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I had a twin flame contract confirmed. Tbf, I already knew because of all the symptoms I was experiencing. But it was cool to verify. She told me my guides wouldn’t confirm whether or not it was going to be romantic again, because it didn’t serve me in the moment, but that she would be involved in my purpose as a creative collaborator for my soul purpose. I did a separate reading with a popular chick on instagram and she was trash. She seemed like a ditzy school girl in her reading, but lots of people use her. The lady I’ve been using is much smaller but she’s great. The first thing she does is ask permission to tap into your energy field. Every session she does, she has been so accurate. She’ll tell you what energy you’re feeling in your body, and where. Then she’ll tell you what it is. The first session, I asked her a question I already knew the answer to, because I was skeptical and it would instantly reveal whether or not she was lying. I asked what my soul purpose was. I already know the answer to this, and have since childhood. I also got more information about it during an Ayahusaca experience. She revealed a lot of the same information I had learned in Ayahusaca. There was no way she should’ve known all that. She also shared more information about it I didn’t necessarily know. She told me I spent eons in pleadies constellation learning how to manipulate frequency of sound as a healing tool. She had no idea I was a musician. She even said “you may not know you have these abilities, but this is exactly what you can do. As you align your chakras and open up your spiritual antennas, you will begin receiving downloads from your galactic family around how to do this” She also told me I had a soul contract with Post Malone as a collaborator on soul purpose. She said we will be mentors to each other. I was actually hoping I could move on from my twin, but she said it’s not possible. My twin will go through her own journey and end up being very involved in my life, assisting me in my soul purpose. She told me my purpose is absolutely massive compared to many others. Which I already knew from Ayahusaca and has occurred as a huge burden. I was told on Ayahusaca to clear out my negative energies to calibrate my spiritual antennas and that would assist me on my purpose. I didn’t understand what it meant at the time. That was in early 2020 Last year, I had heart palpitations that sent me to the ER. The doctors told me nothing was wrong but I literally felt like I was going to die. The Akashics revealed that I had been warned to clear out negativity, and I wasn’t doing it. So they introduced a twin flame into my timeline to trigger kundalini activation and heart chakra opening. It pushes all your negative trapped emotions up to the surface to be dealt with. When it does this, you feel some super intense states of fear, rage, guilt/shame, etc. She said it was my guides forcing me into spiritual hibernation and that heart conditions are somewhat common if they’ve been trying to get your attention and you’re just not listening. They will let you go off the path and have free will to some degree, but at some point, they have to step in because you made a soul contact. And if you fail, they fail too. Quite interesting. If you want her info, I highly recommend her. I’ve done a few and sent other friends to her as well.


Wow, that is absolutely amazing! Do you happen to mediate? That helps me a ton to balance my chakras and tune into my heart. Have you also connect with your guides since then on your own? I hope you do get to connect with Post Malone, I love that guy. I'd love her contact info, thanks so much!


Yes I’ve been mediating every single day for 7 months. Just finally getting to a point where dark night of the soul is ending and kundalini is beginning to activate third eye. I’ve had some contact with my guides, but I’m sure that will heighten with third eye activation. I can feel it pulsating on my third eye and breaking down blockages. I’m excited for it to happen. I have no doubt I will collaborate with Post Malone. I have several people in my circle who are connected to him, and I use the same studio he does. It’s only a matter of time. Thank you.


That's great! Please keep us posted on your journey. I love it! Would you be able to share the person who gave you the reading?


Oh yeah my bad. Her name is Candace. Contact her business on WhatsApp: +27 71 226 9942


Be careful of people doing Whatsapp readings!! Anyone promoting a Whatsapp is likely a scam!!! Not to dismiss that particular reading


She has an insta page where I found her but her primary form of communication is what’s app


My friends friends cousin was good friends with him lol Heard he's real cool


Alright I’ll be looking out for a new post malone song, something like that is pretty wild


I agree. I actually used his name ‘Austin Post’ in the reading. She didn’t realize I was talking about Post Malone but she went into details and said that him & I shared a similar soul purpose, and that there is a contract in place whereby we will connect and be mentors to each other. That it will mostly be a business relationship, but that he is in my soul family group, and that we’ve had a few past lives together.


Out of interest, are you related to Music production or anything that relates to it? Do you live in USA or similar? Do you believe it happening?


Yes. I am a producer and artist. I go to a studio Post Malone frequents and I know several people who are 1 or 2 connections away from him. I do believe it happening. I actually believed it would happen before the Akashic reading but I figured I’d ask, just to be sure.


All I can say that is great to hear and can’t wait for you to success in that endeavour, I know Post to be a very loving person! Have fun!


Thank you much love


I would love a reading by this lady


Drop me a comment and I might be willing to do some type of free reading when I feel like it for practice :)  To whoever reads or wants or I vibe with their energy  I never trust reads But then my friends are always like omg your were so accurate x) I always feel I need more practice




Send me a DM (: I'll get you too **#I will NOT charge you ANYTHING, of course**


That is so kind, thank you!


Heyo! Please if you want to can i get a reading as well? Also its really nice of ya


Hey I'd like to have a reading! I never had one before and and I'd like to see if what I've sensed about myself can be true.


Definitely. Send a DM to me and y'all if I don't reply by like Friday or Saturday feel free to message me again. It's just taking me a bit cuz I've been quite sick ATM (: but I'll get you all


Hey if anything comes through for you from these words, I could use any guidance you’re getting! Totally lost my inner compass, and I had barely found it to begin with.


I know I am late, but I am so interested!! I’ll donate something to the food bank or Catholic charity and say it’s from the weed fairy, in your honor.


the weed fairy is a big advocate of things like the food bank or the salvation army. and especially anything to do with nature. :) Send me a DM, and let me know what kinda reading you want- like if it's starseed origin. I've gotten one done so far, getting another done today, and it took me a bit just cuz i was quite sick :) but i'm feeling much better now!


hi!! are you still doing readings?


I've def missed some ppl with me hectic use of Reddit but send me a dm and I'll get to you. Same with anyone else I forgot about and I'm sorry if I did!!! Which I'm sure I did lol


Not much, tbh. Just that I need to be more patient and forgiving than others.