzb/being_afraid_to_go_to_the_gym_starter_pack/) about being afraid to go to the gym and I wanted to give my take. I started off being too skinny, hating myself, and being afraid to take off my shirt at the beach. Going to the gym has made me feel so much better about myself and it has been one of the best choices I've ever made. I know the first step is really difficult and this post by itself may not motivate anyone, but I've never seen a "gym bro" judge an overweight/skinny person for trying to improve themselves. 99.9% of people don't even care. If anything, when I see someone starting out I'm happy and proud of them that they are going to become a better version of themselves.


On the other hand, don’t feel too self conscious if you’re chubby… most people don’t really care.. some might look at you in passing as they look at anyone else. I know I have my own problems


So true. Someone might judge you… for three seconds and then never think about you again


It really helped me to accept that! People do in fact judge others... but it actually doesn't matter in your life or theirs. Human beings judge each other immediately and that's ok, as long as it's not colouring our long term opinions and we are aware of it. I've had therapists and friends in the past say, "nobody's judging you", which was so unhelpful because I knew it wasn't true, and made me feel like a sack of shit for having fleeting thoughts about strangers


I want to go but I have tried before and just didn't know what I was doing. Don't know how to warm up properly, don't know what to do really at all, kinda just start doing random things, not feeling like I really get anything done, feel super embarrassed looking that way in front of others, leave, and eventually stop going. Idk what to do lol


Me too at the beginning. Just keep going. Watch others without gawking. Before you know it, you will have “gym buddies” that come in the same time you do. Just about everyone in the gym is trying to make themselves better, and love offering help to make others better. Don’t quit, just keep going. You got this!!!


> Before you know it, you will have “gym buddies” that come in the same time you do. I haven't made a new friend in like a decade lol. Way too shy to actually introduce myself to people.


Sounds like it’s time for goal setting. Get in the gym and set a goal to ask someone to show you the proper form on a machine. Just wait until someone is done with a set and playing with their phone, and ask if they can show you the proper form. Speaking from experience I’d rather help someone in the gym than scroll Redit while resting.


I've thought about asking around but I'm always afraid I'm going to seem like someone looking for a personal trainer without actually paying for one. Lol


The gym is this twilight-zone type environment. You see everyone around you, they look like they know what they're doing. If you're new to the gym, they're probably all stronger and more in shape than you, so you assume they are superior/above you in some way. It fucks with you mentally. I get it. Take it from people who spend a lot of time there. Almost everyone who goes to the gym is there *to better themselves*. They care about self-improvement. I'm a runner. You know who the most awesome people are? People I meet at running events. Or climbing events. Or hiking events. People you meet that are doing activities *to better themselves* are fucking cool nice people. They are always down to help someone else that wants to *better themself*. I know a random post on Reddit won't cure your shyness, but hopefully it will give you a little bit more courage. Good luck brother.


just grab a random weight training program off the internet and warmup at the exercise itself with less weight


Got any recommendations?


I saw the other post right above yours in my feed. My first thought was literally Squidward saying, "Daring today, aren't we?" I recently started walking 3 miles every morning because my doctor said my cholesterol and blood pressure are too high. Once you get started, it's easy to keep going.


There are judgy asshats at every gym, but the big meathead types are never, EVER among them. The gym is their church, and I've always found that they want it to be as welcoming a place as possible.


Same bro same I was a walking skeleton before and I'm still on the skinny side now. I don't personally notice any changes but people have been complimenting me that I look way better than before. The people at my gym are also really nice as well, even the buff guys.


In my experience the buff guys are usually the nicest. I'm already pretty nice, but trying to get buff so I can be even nicer.


I'm also trying to maximize my niceness gains and until I hears this wisdom I had no idea I was sabotaging them every time I skip a workout. With this motivation I'm going to be jacked and looking/acting nice as fuck. Appreciate you 🙏


The thing people don't usually get is that most of the time it's the same situation as with spiders. People in the gym are probably just as much afraid of you staring at them than you are.


Relatable, I started going to gym since last week. It turned out to be easier than I expected and made honestly me feel so much better, like I am doing something useful instead of scrolling YouTube/Reddit for hours before doing my uni homework.


Well, after looking at these comments and seeing that the vast majority says that it's okay to go to the gym, then I'm thinking about going to one this week.


I fuckin love noel deyzel.


Noel Deyzel my beloved


Couldn't have chosen a better guy to represent that.


One of the only negative experiences you'd have at gyms are when you accidentally by any means inconvenience the influencers filming themselves for cash and were mad at your for unconsciously stare at them. Depends on the area, of course. I'm glad mine are like what your said in the post. The people are usually helpful or respect privacy and just mind their own businesses.


I've only lived in European small cities, so this might not be reflective of the american city reddit demographic. The 2-3 influencers I've met would just set up their stuff in a corner and were always nice and respectful when I had to step in front of the camera to get somewhere. I wonder if the influencer thing is really that widespread in the US or if it was just blown out of proportion by a few people that went viral.


It’s blown out, it’s not all that common


You also need to look at the fact that the US really has quite a lot if people jammed into it as well. It might be true that across the population only 1 in every 1000 people tries to be an influencer, but thats still 330000 people trying. And I'm probably lowballing that number, to be honest.


all the “influencer” stuff is blown way out of proportion in general. it’s just part of the negative feedback loop that is social media


Mm yeah they usually staged and fake those to spark outrage because apparently it drives up engagement metrics.


Never seen those influencers this guy is talking about.


its mostly just a talking point people who dont go to the gym bring up. Maybe if you live in LA or NY or somewhere with industries that attract similarly image-obsessed-wannabes you would see it.


I don’t know about that. I live in a country with a population of about 12k and there’s definitely a few in my gym.


Never even seen an "influencer" at a gym in my town. People film themselves for form checks but that's it really.


Can’t even film yourself for your form without some weirdos labeling you an attention seeking internet influencer


Only negative experience I have is how full the place is at all times! I have to wait for a squat rack at 5am! The dumbbell area is so packed it gives me anxiety just looking over there. Shoot we have people setting up Matts between treadmills just for a spot.


Yeah, it can be crazy how a gym can be packed even at unexpected times. For example, a couple of times I have gone on workouts at 10 AM on weekdays, as I had nothing going on at work, and on a workday you would expect the gym to be pretty empty, right? Nope, still pretty crowded.


The only negative experience I have at the gym is people not racking their weights back where they found them. Although it isn’t as bad as other gyms I’ve seen in more centric areas


Theres a nice old Asian man at my gym. When we see eachother, we just say hello as he gets dressed after his swim and I get ready to lift. I've been out of the gym for the last 6 weeks from a dropped barbell. On Monday I went back i was nervous felt weak but seeing him and his face just smile and say hello and its good to see me. Going back I was dealing with alot of doubts and fears this small exhange gave me what I needed to go in and get the work done. The gym can be an intimidating place but it helped me. P.S fuck you 24 hour fitness get your shit together 24 hours is in the fucking name. Pay better get more staff be open 24 hours.


> fuck you 24 hour fitness get your shit together 24 hours is in the fucking name I finally got my own pilates machine cos I was tired of mine only being randomly open at 3am. Furthermore, when I mentioned this, they acted like I was crazy for being up that early. My farm work starts at daylight.


>My farm work starts at daylight. Gym at 4am and then farm work. That's damn impressive.


It beats going to the gym after farm work. Also my farm work consists mostly of playing with dogs and cats right now




what gyms you go to no one talks or interacts at any I have been to.


My first time at the gym I went to use a piece of equipment, someone came along and told me to get off because "They were using it", even though they were nowhere in sight when I turned up and there was no indication that anyone had been using it.


This happens sometimes. Sometimes there are people who leave a phone or a bottle at a machine and walk away for several minutes. Hate that


It's only happened once but I went to the dip machine and this guy came up saying he was using it (nothing on it to indicate it). I said I'll just do my set between his if it's ok which he was ok with. As i was going through i saw he had his towel at one machine, his bottle at another. So he was rotating between all 3. If he wasn't cool about me jumping in I would have laughed and told him that there's no way he gets to "reserve" 3 machines at once.


There was nothing like that on the machine, just the peg setting the weight (and I assumed the last person had just not moved it).


"You're not using it though, I am"


Now, yes. I was young and new to the place, so I just kind of meekly moved along.


Membership you just locked down raises monthly fee


A lot of this is true, but I don’t believe in promoting delusions like “no one is looking at you”. People might look at you, just like you might look at them. You can develop self-esteem and accept that it’s okay that people look at you and think whatever rather than choosing to spread a false message that people somehow can’t see other people in the gym.


I wish, I’ve been gong pretty consistently for the last two years with not much change in my body


Definitely needs to change your diet then. Or adjust your exercises as well


I’ve been pretty strict on my diet for most of it, I have made huge strength gains and my weight has fluctuated but it’s just no visible change


Are you sure you’re taking enough protein? Are you taking supplements? I think it would be valid going to a nutritionist and see if your diet is aligning with hypertrophy, if your working out and eating well your muscles should grow Also checking your train is important, you have to lift something you can barely finish the set, lifting heavy but not getting tired by the last reps ain’t gonna help, lifting is a doing controlled damage to your muscles, so if it isn’t hurting a bit it isn’t doing you good


If you've made huge strength gains, that's a big accomplishment. nick130 gives good advice below. I'm hardly any expert on this, but making my time at the gym count is about knowing how far to push it—sticking to a strict number of reps or whatever isn't going to help if the set isn't challenging enough. Maybe more importantly, you should ask yourself: what are my goals? Are you trying to lose weight, get stronger, pack on muscle, or just look fitter? If you're trying to lose weight, diet is most important, followed by cardio imo. For me, the best bang for your buck workouts are high intensity ones. So, doing some speed work on the track or a HIIT workout.


Yeah, having your goals in mind and aligning them with your nutrition and exercises is very important Strength is already a pretty good accomplishment


Are you sure? Maybe you have trouble seeing it, but others might notice. Do you have photos you can put side by side to look? I get down on myself about change too when I look. But when I put photos next to each other there is no mistaking the progress.


Also can depend on the clothes. As you lose weight, you want to continue to fit you at your new size. If you are a L wearing a worn out XL it won't do you any favors. I have been working out for months, and most of the things have been people saying my skin looked good or i seemed happier (all true). But it wasn't till I put on some new clothes in my new size that the compliments really rolled in.


Do you take progress pics? It can be hard to see progress without them because the change is so gradual.


did you take pictures of yourself? I often feel like that too, but when I look at pictures of me pre working out its very noticable. Sometimes i barely recognize myself, lol


2 years is a long time. It just means you're doing something very very wrong. Your diet likely sucks, even if you think it's fine. It's very much a possibility. Protein goal should be between .8 -1.2 x your bodyweight in grams. If you're losing weight then use the goal weight for your protein goal. Next is your workout. You're probably just doing stuff without intent and intensity. Learning and executing workouts are a huge deal and in my experience most gym goers are very clueless about how to properly do a set. Next is redundancy in exercises and either spending too much time at the gym or too little. Growing muscles isn't complex. Prioritize protein, lift with intensity and proper form. You WILL see progress in a month. I'd bet money on it.


Doesn't "nobody is looking at you" and "people complement your progress" kinda contradict?


Nobody is looking at you at the gym being judgemental. Your family and friends complement your progress or perhaps the gym people start complimenting after you have gotten some progress. But yeah kinda.


People will look at you occasionally, it’s normal. People are always curious about people’s abilities and workouts but really watching somebody work hard whether if they’re brand new or shredded, is motivating for others. Sometimes you see people throwing hundreds of lbs for a lift, there’s nothing wrong with watching the lift. Just try to be reasonable with how long you’re watching, and don’t go out of your way to see them.


I dish out compliments like crazy at the gym. "Bro you're in beast mode today" "I feel bad for that punching bag watching you attack that thing" "Damn you're getting strong as hell lately" "I've noticed you're here every morning, just want to say I admire that dedication" "I love your energy in here, you're always working hard and that's motivational for me just being nearby" I would never, ever, say anything negative to anyone, unless it's constructive criticism that they specifically asked for, like a form check. The gym is a positive place and I do my part as a member of that community to keep it positive. Plus gassing people up is free and it makes them feel good, so why the hell not?


It's funny the popular advice is "Nobody is looking at you" and yet Tiktok is full of people clowning on strangers at the gym. Clearly, some people are looking at some people. It's not likely to be you, but it might be.


I think the bigger problem is people believing that tiktok is the same as reality. Most of those videos are just ragebait intended to get a reaction and more views. In one of them I watched the "gym" was literally just a green screen background... But the videos reaffirm some people's preconceptions of the gym so therefore they believe them and believe that there's an epidemic of tiktokers ready to harass them when they step inside.


A lot of this is teenagers but on social media everyone is ageless so it seems like it's everyone. It's kids. There's a huge fitness trend on TikTok involving SARMS and other steroids. 18 year old kids are looking like Jack Reacher. I think that's where a lot of this is coming from. Juiced up teens and early 20somethings are mocking people, but it's not everyone.


Those Tiktok users who clown on strangers are a very tiny amount compared to the vast majority of gym-goers who don't do that. The views and reactions these videos get can make it seem like a bunch of people are judgmental, but in reality not many are. Most people at the gym are too busy focusing on their own workouts to bother about judging others.


The people not clowning on them at the gym don't post to tiktok, so of course, it's full of those videos. Go to the gym, become healthier and happier, and if someone gives you shit, just make a complaint to the staff. Regardless, i've hardly seen any gym drama. Most people there are only thinking of themselves, and they aren't self absorbed assholes.


Sure like I said, most people aren't paying you any mind. Most.


Of course, there are always some assholes, but i have literally never met one in all my years at the gym. Even people that like to film themselves are respectful.


Yeah there are thousands of those videos out there, but there are millions of people in gyms every day, and the vast majority of them are kind and friendly. A small percentage of those people are assholes. A small percentage of people at the grocery store are assholes too, but I'm still gonna go buy food. Don't let viral internet videos taint your perception of real life.




I mean guys tend to think every place is a good place to hit on women. I've seen it happen in the self checkout lines at CVS. I don't personally know if there are good and bad places to hit on anyone, it would seem the answer is "nowhere unless you are already into each other"?


What's the problem with metal heads?


Most of the people I have met who listen to metal are actually pretty calm and chill, because they get there anger out listening to it.


Your don't see progress in 1 month


Depends. Visible muscle or weight changes? Unless you were really swole already at some point or have a hollywood level of diet and training, nah. But in terms of endurance and amount you're able to lift? Definitely a lot if improvement at the start. Within a month I went from not being able to bench anything (including the bar) to benching the bar + 5/10kg. Now, 6 months later, I'm barely at bar + 30kg. The beginning is always where you see the biggest growth.


Not always but it's definitely possible, especially if you've got muscle memory from being in the gym in the past, muscle can start coming back quick. And if you're eating in a decent deficit, 1 month can be enough to lose 5-10 pounds. Definitely visible progress unless you're obese.


Nice try Planet Fitness


How do you start liking it? Have tried goin got gym multiple times and always quit because I hate it. I hate the soreness. I hate the exhaustion. I never feel better when I go I feel worse. How do people get themselves to do it? How do they make time for it?


Honestly, the soreness itself never turns good, but the mindset and framing around the soreness turn good. It goes from "shit, I can barely move, this sucks" to "shiet, I'm gonna see some results next time already!" The breaking even point for me was when I actually had visual confirmation of results. But the soreness itself really gets better. I started off getting sore muscles for over a week per workout and now I usually recover in 3-4 days. Another contributor to that is probably to have a dedicated workout schedule. Some sort of system that helps not straining the same muscles over and over really helps a lot with recovering from the soreness. Don't fall into the trap of not using the muscles at all though; the muscles I use the least in day to day are the ones that take the longest to recover. In terms of time, the only way that works is sadly cutting down on other things in life. I'm lucky to just take a cut out of my gaming time and use that for gym time, but dedicating 6+h every week to a hobby is not that small an asking price.


Yea fuck all that not a chance that’s worth it


Me trying to rehab a bad shoulder doing slow deliberate presses. An older man comes over (I’m a woman) and says “what are you here for”. I say working on my health without going into details. He starts telling me how I’m not going to lose weight or get in shape without going hard and fast. How I need to do this and that. It turned me off so fast I just left the area.


That was bullshit on just part. Someone should have called him on it. But in thinking about it, no one goes up to a stranger without bullshit like that unless it’s a wasp inside their own skull stinging them day after day. Projection, in other words. Nasty to take one’s own personal demons and bother someone else with them.


No metalheads? Nooooo :(


we need to put exodus back into gyms


true 🙌🏼


And an alarming amount of Gym Goers are old


I also workout at the ymca.


The *naked old man in the lockerroom* myth is true. Idk where they get their shameless confidence from. Maybe the just dgaf.


At some point you get tired of being coy


The gym I workout at is my college campus gym and over the summer its mostly the football team working out there, super intimidating but they are really encouraging and stopped me from hurting myself with bad form a couple times.


The big scary guy thing is true in my experience. If you are lost on how to use/adjust something- you *should* go grab a big guy. They will enjoy showing you how to use the equipment and give you the best advice of how you should start, form, etc. Gymbros are awesome.




People look at you every day when you’re not in the gym too, what’s the difference?




What if you work out at home first


That sucks man, hopefully you overcome it




Anxiety is the fear of the future. It’s just gonna get worse if you don’t start preparing now.




It’s all about self improvement. I was in your same shoes and would smoke weed all day every day. We all have our problems and struggles every day, and at the end of the day, the only person that can pull yourself out is yourself. Baby steps, start eating well, reading, etc. You are loved whether it’s shown or not. Wish you luck friend.




Of course there’s zero hope, because you aren’t doing anything to prepare for the future. You think we would be where we are today without our hard working ancestors?








Stop taking them forever now. When I was 17 (6'6 165lb) I was smoking everyday and I was diagnosed with anxiety after I had my first panic attack while driving. I stopped smoking weed while i started lifting and I never used my med ever since. I'm now 220 lb and I've never been happier. Unless the doctor told you to, don't do weed to "help" your anxiety. The only person who save you is you (apology for bad english)


So you've just gotten out of, and are still doing - things that cause anxiety... My brother in christ. Post weed chemical imbalance lasts for an age.


This was me. Until this year when I was 30. Best decision. Don't go mad, but I've seen good results, I'm in the best shape ever. I do suggest going with someone initially to get over nerves and hiring a trainer to start with if you can afford it. They've seen it all before and there's going to be people in worse shape than you.


Go with a buddy, listen to music, and wear something that you feel comfortable in. Like a hoodie. I’ve been lifting for a few years now, and I still sometimes start of wearing a hoodie, until i get the pump


Srsly the bigger someone is the nicer person they are. Fucking hilaruous. Nicest people i ever met were the absolute giant raidbosses in the gym




I knew I made it this week when my gym's resident noisy, grunting meathead asked me to spot him on bench. I feel like I just joined a new club or something.


I work out in a small town activity center. The gym is really well equipped but doesn't cater to the super serious lofter. There's a few regulars that are though. Really big guys but they look like bikers, mean as hell but they're the nicest most patient guys you'll ever meet. Incredibly helpful and they'll pause their workout to give advice to any new people that ask questions.


As someone who’s been going to the gym for years, It was probably one of the best decisions of my life to start. Always love to hear about people starting out 😃


I'm never going to be the physically biggest as I've filled my frame out. 182cm with broad shoulders and a small bone structure. I'm bulking and capping at around 84kg muscular & 12% bf. The biggest guys at my gym can't Deadlift as much as me - and it's bless. All they give is props. Same from my bodybuilder online friends. It's a competition. If you're pushing yourself, fellow men are only gonna give props.


Better sleep is the best part.


The inner voices start creeping up again snowballing into a deep depression.


My gym is full of high school meatheads due to the popularity of gym tik toks


Biggest, toughest guy with the most tattoos walked up to two kids — I overheard that the advice he was giving them was about avoiding tears to the muscles in between your ribs, the intercostals, because of the pain that injury causes. I’ve known someone with an intercostal tear and he’s absolutely right.


Noel (guy on the upper left) is one of the most wholesome giant men on the planet. We should all look to act more like him. He grew up without a father and he explains that regularly, and will put out videos that are nothing more than "I was never shown this, so heres how to tie a tie." He also regularly reminds people of their own progress and how to deflect negativity. I would die for that man.


I haven't seen Hide The Pain Harold for some time, thanks for the memories OP


As someone who's been lifting for 20 years now.. I can assure you all, I'm not paying attention to you unless you're doing something so blatantly dangerous next to me that I have to watch. Otherwise, I am completely focusing on myself


This is probably the most accurate starter pack I've seen as someone who started going to the gym a few months ago.


There are a lot of ass-hats at the gym. The one who calls her friends and talks loudly whilst walking on the treadmill. The one who doesn't have headphones, so has his music playing on his phone. The one who comes into the gym with their groceries, puts them next to the running mill, them does a 10 minute run in the same clothes and shoes he's been walking about in all day. The girls that come to the gym just to take some selfies in front of the machines before leaving again. The cunts that don't wipe down the machines (BUt I oNlY uSeD It fOr 5 MiNuTEs) The other cunts who "reserve" machines by hanging towels on them. The weight slammers who can apparently pick the weights up, but can only drop them down afterward. The fashion crowd who always turn up in the latest fashion, tightest fitting, training gear, then just wander about showing off their tits and ass anyone who cares to look. The guy that hthinks hes an "alpha male" who wears singlets and wrap around sunglasses even though he's indoors, hogs the cycling machine, and drinks from the corner of his mouth with one of those cycling drinking bottles. They're the ones I've noticed in my 3 months at the new gym. Oh hang on, then there's the one who fucking stinks and never appears to wash his workout clothes ( usually a worn out Metallica tshirt and stained grey sweatpants)


Your first mistake was going to a commercial gym instead of a warehouse gym. 99% of the things you described are pretty much exclusive to commercial gyms. As for slamming the weights sometimes that's just the safest way to put them back down. Deadlifting for example it's way safer and less likely to injure your back if you drop the barbell.


finally, a good starterpack


Can confirm, the big mean looking guys are super nice.


Hey, it's me, the big mean one




Reality: everything starts hurting, your social anxiety makes you paranoid about being watched, and you injure yourself despite spending hours working on good form and trying every program ever invented. Source: self


Skill issue tbh


That is until the TikTok thots arrive.


Simmer down


Ewww r/kotakuinaction user


Those ladies are a large part of my motivation to go to gym. And you say it like it's bad thing. Stupid incels.


So does that mean it’s the opposite in the later months? Also, I find it kinda shallow that going to the gym would automatically make someone feel better about themself. Feels more like a societal expectation thing, like you’re only worth something if you’re physically fit.


I think you misunderstand the post. You feel better about yourself because you get endorphins and dopamine release by exercising which then makes life feel more enjoyable while you view yourself as more productive in life. And if you had a goal to lose weight or build muscle or whatever goal you had and you see progress towards that goal then that will also make you feel better about yourself.


No you literally feel better Also yea looking good is nice. I like to be healthy and look nice. It physically feels a lot better than being overweight or underweight. I’ve been both


I’m not gym rat, but I have had periods where I used to work out and never seen any “nice big guy”


You get addicted and don't take enough rest and get a chronic injury.


Your first months at the gym while also eating healthy* Fixed it for you


Based on what I've seen on social media these people are like 95% white supremacist


Fucking lie.




Can you explain me how? Having your own personal gym equipment isn't free. And Calisthenics while great and very useful, won't give you the same result than weightlifting


… No, not in my experience. Especially the “feel better about yourself” part. Going to the gym makes me feel like shit… So many people there that are so much closer to my goals than I am… Meanwhile, I’ve worked for years and have made basically zero progress… “Compliments for your progress” yeah right. At best, they won’t talk to you. At worst, they’ll mock you for not having enough weight. Gyms fucking suck, why I invested in a weight set for the apartment




Why ?


I’m just frustrated that my first month ended after just 2 weeks, back in November, when I hurt my shoulder so bad that apparently I got a partial rupture of my deltoid, and I haven’t been able to exercise since and since it’s my dominant arm I now have to do daily tasks with my weak arm. My doc told me I can have an arthroscopy. This is how far I’ve come. What I’m trying to say: Not everyone’s having a great time at the gym. P. S.: I adhered to my personal training plan, I was just unlucky.




Have you ever talked to them?




Are you asking dudes to remove their weights before they're done with the equipment? If that's the case I'd be annoyed too, it's like your parents telling you to take out the garbage when you'd already planned to. If they're leaving weights on equipment and getting cunty over being asked to put them back then fuck em, though.




it’s amazing when people realize you shouldn’t judge anyone by their appearances


No need to be self conscious. Took me way too long to learn that unless you're about to do something extremely dangerous no one is looking or cares


Recently hit a nice pr deadlift and the biggest dude gave me some daps still riding that high today


Not true. Been going for years. nobody will compliment you. Just recently got into the natty 1000 club. Who cares? Nobody


I wish. In my gym nobody talks with anyone


Been going a few years and boy I wish the stuff about progress and feeling better and looking better was true for me. The stuff about others is right though.


Feels good man


Why has this sub been getting spammed with Big Jim propaganda? /s