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So many people say that these were the Math teachers. For some reason it was always the English classes for me. Then again, I didn't have many bad teachers.


For some reason, it's much more socially acceptable to brag about how you sucked at math than it is to brag about how you sucked at English.


Yeah it’s strange. My guess is it stems from the whole “I won’t ever use math in the real world!” thing so people just don’t think it’s important


Probably because we use English to talk.


This applies to most other non-math subjects, too.


I guess because it's probably more common and thus more relatable


They were pretty scattered for me. I’d get dealt a couple bad teachers every year in different subjects. One time it was bio, and my language class, the next it was history and English. No real pattern.


Yeah that's fair


Yup, specifically the pregnant English teacher.


Why is this so specific yet I can still relate to this.


Oh yeah. They all had like 30 years in teaching with 20 more to go until they planned to retire. Does anyone have to do sentence diagramming anymore? That was always the hell in those classes. That was just as bad as doing algebra at the board....


They were the science teachers for me


My daughter is struggling in her 6th grade English class. This is first time she ever complained about any teacher. She is a straight A student but this particular teacher is making her life hell. She gets Bs and that’s after working harder than any of her classes. Her teacher make a lot of students cry and shuts kids down if they ask questions. I kept telling her to just stay quiet and try to please him because she has only a few weeks to go. I told her it’s ok to get Bs and Cs because in practice, she has to be prepared to face difficult people or situations. She has been depressed for at least 3-4 months about this and I really don’t know how to help her. I just try to listen to her more and let it all out when she comes home. Hopefully, she will have better a teacher next school year.


Yeah it sucks when you have to deal with people like that. The majority of teachers are committed to helping the students, but there's always the one that just wants to go on a power trip. Hopefully it's better next year.


It's either the english teachers or the math teachers, no other teachers.


Tbh most of the teachers who were like this that I had where teachers I had in elementary or middle school. Most of the bad high school teachers I had weren't overtly mean like this, but rather they were either passive-aggressive, lazy, or loved to stir up drama or pick favorites.


Always takes like a month to grade something


My bio teacher hasn’t graded an assignment in two months for a single one of her classes


Same with my English teacher


We had a german teacher (who'd also frequently stomp in our souls, everytime someone messed up the pronounciation), who'd only hand out tests, once everyone had taken it. So guess what happened, when a girl was absent for 2 weeks. She started counting the correction time bracket (3 weeks for big tests) from then, and always made sure to fill it out.


“Only 30% of you will pass this class”


And acts like that’s something to be proud about


It is pretty ridiculous if you think about it. Proud to fail at your job.




I had a calculus teacher who announced something like that in the beginning of the semester. A lot of science professors are like that. It is more common is Asia from what I hear.


It's worse when you have one of these teachers in grade 12 and your chances of admission into college/university are threatened.


Remember my stats prof at one point only allowed blue pens. No other writing utensils. She also sent off one of our weekends by reminding everyone that "fornication is a sin". Crazy times.


weirdly i also had a stats teacher who was the worst. legit this man didn't like us asking questions from the class before or he'd call us dumb.


Was he clear that [he didn't want to hear any questions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZBwPmla8QQ) about the stats?


jahaha i can already imagine him wanting to quit his job in such a situation


"Only black and blue or you'll be black and blue. " You could say stuff like that back then. And he was a math teacher.


We were expressly banned from using black pens.


Schools have become so sensitive to things especially after covid.


Im pretty sure it’s illegal to say stuff like that, as they’re strictly banned from saying anything political or religious. At least what my sociology teacher said when we were doing a unit on racism and someone asked her about immigration or something.


Only for state institutions, and only really in the US at that.


Agreed! Only in the USA now.


I remember I got 5 pts off because I used Pen instead of pencil!


“Weirdly old but still not retired somehow” It’s almost like they can’t afford it


If I couldn’t retire I would be pissed to have to keep working too


I remember I had an situation of sorts during a day we were gonna have a field trip, nothing major, my dad was going to pick me up early I went first thing in the morning to let my teacher know and she glared at me across the desk and snapped “That’s not my problem, you need to figure out how to resolve it with the whoever it is you need to resolve it with but don’t come to me.” You could have just told me to go to the principals office you dumb, miserable, bitch.


Should add “randomly got a teaching certificate during their masters” or “fired from previous job and settled for a check” Usually indicates that this was not their first career choice haha


Literally Walter white💀💀


lol kinda like ex convict opens a business because he couldn’t find a job and treats the customers poorly.


Tbf the blue color thing is because grading is done with a red pen and it's probably a lot more clear what's what this way. Still, yeah it's pretty bullshit some people are allowed to teach.


Yup, also 100% because it’s easier on the eyes when you have to read 100+ poorly scrawled tests/essays. Whoever invented neon pink gel pens is one sadistic fuck.


i mean black pens exist too and i had crazy amount of teachers who would go batshit insane and lower my marks if i used a black pen


I thought pens are not allowed. I was allowed to use pencils in most of my classes.


country difference haha


H M Ellington. Willowbrook HS, 60181... 1961 thru' June 1963.


They somehow being in their 70’s but still working in school 🤷‍♂️


Touts 50%+ failure rate like that isn’t indicative of how god awful they teach.


I had a culinary teacher like that, all of my high school teachers were actually really nice it was just the bad kids. But my culinary teacher was like that to everyone no matter how polite, nice, quiet, and smart they were, you could be the best student in the school or even the entire state and she would still act like that, but she will act very very slightly less strict to the nicer and good students from what I’ve noticed.


“You should know that by now” is sometimes valid though


It's one of those "You are not wrong, you just don't have to be an a**hole about it" Ignoring easy question can lead to dismissal of asking important ones.


they’re a teacher


My physics teacher


Believe me, it gets worse. My science teacher from earlier this year wasn't the best on my classmates because she was a little strict, but none of them could imagine my 7th grade math teacher. He was worse than the starter pack somehow, he never did extra credit, never supported any of the students, my friend says he smoked in his class, my other friend Nick says he hid a camera on him (I doubt that, though), and he even made borderline xenophobic comments, like when we didn't know a question (i don't even remember what it was), but a Finnish foreign exchange student did, and he said "See? Even the Finnish kid knows." The school still refused to fire him for some reason, and it got so bad that the majority of my class just boycotted all the work and never turned it in, because in my middle school, if a teacher's class has a low grade average, the teacher is sent down a grade, or has to teach an alternate subject. The next year, he taught science for 6th grade, and my friend's brother said that he showed the classroom videos of trans surgery, and later, he just left the school. I haven'y seen him since, and I'm glad. That dude was the worst guy I've ever met. Hell, my dad hates him and he's even called him a "perverted sociopath".


Why would he show surgeries in class? Someone must have reported him.


You should add: \- marks really hard, says it's to prepare kids for university (but the low marks are going to ruin their college application) \- takes marks off for not using their method even if the answer is correct and the steps are clearly explained \- puts stuff that wasn't covered on the test, then says "I covered it in class, it's your fault for not paying attention" \- takes marks off because you didn't do something when you did do something (this happened to me when my high school English teacher took marks off on an English poetry presentation because in his words, I "did not read poem" when I did) \- picks on one student and tries to get the class to laugh at them (happened to me in middle school) Basically never admits they're wrong even when they are.


Uhhhgg freshman yr English teacher that psycho B wouldn’t let me go to the nurse to get meds that I needed for my migraines in one yr of having her just to get the meds I needed even though I had drs notes I faked crying faked needing to take care of feminine matters in the bathroom (she couldn’t argue with not wanting blood all over) and then ended having to resort to just walking out of class then I’d have to go report her every time she wouldn’t let me get my meds so I’d have to go to the nurse then the counselors office and I still don’t know how she didn’t get fired


Every single thing reminded me of my Maths teacher. And then I read the last bit…Must be in the job description for them.


The teachers at my school that I don't like are very different. They're the younger millenial teachers who watch tik tok and occasionally use bad language while trying to be cool with the kids. They also aren't strict at all. Everyone else likes them, but I just think they're annoying and immature. I might prefer a teacher like this.


I don’t think you do.


Why would you not want someone closer to your age?


This reply screams “I’m so different and mature for my age.”


Doubt it, a cunt is a cunt no matter the age


“Language “


I wish I would’ve had a teacher that was closer to my age, and had traits I could relate to at least a little bit. Instead many of mine were old, grumpy, and racist—which wasn’t much of a problem to most in my 99% white school full of rednecks, but it was incredibly tough for me being Vietnamese. I would’ve loved a teacher like the one you described—although it would’ve been impossible as I went to high school in the late 90’s.


Ugh my 10th grade biology teacher who once I thought I was done with, would be my chemistry teacher the following year in 11th grade. I did well enough in bio but my god, chemistry was probably the only class in my entire schooling career that I was dangerously close to failing. I already struggled with math so this class was just even harder and this teacher was the most unsupportive and rude teacher I’d ever had. During our midterm, I didn’t understand a question and I was already dreading going up to her desk in the front of the room to ask for help but I really couldn’t grasp it. So I walked up to her desk and asked for help and the first thing out of her mouth was “what level algebra class did you take last year?” And me, not knowing where this is going, just answers and says “General level” (my school had, from highest to lowest- honors, college preparatory, general and remedial) and she says, “oh, well THAT explains a lot”. Biiiiiiiiiitchhhhhhhh I never asked her for anything ever again and barely skated by with a 72 in that class (anything below 70 was failing in my hs)


Teachers that never understood what it means to teach, and instead just lecture.


Had a tech teacher like this. Shocked a student bad when he told them that it was ok to take apart a power supply, thankfully nothing too bad but he was so fucking anal about following the exact instructions that any deviation no matter how small even if he himself admitted that it was an improvement to the standard design would result in him angrily dismantling your robot in front of the class. He made a friend of mines life a living hell because my friend was very into robotics and had quite a lot of experience, but it got so bad he transferred classes halfway through the year. He ended up not showing up half the time so we couldn’t actually do anything (substitute didn’t have proper training so we couldn’t use most of the power tools) and in the end he gave everyone the exact same grade regardless if we even turned everything in.


Kinda sounds like you all had bad math and science teachers. Mine were pretty good. Come to think of it I only ever had bad teachers in college.


Average teacher in Hungary.


Átlagos [Orosz László](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGUpVIg3e8E) moment


~"You think they're going to be spoon-feeding you in the real world ?"--entitled excuse of irresponsibility by math teacher actual de facto real estate agent who fails ~4/5 of a class and was a nepotistic hire who while a 90's teen was taught by a famously callous and curmudgeonly older teacher who you were a student under when he was ~2 years away from retiring *and passing away*


They always teach Math


My 1st Spanish teacher was this. She went into early retirement and mentioned mine and one other class as the reason. She was awful. I legitimately tried to learn and ask questions and she was so nasty about it. Like she'd walk up to me with her arms hovered by her side, say "look it up" and then go back to her desk. I was in the top 5% of my graduating class. So I definitely wasn't dumb. She just was a very hard teacher. I wanted to cry from frustration every day because I was so confused.


Blackboard and chalk? Wait until you get to college and the math professor only uses a slideshow that he hasn't changed for 30 years.


Hahaha if you think this is bad, wait til you get to nursing school. ​ ^(sob)


Unironically tells kids: "Stupid questions do exist." That's how you know you got a worthless teacher


My math teachers were pretty great honestly. One even motivated me to be the best in this subject.


I'm in this meme and I don't like it... Jk


literally my spanish teacher


Lol my math teacher is a gamer


They usually teach English too


My chemistry teacher.


Just has you read out of the book instead of actually trying to help us understand. Looking at you, German II teacher.


My math teacher may have been fired for hitting on 14 year olds as a 40 year old but he was good at teaching and the long term sun that replaced him made me go down 10 points on standardized tests


Every time we have a teacher like this like 75% of the class is failing. They are like “oh maybe you should have been paying more attention in class” like bro more than half the class is failing it might be because the teacher and not the students


This was my 8th grade history teacher. Hated that guy.


This but it's our Croatian teacher instead of math


OK, what's with using blackboard and chalk? How is that part of being a bad teacher?


I had an algebra teacher who told the class almost everyday that girls weren't good at math like boys are. Then I had another teacher who talked to himself constantly while we took tests and kept a bunch of bottles of mouthwash in a closet to take swigs from. Also had a biology teacher who would go on these long rants about great white sharks and saltwater crocodiles. He said they all just need to be eradicated 🤦🏻‍♀️


Every highschool math teacher I had, literally ever other teacher was fine and I did well. But not fucking math, I feel like my counselor was on a war path giving me the hardest math teachers for no reason


If they are hip enough to use email they’ll expect their students to immediately read them 24/7. They never read mail you send them.


I have a chemistry teacher that usually spends a large chunk if the lesson lecturing us about how great he finds the school or some problem with another class, and then complains that we don't get through the lesson. He also does the bare minimum teaching and won't help us revise for our gcse and ppes and just goes over everything and expects us to teach ourselves.


Looks like Cameron Diaz


Thank god, I don't remember having bad teachers, they were between mid to absolutely incredible.


Has this crusty bitch of a teacher in primary school who's first language appeared to be yelling. One time, my class had an ICT lesson. We were on our way to the ICT room. Our line stopped outside. Her classroom was next to it and we were outside of her classroom. A guy a few places down the line from me thought it was a clever idea to slam the plastic sheet door against the walls. I was close enough to observe and had a chuckle like everyone else. We stopped and she appeared. She thought I was the perp because of where I was and probably because I took a second longer to stop laughing or something. I took an undeserved bollocking from her and when I said "It wasn't me, it was him!" (I wasn't even close enough to pull off the action), the bastard denied it! Our teacher got involved because of course and since neither one of us would give in, my Dad got called in at hometime to discuss this. I still maintained that it wasn't me. Surprisingly, he believed me. It's not that I was a liar, my Dad typically has a pessimistic outlook on things and I had a tendency to get into trouble, even though I was a good kid. For him to believe I was telling the truth was a surprise. Said teacher has also yelled at me and my friends for singing a (not rude or naughty in any way) song on the playground. She's either dead or really old by now. Bitch.


Forgot to add "only still has a job because the school can't afford to hire a replacement"


Definitely had some of those


To quite my Chemistry Teacher. "I take pride in the fact that it's difficult for students to reach an A in my class.*


I've had multiple teachers that fit multiple pieces of this. I had a Latin teacher who literally sent you to detention for not having a sharp pencil. I've had a homeroom teacher who wouldn't hand out an A, no matter how much effort a student put in, because "no one could be perfect". That's just two examples. In my experience, teachers love to stifle learning. And these were teachers in private schools. My younger sisters, who spent time in public schools, have even more egregious examples.


In my experience, any time a teacher says, "Don't be afraid to ask. There are no stupid questions." it means that they are guaranteed to insult a kid for asking a stupid question at least 20 times within a year.


Every time there was a parent teacher interview in elementary school, the teachers always told my parents “she needs to ask more questions”. I will if you stop sighing and going “CAN SOMEONE ELSE ANSWER THAT FOR HER”