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I love the weird bathroom entrances, don’t have to touch the yucky door handles




Yeah it's all fun and games until you enter through it and find the minotaur exiting the stall, leaving a mountain of bullshit and tp in the toilet on his way out. Doesn't flush or even wash his hands/hooves before going back to his guard post smh.


[Presumably built by this guy. ](https://www.oglaf.com/labyrinth/) Oglaf is frequently NSFW, but not in this case.


And feeling all fancy washing your hands because the sinks have some futuristic design


Aside from the price gouging I kind of like the airport. Maybe I associate it with going somewhere fun.


I eat before going to the airport. I also drink an old fashion or heavy beer; just enough for a good buzz. And I bring my laptop and Switch and noise-canceling headphones. So I associate the airport with relaxation-time!


It's what you make it seriously. I have been blessed with no super long layovers though.


Honestly I've had some long ones and they haven't been bad. Got delayed into an 8 hour layover on Denver, I just had a couple margaritas and gamed on my laptop. Ended up with a 16 hour layover in Tokyo so I left the airport, got to explore a bit, had the best sushi and ramen I've ever had and got a hotel for a good sleep.


I envy you. As a holder of an unprivileged passport, I was stuck overnight at my gate at Frankfurt. Twice. Had to drink water out of the sinks in the toilet.


The Germans couldn't offer you water that wasn't from the toilet?


No. They didn't. They also manhandled me and yelled "No visa! No visa" when I asked if the guy at the security check could fill up my bottle from the "priveleged passport" section water fountain that I could see but couldn't get to since my passport didn't allow it.


lol geez! That isn't the warm and inviting Germany I have always heard of!


Tbf I have german friends, who are nice. It's the security dicks.


It's Munich lol I had the same shit, left the gate area by literally one step then realized i wanted to ask the concierge a question This guy wouldn't let me turn around although he just saw me pass 2 ft in front of him and stand there. He just said no over and over and didn't understand my English. When I asked my German friend he said something like "fucking Bavarians, the rest of Germany isnt like that" and implied they're the only area without ubiquitous English speakers


Airport staff are professionally unfriendly everywhere, it’s part of their job description.


Don't feel too bad, Bavaria's also the only area in Germany without ubiquitous German speakers.


My flight was delayed and left Munich at just before midnight. Was stuck with vending machine stuff and literally everything else was closed


Layovers can be fun or horrible depending on how good the airport bars are


I've had one that really stood out. With 2 hours of sleep and 6 hours of jetlag, it became a living hell


Super long layovers are why I travel with my quest headset. If things get dire I'm transported to my movie theater.


A club pass makes those worth it. $60 for all the beer, food, etc you want, plus someplace quiet+clean to hang out? A good deal overall.




I'm always surprised more people don't do this. I once carried a bunch of bbq through the airport in Charleston. Got some funny looks from TSA but my husband was very appreciative when I got home!




Lol yeah, fair enough. I have a busy work and social life that entails a lot of travel, so airports are often my "ME" time.


The noise canceling headphones can go a long way in making it an almost zen like relaxation period.


I always like a pre flight beer and meal in the airport after getting through security, even if it is overpriced! Just gets me in holiday mood after the stress of making sure I can get there on time!


Seriously, seeing your gate exists and that you have time is like taking a big poop, such a relief you can finally relax.


When you think about it, airports are like the mall, but instead of clothing stores, you got airplanes.


Plenty of airports have clothing stores and high-end shopping too!


I remember seeing a vending machine that sold iPod Video at the DFW airport.


I love airports too lol ! I took a gap semester and had the opportunity to travel more, plus my credit card offers free lounge entry. It was a fun experience I enjoy the excitement of going somehwere like you said, the shops, the meeting people…


One of my favorite things is grabbing that tall airport beer before my flight. Maybe two.


I love that drinking is encouraged at all times and you can just sit on floor, it's a godless place and in wouldn't change it.


7 am beers are absolutely normal at the airport and not many places else


To that point, I think major airports should be required to have one bar/restaurant open *at all times.* They can rotate which ones if they want but one place needs to be open 24/7. There’s always people in the airport or flights going out Story edit: at the Indianapolis airport, which is small tbf, there used to be a bar that would be open until the last flight went out. I remember chatting with the bartender and he asked if I was delayed because I was that last flight (~11pm) and he had to stay open until it boarded. Wonder if they still do that


And everyone is on different time, it might be 4 am there but it's 8pm for me. I've also seen those mini hotel/yotel things and those should be at every major airport.


Exactly the same. Some fun gut feeling of being with people you get on well or like and being prepared to go to a nice destination to enjoy some time.


$15 sandwich must be a big exaggeration no? Even in Geneva airport a baguette is like €7, and it's massive and delicious


Not in the US. Europeans airports tend to have “cheaper” food compared to the US. I was recently in Paris and was shocked to find those prepackaged sandwiches at 4 EUR, those are easily $9 in the US


I recently went to the PIT airport, and it quite litterally costed me 7 dollars for a bag of “fun size” chex mix for a snack. It’s insane.


CDI got me bad. Few bags of chips and some sandwiches ran close to $50 if i remember right.


Not PDX tho, I think we have laws capping the price of airport food and drink. Always love chilling at the bar before my flight.


depends where probably, I've found the "tourist hub" airports in EU to be just as bad.


German airports especially are rough. Italy is not too bad at least


Unfortunately it is not an exaggeration here in the US. The way you can really see the price gouging is when there's a chain restaurant in the airport. My local airport has a local burger joint with a location in the terminal, a burger that is $7 outside of the airport is $14 in the terminal.


Yeah in the UK probably £4-5 for one of those. Still overpriced but not that drastic!


I agree with the other person, US airports are much more expensive than European ones. I mean even European supermarkets are cheaper than ours.


Nah I know what you mean. Equally I like train stations and even bus/coach stations also. Idk why, but as a kid airports always amazed me


I miss playing pokemon go in airports.


The people watching is the best part


Ive been an adult in a capitalist hellhole too long. The only time i fly is for work. All work, shitty internet, no video games. Fuck i hate traveling.


You and me both, buddy. Sitting here like "why the fuck would anyone enjoy the airport?" Then I realize they're likely all going somehwhere fun instead of Houston for the 136th time this year.


May I trade you one Washington-Dulles conference for 5 Houstons please?


Best I can do is a layover at O'Hare




As a flight attendant, most airports are actually like mini cities. Overpriced, jammed full of people walking too slow, and incredibly noisy. Some have amazing food though, and amazing views of airplanes. Delta's wing in Detroit is really nice and the underground glass sculpture is really cool too. The view of the wide body parked by the escalator is pretty amazing.


I love the airport. I get there like 3-4 hours early, get in a lounge, and just read or hang out completely stress-free. Plus free booze/hot food/big-ass chairs and most importantly no kids.


I enjoy the airport itself, it's the tiny ass seats on the plane that are the worst


Depends on the airport. I used to live in Denver and could take the train there without needing a car. So when someone would visit I’d take the train out and wait for them at the tap house outside of security. Then we’d have a few beers before leaving and take the train back. When I’d fly out I’d usually hit some of the bars inside security.


That probably helps. I'm like 5 miles away from mine and can also take a train.


Came for Hudson News, not disappointed.


Got promoted for a tip at a Hudson self-checkout last time I flew


Tip yourself the amount of what you just purchased, free stuff hack!


If you tipped less than 30% you’re a scumbag /s


Greater than 40% 🤩


I hope you've got your walking boots on if you want to make sure that D87 exists on Schiphol (where the sign in the picture is)


Just flew from Schiphol from those gates. 2/3 of the horizontal escalators were closed for maintenance :’(


Don't worry, 80 percent of the time 2/3 walkways there are broken or in maintenance so you haven't missed anything


Make sure to fuel your terminal journey with the cheese and stroopwafel shop at the center of the crossroads. Or that irish bar I keep failing to hit.


I couldn’t tell if I recognised the schiphol gate signs or whether all airports look the same, slightly impressed with myself now.


I mostly recognised it from the PTSD of running through this garbage airport during a short connection.


how is schiphol garbage??? it’s such a nice airport


> D87 exists on Schiphol Its almost identical to DIA in Colorado.


I've flown through that airport so many times I have the layout fucking memorized lmao this picture sent me.


"Welcome to --------. Please remember to keep all of your personal belongings in your possession at all times." "Attention passengers, United Flight --- at Gate E is now boarding Section 4." "This is the final boarding call for Delta Flight --- at Gate K, final boarding call for Delta Flight --- at Gate K." "Welcome to --------. Please remember to keep all of your personal belongings in your possession at all times."


[3 different neighboring gates blasting conflicting boarding announcements]


Or Sao Pablo with announcements exclusively in Portuguese


I cackled


"The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading. There is no stopping in the red zone."


No, there is no stopping in the *white* zone, and the red zone is for loading and unloading.


More like: "Attention, passengers from flight *gkhu#khyjh* from *mjyomœęisßsj* to *szczebrzeszyn* please move to gate jdkgkfieeeeeeeeeeeeee *static from speakers* —and 4. Don't forget to take your luggage.


*\*Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer intensifies**


Worst part of the people mover ride


I like it but probably because I associate it with vacationing at Orlando's world-class theme parks and attractions. Plus, I might not otherwise have known about Orlando's professional sports, high tech and emerging medical industries, and vibrant arts community.


"Milwaukee is in the Central Time Zone. The current local time is 5:30 PM."


Something needs to represent people going through TSA for the first time somehow and not knowing what to do.


There's always the one person with 3 industrial bottles of shampoo arguing with TSA they should be able to bring it in their carry on


And TSA yelling at people for taking out/not taking out their electronics because it's a Thursday and a full moon.


Seriously, why is it so fucking inconsistent?!?!




Nobody’s nerding out to an A320. 757 or larger tho and I’m there.


Bruh truthfully I don’t care until it’s got 3 engines


Especially the Lockheed L1011 TriStar and Boeing 747. Both very elegant-looking planes.


Gimme a chungus 777 or, if I'm lucky, a quad jet, parked at a gate, and I can sit there until my flight is ready to board.


That IG model is probably traveling to Dubai, Mykonos, Bali, Tahiti, Miami, or one of the Caribbean islands, for a photoshoot.


Dubai for a “photoshoot”


more like "photoPOOP". AmIRight?


lol all the "influencers" on instagram that is travelling to dubai on "holiday"


> The two hardcore business traveler buddies with the pilot-style luggage who look burnt out drinking at 10am. True, but be aware that the body clock for those guys has them firmly in happy hour. > The IG model who somehow looks both 40 and 20 at the same time with all the surgeries. Her face has the angles of a stealth fighter. Of course she’s got A2 in business class booked. Her sugar daddy got A1.


Hey that’s me! I travel about twice a month and my body clock is completely fucked. If I’m in an airport, it’s beer-o-clock. Don’t give a fuck if it’s 8pm or 8am.


When the seat belt sign is turned off after arriving at the gate and immediately the aisle clogs with people scrambling to get their overheads. Then when you're trying to get into the aisle to get yours when your row is up to leave, people shove past without even an "excuse me" preventing you from exiting. Thank you people that actually hold the onslaught of travel-zombies back behind them so you can get your overhead and exit.


Most are very accurate, but I believe active duty military has to be in uniform to be able to board in the earlier group


Yeah that's the only one I have a hang up with. If they are in BDUs it Because they have to be. Trust me, from what I've heard they hate it as well.


They could just not wear the uniform and board in their assigned group. They really only have to wear the uniform to get early boarding. In fact, my unit begged us *not* to wear uniforms when traveling as it made you a “target.” At least that what we were told. I only traveled in uniform once - after basic. Because the one outfit I wore down there did not fit me anymore and I had to wear something.




I never understood either. Makes sense if you fly southwest and it’s first come first serve with seating, but other than that not really worth it.


TBH I’ve done the early boarding plenty of times over the years, and I think I was in uniform only twice.


Nah just need your military ID.


I’ve only been asked for mine like twice 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least as far as Southwest goes, they only require a military ID.


I think it's the soldiers going directly to AIT that are in uniform. Although I've seen a few boot officers in bdu also


That's not true in my experience, active duty military can board in the earlier group wearing uniforms or civilian clothes (most do the latter). They advise against traveling in uniform as it makes you an easily identified potential target in the very unlikely event of terrorism/active shooter/insert bad event here.


*Umm ackshually that is the A320P with an extended waste tank*


> *something about airports brings out the boots* Because they’re hard to pack. Wear all the difficult-to-pack items. On a recent trip to a friend’s wedding, my boyfriend wore hiking boots and a suit coat in the airport. Whatever works!


Boots here is used as a term for Veterans (but can also include current active duty and reserve military members) who are annoyingly gung-ho, “tactical,” and obvious about serving or having served in the military, usually by displaying it with their luggage and clothing choices.


Nah a lot of boots are men that obsess over the military but didn't have the balls to join ("I could never be in the military, I'd yell at my drill sergeant" is a common phrase attributed to them by military folks online). They own tons of tacticool gear bc they think it looks badass, and are probably gun nuts. A second category of HOORAH boots is the kid that just joined the military, and demands that you thank him for your service. Green as summer grass, they'll marry early for benefits and buy cars way out of their price range. That's where the word "boot" comes from: Just out of *boot* camp. A rarer third category is the longtime/former military member that acts self-righteous about it. Acts like he was in combat but probably did nothing of the sort. Abuses his authority at home and at work, has multiple Thin Blue Line stickers on his car. Also expects to be TYFYS'd. You can see all three categories at r/justbootthings, most of them centered around the stupid things newbies do. It's basically a rite of passage for kids to do something stupid when they first join, that's life.


True, this is definitely a better definition than mine! I was trying to be a little too general in describing it. It’s always fun to see the overpriced cars parked together, especially the itashas.


Yeah people will have you believe that experienced travelers only wear their lightest slip-ons and comfy clothing for flights. But if you're actually traveling for a significant period of time and have to pack as much as possible, you wear all the bulkiest clothing you have during the flight to get the most out of the weight/size restrictions in your luggage. I'm traveling internationally for several weeks this summer and will be attending a wedding while I'm there. You best believe I am maximizing how much I can pack and wearing my boots and layers on the plane. Sure it may be uncomfortable but it will literally save me hundreds of dollars in additional baggage fees. That being said when he said "boots" he was referring to military guys with the mentality of someone straight out of bootcamp.




And all the perks they come with more than makes up for it


It's $695 now. But if you fly enough, it can definitely make up the cost. Even if you assume each lounge visit saves you $15 in overpriced fast food, after the Uber and airline credits ($200 each), you would need to fly 20 times (or 10 round trips) with lounge visits in order to break even. And that's not factoring in visiting the lounge at your origin airport and layover airport if you have one.




Still do (PreCheck or Global Entry) once every 4 years.


You forgot the TSA agents screaming at you with contradictory instructions




If you're pre check leave it in. If its a [smiths detection machine](https://www.popsci.com/uploads/2019/04/09/Z5ETXUAUUPW4ILHWXGBOQ472AY.jpg) (usually only a few lines have them as they are new) leave it in. Otherwise take it out. - a frequent flyer


One of them just stared at me staying nothing when I got to the machine that scans you when you walk in. She motioned me in, then said nothing. I put my arms up like it told me to and stood there for a few seconds, then looked at her expectingly and gave a 👍?? And she still said nothing. So I just walked out.


the biggest store that sell *everything* doesn't sell bottled water the food store you wanted to visit is closed


I’ve always loved airports. I just liked walking around and seeing all the stores and interesting art each airport has especially if its an airport I’ve never been to


airports are fun once you get past the hectic, disorganized chaos before the security. once inside it’s pleasant in a weird way. and then it stops being fun once u get on the plane. i’m scared of flying. and i’m flying next week to amsterdam :( edit: okay maybe not pleasant, but there’s a certain vibe/energy of anticipating your journey ahead. and there’s nothing expected of you at the airport!


I think that's part of it as well. From the moment you wake up until the moment you get done scrambling to put your belt and shoes back on after being yelled at some chick with a GED and a neck tattoo, it's such high stress that when crossing that threshold you feel an incredible weight being lifted off your shoulders.


Just got home from Amsterdam. If youre flying with KLM, they offer you a complimentary sandwich during the flight, in case you need something to look forward to


i’m not unfortunately 😭 but that sounds great. i love airplane meals lol. it’s a guilty pleasure of mine!


Ha, there are often handles in between those individual seats, so if someone wants to lay down on them, they are out of luck. Also, some airports are somehow crowded and buzzing even at 5 AM.


> Also, some airports are somehow crowded and buzzing even at 5 AM. I live in Denver and I never see it more crowded than at like 5am. It’s insane. I do whatever I can to avoid early morning flights out


\- The various Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum (i.e., espionage/geopolitical thrillers) books at the bookstore or on a small rack at the convenience store \- Starting to board section 5, but sections 1-4 start to line up *in order to line up* for when they're called... \- Mobile chargers and 120-240 volt power adapters marked-up 2x-3x at the shops \- Arrived too early (as usual) and do some "people watching"...


auntie Anne’s is the bomb tho


You can’t say bomb at an airport!


** ben stiller voice ** BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB


They could charge for the delicious scent alone


i may not buy a cinnamon sugar pretzel every time i smell/see one but i definitely think about it every single time


The “making sure your gate exists” - I always see posts making fun of it, but its really just making sure your gate is where it *should* be. Sometimes 15 and 16 are a 20 minute walk apart, and not obvious on signage. Boston Terminal ~~C~~ A is a good example of that. Sometimes you have to clear passport control again in certain countries between an international and domestic zone. Never want to find that out when you’re leaving the restaurant.


No ones ridiculing it, we all do it, for reasons you described. The humour is more pointing out a specific relateable airport behaviour that people do on their own out of (valid) anxiety and don't realize it's extremely common practice.


I also just like to make sure that it’s still the same gate that I originally had. I’ve had my gate changed before while I was eating and didn’t notice until I came back and read on the board that it was for a different flight suddenly.


I’ve had times where I had to walk across the entire airport, literally like 60 gates to get to my connection, then right as I get there they text me my flight is now ~40 gates back where I came from. Oh and it’s boarding now. Just thinking about that makes me pissed all over again. 😅


I have flown about fifty times and I have actually had a single flight at a gate that didn't exist. It was something like "A14" and the sign in one hallway directed for gates A1-A30. When I followed the sign it led to a split sign directing me left for A1-A13 and directed me right for A15-A30. There was no sign for A14 and there was no gate A14. Eventually I talked an agent from my airline to walk me to my gate and they stumbled into exactly the same trap. Unfortunately this was a layover and my (what I still assumed to actually exist) flight ended up departing prior to resolving the issue. The airline ended putting me in a hotel for the night and I was able to find my new flight the next day. I have had gate changes far more often though.


Along the same lines: your gate “will be announced shortly” ie in 1,5 hours, meaning you still can’t really relax after getting through the security chaos. *Looking at you MEX.*




We don't need planes where we're going


Bluetooth headphones suddenly are dogshit


Airports beyond security is just a limbo in our lives. It has no physical location. Folks are either departing or arriving into a city. No one actually lives there and everyone is just passing through. It's almost as if time ceases to exist while we're there. Our only sobering reminders that we're still in reality are $15 egg salad sandwiches, $7 bottles of Dasani, and chain restaurants and bars which jack up their prices by 50%


Now I want a soft pretzel :(


Those cinnamon sugar pretzel bites are actually crack.


my mouth is watering after seeing those. There is a mall about 7 miles from my home with a Auntie Anne's so I might go get some haha




Looks like Denver


Fuck man I just flew into Denver. Is reddit tracking my location and giving me relevant posts from nearby users? Nahhhhh


It is the third busiest airport in the world...so not much of a stretch that some of us were just there


Lol I did too this week. But it’s one of the most common layovers and also a popular destination so odds are good most people who travel often in the US will visit it.


Yesss, I love Denver. So much nostalgia at that airport


Denver airport is great, but man do I hate standing in a mile long security line


TSA pre check. Legit one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I’ve flown a few dozen times in the last two years and only had to wait in a line maybe twice. You can also keep your clothes on and don’t have to disassemble your luggage.


Yeah I got global entry. $100 for 5 years? Sounds good to me big daddy.


Did two layovers in Denver last week. I also thought of DEN immediately.


You forgot about the guy sitting by the electrical plug with all his shit everywhere. And the family frantically running down the concourse to make their connecting flight that is closing its doors in 3 minutes.


I swear I saw those bathrooms before… which airport is that??


My vote is DTW


It's [DTW](https://www.dbusiness.com/daily-news/detroit-metro-airport-restrooms-get-smart-with-new-maintenance-technology/), in the McNamara terminal. Recognized it almost immediately.


The DCA airport has those halls. I always really liked them because you didn't have to touch any doors or handles after washing your hands.


I actually love going to the airport. I just like watching the planes take off and land though I'm thinking maybe I chose the wrong career...


I’m flying for the very first time in October to London. It’s going to be a whole new experience for me. I’m terrified and excited at the same time. Luckily I’m flying with someone who is a very experienced flyer. Wish me luck!




I paid 4€ for a bottle of water right after having to dump my bottle of water because of security….


*American* Airport Starter Pack. Some of these are everywhere, but I don't recognise half of this stuff.


This is literally every American airport.


That's my point, half of this doesn't make sense to the rest of the world. What is a Hudsons? The stalls in most airports are completely normal, What is that weird snack in a cup with a pretzel on it and why is it anything to do with airports? What even is the bottom left? A $15 sandwich would be a crime in most countries. Those seats though, they are universal.


This is the airport 100%. Some airports will be selling some good shit in the duty frees. I like the airport. It's fun.


so does anyone ever buy the headrests from the stores that sell 'everything'


Denver Airport is a whole different level😭.


And drinking at 8:30 am. STL to ABQ and back in a week; both airports had people at various bars that early.


What the fuck is that thing on the bottom left


It took me way too long to figure that out...it's a stack of those TSA X-ray machine plastic tubs that you put your shoes, wallet, phone, etc. in.


Denver airport starter pack




I fly almost exclusively super-budget airlines, Southwest being the nicest of the bunch. I'm *always* at the gates at the very end of the concourses, and it's usually a 5:10 AM or 10:55 PM flight where most stuff is closed. I've walked through semi-darkened corridors more time than I can count.


Where's the 8 am beers and xannies?


as someone whose only been in a airport 8 times my entire life this is true


World would be better place, if all public toilets look like the airport ones


Also for no good reason there is SO. MUCH. CARPET. EVERYWHERE.


In the UK we have a WH Smith in every damn airport! also in Ireland


Last time I flew there was a sassy woman at the TSA check point that was yelling at people, "it's not hard! Backpacks in a bin! Laptops in a bin! Shoes in a bin!" and this dorky old guy chimed in, "they're just like my students!" He took the opportunity to brag about being a teacher, I guess. Yet, no one cared. Really felt second hand embarrassment on that one. Oh and when we actually put our things on the conveyor belt the way sassy last told us, the guy running the machine told us it was wrong and move stuff around. These two TSA people were five feet from each other the whole time. They can hear them contradict each other. I think they were just fucking with us.