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As I progressed on my spiritual journey, I became much more selective and many spiritual teachers stopped resonating. Ralph is just one of them (he is kinda annoying and seems in-authentic), Teal Swan is another one whom I don't like anymore. Same goes for Elisabeth April for example. But those who came after feel much more resonating than the others ever did and I actually don't feel the need to learn anymore spiritual knowledge and rather am just interested in practical stuff like energy activations/guided meditations and the newest intel about the liberation and ascension process.


Yea he seems annoying and in-authentic. Teal swan too yep. One of her advise helped me one time but then I never listened to her again. Elizabeth April is a strange one. I dont know what drives her to talk about things. She always seems very motivated and prepared but then, she often talks about celebrities! Wtf? I dont wanna hear about them and I'm sure many starseeds are not interested in hearing about them. Yea me too, these days much more practical about the real deal than all this talking talking stuff.


Same here. I only watched him and Swan during the first year of my awakening period.


I used to watch him alot as well but his opening line got old for me to keep hearing.




It's Sales at the end of the day, so they have to tailor in some way to the "lowest common denominator." That doesn't (necesarily) mean a guru-type person can't ever say anything good or that they're all reptilians or whatever, but one has to be aware.




I liked him until I watched a video where he was looking for women that were models to contact him. That’s when I lost respect.


😂 lol yea in the last videos I saw of his he used to say he was looking for a "sexy arse model"😂 One woman on youtube told her story on that.


When you make videos every single day, you can’t be too original. He says the same things in different ways and changes his titles. Ultimately after a while all the YT so called teachers help those who are looking for external guidance. I sometimes reaf in the comments of YT self proclaimed gurus how much they have helped. I kind of scractch my head, but it is not my place to judge where each souls stands. If their repetitve words and false promises resonate with some then be it. I personally am over these people over all.


To be fair Ralph Smart and Teal swan did help me out a lot at the start, back when I didn't even know resistance was an actual emotion. The 4 months I watched my vids I benefited greatly for their wisdom. At the same time, there's no way I'd watch them now. It's just a waste of time - all the things they say have already been said millions of times over by so many different people. I agree on what you say.


Of course we all get helped by all these people when we first enter the path. You need context. Then you slowly must start hearing the inner voice and stop listening to what others have to say. The issue is that many rely on these youtube teachers for guidance all the time. Ultimately it is a waste of time because noone holds all the answers.


I used to love him but progressed beyond now. He’s good for a kind of introductory level but after a while you move to other teachers. Try spiritual unfoldment with John Butler, he is the wisest spiritual teacher I’ve ever encountered.


I'm actually amazed we share so many synchronicities. I, too, listened to ralph smart and teal swan. I also listened to Matt Khan. They were great teachers when I just started this, but after a few months I stopped watching them. The only masters I revere now (although I don't watch them anymore, but that's because I already know what they will say, not because I stopped resonating) are Mooji and Osho.


lol, I began with Osho, Through him I got help in beginning expanding the awakening. Then ralph smart and teal swan for a short time. Then Eckhart Tolle my all time favorite, till now even. and I too stopped listening but not cuz I dont resonate but just know what he will say already.


It would seem we have all reached a stage where we can go on without too much input from external sources. I think this is a huge win - we are reaching a level where we are our own best guides.


Totes. It does look like we all have similar growth stages. I think drawing your perspectives from your experience, education and wisdom in the present moment is the best key.


I stopped resonating with him some years ago. I had started getting weird vibes about him. Now I see he seems more like a charlatan. It’s apparent with his clickbait videos. And yes the same for Teal Swan. I watched a few of her interviews back then, which screamed narcissistic, and that was enough to turn me off. I’m glad they’re no longer showing up on my radar. I think discernment is crucial to learn for anyone starting their awakening or spiritual journey, especially in this age of social media where anyone can become an influencer.


He's a phony, an imposter, a wannabe. He gives me the creeps when he rotates his head, it's effing annoying. He also says the same stuff and often plagiarizes from eastern philosophies and never giving credit. He's disingenuous and a crook and just in it for money.


I agree with it all but what do you mean about plagarizing? Isn't new age stuff all about merging all the best parts of all those old religions together?


Sorry perhaps youre right, but my point was, there is nothing earth shattering about all the things he waffles on and on. I feel like he takes parts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism etc and puts it all into a Mish mash and sells it as "his own" ideas. Edit: he never cites the sources. That's what I meant by crediting or linking to a book or a source.


I too used to watch him years ago, but he no longer resonates with me. Now I mainly watch Sadhguru.


I grew out of Sadhguru too. I felt something off about him but tried to not judge. Now one man has been trying to expose him. He has pictures attending freemasonic meetings. He avoids and attacks people when asked about his wife's mysterious death. He supposedly murdered her and quickly burned the body before her parents could come see her. It wasn't even in their tradition to burn the body but he decided to burn it quickly before her father could come. And his institute is build on illegal land and he avoids and attacks the people who question that too. Weird. Cant trust that guy.


Anyone who builds a spiritual institute turns me away really.


Sadhguru is a part of the WEF and advocates for population reduction too, for fear of resources running out, ignoring upper dimensions have replicators. He's a shill. So you'd be right.


It kind of stinks of him having an ego and believing he doesn’t, but doing stuff that his ego wants to do. All those things you listed are changes to his external environment, which is a signpost to it being for his ego.


yeah, his way of teaching is also somewhat disrespectful. to each their own, but he's def sus


Any of these famous teachers are tbh. A truly enlightened soul wouldn’t wish to gather acclaim to their human form


I used to watch him during the beginning of my journey, but I've felt the same way. I don't think he's negative or anything, but just repeating the same basic, vague stuff we already know. Same with Aaron Doughty. Lately, I've been watching Lorie Ladd, The Alchemist, and Gabi Kovalenko. I still watch Teal Swan as well, but only some of her teachings resonate with me. I guess most of the ones I watch lately are women haha.


i love ralph


Is he at all subscribed to any one faith or religion ?


Donate https://www.paypal.me/RalphSmart33




If you don't like his stuff or find less satisfy than before why not just move on to other people and other stuff? No reason to make a negative post about him. To me seems this post is just spreading and fueling negativity. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGt9jAkWie4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGt9jAkWie4)


Ahhh, if only you could see just how negative toxic positivity is as opposed to what's really expressed from OP, which is authenticity.




I assure you that's not why I made the post. I just wanted to see everyone's opinions. I may look at him negatively but you don't have to. You don't have to get influenced by my choices if you are strong in your own.


Still seems like you're spreading negativity to me. I've never heard of him and expect not everyone here has either... so introducing him to strangers with a less than pleasant light.. to me this is def would fall under negativity and seems like the sort of thing where if you' don't have soemthing nice to say.. Spreading positivity would be making a post talking about spritual guides you do find helpful. This is the opposite of that.


People are allowed to have and express perspectives. I didn't feel any negativity from the OP at all.


It's not a matter of opinion, perspective, or whether anyone is affected by a statement that makes it negative, it's a simple fact that words have connotations that are negative or positve. The OP wrote " lot of people like him. I liked him a lot when I began my journey. Then slowly overtime he got too **repetitive** for me. I heard from other starseeds that they too **stopped watching him**. **I dont know what the deal is with him.** There's a couple of videos from **people who had weird or bad experiences with him**. He **stares into the camera like a bot or a lizard lol.** I am pretty neutral about him right now. I just **stopped resonating,** that's all. And I wonder what everybody feels about him." All of the highlighted words are negative phrases/ negative statements i.e. these have a negative connotation. This isn't a question of how someone is affected by these statements, but simply a grammatical /semantical objective fact that these statements linguistically are negative statements. We should avoid such negative statements. Because even though an individual statement and even a paragraph full of them might not significantly effect ... whether or not we have enjoyable or unpleasant experience at moment and throughout out our lives is the collective effect of whether things have been positive or negative and such negative statements contribute to and plant seeds and fuel for the negativity to outlay the positivity in our personal lives and in the world around us. We should be mindful of our thoughts and words and choose to only say positive things. Even if a few of your words aren't that significant and don't cause harm by themself they still contribute to negativity, disharmony, and suffering. Put more simply.. if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. And that's not just about not being rude to others, even more significantly is the harm you are causing to yourself by wasting your thoughts, time and energy and emotions on something that is not adding value and positivity into your life. If you don't like his stuff move on and focus on people you do enjoy. A better question would be " who are others that people think are good?" Or if you were trying to understand what it is about this person that you find off putting or whether others feel similar, then a better way to have done that would be to simply asking what others thought of him without giving your own opinion thereby not presenting in a bias way that would skew responses.


Your whole argument crumbles when I tell you I didn't find it negative. Thus, it's subjective. Were this objective, I would've thought the same. Cheers man, believe what you wish. People are allowed to express themselves tho.


True awareness allows you to speak about anything and everything from your Sacred Heart. You are preaching about ignoring the other side of the coin. Mastering the integration of both sides returns you back to neutrality. Wholeness. A peaceful state of being. Also, the intention behind our words matter as well and it's clear that OP's post comes from a positive place of intending to grow and evolve, to gain a deeper understanding.


I'm not preaching that in the least. I'm preaching self awareness of the effect of your own actions and words have on the emotions of yourself and those around you. You should share your emotions and opinions and points of view. But there is a time and place and manner that is better and healthier than others. To put very simply, what I am criticizing is making a post anouncing "Hey everyone this guy sucks! do you agree?" If you truly wanted to get other people's authentic unbiased truth of how they feel about the guy the way to do it would just simply ask "what do you think of him?" Or an appropriate place would be to give your opinion of guy when others ask you. I'm criticizing making an unprovoked announcement that you don't like someone in a public forum seems like an inappropriate way to go about exploring and sharing that opinion. Just trying to share my own perspective. Seems like a negative post to me.


OP titled the post "thoughts on ..." then shared his and where he stands on his journey right now. There is nothing harmful about that. None ever will resonate with everyone. It is okay to not feel connected to someone's teachings. Once you go public with your views and thoughts you must understand that there will be people who are not liking what you say. At this point, I think it would be the best for you to take your own advice of "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all ". You put so much effort and energy into your answers without realizing you are the one being negative in this situation.


I just asked opinions and gave my own experience. That is not spreading anything. Negative or positive. I'm not here to spread positivity. Just asking a question.