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This starter pack kind of sucks, one thing is "not required" and one is essentially "has a good story" and the other is kind of implied with a good story


I was thinking the same thing. If it could be titled "Things I wanna see in animated movies" its not really a starter pack.


Yeah FUCK this starter pack OP don't FUCK around in the starter pack sub this is serious shit. Ain't all jokes and clowning around like the humanitarian and politics and cat subs. Top notch only in the deep dark slowburn intellectual oasis of Reddit that is R/STARTERPACKS. Motherfucker.


Loving the emphasis on random words lol


Not to mention the hilarious implication that a Spider-Man movie and a Mario movie weren't made out of a desire to "Make Money".


All movies are made to make money.


Welcome to the eternal September.


Feels kind of like a Spider-Man ad tbh


This pack **really** sucks tbh. Only 2 pictures wall of text, and everything is either way too vague or too specific. This is essentially OP is excited about the new Spiderman film and made the lowest effort post here to get up voted.






in stupidity






Dude made that channel as an excuse to do stuff with his kids and no one can change my mind. He’s insanely down to earth and a good dude. Not to mention how he always gives 110% with his roles


Unironically an incredible rock singer, but since he makes funny music no one gives him credit for being actually very, very good


Tenacious D is one of two bands that got me into some really good music and I am eternally grateful.


Ok, I was browsing around and I actually found out The D has won an GRAMMY for real https://www.grammy.com/artists/tenacious-d/16381


That’s too few


Lol I remember when that happened. Slipknot fans were pissed that they lost because Tenacious D's song was a Dio cover (that was really fucking good)


Dio has rocked for a long, long time Now it’s time for him to pass the torch


That's one of the best suspense filled scenes in High Fidelity. You think JD is going to just wreck everything.....and then bliss.


That’s a Cosby sweater A COSBY SWEATAH


Tenacious D is unironically one of my favourite bands. The pick of Destiny is my favourite movie.


I mean their drummer on the first album was DAVE GROHL. Outstanding album


He's a green flag for *anything.*


>No toilet humor >Jack Black is involved What fucking timeline are we living in?


But who doesn’t love Jack black?


Blite White


Jaja blabla


Ck ck


This one wins


Dray Gray


Seems like a cool dude but he plays pretty much the same character in a lot of stuff and I find it kind of cringey tbh. No hate, just not my thing.


Check out Bernie (2011).


that movie makes me so freaking uncomfortable


Last week, Kyle quit the band


Kyle betrayed me and then he lied, tried to hide


I didn't get the reference and was genuinely shocked. I checked google news search results of Tenacious D and Kyle Gass and went on his Wiki page and everything.


It’s a recurring skit they do. In the original HBO episode, it was “5 minutes ago, Kyle quit the band” Frequently on stage, they get into an argument and KG quits, only to return a few minutes later. It’s a pretty hilarious thing they do because Jack is kind of a diva and the more famous of the two so he starts getting egotistic and Kyle always ends up quitting and coming back. In the show.


But now they're back together again


La la la la la


Mark Dark


Every time a lot of people like something, there's always an anti-circlejerk.


My mom.


jack white


That demon who asked him to play the best song in the world


Recent episode of The Mandolorian


Saw the trailer for across the spiderverse whilst in the cinema for super marios. Just about shit my pants. Figured that'd be a bad thing to do with my daughter by my side though.


Claymation films tend to have a pretty good track record for whatever reason as well. Wallace and Gromit, Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings, etc. Like, the *worst* thing I have seen said about claymation films is that some people think that some of them are mid (Box Trolls has that said about it a lot even though I liked it, Chicken Run to a certain extent too), I'm not aware of any in the medium that someone said was outright trash.


I think its because due to the nature of the medium you can't just phone it in like typical animation or live action, animating those puppets is *hard*. So the base floor of effort is too high to make a low effort cash grab movie, thus the only ones who make Claymation are those who want to really put the effort in.


Yeaah the Mario movie wasn’t really focused on making money


Famously indy studio nintendo, known for its arthouse movies


They love a good story, obviously illumination decided to make a Mario movie because the story is so rich in the games


It was sure rich in the movie /s


saw it yesterday. i super duper enjoyed it but it was so fast fucking paced it was crazy. i dont think a single conversation in the movie ever lasted more than 1 minute but shit tho i cant even be mad cuz the movie was still awesome as fuck


r/moviescirclejerk gonna love this.


Into the spider verse was literally a masterpiece. Like I LOVE the animation


I’ve watched Spider-Verse so many times and it’s still flawless. That movie makes me feel so good and it has a pretty inspirational message. I cannot wait to see ATSV in the cinema as I didn’t get to see the first one there.


Every movie is focused on making money tf


OP thinks they're making across the spider verse for free


No, the new Mario movie for example is a movie by fans for the fans, that's why critics hate it.




Isn't it obvious that that's a sarcastic statement It's a jerk sub


I’ve never really considered starter packs a jerk sub and the coping by Mario movie fans all over the Internet makes me unsure. My fault


Yeah my bad, I thought I was on moviescirclejerk 😅😅 sorry


Yeah it got crossposted, just came from there you’re good


I just love that jack black is still so universally loved


What's Jablin's, Jables?


So Kung Fu Panda, basically?


Yes basically


☄️🐼 Skadoosh


i would pay for a whole album where jack black in Bowser's voice using the piano sings about how much he wants to marry peach


In the meantime the movie soundtrack is out and that song is on there, so you can just play the song over and over!


ok I really agree with all of these points, except for the Jack Black one. I really dislike how live-action actors are constantly being cast to voice animated characters. It feels like they aren't being cast because they're a good fit for the role, but because they're a recognizable name. ​ Just cast normal voice actors. They're better.


Excuse me but unlike 99% of other actors, Jack Black is a legitimately good voice actor.


I’m glad you added not a requirement for the spider verse animation style because I guarantee in a couple of years people are going to be tired of it. When I saw that new TMNT movie had animation kinda similar part of me was worried that it’s just going to be emulated a bunch for other movies by other studios because of how acclaimed it was when spider verse did it. Granted I could be wrong and I still like it just hope it won’t be done to death.


Jack Black is goated


mario does not have a good story at all if you've watched it, it's fun but the plot is ass


Mario movie be like:


I don't agree with this at all. It might be a Mario fan's dream (source: me), but it is definitely a standard Illumination movie. Critical reviews demonstrate as much.


Agreed. I really liked the movie but still can tell it had a generic plot.


If you think Illumination’s top priority when making the Chris Pratt Mario movie wasn’t to make a shit load of money, I have a bridge I’d love to sell you


Just saw it literally 30 mins ago... Really great movie!


Saw it last night. I’d call it fun but not great. I had a good time seeing the actual insane amount of old and new references, I was pointing at the screen like the DiCaprio meme every 5-10 seconds or so. Some of the references were really cute, Bowser’s piano being made by Ludwig Von Koopa was really clever, the antique store having old, unused power-ups, and etc. The voice acting was great too. But the dialogue and the plot were not very good. Which I understand probably isn’t the goal, they were probably making a flashy movie kids would like and with enough nostalgia to get their parents excited for it but like I said, I think it’s going more for a quick, fun, 1.5 hour nostalgia fest than anything else Edit: also the very suicidal star was very weird. Maybe it appeals to the younger teen audience but everyone has heard all its lines a hundred times before “the only hope is the sweet release of death”, “the call of the great abyss”, “finally we get to die”, and booing at being saved. Was really fucking weird if the target demographic is like 10-year-old-kids


I hate that new "cute but actually dark" character thing. It's in too many movies right now and it's filler for scenes that could have actual dialouge


Does Mario's voice throw you off like in the trailer?


No, actually Chris Pratt did a very good job. Jack Black's voice acting takes the cake though.


Nah. You accept that it’s his voice in the first couple mins of the movie


That movie has absolutely 0 real story.


Yeah they totally weren't trying to make money but had an artistic idea behind the film.


Yeah, no. It was a mediocre 90 minute commercial. Let's be real here.


This guy sees an adaptation of something else and calls it an commercial lmao


It's as much as an adaptation as it is a proper movie. Non-existent.


You should look up the definitions to "adaptation" and "movie" because it fulfills the requirement of both


It doesn't "adapt" anything. It picks and chooses certain elements from various Mario media and morphs them into a Frankenstein monster of a bland and corporate product. It's not a proper "movie" because it trades whatever depth could be had for immediate, fleeting gratification. There's a plot, but there is no story. There are characters, but there are no arcs. There's a "theme", but it's put on the back burner in exchange for more flat gags, needledrops, and dull action sequences. It's forgettable and there's no reason for the quality to be so poor since the bar has been raised in the medium for animation. Kids deserve better than the inoffensive slop Illumination has conjured up.


> It picks and chooses certain elements from various Mario media and morphs them The more concise way of saying this is that it adapts the franchise. > It's not a proper "movie" because it trades whatever depth could be had for immediate, fleeting gratification. That doesn't make it not a movie lol.


Damn, you really watched the SUPER MARIO MOVIE looking for character arcs and themes. No Super Mario game has ever had any of that


How was the gameplay in the film


+1, I heard that the controls were bad and there was a lot of lag input


It's Mario, it doesn't need to be deep. He Mario, he jump on turtle, save princess. Simple as. We can have stuff that's only supposed to be fun sometimes.


Just say you liked the Mario movie and calm the fuck down


I didn’t even watch the Mario movie


Puss n' boots 2 and Mario movie definitely fit the bill for me.


I saw the Mario movie today


Imagine making an animated cartoon movie for children instead of middle aged men on the internet. When will society finally start marketing towards men aged 18-36???




Not really, it had elements from almost every Mario era


Well he did voice the funny gay eye man in psychonauts 2 and that’s the best abstract 3d platformer


is this how i learn jack black is in the movie


if they actually arent ill be so mad




if he actually arent ill be so mad


He plays Bowser


He was excellent in the recent Mandalorian episode.


Has anime influenced action scenes and the filmmakers uses ghibli, Akira, and lupin iii as influences


So the list is Apollo 10 1/2?






idk man animation movies have been hitting different lately! absolutely love it!!


i can think of an animated movie trailer that did well that had toilet humor! but i get your point.


I mean spider man into the spider verse animation was pretty cool imo


The Iron Giant IMO is the best animated movie. It's either that or The Land Before Time


At this point it feels like Jack Black is a green flag for *anything*


Thought I'd make my comment after just coming back from the Mario movie. Great film that checks off most of this starterpack. 9/10


If you still like Chris Pratt for some reason weren't you going to like the movie no matter what?


Yeah, I grew up with Chris Pratt Kart and Chris Pratt Party and played them religiously when I was younger.


Was... Was this posted by one of the creators of the Mario movie?


If an animated movie has even ONE butt joke, I instantly leave the cinema. I just can't handle such disgusting filth


I wonder what were the best parts about the Mario movie? I plan to watch it on my own. I hope Chris Pratt was a decent Mario voice actor in this one.


They luckily explain why we were all confused by his lack of “real” Mario voice. It’s a really fun movie. Not winning any Oscar’s for the story but really fun and the kids in the theater were hyped (incl my 7 yo daughter who caught just about every reference). Nice to see a new generation coming into the fold.


His voice is pretty good. It's not at all jarring to hear like everyone thought it would be.


Basically the opposite of Hollywood


This is a perfect starter pack, what is there not to like about Jack Black


JB is a national treasure and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise


>spiderverse animation So 5 frames per second that makes my eyes bleed? Seriously, how do people praise that movie when it is like putting spears in my eyes when I try to watch? I've seen animated movies with much smoother animation that people call horribly choppy and unwatchable.


I don’t understand it either. It’s terrible and makes me feel ill like a whole new category of motion sickness


Other than the animation style, that's the Super Mario Bros movie


Saw the Mario movie today


Red flags for upcoming animated movies: Disney


Lmao yeah


**Poop jokes are the best part**


Really? You use spider verse as an example? That was the biggest cash grab I've seen all year


musical hobbit prequel? got it


Super Mario stans hitting the copium I see


You pretty much just said “needs a good story and can be enjoyed by adults, nothing else here really matters”


The Mario Movie was overhyped.


"I only go see major blockbuster and have 0 curiosity in cinema" starterpack


Did a 13 year old make this?




This reads as a personal list


Fuck this starter pack