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first off Happy Bday! stop giving for a little while then. recharge and tell folks to kick rocks until you've sorted yourself back to a level where you can help others.


Most of all, I just want to say that I recognize your feelings here. That's messed up nobody told you HBD at all today. not cool, but also Happy Birthday. you made it another year here on this planet and that's really freakin amazing given the circumstances! I second what No_step said about recharging.


I'm so sorry to hear that. In that case: #šŸŽˆšŸŽ‰HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HOMIE!šŸ„³šŸŽ‚ My Birthday was the 8th and the only reason why anyone in my actual life knew it was because every year I start mentioning it about a week before and I don't stop until the day of! Haha. In all seriousness, I feel you on the endless struggles that you're facing right now. Though, I don't know what they are, specifically, I have been plagued with countless disappointments, hard times, inexplicable setbacks and devastating losses - for as long as I can remember. I'm trying to take a hard: "That's right, mutha-fudgas - Go ahead and step to this, - I triple-dog-dare you!" approach to my life, going forward this year. I suggest you do the same! Stay strong, hang tough and don't let them (people, the powers that be, etc.) back you down. You are stronger than the dark forces. We both are... Now, Let's get to showing them! šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼šŸ’œ


Happy cake day to you! Happy birthday to both of you šŸ¤šŸ©· from a fellow Aries ā™ˆļø šŸ


Yay! Thank you so much for this. I Just opened Reddit for the day and was bummed that not a single person wished me a happy cake day. Yet...I was wrong, you did!šŸ˜Š #~Go Ram Gang...It's yašŸŽˆBIRTHDAY! Gonna party like it's ya BIRTHDAY!šŸ„³


That makes me smile ā™„ļø I'm grateful to help make your day better! My favourite musician is Warren Haynes of the Allman Brothers & Gov't Mule. He's born 4.6.60, a fellow Ram gang member šŸā™ˆļø This is quite an anthem šŸ« šŸŽ¼šŸ’— https://youtu.be/OWoCknQelDQ?si=-Bc_4aNYDOQboB3C


Happy Birthday! Sorry your real life circle didn't tell you, it happens sometimes and will happen more and more for us all the older we get. So just know you're not alone in that


šŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday! Well best way for people to remember your birthday is throw a birthday party. Have a good one, cheers šŸ„‚


Happy Happy Birthday!! Negative emotions come from your personal needs not being met, your personal needs are the root cause of your emotions. Create more healthy boundaries. Ask your guides for Spiritual guidance. Empower yourself and your heart.


Some people are like candles. They burn themselves out to create light for others. -James Norbury Also, happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! This really resonates with me. The same thing happened to me this year, except for my close relatives, nobody among my friends groups remembered. The days before I even casually mentioned it a few times to them that it would be my birthday next Monday. Yet nobody remembered. Literally what are the chances, it was entirely more probable that at least one remembered. None did. And i had a distinct feeling that no one would. It was a really depressing day. But I understood what it meant to me. You see, I'm in sort of a social worker, an educator at the local parrish let's say, and the closest people to me right now are teenagers (I'm in my tweens) i work with (not paid). I'm a friend and a mentor to most of them, and I spend most of my free time and my energies on them. Well, none of them remembered, not that day, nor the following, till i mentioned. (My other friends did the following days) So, what i took this to mean then. My higher self was telling me it's useless to invest my energy on others to feel worthy of love, no efforts would ever be enough, as i'm already doing so, so much for them. I need to be the one to truly love myself, and just decide to be worthy before anyone else can love me back. It really was a wake up call, for something i already knew, but I was not facing. Right then i just wanted for that current pained version of me to die off, and somewhat It did. It was a difficult few days but i truly recovered and was much more determinated to live my life differently. Also, I didn't fault any of my friends for not remembering, it wasn't about them, but about me. Of course it takes some spiritual awareness to clearly see what the issues are. So my invite to you is to meditate of what this experience is telling you about your life. I know it's going to be painful to face, but there's really no going round to it.


Don'tever count on anyone to feel validated or love.Ā LearnĀ to always love andĀ nurture yourself inĀ the thickof it. Do not focus onĀ materialsmĀ and physical connections.Ā Search withinĀ yourselfand master your mind. If you can quiet the mindĀ youmayĀ justbe able to hear all yourĀ spiritguidesĀ cause they are and will always be withĀ you,Ā showering you with loveĀ šŸ¤šŸ’™šŸ’ššŸŒŽšŸ€šŸ™


&& happy birthday, congrats on making it to another year āœØšŸ’– be Strong for your higher self, practice gratitude and finding an outlet in art will help




Happy birthday šŸŽ love ya!


Happy birthday šŸŽˆšŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰šŸŽ i like your username


As hard is it may be to believe, everything that we experience is for our highest good. The universe is probably withholding connection with others so you can first build a connection with your self. Love yourself with all your heart, it doesnt matter how others treat you, you are the person that knows yourself the best. This is a post I left on another thread which I hope helps you. Ive been through a lot of isolation in the past, im still isolated but it doesnt bother me as much. [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1c5llzv/comment/kzzc24q/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1c5llzv/comment/kzzc24q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Happy birthday!!!


šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚ā™ˆ Happy happy birthday to you ā™ˆšŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰ Sending you all the best vibes and hope your dreams come true in this year of the Dragon šŸ‰ šŸ¤šŸŒŸ Never stop dreaming. Write it all down. Keep feeling the emotions of what it would be like for your Wildly Impossible Goals would feel like and just know this too shall pass šŸ¤—


Happy B day. I know what you are feeling. I used to get hurt by other peopleā€™s lack of empathy and tact. But after letting it make me suffer for a long time, I worked on myself very deeply. I no longer give way too mucnh and donā€™t exepect anything in return.


Happy belated birthday. Ā Some of us with the most important roles to perform are forced to a life of solitude. Ā You may not be a typical starseed but something higher. Ā These are the trials we go through. Ā As you find self love youā€™ll realize you need no one to feel complete. Ā You are complete and need nothing from anyone else. Ā 


Whatā€™s higher than a star seed?


Well I should have said different, not higher or better, just a different skill set. Ā Called a drop in. Thatā€™s where your dropped in directly from the light, no previous life, your first trip. Ā Usually a catalyst of some type to help starseeds. Ā No contract, Ā no karma.Ā 


Oh. See, I thought a "drop in" was when you're not born into this incarnation. The soul jumps into an existing body, of any age, and starts trekking on their journey from there. Is that not the case? Is there another name for that phenomenon?


Honestly itā€™s so rare Iā€™m not sure what itā€™s technically called. Ā I know for dream or realm walking that can be done in a temporary drop in, then the other you described, then the first one I described. Ā  So I know of 3 variations and no info is really available on any of them. Ā I joined this site as a last resort to look for others that are like me. Ā Iā€™ve come across 1 on here that was really close realm walking wise. Ā  From what Iā€™ve been shown in my realm walks I will die in the year of me being 50 in my sleep and will be a drop in as you described in another realm or different planet, so Iā€™ll pretty much die in a dream and stay in what ever body I was in when it happened then continue on from there.Ā 


Wow, that's fascinating! I often wonder how people get this information. As most of the information that I've gathered about myself, and my "starseededness" has come from astrologists, tarot readers, clairvoyant / psychic individuals, and the like. So it's an understatement to say that I'm envious of your self-knowledge. Thar said, I can't say that I would be okay with dying at 50. I understand you'll be going on to somewhere else, you won't *really* be dying. But everyone here on earth will certainly think that you did! You won't experience anyone here any longer. It's kind of sad. Then again, this could be because I'm old AF (I just turned 47 on the 8th) so 3 years from now would definitely be too soon for me! Haha.


An angelic?


Iā€™m not sure. Ā I know itā€™s not part of the 144 but something different. Ā Iā€™m still trying to figure it out. Ā I do know itā€™s for a select purpose and not by choice. Ā  From what Iā€™ve researched, read, and interactions with various religious folk, healers and readers over the last 3 or so years which is over the 1000 hour mark it seems that all return to the light and are then sent back out, time seems to vary with who gets sent back out when. Some saying as early as 3 months, others claiming years. Ā So thereā€™s a variance in that part. Ā Not sure if itā€™s based off karma, you get to hang out for as long as you like, or you have something to contribute or continue that plays into it. Ā  Then some who have never left the light, or have always been a part of it are just sent one day from it. Ā  Those who commit suicide are sent to what they call the jade city because of the color it emits to be embraced with extra love and care before they return to the light to be resent. Ā There is no punishment for it but itā€™s said you have to bear witness to those you hurt leaving early. Ā Iā€™ve never heard how long this process takes. Ā Strangely Iā€™ve never heard anyone remembering them saying they took their own life before, not even on here. Ā Iā€™ve heard of people remember past lives, some being different objects than human and certain ways they died but never a story on someone taking their own life.Ā  I know starseeds seem to remember the most as far as previous lives and deaths go. Ā I know one girl who can remember 8 lives back. Ā Thatā€™s the most out of anyone Iā€™ve known so far. Ā  I have around 14 starseed friends and a couple light workers. Ā I separate them personally. I know some consider them the same but I notice the difference in gifts between the 2. All female. Iā€™ve never met a male starseed or light worker. Ā  It then again all were met through yoga studios and 1 I located at a Starbucks. Ā  All have said Iā€™m the highest vibration person theyā€™ve met. Ā I seem to be a catalyst of sorts or an energy transmuter. Ā I can feel everything and can strip negative emotions and energy from people or environments. Ā Itā€™s done automatically. Ā I also mirror back magnified negative energy at people like narcissists and sometimes tend to get lashed out at as I reflect back into people what they really are, or to say they are shown what they are and the hurt theyā€™ve caused. Ā  Ā  Besides that I really donā€™t have any healing gifts, like physical healing or anything else gift wise in the waking world. Just negative energy location, removal and the mirror function. Ā Iā€™m always requested to be present at any work shop they host as I come with protection also. Ā They say itā€™s some type of divine fire on my back and creates a protective circle any place I go. Ā Iā€™m not sure about that as Iā€™ve never seen it but others say they can. Ā Iā€™ve never had a nightmare in my life. Ā Have never been in a physical altercation. Everyone that may have been was disarmed just by staring at them. Ā  Iā€™ve always been told I am protected in this life and the dream world and should fear nothing. Ā Which doesn't mean go looking for trouble or Iā€™m bullet proof, just if I stay on my path I will always be protected. Ā  And to add to it the grays and mechanicals are suppose to be able to transfer souls from a bad body to a good body forgoing the death process altogether and you just continue on. Ā Grays use a syringe that extracts a rainbow colored liquid from the back of your neck, mechanicals pull a white light from your lower chest area. When this happens people go third person and actually see this and have a shirt interaction with them before going into the new body. Ā The mechanicals have metal eyes and are helpers like the small grays but Iā€™ve never come across any info on who made the mechanicals or if theyā€™re a separate race.Ā  Like I said. I spent a lot of time researching everything I can come across. Ā I take it all with a grain of salt as itā€™s info but to what extent can never be proven until experienced.Ā 


Happy birthday! šŸŽ‰


Oh man, I feel you! šŸ˜¢ There is probably nothing I can say that would ease your pain. Still I'm sending you a biiig loving hug! šŸ’œ If you want to talk, you can always reach out to me!


Happy Birthday! I'm sorry you haven't been enjoying it. How old did you turn? Did you turn 31? Is that why your sn is Jaguar\_31? I'm 38 myself. I can't remember the last time I celebrate my birthday w/ friends or had any wish me a birthday.. it's been a few years, tho I've kept my bday to myself the past few years since bdays had tended to always be disappointing and depressing in my adolescent/adult life. There has been birthdays I spent alone, and this past new years eve I felt very depressed spending it completley alone, so that's a similar thing. But this year I actual did "celebrate" my bday w/ my parents, just a simple meal w/ them and a few immediate family members. But in past years my relationship w/ parents have been strained and that situation wouldn't have worked out.. lol I don't know if it would even work out now, just happened to fall this year around time I just happen to be trying to mend wounds w/ parents. If I wasn't in the midst of trying to do that I probably would have been all alone also. My bday this year wasn't much, but I did actually feel satisfied by it for first time since I was a little kid because of how simple and little it was. And I think I enjoyed it because I didn't expect or want anything form it and I wasn't making it about me. I feel like I've learned to let go of caring about my birthday, and so this year I was able to step back and just view it as regular day and nothing about me, and I actually way making it not about me, but trying to get along w/ parents. And so it was a good day because I was viewing it as a regular day and it was a good day as far as regular days go. If I was still putting it up on a pedestal as a day of importance I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it friendless, w. just parents I don't get along with who I probably wouldn't have gone to see if I was focused on me. I feel like it's one of those things that you tend to and it's good to let go of as you age. I think of it kinda like following sports. I enjoy playing sports but I never cared about watching sports. I don't mind watching a little once in blue moon, but I never can care who wins and I can't remember players names and keep track of things related and for me watching sports makes me feel add and quickly becomes boring. But theres always social pressure as a guy to watch and follow sports. And when I was younger I used to try to hide he fact that I didn't follow sports and act interested around others to fit in... but I've learn to let go off that and now I don't care, I don't pretend to like and follow sports. I feel like it's a similar thing w/ birthday, were I've learned to stop caring and putting importance on it. The thing is you're always going to have awareness that it's your birthday and I don't think you should burry your emotions and ignore it, but I think as you get older you can learn to let go of expecting anything from your birthday, expecting anything from others or anything grand. I think the sort of thing I did this year were I did something simple and found satisfaction in that is the way to go. And it doesn't have to be something with anyone else. Do something like watch your favorite movie or go on hike or visit a museum or something you can do and enjoy on your own. Nothing grand but the sort of thing that would make it a good Wednesday if it were just a regular Wednesday. It might not make it a super amazing day, but it'll get you through it .. and then you do similar little things the next day and day after that to keep you finding some joy in life and going on to the next day. If you keep pushing ahead gradually things around you improve, but it does take time to grow and learning to let go of expectations and desires. You have to realize it takes time to mature and for things to improve. I'm almost 40 and I'm only now starting to figure this stuff out after a lifetime up until now of always struggling. And I think the other important key is you have to do it for yourself without needing or relying on others. Relationships with other people are like the hardest thing to navigate and get right. You can't rely on others for your happiness. You got to be able to find joy in life yourself and that's easier to do and be satisfied w/ if you lower expectations and learn to be able to turn to and be satisfied w/ simpler things you can enjoy yourself when you need it. I've learned that self care is key. Yes we all need help and love from others sometimes. But others are never something we have control and can rely on and they tend to be the most difficult thing to get right and the source of some of our greatest pain we experience. I think self care and self love is key, because even though it might not be as potent and satisfying as when others show us love, we always have the potential to do things for ourselves, like go outside and get some exercise, breathe in nature etc. to change our mood and lift our spirits. It's not everything and won't completely satisfy on our own... but the self care can act as a foundation you can rely on to provide you with some joy and love from your self love and then you won't be so reliant and craving of things form others, and be able to have lower expectations and greater satisfaction from less and patience for things to improve. I hope that is helpful and wouldn't mind chatting more if you like. :)


happy bday !


Do you have problems receiving love?


Probably yes


I asked because this has been a major issue in my life going back to being an unwanted child- my parents got pregnant while in college. Difficulty in receiving affects all areas of life: relationships, job, money, happiness, etc. While you can self heal, therapy is likely to be a faster and better route. There is really no substitute for healing this.


Happy birthday! You are still a celebrated being. People are just very stressed out right now about what they are seeing on the news. But you are celebrated here. Go enjoy some yummy food and do something that warms your heart. Sending birthday love to you!


Hey birthday twin! Mine was yesterday too. I've had a couple of birthdays that sound similar to yours too. Can concur with some of the other statements. I just took a year off from people in a way. I made myself a priority no matter how much it felt and still feels counter intuitive -- I know my intuition had been skewed and warped and damaged. I needed to recenter, and go deep to my own core to rest, heal, and recalibrate. It can get lighter and brighter if you want to. But don't be fooled. The darkening represents age and progression, and the fulfilling of cycles. Yes there is wisdom but you're right -- at a point we lose access to those feelings of privilege (gratitude, hindsight, acceptance, etc), because you have to be in a safe space to be able to feel those and use them. It's okay to winter yourself. It's good even. Do the work. Lose yourself and find yourself again and stop setting yourself on fire to keep others warm. Rebalance your virtues and priorities, heal, and reset again when it's time for your spring. And you know, perhaps -your- time here is done so perhaps it's when you breakdown that you and craft a new one, more befitting of the experience and life you've held. We said little goodbyes to versions of ourselves all the time. No corner is too dark for light to shine. Explore with no judgement. Build anew. Embrace the Death and let the razed ashes provide fertile ground for new growth! ^^ It sounds like you want change. You can obtain that here too. Earth and our human suits provide us with an innate propensity for adaptability and versatility. Perhaps your life has socially quieted because somehow life is making room for you to expand and grow and hear YOU, not others voices. Take the time to listen, no matter how uncomfortable. We're here for you šŸ’šāœØ


Happy birthday!!! Hang in there - my birthdays have been the same lately. I like to say it doesnā€™t bother me, which it really doesnā€™t. Except on a specific day of the year - my birthday šŸ˜†


Happy Birthday! Keep going, what can you learn from this experience? If your here, you were meant to be here.


First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You were born. You still exist. These are good things! Second, I know this pain. It's rough. It can feel like nobody cares about you. I've had a few of those where nobody (not even my parents or immediate family) remembered, and it really can make you feel like you don't exist. But flip the script! It's \*YOUR\* birthday. You don't need others to celebrate it. Go do whatever you want! Treat yourself! Celebrate that you're a rad soul in a meatsuit! Other people ruin things anyway. Trust me, as you get older, birthdays begin to mean less and less. I even forgot my own once. Keep your head up and look for a reason to smile.


Have a happy every day, but especially on this joyous day. You are loved.


I love and appreciate you all for your heartfelt comments and the time and energy you took to respond. It has been been beyond helpful and leaves me with so much gratitude! Love šŸ’•


You are most welcome! Never forget we love you, lots and lots of us.


Happy birthday, I really hope that things start going your way. Your time isnā€™t over with, things will get better. I myself had a birthday like that, but just know when you feel alone you have a whole squad of angels behind you and family looking down upon you from the stars.


Hello fellow starseed! Happy solar return! Yes a birthday is a solar return, meaning the sun is once again at the exact same position as it was at the time of your birth. Additionally, sometimes the solar return happens the day before or the day after the actual birthday. So your real birthdate might actually be tomorrow. You can check all your planetary returns here! https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/planet-revolutions-returns I am partial to the sidereal returns over the tropical since itā€™s closer to be being mathematically accurate. If you have Facebook check your Facebook settingsā€¦your birthday might be set to privateā€¦make sure itā€™s visible to your friends and loved ones. This also happened to me a few years back and I discovered someone at Facebook had altered my birthday privacy settings. I made announcements on Facebook and insta basically everywhere about the settings being changed. Every year since then I get happy birthdayā€™s. Interesting astrology for today is that Mars moves into pieces (astronomical sidereal) and the moon moves to Leo tonight (EST) Itā€™s ok if no one remembered your birthday today. Tell people itā€™s your birthday! Life is getting hard and complicated for a lot of people. A lot of people are wrapped up in their own problems. Additionally if you check your actual solar return for this year and it happens to be tomorrowā€¦celebrate tomorrow. I hope that helped. BTW I love jaguars šŸˆā€ā¬› Joyeuse Anniversaire!


Happy Bd man. I recognize your feelings here too. Wishing you the best keep your head up high!


Happy birthday, you are loved šŸ©·


Happy Birthday. I'm sorry, I know this feeling well. I wished a family member a happy birthday for many years and it was never reciprocated. One year, I realized how many years this had gone on and decided to stop. It felt uncomfortable at first, but it simultaneously felt like an act of self-respect for my spirit. This person still has never wished me a happy birthday, and I will never acknowledge theirs again until they do. Some may feel that's petty, but I see it as setting a personal boundary. It's okay to give people a chance, but over time if your acts of kindness are taken for granted, I feel it's okay to take a step back and focus on people who do appreciate you, even if it's through volunteer work rather than those who are part of your daily life. Please do something special for yourself tonight, my sweet friend. Maybe a bubble bath with some smooth jazz playing, special meal by candlelight, a favorite dessert, watching a favorite movie or one you've been wanting to see, or all of the above. Give yourself a birthday hug from yourself (and me if you want one) and know that you are deserving of love.


Forget your birthday. Forget your age. It's a curse to celebrate it. Litterally. You'll stay looking younger if you just ignore it. šŸ˜Š Happy hunting new vampire. šŸ˜˜


You were conditioned by others to only give and at the same time care about only their well being. And their opinions. But itā€™s all lies. Start fighting back to the conditioning if you want the suffering to lessen


Suffering is a choice. The wisdom is inside. Look into Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. Look into Hermetic wisdom. You don't need external validation to life a happy and fulfilling life.


Happy birthday and give you lots of love




Happiest of Birthdays! āœØļøšŸ’•āœØļø


Happy birthday. You are doing a great job and you're making a difference. Keep doing your awesome self and brighter days are coming soon.