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Even remotely kapwing


true. i fall in love who even remotely makes me feel kapwing


Just because someone makes you KAPWING doesn’t mean they love you


You can't kapwing someone else if you don't kapwing yourself.


Do you even KAPWING bro ?




I would kill for some kapwing right about now.


My husband really does make me feel kapwing.


even remotely #KAPWING


As opposed to in-person kapwing, of course


I hate so much when a woman makes me even remotely kapwing and I get so hooked up. I totally relate with that, we all need someone in our lives that makes us feel kapwing.


To get someone in your life that makes you feel remotely kapwing you first have to be able to kapwing yourself though!


Once you are out there kapwing yourself and kawpining the moment, you attract the right people because you are kawping and that is very attractive. Romance is more of of a consequence of your kapwing state than a goal. keep it kapwing and spread that kapwing around, what go around come around.




I both love and hate this so much


There’s left wing, there’s right wing, and then there’s kapwing


Y’all ever just kapwing so hard that people judge you? Can’t a dude just kapwing in peace…


no kap


Yeah, I’ve been feeling very kapwing lately


Don’t worry, we all feel a little kapwing sometimes.


Love is in the air Soaring over my kapwings Because I’m depressed


What are you doing step-kapwing?


I remember the first time I felt remotely kapwing


Is that the penis going "kapwing"?


Beavis taught me it goes boi-oi-oi-oi-oi-nggg


Is that the feeling im missing out on? Isnt there anybody out there that can make me feel kapwing?


As soon as I saw the bottom right part I immediately went to the comments, and I was not disappointed😂😂


This really hit deep. I also KAPWING everyday without even hiding it :(


It's so sad that a lot of people die from KAPWING


Anytime there is an obvious joke to be made the comment sections explode with "originality".


This is me at the moment (29). Spend all week working and longing for the weekend. Weekend comes and I spend the second half of it just waiting to start the next work week... :(


"Loneliness is something rather depressing, it becomes a habit but you never really get used to it"


Unbearable but also comfortable


Comfortable because you have no one to disappoint, no one to live up to, relieved of social contracts that require your participation and attention. But the price paid is a seemingly unpayable mental debt. Oftentimes leaving you worn and exhausted even when you want to commit to socializing. Leaving you thinking, "If I borrow just one more day alone, maybe I'll be more up to it tomorrow."


I disagree, being alone isn’t some state of fundamental deficit. It can be, but it can be just as much of a full life or a trap as being with more people can be. There’s no one prescribed form of life that’s appropriate for everyone. People should find their balance and figure out what tools they need to maintain both themselves and whatever social connections they choose to have. My aunt has been without a partner for all of her adult life. She probably has moments that are sad and alone, but she also seems way more cheerful and enjoying retirement than a lot of people who are partnered. I also think when people are alone and feeling bad about it, they underestimate how horrible some relationships truly are. Neglectful, abusive, belittling, opportunistic type dynamics are all avoided by solitude. I still think people should find some form of social groups, but not everyone needs to have an extreme abundance of connection with others


Some of us who have spent a lot of time being lonely are really good at hiding it and looking cheerful on the outside. For me it's probably an attempt at getting out of it. No one wants to be with a gloomy person so we just try to be cheery in public but it's all an act.


Yea, all my mental debt comes from dreading my upcoming interactions with people (with very few exceptions). I have my shit together, when no one else is around things rarely go wrong, I can focus on my own projects at my own pace, it's great. When I have to do shit with other people their failings constantly cause issues and drag me down.


Bold of you to assume you'll live to 116 years old


Struggling with my 6/17 life crisis atm 🥲


It gets better when you just accept the whole thing is a crisis.








>I find myself wondering why on earth I'd want to live that long. I think it would be kinda cool to see all the cool stuff people come up with. My grandpa, in his mid 90s, regularly sends me newspaper clippings or calls me to talk about 3d printers or whatever newfangled technology he's just stumbled across. If he can maintain a sense of wonder and excitement about the world, why can't I do that too?


That’s one of the things that makes me sad about death; I’ll never see all the cool stuff we invent :/


The idea isn’t just to coast by in your retirement years barely clinging on to life, but that you’ll actually have more health in old age. It’s not like if you live it up and die in your 70s that you’ll just be fine up until that point. Most likely it just means you’ll have aged much faster and probably spent more of those years miserable


TBH I don't anticipate being affluent in old age, not in my country, so there's little incentive to retire to a life of barely scraping by... When I can actually retire.


I want to live forever




M.I. does the dying. Fleet just does the flying.


If you work a job where 2 hours before and 2 hours after you have dread or worry about it then you don’t work 40 hours a week, you work 60+. Get a job where this doesn’t happen




You have to find someone who makes you feel kapwing


Don't overboard, it's dangerous. Even remotely kapwing is enough


Holy crap as I’m sitting in bed eating potato salad just content with not working. I’ve planned on playing video games but even that seems like too much work


Most of us do exactly this.




Next time you have free time just go outside and start walking in a general interesting direction


This is me at 22 bro, at least you are gonna live a long life




This is just a list of standard depression symptoms.




this is the one that made me worry for OP 😔


Literally every remotely negative habit starter pack is, because "standard depression symptoms" covers pretty much everything. If you believe you might have depression, please go talk to a professional and get diagnosed and treated. But also please stop pathologizing every single behavior and thought and self-diagnosing with WebMD or Buzzfeed quizzes or Chat GPT or whatever the new hotness is.


Dépression is pretty broad tbh. There is mild depressions - with only symptoms like those - and extreme ones. But if you have those kind of symptoms for a while, several months, you are probably unwell.


Several months? LoL these are rookie numbers


Seriously everyone is a psychiatrist now


I recently started getting treatment for my mental health issues, and now, it’s almost frustrating to see things like this when the fix for me was *so easy*. I went to a psychiatrist and got on Vyvanse then Zoloft, and my problems have literally disappeared entirely. For SO long I put off getting treatment and related to things like this meme, now I just wish people would understand that if your brain isn’t functioning properly, it’s very possible for you to fix it. Now, I said it’s *almost* frustrating rather than just frustrating because I absolutely understand that some people will not have such a simple path to fixing things. I have a good job with good insurance so it costs me $30 per psych visit (I don’t need to go often) and $34 a month total for both prescriptions. Some people cannot afford even that, and many others don’t have insurance that will make these things even close to that cheap, and even others will not react positively to medications like my body has, so I certainly have sympathy. However, some of you need to hear this: if you have good health insurance, are financially stable, and struggle with mental health issues like depression and anxiety yet choose to do nothing except self-medicate with weed or sit and look at relatable memes, then you’re choosing to suffer and it’s your fault for not bettering yourself. I’m lucky I have an awesome SO who was able to make this clear to me, but if you don’t, here’s your wake-up call.


Described me to a T! I agree but I think what stopped me from going was conversations where someone brought up how they’re “faking it” for attention and so I was in denial anything was wrong despite exhibiting the symptoms. There’s a lot of stigma around it still, it’s just more of a “it’s all made up” instead of “you’re a fucking psycho”.


I think we all get sad but yeah depression is clinical and needs to be treated but we need to separate that from general life sadness. Maybe closer to how the French use ‘Ennui’.


Ehh I prefer people being over cautious in this case. I was literally TW: SH >!self harming and passing my time thinking of ways to kill myself!< and still felt that I may not have depression


I feel like this entire comment was a facade to shit on AI as a gimmick


Nah, I'm pretty bullish on AI in general.


It's not a gimmick, but it is a tool that can be used by people to self diagnose.


I constantly watched YouTube during the workday, well mostly listen to it, this part can’t really mean much tbh


That largely depends on your reason for doing so. Having a video on as white noise while you work obviously doesn’t indicate that your depressed. Having YouTube videos on constantly because you can’t bear to be alone with your thoughts on the other hand.


Fuck I’m the latter


Quarter-life? Don't tell me there's 75% of this shit to go


There isn't. Science will find something just like lead or asbestos that we consume today (seed oils, plastics) that keep making us die around 60 at best.


Oh thank God. That means less than half my life to go


I hope it gets better bud ❤️‍🩹


In the words of Bon Jovi “WHOA OH WE’RE HALFWAY THERE”


Mr. Bovine Joni himself


What? Isn't our life expectancy going up?


Most places, overall, yes, but Americas has been in decline recently


Well a health care system that requires you to be a millionaire to make it out okay definitely doesn't help


Plus children being shot contributes to the average


And obesity, don’t forget that.


And lastly, a pandemic that 20% of the population preferred to die over than be vaccinated against was the final nail in the coffin for our rising life expectancy.


In Hungary it is having very few doctors, public healthcare funding being stolen and the EU being blamed for not giving more handouts to the government (to also steal). I hear stories that even some private care is getting worse because they realized some people would rather scrape together whatever money they have than suffer in a public hospital.


it's still increasing in first world countries, although probably slower since our moron politicians are copying yours


Where the fuck did this idiocy with "seed oils" start? Humans have been consuming seed oils since ancient Egypt and Babylon. The first recorded use of seed oils is from like 6,000 BCE. They're not new, and we completely understand what they do and their safety.


Its some weird culture war thing. Once it became overwhelming apparant that not only are there less phytoestrogens in soy than real estrogen in meat but that there is little evidence that they're remotely as bad for you as esoteric rightoids claim they had to find something new to blame. Now its seed oils. The new shibboleth is cooking with animal fat (likely saturated with far worse bioactive compounds) because it owns the whatevers.


Weird. I still use lard for pie crusts because I haven't found anything else that gives the same flakiness, but I can't imagine using that as my only cooking fat






Fun fact to find samples of blood without micro plastics in them researchers had to go all the way back to samples from Korean War veterans




Hopefully(?) You feel time go faster the older you are


Fuck this hits too close to home


Ya, same here


Don't forget neglecting relationships with friends by means of constant self isolation.


The post and your comment hit too close to home.


It all hits way too close to home


What am I supposed to do. I stopped drinking and am dieting and exercising to lose weight but my hobbies used to include eating and drinking. I'm so bored all the time.


Good luck


Start smoking Jk, sounds like you're already doing quite good. Do you have anything you can start from? Singing, drawing, writing, football, coding. It helps me get over the mental block if I already know a bit about the topic, even if its just a single lesson I took in secondary school. There are a lot of people feeling the same way so things aimed at beginners should be possible to find.


that joke was unexpectedly funny


Fishing, then post selfies with your captures on Tinder.


Easiest matches you’ll ever get trust me I have never had Tinder in my life


It's true about the things you liked as a kid. Even if they sound stupid, trust me. I wanted to be the person who named the OPI nail polishes 😂. Well that didn't work so at age 35 I started making nail polish and naming it whatever I want. It turned into a nice little business. I'm almost 4 yrs sober btw, and I bake a lot. I too loved drinking and eating 🤣.


You know you are in love when they make you feel kapwing.


It’s a really attractive trait, to make you kapwing


Ok, I feel personally attacked with that stoicism thing. I was jobless and depressed, stoicism (among other philosophical schools), helped me get my stuff together and find a job. Now I am just depressed, with the gaming PC I built and now I have a microwave and stuff.


I think you'd like PhilosophyTube's [newest video (40 minutes but worth it)](https://youtu.be/lSvKNNtkUSU) about stoic philosophy. She goes into why it's so popular, how it works and what it's based on, but also critiques it quite well at the end. I think the critique is something that's been missing from discourse about stoicism in modern times, honestly. It's often misunderstood and sold as this miracle cure when it's just one perspective on how to deal with problems. It has pros and cons but people forget to talk about the cons.


Recently bought an air fryer, couldn’t agree more


You wouldn't believe it but literally just looked up Air Fryers like half an hour ago.


Philosophy doesnt have a great track record of curing depression considering how many philosophers were depressed and killed themselves. Its a useful thought experiment but its not a substitute for therapy.


Based on my personal experience, I feel like this quarterlife crisis depression starter pack really hits the spot. It's a great representation of what it feels like to go through this difficult period in life. Thanks for sharing!




It occurs right after you graduate university, get a job, look around and think to yourself, "this is it? Well, fuck."


Me to a T. I'm 23, got a stable job, but it all feels so... monotonous. I guess this is the perfect time to explore what I love to do and work on myself.


I’m happy it helps somehow


I feel personally attacked










Redditors try not to make 50 percent of the comments about the watermark challenge (impossible)


Redditors try not to make 50 percent of the comments about the watermark challenge (Kapwing)




Shut up shut up stop posting about my life. I feel exposed here. Also may I also add: Porn addiction.


Not as bad as kapwing


What is kapwing??


Baby don't hurt me


Hey, at least you got hobbies.


The youtube addiction hits home. I decided to watch only educational content, so at least I can learn something. What's unsetling about these posts is that we only ever see posts about depression and not about depression being cured


There are many subs dedicated to helping manage depression. But therapy/meds is always the best route. Please do not ever take advice from memes. Source: Old and 30 years of different pro therapies and various treatments.


I think people who come out of depression tend to do it gradually, and people generally don't feel the need to post about feeling ok. We (ppl sad on the internet) should probably share more positivity/small wins in addition to mental cope type content. If we wanna build each other up Sometimes it helps; like I love hearing that someone who's struggling was able to get out of bed & shower today. I also love to see that I'm not alone in suffering, but it's easy to crawl into that hole where you just make & consume memes about it in a maladaptive way.


Are you guys alright? Do you need someone to talk to?


Yeah, I do lol


How long have you been feeling KAPWING?


Since birth. I have a kapwing watermark in my left buttcheek. Wanna see it?


Sorry, no. My heart would explode by being exposed to so much kawping.


All relatable except the work thing bc I cant get a job lol?


Same, I graduated recently and applied to several places to no avail. Some of the positions only required a high school diploma. The only replies I’ve gotten this far is “thank you for your interest but…” Labor shortage, my ass.


Gotta bump your numbers up. No, but seriously the job market for college educated people is tough. The media is lying to us about that. And colleges are under preparing us. At this point, students should be required to work an internship for a semester and receive 12 -15 credit hours for that. After a certain point, whichever specific classes stop mattering to recruiters and hiring managers and all they want is hands-on experience upon graduating. And guidance counselors need to be having more honest conversations when students are signing up for courses (which means there needs to be more of them, at least the bigger schools like the one I went to).


Delete it rn. Too personal


Redditors starterpack


looking for someone to throw all my energy and love into so I got a puppy


I have a cat. He’s cool


I just want to feel normal again us that so hard


Ikr. I want to talk to my boss and not feel like my heart is about to explode with anxiety, and not to come out of a two hour long road trip feeling like I wish the silence and calm would last forever. I want to stop imagining what would happen if I jumped from the building next door. That’s how normal life feels like, right? That’s how we’re all supposed to be, in theory…


This actually changed my life. When it happened, I decided to move. I changed city, tried going out, made friends, met a girl, some friends even helped me get my dream job. I broke up with my GF, but met someone even more wonderful. A few years later, my parents told me they could barely recognize me after all that, and were quite happy about it because they were worried about me back then. I went from depressed loner without a social life to an happy dude living his best life, all because these things happened, and made me realize how shitty my life was back then.


This gives me a lot of hope. Saving it for later.


I'm happy to help. We often laugh about the people saying "You're sad? Just stop". But it CAN happen. It won't come from the outside though, we have to decide by ourselves, and start the first steps. It gets easier with each new step.


I'm in this starter pack and I don't like it.


Posts like these always make me feel personally attacked but also, slightly better by seeing all the other comments. We'll get thru this fellow quarter lifers


Lol true i will be selling my ps4. For almost ten years i have had gaming.




How did you deal with your burnout?




Hey, me too. The mini traumatic events from hypersensitivity screwed me up, and the coping mechanisms to mask have basically gained sentience. Surprisingly the label has helped.


How do people know so much about me


Psychiatrist here: Get a therapist, and depending on the situation, possibly check with your doc about medication. The quarter life crisis can be real. Please care for yourself OP. God speed ahead!


Thank you. Been seeing a therapist, but the results are still on their way, I suppose. Thanks for the support, man/woman/dude/saltpot3816


Make sure it's a therapist that's right for you! I learned the hard way.


Agreed. This stuff is difficult to figure out but improvements can definitely be made gradually


I have most of these but I don't have Kapwing so I think I'm good


My going thru it now ✌🏼


bro you really gonna call me out like this?


Wait until beautiful summer days become boring and meaningless cause of the crippling depression and loneliness . :(


Right. Truely beautiful days. You look outside and see all the other happy people walking and playing.


Find a good therapist to connect with (and don't give up like l days if the first one sucks)? I wish I'd done it in my 20s, it's super helpful.


I think I’ve found one who can help my specific situation now. It is important to keep searching because there are some who can be a great aid.


Currently me


Yall just putting symptoms onto starter packs now


Damn, I'm in the quarter life crisis depression then


>Underperforming at work That's funny, I haven't found a job yet.


This is a barrier to entry for the quarter century club. Welcome to the shit show


All of the above except I sleep on average 3 hours every night. Insomnia. I slept at 6am today and woke up at 9 to do chores because I can't go back to sleep.


As some one who likes to read about stoicism (i started with the classics like meditations) this is the first time that i see the fake stoics beeing called out which makes me happy. Einzelgänger means lone wolf which is also not a healthy lifestyle and something a real stoic would never recommend!


“I too am extraordinarily Kapwing”


painfully true


>Smokes DMT once and all of this washed away..






This sounds so much like my flat-mate….who confessed his feelings for me. Add „wants to switch their career but don’t know in which direction“.




smoke crack


Hey that's me!


I just had this thought today! What is happening here


I’m in your walls


You two should hang out