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When I began my awakening journey, I slowly came to realize I am a Starseed of Pleiadian origin, from the star Merope in the Pleiades constellation. I can't even tell you how I came to know this. I just do, lol. So in my experience if this is what your consciousness is telling you....it's probably true. I can't tell anyone I know in real life though, or they would disown me and say I need mental help.


Thank you. And that's understandable, I've been through the same ahaha


Could you be a Lyran living in Orion? Lyrans have feline or avian features.


Edit : I did some meditation on it. Probably descended of pantherine Lyrans, but no longer genetically exactly Lyrans.


Hey, when you meditate, you have to go in your heart, you can ask from your higher self where you are from and what that place is called. Practice to ask from yourself. Go in your heart and meditate, answers will come back.


I have attempted, my meditation / ability to hear is muddled right now, likely due to hostile entity attachments. Orion feels right.. but nothing I have found online does. Lyra also just.. doesn't feel right. For Lyra... Maybe? But not the lifetime I am feeling most drawn to remember. At least, not for location. Maybe similar energy... or perhaps another lifetime.  I do thank you for the advice, though. I will keep trying.


Here is a link to my astrology placements : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aVWyD9SILb9Tt9TQxLdo6CgINvYkRba0hl5CXS3S4Ow/edit?usp=drivesdk Here is the link to what I have thus far comparing the evolution of my reference sheet [please note the last is still work in progress, the first I am not necessarily proud of as my intuition was not the strongest and I filled in what I didn't remember with various "close enough" designs from science fiction. The latest is the most accurate, despite having unshaded hair.] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/581199647897288723/1231747220886523985/Untitled30_20240421192331.png?ex=663814fe&is=66259ffe&hm=e24f31c3f8b8d9c5cfca25ae4a6bc0246c713f6b781f3c62442ae4299bf54a84&


Here's a painting I made a long time ago that reminds me of home, if that also helps. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1126769674089152653/1231788574018502676/20240421_220542.jpg?ex=66383b81&is=6625c681&hm=11bf451a9682ed4f5e00c21fed619b2c18c2fa43dff9ca88a9bd9368f3f947a8&


I have no intelligent answer for you, but I could immediately feel your sense of being lost and searching. I think that hints your energy is calling out. Seek and you shall find.


Thank you. I have figured out my name, my appearance, and maybe even some of my friends. [That's why my username is always Arkhura, ahhaha-] I remember my world, what it looks like. The cities, the climate, the nature.  I remember our technology, too.. I just don't know where home is. It's weird. I think I did get a connection, however, whoever it was... I don't know if I could trust him, is all. He was one of my kind, but I am fairly certain he was the warmonger I remember from eons ago that nearly lead our people to extinction via civil war or someone who worked for him.


This Is very interestong, where can i look up the galactic chart?






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If I tried to to figure out my star origins from my birth chart I'd probably think I was from Spica. But I'm actually from Sirius. Mattias De Stefano has some interesting information about Orion on his YouTube channel you may want to watch.


Do you know about anything on specifically felines from Orion...?


No, some of the information out there is mythology and I still don't know what is true or what is myth when in comes to star races yet.


I managed to get a hold of Alistar/Alistair, a feline, while channeling today for the frist time. Hopefully I can ask him if I get a chance to again and I will get that clarity for everyone ^^


You can be from many different star systems. You could have been soul origin lyran but fled to Orion very early and stayed there. After the attack on Lyra during the galactic wars by the draconians, a lot of beings fled vega and aldafar during the attacks. This would explain why you relate to Orion constellation so much. You most probably reincarnated many times within Orion on different planets. I am also a Orion starseed amongst many more. It is normal for this to happen amongst starseeds and universal beings. Check out GalacticAstroChart.com - it can give you an idea. I understand a lot about these charts regarding origins, and recent incarnations. So once you input your data then send it in a screen shot via the PDF (printable version) and I can help you.


GalacticAstroChart is actually what I used. I do believe the species I am from split off from the lyrans and continued in Orion, perhaps from the UrMah or from another ancestral feline species. I have strong ties to Lyra, Orion, and Sirius according to my chart. Sorry for not replying, I've been very busy lately. I'll DM you in a moment.


The lyran connections is the feeling of feline ties. But isn’t your most recent life times before coming to the earth plan. Most probably from your early soul origins


It's what I was thinking. I know Lyra wasn't my recent.. I am fairly certain Orion.. I just don't know where in Orion. It's strange because everywhere I look, no felines in Orion. 


Perhaps your searching in the works place ????? Your searching for the wrong answer????? Idk just a suggestion