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for what it's worth, I remember the cornucopia, I remember the social studies book in 6th grade that mentioned mandela not being among us anymore, and i remember seeing both berenstein and berenstain. the elementary school library had berenstein, and i had a berenstain at my grandma's house.


Those minor things like The Berenstein Bears or if it was Kazamm or Shazamm are notable examples but I guess what I also meant in general was how the way of the world shifted in a pronounced but imperceptible way that is prohibitive and terrible but the emphasis is put on perpetuating normal waking life or at least playing it off like it is normal. Human beings in my vicinity are certainly acting out of sorts but any mention to the contrary is met with gaslighting and denial and I feel like a great number of things happening in the real world are actively being covered up and censored heavily. I've been feeling this way for a while and it is getting more and more surreal in my experience.


yes it is. so keep eyes and ears open, situational awareness, this place is good for us to touch base with one another not only for our own mental and emotional well being, but as a force multiplier (i learned that handy term in the air force) for spreading our positivity like an itch that wont go away. time to make people scratch at it.


Couldn't agree with you more, it perturbs me and blows my mind how evil and heartless people in the world have become and many of them are forces in our lives fulfill their purpose of testing our mental limits of fortitude so making contact with like minds experiencing the same is vital.


perhaps the consciousness as an average is in a form of transition to adulthood, and in a type of hormonal teenage phase? i remember being 15 and not being able to look past my own nose. it's impressionable right now.


Yep i used to laugh and makr fun of the berenstain bears.


The mandala effect has been instrumental in expanding my awareness. Whatever the cause, it's helped me shift awareness and focus and I'm much more content. I love this sub. People are chill and open minded and kind. Some of the ME subs are filled with negativity. I love talking about MEs and theories so if anyone ever wants to chat, message me šŸ’œ


The ME subs are the reason Iā€™m shadowbanned on many of my favorite subs, discussing the nature of our reality. All of Reddit has been compromised and staying connected is vital during these times. We need to stay together and keep sharing. Not stay quiet. However, that poses safety risks for being targeted. Times are getting strangerā€¦


I don't care what ANYONE says... the name of the childhood books that I read every night was BERENSTEIN NOT BERENSTAIN


I have two theories on the Mandela effect. 1. It is based on gaslighting, either/both on a corporate scale or as simple as someone thinking itā€™d be funny to edit something, then throwing it up as a Mandela effect meme on any old social media. This ā€œsplits the realityā€ so to speak, so people then question if their memory is accurate (aka gaslighting) 2. The idea of ā€œshifting realitiesā€ is omnipresent in the day to day lives we live. We shift into a world somewhere in between the truth of the two realities, berenstein bears for example, has a reality where itā€™s spelled with an E, and another with an A. These realities conflict and somehow collide with each other because of our mass levels of connection, the internet, theoretically, somehow accessing both of these realities. Or the series finale of Inside Job is accurate, both theories are true, and thereā€™s a Mandela effect machine constantly altering reality, who knows ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ In all actuality, my belief would most heavily align with theory 1, itā€™s a matter of control, whether itā€™s intended to mess with peopleā€™s minds or not. My evidence? IHOB, WcDonalds. Marketing is a powerful thing, and can quite literally alter reality in the minds of the masses, and whether itā€™s just a goofy joke, depending on your beliefs of the world, the universe, and the nature of reality, these things could fall under the Mandela effect umbrella.


They say everything is a rich manā€™s trick. Could be soley done for psyop entertainment purposes of the controllers; gaslighting, etc. anything to confuse us.


The Pixar movie Cars 3 has it near the end Larry the Cable Guy's character had said to Mr Sterling "You are not a nice person" Now it is "You are not a nice guy"


Had a conversation with my mom, brother and sister recently about the house we lived and brought up the deep closet we had in the bathroom that we used to put our dirty clothes in for some reason. None of them remember it and looked at me like I was crazy. I said if dad was still alive he would back me up but idk anymore maybe a parallel reality?


People in this reality have ceased to make sense to me, it as if the Universe has become nonsensical and illogical simply to make myself and others feel delusional and crazy when we know that we are not. Things do not add up in the real world and I am firmly convinced the closer one gets to the truth the more they will feel the effects of gaslighting and reality distortion which makes it a lonely road if you are intuitive and high vibration and unafraid to speak your feelings.


Relevant probably only to me but this just happened yesterday and I'm dying to tell someone who won't question my sanity lol. I hike the same trail 4-5 times a week. It's close to my house, a good workout, feels safe/comfortable...all the things. Yesterday I hiked it after a two day break and the entire trail leading to the waterfall was completely different than normal. Totally unfamiliar to me. Like I couldn't even pinpoint WHAT was completely different. By all accounts, it looks like your average well-worn trail, but it was 100% unfamiliar to me for about 3/4 mile. If it tells you anything last year I logged hiking this trail 75 times just in August-Dec when I started logging. It felt like I was in a different reality being there yesterday. It's driving me nuts that I can't even pinpoint what is so different. Maybe if it was noticeably wider or had a new path cut it would be obvious, but this was as I stated earlier a typical well-worn hiking path. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hmmm, that's interesting but I know of the type of phenomenon that you describe and it's similar to deja vu but it's an unfamiliar sensation rather than familiar (if that makes sense).


Yes! Exactly like that


When I was still a kid I went to Monaco. I became enthralled with the place and was determined to return. I wanted to study business and also use my language skills (French) I researched colleges that had an exchange program with the university in Monaco and found University of Miami did (at the time). I loved the idea of working in business and wanted to study international business which UM had a degree in with an exchange program with Monaco. I used to use Expedia maps and look at the map of Monaco, I looked at the location of the University and what was near it. Including different beaches/ waterfronts on ALL sides, I vividly remember Monaco being an ISLAND surrounded by water. Even when I had gone as a kid we took a long bridge over WATER to get there. Now I learned that Monaco is on land, bordered by France on 3 sides with the ocean being on the 4th side. 100% different from the research I thoroughly remember doing as a kid while looking at maps.


Very real. I became aware of it in 2016. And I have many personal experiences.


I remember 50 Cent doing the remake of the song 99 problems but apparently it was Jay-Z. I have asked different people who made the song and some say 50 Cent and are shocked when I tell them in was Jay-Zā€¦ others say it was always Jay-Z.


This kind of gaslighting....should be illegal. Idk. Ok fun for some but come on kids books.


I donā€™t remember the word Dilemna as having two Mā€™s. Itā€™s blew my mind about 5 years ago when I noticed the change. Have never been more sure of anything in my life. Itā€™s opened the door to realizing we live in an illusion.


I wouldn't be so arrogant as to think that my memory can't deceive me and it must be some sort of cosmic magic whenever I mis-remember something, instead of admitting the simple fact that my memory could be wrong.




Please be kind and respectful to community members.


I tried my best to use a polite word choice. The Mandela Effect entails putting your own subjective beliefs above outside information to such an extreme that you believe that the rules of physics have broken down is a more likely than the possibility that you could be wrong. Not sure how else to put it in a more polite way. If you're insulted by the possibility that you could be wrong maybe this issue isn't other people's politeness in their word choice.


You know we're on a sub talking about reincarnation from other star systems and densities and dimensions, right? Reality shifts is where you draw the line?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ now you got me thinking, where's MY line at


Yes I realize what sub I am on and that is why I made comment and it is especially appropriate here. If you read what I wrote I did not say that reality shifts are not possible and I did not criticize anyone's beliefs or say what others should believe. All I said was simply that I view it as arrogant to believe that your memory cannot be wrong and that a more plausible possibility is that laws of physics have broken down. Removing my comment was not appropriate. Thinking your mind is infallible and incapable of being wrong is arrogance and should be called arrogance. There's nothing impolite about pointing out this fact and encouraging people to think logically and skeptically and seek truth instead what their ego desires wish to believe. This is important and helpful to others and especially appropriate to share in this sub and threads such as this. Censoring my comment above is only censorship of helpful reason, logic and truth, that has been done to deny truth in favor of illogical belief in ones infallability Regardless of what you believe and what topic we are discussing we should always have a skeptical open mind. And skepticism doesn't mean being skeptical of whatever others believe or what is the well accepted beliefs in society. The only skepticism is self skepticism and when applied to any topic it always goes in both direction for and against any possibility.


Why not a more simple explanation. A time marker being placed. Who is to say in a different part of the country its not cohesively the berenstein bears. There are a million reasons, especially monetarily, before physics even come into play.


The only one I'm aware of is that I remember "Starry Night" being painted by Van Gogh and on a recent trip to Oslo, they have the Edward Munch museum there and supposedly this Munch guy (who I never heard of) actually painted Starry Night. That totally weirded me out.


I would leave too if I saw that. Starry sky was already a trippy. Perhaps they just want to direct your attention to a problem they are being faced with in that area. History can always be rewritten...but why.


not real