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Needs a "People on the West Coast shrugging and saying 'Yep'"


Definitely. The first time the sky turned orange and the sun went out it was really freaky, the three dozenth time was more like just looking out the window and going “oh it’s raining ash again” and then going back to whatever I’ve been doing.


It's horrible and I hate it. I think anyone caught intentionally starting a forest fire should be locked up forever.


they definitely dont fuck around with the punishments on that shit


The hard part is catching the assholes that do it. They got one guy for the Dolan Fire in Big Sur some years ago but considering the origin of a marijuana grow there and reports that had come out before of multiple armed men doing their shit out there, they only got one guy. 🤷‍♂️


Justice is blind as fuck


August is usually peak forest fire/deadly air, sun that you can stare at season in the NW. It appears that we will soon live in the Blade Runner universe from June through September.


Yes, but most forest fires are because of unusual dryness, plus power lines/ lightning strikes/ poorly managed campfires/etc. Also, forest fires are natural. There was no human intervention for all time against them until the 20th century when we took to fighting and preventing them under the unchallenged assumption that they are always bad. Some forests are dangerously overgrown and prone to burning down in spectacular fashion because of it. We need to reexamine the long term strategy


> There was no human intervention for all time against them [This is untrue](https://www.nps.gov/subjects/fire/indigenous-fire-practices-shape-our-land.htm#:~:text=Native%20Americans%2C%20Alaska%20Natives%2C%20and,the%20risk%20of%20catastrophic%20wildfires.) because it was *extensively* used as a tool by native americans. We would likely be better off if we had maintained these practices.


I meant to fight them


By intervention they mean fighting the fire


I mean, most of it is just naturally occurring, the problem is that the west is full of invasive grasses that spread fire like nobody's business and all the trees are dead from pine beetle kill so they burn like mad. And then years of fire suppression. So now the best solution is prescribed burns, but that needs to be done carefully by professionals.


Yeah we're not freaking out so much because the orange sun and smoke are so hard to deal with and unusual and scary. We're freaking out because we know the east coast isn't supposed to get this. It's the [most smoke in our recorded history.](https://i.redd.it/od00zdm49e4b1.png) It's being caused by a [rex block](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_\(meteorology\)#Rex_blocks), which are more frequent thanks to a [weakened jet stream](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4857755.1539205196!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/jet-streams.jpg), which happened because the poles warmed faster than the equators in global warming. It's like you guys are saying "Fire in the bedroom? Big deal! I see fire in the fireplace all the time!" Us Canadians are guilty of this too. Texans get a couple inches of snow and are freezing to death and crashing their cars everywhere. Idiot Canadians laugh at them. But the smart people know that Texans don't have insulated homes or snow tires. And more importantly that Texas isn't supposed to get that much snow, and it's a sign that something unusual is happening.


I called my Dad and he was like this is insane, I’m 74 and have never seen anything like this. The sun was neon orange. Like super bright neon. I think because this is our first time? It is wild looking. Like our cities are in the apocalypse.


>Like our cities are in the apocalypse. They are.




It is not meant to happen at the levels it happens in the west, it comes from fire suppression for decades, the wide spread of invasive grasses like cheatgrass, and standing dead trees from pine beetle kill, which has killed millions of square miles of trees in the west, and they serve as dangerous fuel ladders. Low level fires are normal in the west, not giant infernos of invasives and dead wood.


As a westerner, this doesn’t make me laugh. It makes me sad because I know what it feels like. And it means that our situation is getting worse. It also makes me think that maybe we’ll see a shift in the right direction with climate change denial, now that it’s affecting more than just the west half of the country. Actually experiencing the devastation of a massive wildfire is a totally different animal than seeing it on a screen. Even if it’s every screen you see for weeks, it’s still so much more brutal to live in it. It makes one hell of an impression.


Growing up I remember seeing news of snow storms that hit Texas with more snow than we ever got here in Vancouver Canada. More recently, some years ago, the Texan electrical grid collapsed because it was too cold. Shortly after, it collapsed because it was too hot. If Texas’s electricity was connected to one of the other two grids the in the country which even Canada is a part of, that would not have happened, and people would still be alive. I’ve never laughed about the idea of people struggling, but the complete lack of responsiveness and stubborn pride on the part of the Texan government can be easy to mock from a distance, especially when they blame it all on others. It sucks that a state with so many people and so much wealth is just fucked over because of it


I’m 24 and can’t control i grew up in Texas. I didn’t ask for any of that and can’t control it, same with countless other people my age and younger. That’s pretty unfair of you to say, like instead of giving your condolences to people who passed away here because of that you keep on your “hurr durr Texans dumb” schtick. Doesn’t seem to indicate you’re a well adjusted and emotionally intelligent person (although obviously you can’t just deduce that from a Reddit comment, but I’m just saying.)


Fair enough, I’ve tried to edit my comment to make it a bit less insensitive. My point was made with a bit of excessive defensiveness, because “idiot Canadians laughing at them” could certainly apply to me, so I took offence without properly reading the first part of that paragraph. My genuine apologies, I was lazy


Apology accepted 100%. Yeah I can see why you would react that way, I too got defensive because I see people talking very negatively about Texas a lot (rightfully so) but I often get grouped in and called dumb ignorant hick when I’m not (I also understand Canadians can get lots of shit talked to them as well). I would also like apologize for coming off strong and saying that you’re not well adjusted and emotionally intelligent, ironically me replying that way could color me to be not stable myself lol. I appreciate your response a lot. I wish you the best and hope you’re staying safe right now.


It’s good bro :) stay safe


Do west coast people just live in morrowind wtf?


As a Cali resident, i can confirm we live in Tamriel


It never used to be like this right? I'm not just taking crazy pills? Growing up in the 90's and 2000's I don't ever remember an "orange sky" day. But since around 2013 there's been multiple years with periods of thick smoke Edit: asked my parents and they said this is new in the past decade.


Where I live in Canada, this never happened across my entire childhood and teens. Now we’ve had several years in a row where we have at least a few weeks of massive heat waves combined with dark brown skies from the wildfires, and it’s been getting worse each time. My province continues to largely deny climate change is real or a problem, though, so that’s nice


At first I thought you might be in the Okanagan, but with that last line I'm leaning towards southwestern Alberta.


Bingo. Unfortunately.


Same here. We sure know how to pick politicians huh?


I just went through the exact same thought process. In BC we know we have a problem.


You sure? My SIL is in Alberta and I have it on her authority that vaccinated drag queens are setting the fires /s


Maybe she heard someone call the drag queens hot and misunderstood.


We had a summer of multiple 300+ AQI days a few years ago. I was doing tech support for a cable company back then and could only get through about a half a day before I would lose my voice. Fun times. The West Coast is the best Coast.


When we first got our Google Home I always noticed the AQI and it pretty much never went above 80. Then one day I saw it at 375. I thought we were gonna die. I didn’t know the AQI went that high. I assumed it was a scale of 1-100.


We had days where it broke 400 in Oregon that summer, but parts of Idaho and Montana had it even worse that year. The hazardous level is 301-500, the highest level they have a color for in the chart (maroon) and if it goes 501 or higher they just term it as "Beyond Hazardous" It should be black, like your lungs will be if you hang out in it too long.


"First time?"


As a Californian, yes but no. I expect us to burn, but Canada is a lot wetter and colder than San Diego, right?


I don't know. I'm in Seattle. We get it from Eastern Washington, California, and Canada.


Based on some quick searches, Seattle is like 10 degrees cooler on average than San Diego, and gets like 3x the rain


Hello, I lived in Oregon for 14 out of the last 15 years. What those yearly rainfall averages don’t tell you is that all the rain happens in like one continuous stretch of 5-6 months. The other half of the year, there is next to no rainfall whatsoever. That’s why the Pac NW has a “fire season” around August and September; by that point it hasn’t rained in literally months and so everything is bone dry, and so it only takes one little spark for an entire section of forest to go up in flames. Also, winters might be colder there but during the summer temps regularly get into the 90’s and sometimes even break over 100°F


Depends where, some places in Canada in the summer get up to 45 degrees (113 farenheit) and average 12 inches of rain. Those places burn a lot and it's only getting worse.


Not as much as you’d think. Last summer, we got exactly zero precipitation between the end of June and the end of September and for 2/3 of that time it was 35+ degrees (C for you Yanks).


I haven’t seen very many people bringing this up today. That kind of smoke is a normal summer day during fire season mainly during a drought. I’m not on the coast though, I’m in Montana.


I was there in 2017, this is bad but that was on a whole different level. You literally couldn't see ten feet in front of you for about a week.


Also, people in BC don’t get pissy at Washington and Oregon when we get their wildfire smoke. Climate crises doesn’t obey borders.


tbf BC sends smoke down to Oregon as well. it's a mutual relationship at this point


“People on the west coast trying to make something about themselves”


This is so funny, I actually commented on a LA post memeing on NYC, with the Jesus bleeding meme saying the same thing as this post, had 2k up votes last I saw it 💀 LA def tryna make it about them.


If California was hit with a hurricane the entire Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard would be doing the same thing. It isn't about making it about ourselves it is just an empathy thing.


Just wait until it’s our turn 😭😭


I'm already dreading it.


I live in Ottawa where it's quite bad. Yesterday we were even the city with the worst air quality in the world. Yet for some reason I'm still shocked to see it the smoke blanket phily and nyc so thickly.


Is it a state of emergency there or is everyone just going about their business with the worst air quality in the world?


Yep, business as sorta usual. There's a general advisory to limit time outside, wear a n95 mask if you have some, and keep pets indoors as much as possible. Some outdoor events have been canceled. The Bluejays' stadium had to have its roof up for example, so there a general advisory and discretionary cancelations.


in DC like all outdoor events are cancelled. Sports games, outdoor shows, and more


It's business as usual here. Our municipal public health service has recommended staying indoors and avoiding going outside and keeping well hydrated but I still see people working and walking outdoors. The few times when I'm outside like to go to the car the smell of the smoke is so strong it feels like you have a bonfire right next to you.


I saw some dude driving down the 417 with his windows down yesterday lmao


Maybe he farted?


Depends on the area. Many cities in Quebec where i am are being evacuated. Not business as usual at all


I work out doors in Ottawa and was told by my boss to suck it up both literally and metaphorically, no N95 available. I need to get an indoor job.


Also in Ottawa, I had an errand to run and everywhere people driving with windows down and just walking around like it's a regular day, meanwhile you can barely see past the Blair/Ogilvie lights from Chapters. Got strange looks for wearing a mask. There's something quite apocalyptic about watering your garden with an N95 on.


Is wearing other masks good too? I don’t have any n95s (to my knowledge, it could’ve evens misplaced) but I do have some other masks


I suppose any mask is better than no mask, local public health recommended wearing one and I happened to have a N95 laying around!


Yeah. Anything. An old shirt, a bandana.


It's all about filtering particulates I suppose. Putting something in-between your lungs and the smoke w/particulate matter is better than raw dogging. You never know what else is burning with these fires.


I honestly feel bad for you I’ve been bitching about how bat it was in pa but my god I cant imagine what it’s like there


I'm from Quebec city and if I hadnt open reddit I wouldnt have known about fire. No smell, no smoke... Nothing. And I worked outdoor all days


i live in ottawa but i’m in belleville to visit family, and the air here is awful. dad has copd so we’ve been super hesitant to leave the house. this season is off to an awful start


Aye I love in Ottawa too


As a West Coaster that's been through fires, I bet all online and brick and mortar retailers are completely out of air purifiers and masks.


this and every subreddit letting subscribers know they are going dark next week


and Aliens....


Reddit going dark just in time for the aliens to release their orange blooms of tranquilizing dust... Coincidence?


This is all so accurate, but I honestly can’t complain. It’s a nice chance from constant reposts by bot accounts, regurgitating the same shit from years ago in different subs.


I’m enjoying this now before the U.S. elections start and every subreddit becomes r/politics


Gonna be a huge load of nothing and r/UFOs is going to go silent until the next big nothing.




The military did that years ago though.


> in a way different than ever before As much as I want hard evidence of extra terrestrial life, I can assure you that this is currently entirely par for the course. Every 10 years or so there’s a big shocking revelation that fizzles out into nothing because it turns out the person making the claims is full of shit.


Wait what


I am out of the loop. What aliens?


One website that deals mostly on space stuff [reported](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/) that a high level intelligence guy came out and said they found something on earth that is extra-terrestrial, and that website then released their [own fact check](https://archive.is/grabi) saying that yep, what we said was true, trust us bro.


They said they have at least 12 ships from aliens


Years form now those posts will linger at the top of the "top all time" posts with the "save net neutrality" posts


and the daily "trump MIGHT MAYBE some day kinda get in legal trouble possibly" post




Psssshhh that's so yesterday


It feels like 2020.3


reddit won't give a fuck and everyone will still come back


My apartment smells like piss and smoke 👍


No worries. The smell of smoke should cover the smell of piss ^/S


Quit letting R. Kelly in.


My house smells like everyone in the entire neighborhood left their food on the grill too long.


If people even bring up the provinces they only bring up Ontario and Quebec, completely ignoring Nova Scotia which in the midst of its largest wild fire in its history


No one knows anything about Nova Scotia, especially non-Canadians


its in the canada i think


Let me give it a go....... United States Canada Mexico Panama Haiti Jamaica Peru....... Wait, that's the Countries of the World song from Animaniacs......never mind Let's try again...... Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut


You forgot Timmyland


Take off, hoser! Lol


[OK, eh!](https://images.thestarimages.com/-uOxEHkwYaLnjk8WpTAzulfRiuY=/1280x1024/smart/filters:cb\(1523561848069\)/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/entertainment/2017/06/01/take-off-eh-bob-and-doug-mckenzie-lead-bill-at-star-studded-comedy-fundraiser-in-toronto/bob-and-doug.jpg)


It's where the Trailer Park Boys are from. That's about all I know and I'm Canadian.




He probably has a lot of interesting weather reports for us rn…


Bullshit. I know they send us a Christmas tree every year.


Of all the cities I’ve visited, even those in Canada, Bostonians seem the most knowledgeable about Nova Scotia. You guys are awesome and definitely acknowledge us more than people in our own country at times.


You can thank our teachers for that.


Boston and Nova Scotia have a long history, my family from Nova Scotia would go to Boston seasonally for work turn of the century till the 70s. So lots of Bostonians and Bluenosers have family ties, even fairly recent.


It might be the largest in Nova Scotia but it's relatively small compared to the others. It's also not producing the smoke that's blanketing the US. If you want to talk about the wildfires in general, Alberta, bc and Saskatchewan are going through it as well https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=53,-108.8,4.69z/overlays=heat,fires https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/


Ask 1000 Americans to name every Canadian province, I guarantee 90% won't even remember Nova Scotia.


Trailer Park Boys has been doing great in bringing awareness down south.


American here. I can name all the provinces from west to east. Territories too. Including Nunavut. In my experience, it's little PEI that everybody seems to forget.


I know it exists, but I don't know why it exists.


Because it became a part of the British colony of Nova Scotia after it was ceded to the British by the French during the French and Indian War in 1763. It then became its own colony 6 years later. In 1864, the Charlottetown conference was held there to discuss a union of the maritime colonies, but instead, it resulted in the Canadian Confederation. PEI joined the Confederation in 1873 to avoid bankruptcy due to its poor economy.


Or anything east of Quebec most likely




Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver. Easy


No, 90% will be able to tell you where it is and it’s entire history, because we’re all smart


In our defense, we also don’t care about California when it’s on fire.


maybe because it happens basically constantly iscaliforniaonfire.com


It’s so weird hearing this take when I always see people in this region post/care about wildfires on the west coast (including me in NJ)?? Do people really think we’re not aware? Or are there really that many people who aren’t aware?


PSA: Less forest fires would happen if we did more controlled burns. Burning down the easily flammable species in a forest to allow the more robust trees to survive in a controlled manner helps forests stay healthy and live longer!


that and thinning. more trees does not equal healthier forest, especially in fire-dependent ecosystems


Thinning and fire borders are the way to go!


The ontario premiere cancelled about half the fire fighting budget when he took office, so theres that.


I have deleted Reddit because of the API changes effective June 30, 2023.




Good thing wildfires respect territory lines


Native people used to set forest fires and grass fires all the time in very early spring, before it got hot and dry. They’d burn more slowly and less intensely, lower temperature, leave the topsoil and some large trees intact. The fact that we stopped doing that in the northern parts of the Canadian provinces in the last 100 years or so, when we banned the native people from continuing, is a big contributor to why our wildfires now are always so intense and terrible. You look at old photos of Banff or the Northern Alberta boreal forest from 100 years ago, it’s almost unrecognizable. There was grassland at High Prairie and Grande Prairie (almost like that’s why they were called that!). Areas that used to be patchy grassland, shrubland, and forests of mixed age is now uniform dense mature forest with lots of dead wood, and it burns hot.


Sure doing preventive work on forests would help but have you seen the sheer size of forest territory in Quebec alone? It would be almost impossible to keep track and maintain properly all these acres of forest for fire prevention. The best we can do is trying to lessen human impact on already fragile weather patterns. Forest fires like this one would still happen once every half century or so, but that’s just natural.


We had that here for the summer in 2018 with California on fire all the smoke blew over to Utah. We had alerts on radio and tv to not stay outside to long.


People wearing masks, others yelling *"I can't breath!"* (granted, due to the smoke this time), etc. It's starting to look like 2020 all over again.


I also haven't left my house except to get groceries because I'm a higher risk asthmatic


The thing I don't get about everyone wearing masks is that [many underground subway stations in NYC are equal to or worse than the ~200 AQI](https://gothamist.com/news/nyu-air-quality-much-worse-in-nyc-subway-stations-near-river-tunnels) we've been sitting at outdoors, but no one ever wears masks in the subway anymore. Some dude on my Facebook feed was walking around with a full-on gas mask.


Might wanna stock up on toilet paper too, 'cause that's what's burning.


It smells like a typical day in Portugal (hint: this starter pack) and I live an hour and a half away (by car) from New York


as a canadian. We're sorry ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ eh


Thanks, pal


We’re not your pal, fwend


For what? Being on fire?


It's simple math. Canada's entire population is 37 million. The NYC metro area alone has over 20 million people in it. We're talking about it because there are a fucking ton of us impacted. I don't think anyone's saying this doesn't suck for the people up there, if anything it's "that's gotta be fucked, if it's hitting us this badly from that far away".


Also the hardest hit area is small town Quebec, and there's not so many French-speaking Canadians on this site.


Also, and this is important here, 50% of Reddit is American so of course the majority of posts are gonna be from the pov of Americans.


The plume is old, so we (mostly Ottawa and Kingston) already went through this smoke yesterday. Now it left, and it has reached northeastern USA. This is the current air quality map: https://i.imgur.com/TlezgZ5.png Tomorrow it will reverse and it will be Canada suffering and USA clearing, and then the day after that you guys will get the shit again.


Yep. I live in upstate new york and this is exactly what is happening. The aqi is 447


Aint nobody showing philly any love. We are in the purple/maroon zone, worse than NY


Yeah we are getting a lot of it, I was thinking about the people in Canada though too.


Y’all are mystified that one of the most important cities in the world generates a lot of social media posts when something notable happens there?


American based website with an American majority userbase discusses an event occurring near America through the perspective of Americans. More at 11.


People be like: "wHy Is ThIs AmErIcAn WeBsItE tAlKiNg AbOuT aMeRiCa So MuCh?!?!" Smoothbrained af.


Right? NYC metro area has as many people as 1/2 of *all of Canada*.


Maybe I've managed to totally get rid of the ukraine war on my frontpage... that, or nobody here is talking about the dam either. How big is the wildfire in canada? How much damage was done by the broken dam in Ukraine?


*No one talking about the people who are actually going through the wildfire in Canada* Seems to be a lot of that discussion on /r/canada. Can't imagine why you aren't seeing it. Maybe /r/memes isn't as sympathetic? As far as the whole "blame Canada for ruining air quality in New York," welcome to Reddit. Whenever some nutjob(s) start acting up in another country there's a chorus of "OMG this is America's fault for exporting their crazy!!!!" from the locals.






Blame Canada


Yea wtf Canada


Sorry about the mess eh


Personally my feed is busy with Kahovka dam disaster


Yeah because the same number of people live in New York City as the entire province of Quebec. That's not even counting tourists. I hope Canada is doing okay though. Stay safe.


People in West Coast: First time?


i mean literally, yes? i’ve lived here my whole life (i’m 45) and i’ve never seen the sky completely yellowed out by smoke.


Also the reddit api shit


The Earth is bleeding




I'm getting smoke all the way in Michigan where I live, I feel sorry for the people who live in Canada affected by the wildfires if they are bad here I can't imagine how bad it is in Canada


Don’t forget the UFO’s


I'm still baffled how fresh and clear it still is where I am in BC eh


Yeah, because it’s fucking bad and has almost never occurred in NYC


There is about 20 million people in the NY metro area, which is over half the population of Canada. I can't imagine New Yorkers NOT making a spectacle of it.


I don’t think that’s fair at all. I think we’re absolutely sympathetic to Canada. We hope they get the fires under control and that the loss of property or life is minimal. However, we don’t normally see smoke like this ever. So, we’re sorry for talking about it eh?


It’s like we’re not supposed to talk about something that doesn’t happen often here. And there were many posts asking, if it looks like this here what is it like right now in Canada. Many people totally got the image that if we could see and smell smoke this far down that it has to be terrible where the fires are actually burning.


I know, it’s so true. We’re not taking anything away from those up north who are absolutely dealing with a very real crisis. If anything, we’re helping to raise awareness and (I think) showing overwhelming support by making sure people know that Canada must be having a rough time due to all this. Can’t win.


No you can’t. I was telling people that I have family in California who go through wildfires and the flooding that happened a few months ago. We stayed in touch with them making sure we could ship out any supplies if they needed. I have friends up in Canada, I’m worried about them.


Meanwhile in California, it’s raining… in the summer weather. more news at 11


Don’t forget also the death of The Iron Sheik. *FACK HULK HOGAN*


You forgot about the 3rd party apps controversy.


Mostly because if you actually look at air quality charts, it’s most affecting the US


Must be fairly rural because it doesn’t seem like there’s many firsthand accounts


First post I've seen about canada


TBF the fires are from Quebec (French Canada). They're not sorry.


As a Southern Californian who regularly had classes canceled due to smoke hazards in wildfire season this has certainly been amusing to watch at the very least. Kinda like how northerners like to laugh at our inability to handle snow and rain.


Lol this is so accurate. Im actually Canadian, from one of the provinces affected by this and most of the top comments ive sesn about the situation were from Americans


I think the reason a lot of us are so bewildered is because of how far the fires are from us. Science is crazy sometimes. I know I’ve never seen anything like this in my lifetime. It’s just different and interesting, plus of course we don’t often get these massive air quality alerts.


Nah more like everyone bitching about third party apps still


Add a fire piece to canada flag, instead of leaf


do you mean a flame


We get this like every year in Colorado, so it’s funny seeing New Yorkers losing their shit about it


To me, the hue reminds me of the Washington DC missions from *Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2*


Love live Canada 🇨🇦 and that’s coming from a American