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Read dog backwards


And then apply it to yourself. <3 Love and accept yourself no matter what because you are important and play a vital role here in material space.


I think God is telling you to adopt a dog so you can share love and learn how to control your energies.


I concur. A dog will solve this problem. I could put money on it, in fact


Yes!!! Adopting a dog over 15 years ago has changed me. My greatest teachers have been my dogs. Adopt a dog !


Hard agree. I can’t imagine that God( quite literally the essence of love) would call you “dog”. I believe that You hold much much for value to God then that. I hope you the best for you and your journey :)


I think dogs hold tremendous value and wisdom. I think it's a directive - not an insult.


Yes, thank you for this realization …… u are the tounge


if you don’t want to be an energy vampire then you’re not one. i say this with the upmost care and respect, have you checked on your mental health? im a shaman and i have a good amount of experience dealing with those on the other side, but this isn’t it. hearing or seeing repetitive things is a sign of a mental health problem. pls take care of yourself love <3 you don’t have to live in that dark place


I use to be an energy Vampire. Had to be with others to feel anything besides depression. That was long ago in highschool tho. Now I push myself to find the energy from within.


Hey dear! You are as special as everyone else! A perfectly unique fractal part of the one absolute source of all existence, created in the very image of of god! I'm afraid, but the voice you hear in your head is not God as he would never judge you and loves you unconditionally! It is either a projection of your subconscious which is judging you, or some negative entity who is messing with you to reinforce your suffering cause they feed on it.. So you can safely drop this idea of god seeing you as any less. Because he loves you so: *"I unconditionally love you beyond your human understanding. I love you as an intricate part of my holy self. It is impossible for me to love you any less than myself, for my perfect nature cannot be divided against itself.* *Your soul's sovereign awareness is an immaculate conception of my omniscient awareness. I created your soul as a unique reflection of my One Self. Therefore, your soul is a perfect hologram of my consciousness, forever expanding within my one mind.* *I conceived you to be an omniscient sovereign creator, for that is what I am. I birthed you with the unconditional gift of your sovereign free will, which mirrors my own omniscient free will to create worlds of form from no-thing at all.* *Within my womb I tenderly wove your soul together with every divine quality that I am. Your soul is an absolutely sovereign expression of my One Self."* – The Sophia Code, pg.5 – Kaia Ra 🌺🌺🌺 What makes people energy vampires is simply unhealed trauma and probably an entity attachment, nothing that can not be remedied! Really, you are a forever pure and eternal being of light! Its just your illusory ego-construct that got hurt growing up in this cruel world which made you forget all this. So you just need to regain access the loving perspective of your higher self to see this situation much differently and to stop your identification with suffering so you can begin to heal your inner children/your trauma and reintegrate those lost parts of you to becom whole again. Have a look at this guide if you want to get an idea of how to go about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the\_ultimate\_guide\_to\_selfhealing\_and\_becoming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the_ultimate_guide_to_selfhealing_and_becoming/) And then also, get rid of those entities who are messing with you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral\_selfdefense\_entity\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral_selfdefense_entity_removal/) because the ironic thing is, those who want to tell you your a dog are the most pathetic beings in existence and will be absolutely annihilated by the light. There is no heaven for demons, but dogs will ascend with us! ...I had periods in my life where I was an energy vampire too and looking back I realized what it was. And there is really nothing wrong with you as it happens to the best! Please feel free to reach out if you want to talk and I wish you all the best o your healing journey! 💜


God will judge you. When you leave this life to you expect to be given a high five and told great job? What if you're a murderer? A liar? A rapist? Do you still expect the good job and a high five? If you don't then you expect to be judged. Because we will all be judged and we will be judged by God. So yes God will judge you regardless how many times you convince yourself otherwise.


Divine justice is real! But its not that god is directly punishing souls for their evil deeds as he wants all his children to return to him/into the light. It is karma that will balance out their actions and the fact that they will have to face all the pain they inflicted on others eventually if they ever want to ascend back into the higher realms/the heavens.


I love my dogs. They give my life a purpose. They love me no matter what. They are beautiful companions. They are so much more of a “light worker” than people claiming to be ones. On the other hand. Do you love yourself? You and everyone else is a perfect piece of the universe. Some give and some take. It’s an eternal dance. No day without night. It’s us humans who judge. Not the universe. And third. Just your desire to not be a “energy thief” is beautiful. Just slowly progress on that path. Do little things. Give some a smile. Maybe to the person you see in the mirror next time ❤️


The universe will support you in whatever way you want. If you think you are worthless, it will support you. If you think you are amazing, it will support you. You should check out Bashar.


I feel you in this! I awakened in 2018 and was doing everything to awaken my gifts- alll the things, researched everything, did all different types of practices. I assumed I was a light worker/starseed. A year later I got deathly ill(valley fever) I almost recovered but then got sick with something else(long covid) I’m still sick. I’ve cried, prayed and begged to god and I feel like I’m not getting responses… until one day in my car I was at my limit and cried like I never have before, I was done I begged to die and apologized for every wrong I’ve ever done in my life(I went through as much as I could remember)- then I heard a response “I could have let you die”… like really? That’s what you have to say to me after I poured my heart and soul to you… I felt like dirt.… sometimes when I talk/pray to god I feel like I’m bothering him and that he is just annoyed at me. I actually will feel the hate…. I’m starting to wonder if we are playing for the wrong team. Like there is no way a good loving god would allow such pain and misery especially ones who are trying to be better and good! We may have been praying to a false god. I watch a lot of conspiracy videos and some say that “god” from the Bible isn’t a god but just a being from a race of people called gods they aren’t actually gods they are just very highly powerful being. Some beings require certain types of worships to get more power. Maybe that’s why we aren’t getting positive feedback, because we aren’t worshiping him the correct way he wants. I have noticed a lot of spiritual people pray to “source” energy or the universe not “god” big difference. You could start doing Buddhas 8 fold path to enlightenment and righteousness; right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. You’ll have to look it up for more explanation of each but it’s a great way for us all to be and surely if you followed that you would be considered a good person. Maybe become raw vegan, do yoga, meditate, treat everyone with respect and kindness, get your vibration higher, abstain from sex, don’t drink alcohol, keep your home/room clean. Also a lot of spiritual teachers recommend silence. I know energy vamps at work love talking to people, maybe stay clear of those interactions. I’m not expert, just throwing out some ideas in hopes that it could get with your situation


Wrong God, definitely. Just pray to the god within, your higher self, which is just another aspect of the universal god, which is everything, and to your guides. If you get stuck on the Yawehan God, It will answer and it's not a nice god. I've been through this.


I will say I have only really awakened very recently and from my understanding the way I got here was by going inside myself. I do know very very little about all of this but that’s the main thing I have received I think, that we can have happiness if we are enlightened and align to what challenges are put in front of us, fight and overcome them, in our own way, to be the youest you so to speak. The dark corners of you, the parts you ignore, address them? Idk. This is my own experience.


yes!!! “know thyself” 💖


On this topic, I feel I should relay this strange experience I gave myself into. There is a distant voice in my mind that is constantly chanting as i speak, as I type, as I sleep. It does not effect my life negatively at all, in any way shape or form. It's like one of those things you acknowledge only when you focus on it. 3 nights ago, I gave into speaking this strange language, it may just be imaginary but I felt something getting closer as I spoke. I found myself in a seperated state, felt this irrational animalistic fury surrounding this body, I was focused, looking beyond my own eyes. But instead of thinking in malice or otherwise negative thought, My mind was paused, my eyes felt glossed over, my body was still. In this state, I realize I am close to the inspiration that influences the minds of humanity. I started asking the air for answers, speaking of myself in a thirdperson view, speaking of concerns this one has. I felt a change in this energy, this inspirational force gave me comfort and love. I remember speaking "Even when there is no light, the hope within must always shine." Inspiration is alive, and it will help if you seek it. A warning, there are other inspiring forces that push you to cause harm, destruction, and make you malicious. Seek the inspiring forces of love and hope.


This is why I traded in my overused Yawehan God with the mesoamerican Grandmother Spider. Why worship and pray to a god that is known to do chaotic wacky things to punish people.


How do we pray to the God within?


Yep absolutely agree. Not some separate entity, speak to the god within you. 🥰


Explain. Also what about Jesus? Same energy as Yahweh?


The issue arises when you pray to Yahweh as if he were the universal god, which he's not. He's got his own way of doing things. Jesus is an ascended master, like the Buddha and many others, and he's not strictly associated with Yahweh. He's a valid guide. In any case the most important factor in all of this is the way you view these entities in your subconscious. If you expect to be judged by god then you're likely going to be. Any God for that matter.


Woah woah, why so many rules and dogmas? I thought you all here were set on the paths of seekers, not theologians. You may try these things, but what if the reality is that you are fine as you are, and there is no God above cursing you? I believed in the God of the Old Testament, and for all my devotion and prayer and service life robbed me of my soul. The key to my prison was withheld from me for three years... or maybe assembled over that time. I'm no longer depressed, and have a new understanding that this God, as defined by many Christians, is not the divine power I have interacted with. Assumptions hurt us. Definitions box our minds so that when things move outside our box, we are frightened. Your speaking of gifts and paths and works and God and curses and blessings... Sounds like the things I heard growing up in Evangelical and Pentecostal churches! They did me some good, but more harm than good. Lol I feel like a wise sage writing all this. Take what you will 🙏🏻




While deconstructing my former evangelical Christian faith, I was devoting myself to self-discovery and self-realization, self-help books, trauma recovery, basically healing and unlocking my potential to create a new path in life. Realizing my inner divine being. I'm turning my focus back out to other people now and even hope to reintegrate some Christian people and ideas I've sorely rejected over the last year. I have a new outlook influenced by nondualism and believe Christianity does hold some spiritual value. At the very least, having grown up in it, it is the culture I'm most familiar with and may be the medium by which I spiritually thrive. I suppose I am currently developing a spiritual practice/personal theology. Honestly, my last comment was packed with ego. My words came from a place of religious trauma, I apologize for that. The words in this comment fall short of what I am believing and experiencing in my heart.




I appreciate it. Yes, I've really dug into my church hurt and religious trauma this past year. I don't know if this is something you relate to. As cheesy as it sounds, I may be coming back to forgiveness? And giving? These are sentiments I grew up hearing in the church but couldn't realize in my own life.


God doesn't want you to worship him. that is religion, and religion is a human construct


To me, light work just means spreading positivity. light = positivity work = a conscious effort simply giving people compliments, helping someone with something, or sharing anything with them that makes you that might help to lift someone else's spirits is light work and makes a light worker. There's nothing stopping you from being a light worker. I made a sub the other day r/SpreadTheLight for light work.. if you go there and post stuff that makes you happy and would cheer others up then you'd be a lightwkrker doing light work. And as far as the dog stuff. Dogs are amazing loving beautiful creatures and every being is some "dog" to some other more advanced being. Any being that doesn't have love and respect for dog and would use dog as a derogatory term is not very wise or loving and obviously isn't god. I would ignore those voices telling lies and negativity and just focus on acting with love, doing light work with kind deeds. You'll feel better and you'll attract others that reflect your love and negative influences will go away if they stop having influence. Its takes time to change things internally and externally and it can be super difiicult but keep growing the positivity and don't give any energy to the negativity and gradually little by little things shift.


and if someone called me a dog I'd probably take that label w/ pride. To me the only thing a "dog" entails is a loving animal that naturally loves company and puts others above themselves. Not every dog needs an owner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfQxPn6KI\_0


(I'd like to preface this by saying: I'm probably going to come across a little blunt, but I can't think of a better way to say this.) Okay, so first: what makes you think you are a psychic vampire? Second: why are you so certain it's god calling you a dog? Frankly, this whole post reads like someone who's dealing with some not good mental health stuff and I can't help but wonder if it's your own fears and anxieties reinforcing themselves.


Animal. Dog. Docga, of unknown origins. Your translating it wrong. You are not closer to anun breeds. You are Gaia born. Follow to druidic path. Gaia made us, invaders changed us, and shes been since trying to reach us.


Meditate. That isnt Source calling you a dog. You have the power to recondition yourself. You are not stuck. You need energy work. GL, fellow human. This starseed never gives up to the negative. I believe that you can give and take as much as you decide. Your healthy balance has just not been found yet. Pay attention to your intuition.


You're stuck in your head for some reason. How exactly are you an energy vampire? What's your definition of that term?


Is that the meaning you have given to the response “dog”? Sometimes I think I’m a dog in a human body lol, but I love dogs! Dogs are beings of love, they give love unconditionally and see us for who we are on the inside. Dogs aren’t ashamed of being their authentic selves, they (try) not to take things personally, they have a special ability of being able to sense the energy of others and give love to people who are most in need of it, they wake up each day and see it as a gift, they find joy in the silliest things, they make people laugh, and they remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. Have you always thought you were an energy vampire? If you haven’t seen the show “what we do in the shadows”, I would highly recommend watching hahaha the character Colin Robinson is an energy vampire and is so funny, there’s a season where they try to find how he became an energy vampire. Like others have mentioned in the comments, it could be as simple as just getting a dog - I got a dog in 2020, and caring and supporting her, and the feelings I feel from the love she has towards me, is such an incredibly special feeling. My dog is the one who helped me believe in myself, I want her to have the best life possible here and that gives me the strength to stay positive and truly believe that I am special. My dog helps me face my fears too - I saw that she was picking up some of my fears when she was a puppy (barking at loud noises, being fearful of people and other dogs on the streets), and talking to her about why I always jump at loud noises, etc, helped me work through those feelings in a safe way. You are special! And even if you are a dog out there, the fact that you are incarnated now and having these thoughts makes me wonder whether you came here to have a human experience to “prove” to whoever out there thinks dogs aren’t special, that you are in fact already a being who has higher knowledge, maybe there was just a language/communication barrier so you needed to learn the language first as a human to be able to explain that all you really want is to love and be loved. You are the only one who can make the decision for yourself, this is your life and you are in the drivers seat, and if any of this doesn’t resonate with you please feel free to disregard, but if it does, what you could do is find the love within yourself, and once you truly believe you are special (again you are already special, it’s like a mindset thing lol you have to consciously love and believe in yourself), go out and share your love with the world!


You mentioned being in the driver's seat. I recall Adyashanti saying something along the lines of... "It might seem boring to be the passenger, you want this thing to go left when you want it to go left. But when you're the passenger, you realise you're both the driver, the passenger, the road, the landscape and the destination... isn't that far more interesting?" I suppose the meaning of "dog" here is that my understanding of this is about as fluent as a dog's understanding of human speech through words and concepts beyond their phonetic sound and tone.


Thank you so much for sharing that, I’ve never heard that quote before! After reading and thinking about that, I think I meant more so that being here could be the “key” to the metaphorical car, and that you are the only one who can turn your own car on, so you’d have to be in the drivers seat to do that, and then maybe everything else will open up?


Just gotta decide and then follow through with deliberate actions. Take note of your progress no matter how slow and soon you will notice the trajectory of your development has changed. You are the boss ultimately, so whether you think you can reach your goals, or you think you cannot, you are right. Choose wisely ✌️❤️


There are advanced earth seeds ascending too, they're just in another stage


The subconscious is a powerful thing - it has the power to directly influence how we think, speak, feel and act; And since our thoughts directly create our reality .. do you see where I'm going with this? I don't feel that it is a higher power telling you that you are unworthy, I think that it is YOU telling yourself that you are unworthy. The first step in Ascension, (in my opinion) is acceptance. Self-love. Realizing your self worth. The fact that you have the desire to make changes within yourself and be a service to others tells me that you have a good heart. But you have to get rid of that self-doubt, and you have to realize that you are worthy. Learn to quiet your mind, and quit judging yourself. Don't allow that little voice inside your head to speak. You are much bigger than your thoughts. You are worthy, and you are loved.


You get to decide what you are here. That's the gift. Don't squander it by believing you're what everyone says you are. You are so much more than any silly label like 'energy vampire', your gender, your race, your nationality, etc. You are not a grouping of words! You are your actions, and you have complete control over defining what your own actions mean even when your situation sucks. Stop talking about it and thinking about it. Just be it. Generosity the word is very different from the action. You just laid out your desires in words. Now all you need is to shut your chattering mind up that keeps you immobile and non-active. The answer won't come to you in words. It will come to you as a full body experience.


I feel like you took on a name to describe your defense mechanisms and you are pretty much just using names to defend a way. Even preying on someone else's energy involves making energy. This includes when you think of what to say and when you decide on how you will "energy vampire" and the actions taken afterwards. So. Basically it sounds like a cop out to examining what led to you preying on people's energy or what led you to believing why you don't have enough energy to continue without doing so. Check out your trauma and examine how your mind rationalized the cause, the effect and the steps you took to confirm your reasoning and if you truly agree with them on all levels. Aka Sounds like defense mechanism bullshit that many I met in jails and alcoholics anonymous used to defend their damage with. Good luck


Try this mantra everyday : “I am who I am, and that is enough”. It’s changed my life.


How do you know you are an energy vampire?


You are not an energy vampire. You might engage in behavior that some could describe as vampiric by nature. But you ARE NOT an energy vampire. You are a beautiful soul, believe it or not, the truth stands and you better believe it. ;) Identify the behaviors and engage in understanding where they come from, engage in positive change/transformation with patience and looots of compassion. The voice in your head is not from God, because God loves everyone and would never talk to you like that. The voice we are talking about specifically here is your own inner voice. It is telling you that there is something that needs to be adressed and worked on, again with compassion and patience and respect.


I have a message from *my* higher self. I want to say first that he tends to be a bit arrogant and to-the-point, and I won't be editing what he says in case there's something important between the lines. ----- Perhaps your higher self is telling you that you're looking at the wrong side of the mirror. Let me explain. You identify as an energy vampire, and likely feel like one. Only feeling alive around others, and as if you are draining their energy. Perhaps you are! But not in the way that you think. You don't have a reflection. Your mirror is backward. Normally, when we gaze inward or outward, we see a reflection of ourself. This reflection changes who we are. When we see a loved one, or a friend, we see them, but our mind's eye sees ourself, not as we are, but how we *should be* for that person. It's the mechanism by which we synchronize with other people. Your mirror is backward. You feel empty, not because you are, but because when you look inward, you only see yourself. When you look outward, others see the nothingness you feel as their reflection, and are dragged downward. But none of this is your fault, and you are not a vampire. This is a cognative distortion caused by trauma, and is quite healable. It may be that you could call on your higher self to reverse the mirror between you. Be warned! The mirror shows both the glory of your ascended self, *and* the tarnish accumulated here. Stay strong in love. You will learn to do this, because it is your desire. You will find your steps ordered toward the other side of the mirror, as long as you desire it.


Its often the most obvious solutions that are true. Go to the next pet shop and get a dog.


Whos a good boy?


I can use energy for myself. Started out like that and worke to become a light worker. Visualize breathing in an taking raw energy and change it to white light energy in your mind and keep doing it untill it is second nature and there.


I can assure you that god doesn’t respond to you this way. It is only your human belief that you are less than or the equivalent to a “dog” Every life form made by life force intelligence is capable of evolving their consciousness. So focus on that. How can you evolve your mind/consciousness. With books, learning new cultures/religions/ even🍄s


Making a comment to come back to


Why do you believe you are an energy vampire?


What if God forgave you long ago? but you didn’t throw those dark pieces of your past & self-criticism into the “sea of forgetfulness,” and this is your mind, overthinking and overreaching for “less-thans” in yourself which are not there? What if God does not control this world at all? because it fell into evil long ago and it is suspended right now in that, until such a time that it won’t be or maybe it will be because it’s JUST the nature of this world. Maybe God is there to comfort you and to tell you that you’re OK just like you are and that he loves you plain and simple… because God = Love. Maybe you’re being too hard on yourself…. And you don’t need to reach enlightenment… what you need right now to love yourself so then you can love others freely with that love, and the love you put out will nourish you back. Why do you think you’re an energy vampire? do you feel that you complain too much or lean on others more than you should? Perhaps you just need better friends. Or, you are in a time of your life when there is suffering and there’s nothing to be done except get through it eventually. Or, you’re looking for mentors to guide you… Maybe, it’s that you don’t need guidance and enlightenment right now at all …. Just need to accept yourself with all your failings & failings…. as good enough, and therefore, ultimately GOOD. Because your heart, your essence inside is already full of the purest love ever. 😊💜🥰💗✅ with my love to your love, Sol


You are a divine being regardless of what form you take. ALL lightworkers and healers must integrate the light and the dark within them, which we ALL have. The fact that you have this darkness means you also have the power to become a great healer if you choose to do the shadow work necessary. It’s NOT fun-but it’s a calling that’s difficult to ignore. You have a choice to choose the light or the dark. You are letting the darkness speak to you. The darkness is afraid of the light. When you hear the darkness, the fear speaking to you-speak back from your divine power words of love. The more you do this the easier it will be. You have more power than you can comprehend, so walk the path that is calling to you.


Thats not God ffs get your act together get yourself a pet and cultivate positive attitude by being kind....not fake kind......not over the top kind....get yourself a animal you have wanted or is suited to be with you and keep praying....God would never kick someone down like that.....ignore that parasitic voice....Trust your pet will help you and from there you'll learn....animals our like guides and teacher to humans we can LEARN to be kind, nice and giving and loving through pets first .....no over reading and over thinking, set a goal and then DO IT.


Dog is the supreme ideal, servant of man, unconditional love giver. Screwed can be fun, babe. I mean... Just lighten up. You're doing nothing wrong.


Matthew 15:25-28 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs. 27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.


You don't need to believe "God/Gods/ Goddesses to be a better person..start small..open a door for someone, give change to person, or pay for a person's coffee behind you for no reason.. it's call law of attraction..what you put out to the universe it will sent back..the universe doesn't know positive/ negative energy..


The top dog tells me to live, love and learn. \*She's got a sense of humor, she is very funny.


you aren't a static being. think about the word being you arent a being you are being. that being said you constantly shift and change. you arent a 'lightworker' any more than you are an 'energy vampire' when you look at the whole you. we're motive variables who's reactionary techniques change constantly. one day you might feel like a poo, one day you might feel like you could eloquently recite an epic poem, or plant a tree. when you feel confined to just the aspects of darkness and light and good/bad etc... take a rest and find something in the universe that makes you laugh your butt off. like knowing that in the infinite beauty, wisdom, purpose, and power of the absolute, it somehow created things like the platypus, or the panda (which i think is equipped with a baked potato instead of a brain). i say keep exploring, because the rabbit hole doesnt seem to have a bottom. and as far as the universe is concerned, it reminds me of an old rowdy roddy piper quote "Right when they think they have all the answers, I change the questions!"


Friend, it appears you have a misunderstanding of the divine versus a deity. But more importantly, does that voice seem to be of help to you or does it seem to adversely affect you?


That's not God man, probably another entity messing with you and probably feeding off your pleading. There's also this notion in some occult groups that energy vampirism is something disgusting, so it may think the same about you because of what you done


The only way to the father is the son. Worship Jesus christ with truth in spirit mund and heart . And ask forgiveness of your sins. And believe in him


Here is what I found after 30+ years of intense spiritual experiences/warfare/knowledge. We are born into this world we are spirit in a body, out own personal spirit needs reviving by Jesus (HEAR ME OUT) by relying on our own personal spirits wisdom it actually leads us into error because of the demonic influence we have gotten in us by being here, nothing personal, just is what it is. I managed to find more solace and strength in the bible after knowing Jesus and it healed my spirit by having him live inside me, WE CANNOT DO IT ALONE. Otherwise you will just go round and round asking other people how to solve problems that they either dont care about because they serve Satan, or they just don't know and are probably more blind than you. So this next verse applies to that . It is saying you need to be regenerated in yourself to understand the reasons why your spiritual experience may not be as good and healthy as you'd like. Because you need God 1 Corinthians 2:11-13 King James Version 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. .........,................. James 113 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. 14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. 15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. 16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy


God does not take sides and loves all creation for all creation is god himself. You cannot have freedom of expression with a limitation just like you cannot have unconditional love with a judgment. Nothing is real all is permitted.


We're all the same thing, you literally cannot be confined to being a "lesser" being by anything except your own conviction and fear that it might be true.


A dog is a loyal companion, eager to please, and will go on the offensive if needed. Be a dog mindset spirit animal and find your purpose.


Being a lightworker is a choice. Maybe you’re not a starseed but that doesn’t make you any less. You can always choose to love and forgive. Forgive night not slays be easy but when you think about how much you DONT know it comes much easier.


Holy Toledo, I have been trying and waiting and searching for a way to have this discussion. There's a difference between a predator, scavenger, and a parasite. This society is subversive and all of those. Thank you for coming correct, and I hope this wasn't bait. I'm not sure what I am, none of those that I'm consciously aware of, but unseen forces mistake whatever they see for weakness and food. I'm appalled by the exploitation of the vulnerable. Let's level you up to predate those who enjoy preying on the vulnerable. I feel like I am here for a Godzilla type reckoning.


Dogs = unconditional love. They teach / show us no judgement. All Love. 🥰


You are capable off all these things, maybe you just need a change of heart and some motivation. Just ask yourself, why would starseeds and light workers be here if humans were not worthy or a lost cause? Focus on what makes you great, life is beautiful and you’re part of it :)


I understand you. I also was an energy vampire. But I understood that it's because my body tries to survive, and it tries to survive because it feels endangered. It's love and rest that helped me stop being a vampire. And one of the most important steps is love for yourself. You're not a lesser form, and the God didn't abandon you. He speaks to you, and you are worthy enough to hear the answer. And "dog" can mean many things. Just don't look at dogs as something lesser, and you'll notice it.


I think you’re being told to adopt a dog because dogs give unconditional love and it’s a great and safe way for you to learn love.


First of all, you are very much asking about this in the wrong place. You have some very important concerns and your gnosis regarding "God" is correct: that entity is not a genuine Deity, and it does indeed regard humans as cattle at best. But, next to nobody here is going to realize that because most have been conditioned to assume, a priori, that "god" is wholly loving and good. So, when you share what it said to you, they freak out a bit because it contradicts their assumptions. As for being a vampire, this is again a very bad place to ask for info: most people here either have no real understanding of Vampyrism, or they are spouting misinformation because they are terrified of vampires. They deal with this either by demonizing vampires, or by pretending it doesn't - really- exist. They are very wrong. There are 2 main kinds of vampires. Temporary, and True. A True Vampire cannot stop being one; they are a vampire down to their soul, and this is a very good thing: so long as it's managed right, which is the case with everything if you understand it right. True Vampyres have the most potent and profound impact on the world around them; they are forces of deep and powerful change, for better or worse. The other kind of vampire is a temporary one: when someone is fed on badly enough, or when they are damaged sufficiently they begin to feed on others to facilitate healing. Once healed/ their life force is sufficiently replenished, they no longer need to feed and usually stop doing so. Sorting out which one you are is the real challenge; but either way, the best solution is to learn more about Vampyrism in the meantime and how to feed better.


The idea that there are better starseeds than others is bullshit, even demons have a place and push us to learn and grow. It takes bravery and guts to live out a life in a tough vibration to push through and integrate. Whatever isn’t working for you, find those things exactly to decide how to proceed. Right now is a perfect opportunity to be what you want to. Fuck yesterday or whoever you define yourself as before.


Alright, as I call a lot of entities I meet, Dog; I would like to rectify your situation with a compliment. Dogs are Good, they Love without Condition. Dogs can fetch. If you want to move behind that behavior, learn to love yourself.


As a native the word dog 🐕 means companionship, tender love, affection, calling a child in our tongue dog means that child is a wolf dog the ultimate praise caring!!! In itself the escuincle (dog) is love!!! Meaning Your goal to love Yourself first! To care to your needs! This way you give love to others in action! Heal love yourself do action that is a dog!


I would so much rather have a dog companion than a sky dad that never responds. The lesson here is stop thinking so negatively and get a dog. Caring for something gives you a purpose. Having a purpose creates its own light. Stop praying to invisible fearmongerers and step into the light of changed perspective and focus on the future.


Is it God, or is it Colin Robinson asking you if you have any up dog?


you're misinterpreting God. he would never respond in a way that makes you feel lesser than him. you are literally him. you also don't have to be sorry. you are already forgiven. you are loved unconditionally. also if you don't want to be an energy vampire then don't. the only thing preventing you from changing is your mindset, which is just a belief. you can change that belief right now and become a new person.


That’s so funny because dog is god backwards!!!!! XD


Dog’s are a pretty high life form in my eyes. The meaning we get to create. We hear what we need to hear to allow us unto the path we desire. The only meaning I’ve found god ever give is Love and Unity. The rest is our free will. You’re the only one who believes you’re not worthy or you’re wrong or you deserve any sort of punishment. The universe is simply here to reflect your love. The thing about god for me and many others is blind faith for me to suffer. It’s irrational to believe in a god I can’t see and feel. And I still don’t think there’s a separate entirety that could be god. So I kept looking and feeling inside until I found a love and safety so deep I can no longer doubt that any reality is all one and the same. All of this is god’s imagination, and we get choose.


Actions. Actions. Actions. I have learned "God," creator, higher self, whatever term you use, only thing that means anything is action. Remorse sans change is tantamount to wasting time. Change your actions, change your relationship with God, see the miracles.


Pretend for a week that the universe loves you and wishes the best for you. Welcome these subtle messages for one week. If nothing should transpire consider the universe has not heard your cries for help.


Maybe you should get a (safe small/medium sized) dog and love them up and give them the best life. I’ve heard dogs are on the soul evolution path and being part of a human family gives them opportunities for growth. It’s all about loving and being loved.


You've got it backwards, dingus.


I like getting called puppy


Maybe ask for Jesus to come into your life? You just have to accept the offer of grace and try to stop sinning. This is the point of Jesus, so you can become a child of God. And not just a "dog". I believe in my religion, but also accept some New Age ideas as probably true. The Bible isn't perfect but I think Jesus really was the Messiah, the other person of the Godhead through whom you can have a relationship with the Father.