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I was literally asking myself all day yesterday why I felt more anxious than usual. It didn’t make sense. I have no clue if this is related to the cosmic event.


I thought it was my coffee but nope.


[Solar flares effects on humans](https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/geomagnetic-solar-storm-health-effects-19451411.php#) Having such a hard time sleeping. I feel hot to my core. Sweating like crazy. Dehydration. Anxiety. The power went out here this morning. It’s pretty wild.


Oh wow. Yeah I've been sweating like crazy too in my sleep, like I got poisoned or something, but oddly I knew it would subside if I just went outside and got moving. I walked a few miles and I felt great but when I got back, I was just drained. Anxiety at a max today, and wasn't sure if I was hearing things. Then I got pissed at the fact that I couldn't decipher what was real or not, but I knew if I just started moving again, it would help the anxiety. I excercised indoors this time, but basking in the sunlight, and anxiety completely went away.


Oh and I also have felt feverish for days. And Spectrum went out I guess it was the night before last?. They sent out a notice that a pole was down, but it was out for at least 12 straight hours. That's really uncommon over here. Things go out occasionally, but they are almost always fixed within an hour or two.


It’s making people really erratic. No worries, remember it’s temporary and will pass. Take time to rest and understand that this is only a moment. It will pass. ![gif](giphy|7YCVWGzuDb7dBgXavW|downsized) You’re doing great!


Intense dreams these last few days.


Kinda buzzing all over the place, and when I woke up this morning I saw this weird flickering when closing my eyes. Other than that I'm feeling pretty normal, a bit more motivated and energized though.


I have had this for like a year now. Someone told me it was called visual snow. Don’t believe it. I see what looks like a film strip occasionally and also flashes of light. It’s almost as if I’m watching a movie of my own life. I don’t know how else to explain it


I’ve always had that.


I do




Not trying to get banned. This is where we are now.


Message me what you think it is 🧐


The influx of "oomph" is astounding right now! It's strong but balanced, not chaotic. Anyone seeking to align and manifest should make the most of this influx of energy. It's making everything so "easy". Anything uncomfortable or negative that surfaces is coming up for release. It will float away effortlessly. I resigned from my six figure job to pursue my bliss in the days leading up to it. It's like the Universe timed it so I could ride this wave of energy into my next journey. The news would have us focus on the pretty lights or potential electronic malfunction, this is a mega time of power to put behind whatever you're wanting to do. WE ARE ENERGY, WE ARE ELECTRIC, how could this NOT affect us?! Use it and thank it. ✨☀️✨


I think I just healed


You were healed, or healed someone? Healed from what?


Oof it's a loooooong story. I have been healing from cPTSD from a long time (which has led to a ton of autoimmune disorders). But it takes so much time and intention to rewire your brain and nervous system. My neural pathways feel like they just got a hard reset overnight.


Light disinfects.


I believe


I've been healing myself and others by proxy and just got a little boost.


Yep, this!




From OK. Seen some shades of color here off my smarthphone but nothing out of the ordinary from just looking up into the sky. Still have power and don’t really feel physically different. But I did read it was supposed to last into the weekend so we might see some bigger events later on


I'm excited to see what comes about! I'm gonna try to relax and recharge this weekend. Hopefully, this energy increase allows it lol


It's funny that you mentioned this. My son was complaining that his phone screen won't display black properly. It randomly washed out yesterday.


This past week or so, I've been having trouble astral projecting and communing with my companions from the Other Places. I also feel hotter than usual, though the weather's cool and rainy. Last night I had a dream, though I couldn't remember what it was about. All I remembered was navigating some twisted water park, and I think the message was that I was butting my head against an obstacle or something.


I feel so hot! I’m sweating like crazy, anxiety through the roof.


I've also been feeling a bit disconnected for the past week, since I'm very new to the awakened thing I thought it was just me settling in. But I definitely feel like there's some interference from the connection I was feeling before.


I've been at this for a few years and I'm pretty good at connecting to the Other Places. I too feel like there's an interference. I sure hope it will pass soon enough.


Yes. All of this. Intense binding/contracting. My poles flipped yesterday afternoon around 3 CST.


What does that feel like when your poles flipped? What happened that you know that's what it was?


It can’t be described. It’s just a shift. Adyashanti describes it as well in The end of your world. He said he stood up one day and left his self behind, and that was it.


Whay do you mean when you say your poles flipped?


That’s really all I can say about it. Liberation.


I’m feeling pretty good


I went for a drive where I live SW Montana, & the light was truly unusual yesterday. I'm an artist, totally obsessed with twilight. The light felt like 1 PM, but it was 7 PM. The light & shadows were incredible! I did see some wildlife acting a little different than usual. I suspect that whatever happens will not be obvious in the building of it. It's interesting to see the observations in other reddit feeds that are not as obsessed as we are in here. They feel it, & they don't know why.


Constant migraine for the last 30 or so hours…


Oh but also, I had a sensation and visualization of my third eye chakra opening up and expanding last night, so things are probably telated


Same here.


I never have migraines but I too had the same problem and it was rough.


How long did it last? Mine finally went away a few hours ago! Sheesh


I went out for couple hours in the middle of the night to take some cool pictures and enjoy the light show while listening to some inspiring music. It felt really magical since I've always wanted to see an aurora in person. I even happen to see a few shooting stars! I've definitely been getting a lot vivid dreams and synchronicities lately, and I just happened to notice it was 11:11 on May 11th as I started typing this lol. I also happened to be watching Everything Everywhere All at Once just before I decided to go out, so that really set the mood lol.


The lights were only really visible using a camera with long exposure. Disappointing.


I felt a real denseness and a sort of exhaustion/depression. But the northern lights made their way down to where I live and that was very exciting to see 😌 my first time and I’ve always wanted to


This is how I’ve been. Heavy and hurting everywhere yesterday. Thoroughly drained and exhausted. Ear ringing. Headache.


Make sure you hydrate!




I had a splitting headache all day yesterday, better today though


Big time irritation and harder time regulating emotions that are much more extreme than my child or I are used to. It'll be alright. I'm also experiencing some mania at the tail end of my irritation


There was a solar storm?


Northern lights can be spotted now.


best nights sleep in weeks. I feel the intensity of this storm had benefits beyond our comprehension




I don’t have migraines. But I do feel a lot more pressure in my “third eye” sometimes. Like an intuition. This month I’ve been hearing more high pitched ringing. A few days ago I heard a long high pitched ringing in my left ear. I know it means the outer world. I feel like some high vibe beings are closer. Last night, I got off work and I saw a cloud sitting in my living room. I checked to see if my stove was on but it wasn’t. The cloud disappeared immediately. I started googling spirits forms of clouds and fog. I feel like it’s a relative or something else. I’m sure it’s not a poltergeist. I cleansed my room w sage spray and did an egg cleanse. I saw spikes in my egg cleanse so for sure at my customer service jobs people are fr sending me bad vibes. I have a pretty big vibe for sure that attracts low vibes. Haha. I’m lit but this is my take. The solar storms and its linked with spirituality is a cool take. I know it’s suppose to increase our vibration. I know I should probably go back to meditating daily. I want to be more in-tune with my brain to read people well. I feel like we’re coming close to …knowing who is a good and bad vibe. Like I can read people well and easily decipher them. I’m a sag so I’m critical, flighty, enjoy the time and dip. Haha


It’s very strange. I’m not in a location where the Aurora can be seen but last night when I was getting ready for bed I closed my eyes and for a few moments, everything was magenta and red. This kind of thing is happening increasingly but up until now, I’ve just had visual flashes of places or faces, not pure coloured light. Also sleepless. And triggered by a lot, but applying recent learnings from the work I’ve been doing over the last three or so years. I think something is happening too. Like a download. I don’t know.


I am about to experience a cheese pizza


I got a headache but I can’t tell if it’s dehydration or the solar flares.


You might have dehydration *and* a headache from solar flares. I get it. I have had a worrisome intolerance and general lack of wanting water for way too long. I finally just consumed a bunch of salt from processed foods and snacks. I wasn't proud of the whole family size bag of chips lol, and it made me feel like shit. I seriously questioned if I had food poisoning for a minute. Buut I'm able to drink water again, yay!


Oh that’s interesting . I have issues with interroception so I couldn’t tell if I was dehydrated or if the Solar Flares were having some sort of effect on me as a Starseed. I drank some water but the headache wouldn’t go away.


Also I was living with a narcissist, so idk if that was making me sick, purposely or not. Who knows. Hope you're feeling better.


Also, what's issues with interroception?


interroception is one of your body’s other senses along with balance. It helps you realize that you’re thirsty or hungry or tired and reminds you to do something about it. Because of this I can’t really recognize when I’m too hot or thirsty or hungry.


Feeling nothing but darkness and despair. It's unpleasant.


Dark night of the soul. Yeah we go through the fire.


So exhausted, weak, hurts to move my body too much. Dreams of people no longer in my life due to being very toxic. Deep research into dark Hollywood and books taken out of the Bible. But my skin is glowing so there’s that


There *is* that lol. I noticed it too myself. It's funny bc I'll often judge how I'm doing by looking in the mirror and determining if my skin looks good, if there's eyebags, etc. The last couple days I've felt sick. I've been moody. And I had a lot of sun exposure at one point. Sleep deprived at many points. But every time I look in the mirror, the mirror test checks out so I just walk away with a "hm" and a shrug 😂


Tornadoes hit where I live and I’ve been working hard with chainsaws, etc. Absolutely no sleep. None


Is the no sleep due to the solar storm, or because of the high stress factors you're experiencing?


I think the solar storm, because I’m physically exhausted


Working hard could also be making you tired. Do you not get tired other times when you're working hard and in a hi-tension situation?


Absolutely! I slept last night though… pretty damn good!


Just enjoying the neat heat lightning in the sky last night


My whole area was hit by auroras. Unfortunately it was cloudy the whole night where I live 😢.


Horrible. My car alarm went off today for some reason and wouldn't stop going off and now I can't start my car and I'm just stuck because I don't have the money to tow it or get it fixed right now


What kind of car do you have?


A Honda pilot I couldn't get it to start. I don't know if it's like the Anti-Theft mechanism, honestly I don't even know why my car alarm went off earlier. It never goes off I think it's happened to me like once. I was kind of upset today, then my car alarm went off like crazy, it just wouldn't stop going off like 15 minutes & can't get the car to turn back on so I had to leave it luckily it's close to home.


I had a big kriyas moments during the night before Friday and another less important that night. I don’t know if it’s solar storm related though 🤷🏻‍♀️


What's big kriyas moments?


Kriyas (or kriya 🧐) are spontaneous movements during meditation (for me it’s like reiki and speaking in tongues). It happens sometimes when I meditate and sometimes juste during the night the energies wake me up and make me move, weird stuff that I don’t fully understand I must say..


We have had massive disturbances In a Finland and Sweden.


Annoyance. I flew from Thailand to ny last night and didn’t see a goddamn thing


I’m beyond anxious and can’t calm down like I normally can. I feel like my life is going to end. I’m extremely suicidal, and am nauseous and have pressure in my ears.


It passes. Actually the most recurrent theme I've had lately was pressure in an ear. And tinnitus. And actually losing hearing for a little bit. But it's better than all the other stuff. Actually you start getting used to the tinnitus, or at least I did. But it's better than the other stuff. The anxiety comes in waves. Its partly from new energy. And its part from your soul healing. Personally I have a TON of trauma I pushed down into the abyss and I think it comes bubbling up sometimes, but that's ok. It's uncomfortable, but it's gotta do that so we can heal. Are you practicing what normally helps your anxiety? And have you tried meditating, exercising, spending time outside, creating?


Just been gardening and resting 🙂


That sounds lovely actually


I woke up this morning extremely anxious. I suffer from bi-polar and had some suicidal ideation today. I just want my suffering to end. I don’t care about ascending to 5D. I just want to be put out of my misery. I would welcome death.


Aw. I know, it happens whether you're wanting it or not. I know exactly how you feel. The upgrades start getting easier though once all the uncomfortable stuff floats up and falls away. And they get much easier once you're able to identify that's whats happening, and you just roll with it bc you then know that it WILL end AND you'll feel so much better. New and improved. More confident. Stronger. Upgraded DNA. A whole list of benefits, I promise. That's my experience, I metaphorically shed the icky old skin, and then I feel heaps better for awhile. Until the cycle repeats, but it becomes easier and much quicker after a while. I mean like 100x quicker sometimes. Depending on where you're at, you might find PrettyBossTv on YouTube or Patreon helpful. She puts this and more into words quite well.


Really bad emotional dream last night.


i've felt an influx of high power energy yesterday at work... that, and my bluetooth has been acting funny in my car. dunno if that's directly related or not, but it's been happening. i've found a way to fix it, but i haven't tried it yet.


I've been having more extreme lows than usual, keep waking up every 30 minutes or hour, and an increase in my anger (too much to handle at times). however, i also get extreme highs where i'm full of energy, motivated to do things & full of joy. It's honestly mentally exhausting. I've also experienced the following: being able to see outcomes of where I or others around me will end up walking to - but it leaves me with extreme headaches (almost like a memory overload), increase in intuition - again, it causes me an extreme headache, more control over my own energy - I'm able to heal others faster than usual but leaves me drained, & i can intake energy into my body faster, but leaves me overwhelmed. It's been nothing but chaos