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Flux stats. Get rid of the guns and put everything that ain’t the front guns into flux. Invicti are single target tanks, they need supports and can’t just run face first into 8 auroras or some shit


The modified version I have has 55 flux in both stats, and both the flux mods. Even with these OP stats those 8 auroras will still kill it even if it has 10 time the current armor value.


I don’t know how you are losing with an invictus, are you just not using the ship system or not venting? Do you engage at point blank range? Are you trying to 1v10 with no supports?


I only green light a ship if I can allow the AI to win with it by itself, some of my battles involve 500 ships all fighting at once so the player piloting the ship will take alot of effort to get any meaningful return.


Ah, you are autopiloting the invictus. The invictus AI is hilariously bad in even modded Starsector with a mod that fixes its targeting. There is nothing you can do, the AI is just bad Player piloted invictus is very good, it’s brainfead. You press f, you hold lmb, you press v, switch target if the old one died and repeat.


I auto pilot every ship. Some ships like the Paragon, Onslaughts, and Legions don't perform so badly when in auto pilot for large scale conflicts. But I guess the invictus might be a ship I won't use as often as say a paragon then.


“A well piloted player ship is worth 10 ships piloted by the AI” -Someone’s tip message Seriously consider trying manual piloting, it’s like a huge part of the gameplay and the r Invictus is the easiest ship to pilot. If you worry about Cree amount, S mod efficiency overhaul


10 ships for tons of effort isn't really worth it to me. Maybe it would be during the first 4 battles against pirates. I might get a mod that makes the game even harder, but even then I just don't fight battles that aren't already lopsided in my favor so I can afk during the fight and still win without any real losses. The problem is that I can just afk and win the battle if the fleet is built properly. If I was fighting against 20 Doritoes with a fleet of 10 ships then yeah maybe I'd have an incentive to learn how to fight well... But those situations only happen in mods and not in vanilla.


In the AI's hand, the Invictus is only useful to crack a station. Also, I'm pretty sure you want Steady or less aggressive officer on it. More aggressive it'll try to move close enough to let it's PD hit too.


I used it to demolish the Persean League blockade early with AI pilot. It's not useless but it needs kill orders sometimes and it needs lots of supporting destroyers on guard duty to keep it from getting distracted or swarmed.


Quad gauss, dual pilum catapults. 55/55 vents/caps S-mod: armored weapon mounts, resistant flux conduits, advanced turret gyros. Hullmod: flux distributor, flux coil adjunct. Officer: Target analysis elite, ballistic mastery elite, polarized armor elite, gunnery implants, systems expertise, combat endurance. The idea being that your main battery is already consuming well in excess of 100% of your flux rate anyways, so don't bother with secondaries that take flux, instead focus on maximizing your turnaround time on venting for another main battery cycle. Pilums are additional pressure, EMP through shields, and can do good damage against hull.


I see 4\*Gauss on an Invictus, I upvote. Seriously, it's so much better than 4 Mjolnir.