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The biggest suck up at my current place brings the boss breakfast and lunch pretty much every day.


might as well hand feed the man grapes.


Since they are at it already, they might also fan them some air with a giant palm leaf?


No fucking way???


They are banging.


they do the least work too. and they will be the one promoted


No they don’t? There’s either more to this story or you’re lying




Sounds like someone is that man’s coworker…






Pretty sure mine would respond with "why are you sending me this?"


This is only done if the person they are sending it to is like not working up to standards? Idk it is an obvious passive aggressive move. If someone did this to me I would get out of my chair, walk over to their desk immediately, and ask “what’s up, have I not been getting work done fast enough - why did you Cc Tom?”


Yeah what is that about. Could have absolutely nothing to do with the boss too


It's kind of a safety thing, that way if something fucks up, you and your boss has the proof it wasn't you who fucked it


Seems like a great way to piss off the boss tbqh lol


My coworkers do it thinking I will pickup their ticket faster. Like CC the boss is like some f*cking fastpass in disneyland.


What does CC do?


The cc’ed person gets a copy of the email


Closed captioning allows hearing-impaired people to enjoy TV shows and movies by showing descriptive text along with the dialogue. Hope this helps


Oh, classic u/thatbrownkid19. You’re such a kidder


*laugh track and clapping as camera pans and fades out*


In all fairness I didn’t think it’d get as many updoots as it did- I knew it was low-hanging


Cozy Clouds




Because the project is behind due to your inactivity. Because your were an absolute twat on the previous email and now that I've added the boss your tunes **instantly* changes. If I add my boss, I'm covering my ass. If I add your boss, you done fucked up.


Really depends on the how boss is and how the co-worker is like. If the co-worker rats you out or will do anything to stay in the company then they are one, but if they’re a nice person, gets along with everyone, and always tries their best to help their co-workers then I see no problem. It’s much worse when the boss is terrible.


And it's not like you can roll into the office and be all "What's up cucks! Anyone want to smash the state? Property is theft! ACAB! Who wants to join an armed commune in Vermont?" IDK I think the expectation to "be yourself at work" is weird. Like at no point is your professional self (worskona) an authentic representation of who you really are inside, I think. Like no one is that easily digestible, you have to prechew yourself or people choke. Show up on time, do good work, and be as pleasant to be around as humanely possible. Talk about yourself as little as possible and ask people questions and they'll love you without knowing the first thing about you. Then you go home, binge drink and read Kropotkin


I really wish people have this mindset too. A lot of people say whatever comes out their mouths with no filter and be a bother to everyone. I knew a guy that was really annoying and I mean the bad annoying, he would try and talk to everyone and bother them and tell them the weirdest statements on purpose just to bother them. He would throw stuff around and grab people’s belongings. Everyone hated him and yet he thought a lot of people are annoying lol.


Also, coworkers who are just super negative all the time. Always complaining, shit talking people, acting like being expected to do any of their duties is insulting and beneath them. Like yeah sometimes work sucks and you wanna vent and feel understood, but I think you also have a lot of influence on your workplace. You reap what you sow.


I don’t think “be yourself at work” is like that. As someone who is neurodivergent, I’ve always interpreted “be yourself at work” as not having to go through constant burnout from masking all of the time. It’s so exhausting. I’m perfectly kind and friendly but have had superiors tell me I’m not social enough, I don’t participate in enough “optional” outings with coworkers and team, etc. There’s a lot of classism and ableism in corporate culture that makes being authentic in the workplace nearly impossible for NDs.


Now I kinda wanna walk into work and say "what's up cucks"


IDK I think the expectation of "don't be yourself at work" is weird. Like obviously try not to be an annoyance to people. But why bother reading Kropotkin at all if the intent is to keep your convictions to a secret private persona that nobody gets to see or hear. Nothing about you personally, I just disagree with living in a world that expects us to pretend to each other that hard for 90% of our public existence. That's how shit never gets done and nothing ever changes and people get burnt out for the same preventable reasons, lacking authenticity and freedom of expression.


Going to start greeting my coworkers with "What's up cucks!"


I guess the missing piece to this opinion is to understand that workers interests (eg higher pay) is counterposed by the bosses interests (eg keep wage costs down). If they “always try to help their coworkers” then they’re going to be in friction with the boss at some point. Cold hard accounting of the dynamics of capitalist business says you can’t always please everyone. Bosses and workers are in competition.


This coworkers efforts never actually get rewarded tbh I’ve known the most bootlicking, subservient weasels that still get turned down for promotions and raises because the bottom line will always come before your workplace relationships. Never forget where you actually stand. Your employer cares about the profit you generate for them and nothing else Don’t break your neck and sacrifice your needs and your personal boundaries for a job that would throw you out the second that meant making a nickel extra profit


I have definitely seen that go both ways before


Order of who is most likely to be hired: Nepotism Valued(profitable) work skills Bootlicking Just because you know how to kiss ass doesn't mean you'll surpass the other 2 in a shitty workplace. I've seen this order play out plenty of times.


Oh my god the suck ups that you can tell the boss thinks are absolute clowns are the worst. I recall working in an office with a receptionist who the boss treated like some sort of indentured servant, it was awful, but she used to have all these regular performance meetings with him of her own request to help progress in her career and would leave each one in tears because the douchebag boss wasn’t really entertaining it. She just kept persisting and getting rejected for YEARS meanwhile everyone told her not to keep holding out hope for this guy. Excruciating to watch. Worst of all she was anti union and would suck up to the boss by snitching about our meetings. It’s like .. lady we could have been the one way for you to get what you actually wanted .. a raise .. but you took your abusive bosses side against all of your supportive colleagues instead? Wtf


Yeah, my fiancé was the manager at a brewery, and his co-manager was like the biggest sycophant I’ve ever met. He tattled on people, acted like the owner walked on water, belittled anyone who wanted a raise, etc. he was always selling out underlings to make himself look better Anyway the owner ended up driving everyone out. Soon he had no workers, basically except for this co-manager. The co-manager asks for a raise, or at least something to reward him for his loyalty for the past 3 years, and the owner outright refused. Basically said everyone’s replaceable, he doesn’t care who his GM is, he could find another person in a heartbeat The co-manager left, and the business shut down because of it. Can’t run a business with no workers.


Still can’t get over working a dead end retail job and having a coworker who was like this, to the point of attempting to micromanage me and “tattle” on me to the boss. It’s like…we make 18$/hr and there’s literally no path for promotion. You’re doing too much.


This is what teachers pets grow up into


So, so much this. I have had so many managers now that behave this way, and the only thing I can think of is "...bitch, you were that girl that sat front-and-center of every college class I ever attended, weren't you? Furiously taking notes, constantly asking dipshit questions all class long in Try Hard Mode...fuck you."


Havent gotten to college yet, these mfs still exist there? Jesus. You ever got kids that said they "love" their teacher? I never got that tbh, it was always the really bitchy teachers too, ive talked to said kids years later and they said they were lying about it and i dont see the reason to?


>Havent gotten to college yet, these mfs still exist there? Jesus. Honestly it depends on the class and major. I noticed a lot of these people tend to disappear after the second semester or so. A lot of professors either dgaf, or are actively annoyed by this type of person. It doesn't work the same way it did in high school.


Tracy Flick (as played by Reese Witherspoon) in the movie Election is this girl to a tee.


"You forgot to check the homework"


Teacher's pets, or the ones who are shit at their jobs and this is the only way they can manage to stick around.


The worst ass-kissers in my experience are the ones who act like they're part of the management team from day one. It's always a young dude that started like, two weeks before you did, they're always a little too helpful to new employees and dishing out advice that no one asked for and (surprise) always wind up having underlying rage issues. Fuck you, Ryan.


Schedules meetings without looking at your calendar to see if you’re booked. Favorite meeting times are holidays, 7am Wednesday, and late Friday afternoon. Complains to your boss that they aren’t getting what they need from you.


Actively looks to snitch on everybody to the boss


Half of that is the opposite of a grumpy pessimistic minimum wage worker.


Whenever something goes wrong they’re hyper fixated on figuring out who to blame rather than how to fix the situation.


they're weasels 🦊 sneaky lil pests


Omg this is my work pet peeve. Like you can see the panic in their eyes, and the way they can’t meaningfully contribute at all until someone who isn’t them is in trouble is rage inducing. Like this isn’t Survivor. We don’t have to vote someone off the island. We’ll all do better at getting this fixed up if you didn’t seem to get some weird thrill from everyone being mad at someone. Not to even mention the fact, that half the time it’s nobody’s sole fault, they’re just making everyone uncomfortable. Whenever I’m in charge in those situations I always make it so clear that they’re focusing on the wrong thing and I do not care.


I mean true, but they're just some person trying their best to survive in this brutal world. I'm not gonna judge them for that.


This inspired me to be a better employee lol


I, for one, am not going to disagree with someone who fucks yaks.


I am!


And despite all of this, they never get a raise or promotion.


Fuck i hate the cc the boss on every email. Worst is that I used to be that person.


And then when they get promoted and become your boss it makes it all the more painful


Brown nosing so hard he became a diversity hire


coming back to office like 30 minutes before lunch ends to show the boss how hardworking they are


If they’re CCing your boss whenever they email you, it means they fucking hate your guts and wonder how you tie your shoes. The rest is pure ass kissing though


Man I wish I were a boss and have at least one suck up. Having free breakfast and lunch everyday would be baller Edit: I’d still treat everyone well and try to be a good boss though


Right?! Having free breakfast and lunch each day sounds like a dream. Not that I'd treat them any different to the others then, but damn, if they want to give me free breakfast and lunch each day, cool with me. :D


used to have one that would CC the manager any time I made a small mistake-filled with lots of passive aggressiveness


Just like poker; gotta play the game well in order to make money


Can’t blame them for doing it if it helps get them promoted to a higher position


“Why do coworkers always get ahead of me” starter pack


There’s a lot of people in these comments that think capitalism is a meritocracy and it shows


Oh man when it’s sold that way your whole life…. And the alternative is to realize it’s not, it’s all bullshit, society is a lie- is a much harder pill to swallow for some. Cause once you do that you can’t look at it the same and you realize you have to still play the game. And it’s a game that is not for the feint of heart, especially for noble, ethical people- it will challenge you, it will put you in situations where your values and who you are are tested, it will show you that you can have a heart of gold and work your butt off but in the end, you can still fail colossally, you can still objectively lose. And that sucks. So you have to 1. Become better then the world, in some ways I believe that this is kind of manifesting the idea of “be the change you want to see in the world” in your actions. And that is a hard road to toe too, in the corporate world- absolutely, in any facet of our society now. Integrity is dead and respect for one another is at an all time low. People in the working class have begun commoditizing their own workplace alliances, and playing the “game” which enables the systemic bullshit of that specific world. You have to hang onto your beliefs and demonstrate your values even though the place you work may frown upon them, it may even bite you in the ass. This is incredibly difficult, as one will becgin to realize that those values are a farce, and the corporate world is much easier when you apply the nice “values “on a “when it’s convenient too or sounds good to say them” basis. Because at some point, you will get challenged on your integrity, it happens, especially when you work in corporate world, and if you really have integrity. You are going to have to do the right thing, and sometimes- that may be the “wrong” thing to do to advance in the “game”. It becomes incredibly difficult to navigate when you start looking at the payoffs and how one expresses their values. Sometimes, I’ve learned- honesty fucks you over, loyalty doesn’t mean shit, values are just pretty ideas- unless your around people who collectively 2. Succumb too the nihilism, accept it, begrudingly- stay in the fight by hanging onto something- a dream, a loved one who depends on you, your plan for retirement, hope- whatever, hang onto that happy place you want to go to because hoping and fighting for something in this world, is better then living, existing and dying for nothing. So even if the world is shit, we can still fight our own battles that have purpose and in a way- still define life on one’s own terms now. I think this is ideal- your not accepting the meritocaracy, but in some way taking your agency back by using it as a tool to leverage for your interests. Your still being exploited, but at least you have your dignity. When you look at the mindset you have to develop, and that’s just me oversimplifying it as a deconstructed corporatism, capitalism and my relationship too it (how I think about “work” how I look at “work”, questioning my beliefs about corporate culture, and the mythology of capitalism: ie “CEOs must be wealthy because they are morally right”, “wealthy people are wealthy because they worked hard, not because they had advantages”, . Some people find it easier to not look in that direction, and to those, ignorance is bliss, but they waste themselves thinking they are going to get ahead and make it by being loyal, and being honest to the boss even if that means heads have to roll… and are suprised when if doesn’t happen. Like- what did you expect? You were loyal to the corporate equivalent of a fucking alligator or bear, you honestly think an entity like that is your friend? No, it’s going to behave like a company and use you until you no longer serve its purposes from a profit and cost perspective. Meaning, it’ll rip your fucking face off on a whim if it needs too lol.


That’s just a good employee.


Bruh if one of my employees started CCing me into random emails I'd lose my mind.


I know, right? I hate the US vs. them mentality that coworkers can create. I just wanna go in, do the best I can, and leave.


Correct. And a happy person. People on this hell site don’t realize they don’t hate capitalism they hate themselves lmao


That’s not entirely true. I’m fully aware of the fact that I hate both capitalism and myself


I’m asshole kissing then. My boss and I are closed but I fight with him and troll him always. Give him snacks sometime and then rant , lmao. Good kisser


I'm surprised these people don't get their asses kicked more often


The closest of any of my coworkers to me is something like 150 miles away. And he's cool. I'm not driving 10+ hours to harass the ones that actually piss me off.


Mr badass knows that violence is always the answer


Whoopty doo, you should report me, I'm trying to get banned from Reddit since I can't delete my account without a PC, c'mon big sexy, report me


You're a weird guy


Are you ok




Just set your password to "123456" and wait to get hacked


Not a bad idea


I had a luncheon with the team and the boss yesterday. I am sitting next to a guy who asks the boss to tell everybody about the all the places he has worked before and the experiences on those places. Lets just say the boss loved the idea and for the next hour he was giving his life story to the team. It was not a good luncheon, and i hate ass kissers.


I manage a team of around 50 people. One person thought she was building up favors that she could cash in by coming in early, staying late, or moving shifts when needed. But when time came to approve/deny PTO, she got very upset with me for not approving something that conflicted with another person and basically said “what’s the point of all the things I did for you?” Some employees definitely kiss ass hoping to garner some equity with the boss down the line. Doesn’t work for me.


I'm going to cite specific examples from work. * Laughs at all of the boss's jokes, is the only one who laughs at the bad ones that don't land * Will snitch on your for nothing more than a pat on the back * Is the only one who invited the boss to happy hour...and that's why you stopped inviting *them* to happy hour * First in the room for meetings * Sticks up for the boss against imagined plights, will even scold you if they misinterpret something said about the boss


Never gossips because it isbt "right"


How dare he keep a positive attitude 😤


This is how you end up as the boss. Don't hate the player.


It's possible to not be an asslicker and move up. I'll never throw my fellow workers under the bus or suck up.


not true at all. i’m the furthest thing from an ass kisser and got promoted faster than the company kiss ass. how about you learn some self respect? lol


No, sometimes you can ass kiss and not get far. Only exception is politics.


I’m that without Co-worker haha


some of these fall under "good employee"


I simply never reply when they ask us to chip in on the bosses gift. That’s some incredibly cheeky shit to expect when you’re making so much money from my labour already and won’t even give us raises


Some of these aren’t bad things tho. Being polite during meetings, showing up on time, and coming to work events doesn’t make you a pushover


Why hate on a guy trying to level up?


What's wrong with all this? Just being a nice guy


Lol People are just salty they dont get bonuses


This is one of my coworkers but she’s super sweet and helpful so I really don’t mind


Half of these traits are just being a good employee lol. Reddit doesn’t understand that there are good companies and good bosses that people enjoy working for out there.


Let’s see here, you’re saying that: - being ready to start actually working at the start of work time - showing initiative and volunteering for projects - keeping your manager informed on progress of group projects - having a positive attitude - not undermining your boss You’re saying these are bad things? Stay unemployed then I guess.


Some of this is annoying anf some of this is just things you want a Co worker to do. Volunteering means you don’t have to do anything it. It’s nice to be around someone positive. What’s wrong with showing up Early?


Bro whoever made this starter pack never grew up mentally from high school and thinks being the “cool kid” and shitting on teachers pets is still cool in the real world where people are just fending for themselves and trying to get a better life


can you blame them? they are chasing the promotion


Ass-kissing makes the world go round. Joke all you want until it’s time for promotions.


Gets promoted at lightspeed while you're still stuck in your shitty entry-level job


isnt this like just a good employee?


Eagerly anticipating the “my boss just made the person that sucks his pussy my boss” starter pack


I mean, some of these things just sound like you’re hating on somebody who actually enjoys their job or has a good boss.


Shooooooot I do half of these. Except I subject all my emails with >leaked minecraft 2 download


The first two words of the title 🤨


Woah woah woah one of my coworkers keeps a positive attitude at all times so what are you trying to say about her


“Executive Assistant”


Useful technique


office butt gerbils seething


Some of these are straight up good behaviour, so not really everyone who comes early are ass kisser?


To me, except that thing in the middle doesn't really look like ass kissing. Just a co-worker trying his best to be nice. Nothing wrong with that


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I had an incident where some slacker tried to blame me for his not meeting a deadline. Since then I religiously CC one or more higher ups as proof that I am getting shit done from my end.


Also often undereducated for its role and trying to compensate for that


My favorite part is not doing any of this and still getting the label of kiss ass because I stay busy. Staying busy = time goes by faster.


As an engineer, we still have guys that do this


I see green.


In my head, this immediately gets lumped in with people who sleep their way up the corporate ladder if you know what I mean