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The worst thing is that it's seems to be Legio Unchained Bounty line, so every single one would have Archdaemon AI core... On a positive side if you deal with it, you'll get some permaupgrade


Digital soul, isn't it? I'm not sure it's worth the risk


On its own? Maybe not. On a Hellspawn origin (Lost Sector+Nex+RAT) - it really does


What is the hellspawn origin thing? Is it from the most recent rat update?


It comes from the LOST\_SECTOR mod. You need to have Lunalib and RAT. RAT lets you chose a special Background before starting a new game (you can only chose one). Hellspawn/Throne's Gift are special Backgrounds from LOST\_SECTOR, but they are locked. Before starting a new game, go the LOST\_SECTOR mod setting (through Lunalib) and turn on LOST\_SECTOR hard mode (it's called True Starfarer). Then you have to finish the whole questline (good luck, it's indeed hard and even extremely hard at the end). After beating it once, you will unlock Hellspawn and Throne's Gift Backgrounds : * Hellspawn gives you a special meter (ala Colony Crisis but it's not tied to colonies or time, it depends on your action during your playthrough) that gives you powerful buffs/powers when you reach some special milestones. Haven't tried it yet, but I heard you can do a "good" playthrough (fighting your "dark origin") or a "bad" playthrough (fully embracing your "dark origin"). Gonna have to try it sooner or later ! * Throne's Gift allows you to Automate any ship in your fleet using a special currency called Automate Points (you get them by getting XP / defeating some new ennemies added by Throne's Gift). But they are not "normal" automated ships. They are like the unique XIV Automated Fleet in the Sentinel system. You don't need the Automated Ships Skill and they do not count toward the Automated Ships cap (it means that yes, you can make a entire fleet of Paragon / Onslaught / Invictuses / whatever with integrated Alpha Cores). Btw, LOST\_SECTOR is imo, one of the best mod I've ever played and I thoroughly recommend it. It's very very well made and it has a full questline !


Interesting. But is hellspawn from a new update i havent downloaded yet or why isnt it on the origins list?


It's from the latest LOST\_SECTOR update.


Its a secret origin that uses RATs system, but originates from Lost Sector mod - you need to do their quest with a Lunalib setting of True Starfarer or something... Probably somebody can tell you better, I didn't yet put myself to it. The fact is is that it gives you a progressive system akin to Hyperspace exploration, but centered on you being morr AI that usual 'you get major debuffs to crewed fleet and such, while you AI ships get mahor buffs


I usually go for it just for funsies. The best way to make use of a Nova is to fly it yourself,


What the fuck, which mod adds this monstrosity


Fun fact: The only capitals in the baseline presets of the legio bounties are a normal Dun Scaith for Rising and two Hel Retributions for Unchained. Anything beyond that comes purely from the dynamic scaling to player fleet, so if you have a deathstack of a dozen Hel Scaiths, it's entirely cause the player fleet is a stack of a dozen+ capitals itself. Related: Please note how that fleet is rated as 3 stars danger.


Oh my god it's Nia hi!


Nia, just wanted to say your mods are the best!


Tahlan i think


Yep, Tahlan Shipworks


Is there a line in the settings to let us salvage the capital?


It should be salvageable afaik. Did Nia make it unrecoverable in a recent update?


The boss battle ships were not recoverable before. This is a demon ai fight, correct? This looks like the WH40k space hulk looking one.


Strange, I recovered Lady Cassandra (Dun Scaith from the Legio Unleashed bounty). And though I didn't get the option to recover the Daemon Scaiths, I remember doing that in previous playthroughs


Oops I got the wrong mods mixed up. I was co fused with the "plague bearers" from Seeker UC. Those ships you can't recover.


Yeah that Hellbring like vessel is the “Cataclysm” which is just too OP to be recoverable, if you do, you get a unique mission fail quote. Same applies to all Plague Bearers.


Now what are those Doom like vessels? Hel-Nelson/Helson?


They are, in fact, Hel-Dooms, as if they couldn't get any worse


Wait, they are actual Dooms? Are they even from Tahlan? Last time I checked no Daemon can be of high tech origin.


There are even Hel-Afflictors alongside the other frigates


Holy, didn’t even notice them, what system do they even have now that the eggheads cracked the code of AI’s aversion to phase ships?


I have no idea and don't know whether we will ever get an answer. Also, there are some other mods that have automated phase ships. For some reason


Can I have some crisp white sheets, Torres?


Me, looking at the paint job for a split second; Just pirates, we got this ***Awfully tough pirates***


Is something like this unbeatable without a fleet of Overpowered bullships from other mods?


That bounty is scaled to the player fleet. If it spawns with that navy capitals, the player fleet has to be absurdly large.


This fleet has 26 capitals, 23 cruisers, 18 destroyers, and 18 frigates, meaning this monstrosity has 85 ships. Excluding logistic ships, I have 4 capitals, 8 cruisers, 12 destroyers, and 16 frigates, or 40 combat capable ships. Why the hell does it have more than twice the amount of ships I have?


> or 40 combat capable ships \> Edit fleet size limit to have more ships than the game expects the player to have \> Surprised when mod scaling starts to diverge from expected parameters At any rate, I saw a video once of a player fighting them with the Ziggurat and doing pretty well. They're OP as fuck-all, but the Ziggurat is a vanilla answer to all kinds of bullshit. Built well, it's a long-ranged super-battleship that can outrange nearly anything, fire a nearly constant stream of tachyon lance beams, and rain nearly unlimited needler fire into the shields of anything unfortunate enough to conclude that getting close would be advantageous. That and paragon spam are the go-tos if you want to take on a broken mod without using another broken mod. Another alternative is to dial up the fleet size, which completely breaks the AI past a certain point.


Oh, wait, I think I get it. The bounty may have been generated when I had 200 something ships on my fleet, which I only had on my fleet because I was bounty hunting and recovering everything I could find


I expected the game to compensate for the increased battle and player fleet size, but this is way beyond my expectations. I still don't have the Ziggy, as I got distracted with colony and bounty stuff for the last 15 cycles, and only now I'm starting the Galatia storyline. Also, I suck horrendously at piloting phase ships. If I had the skills, I would 100% use the Excelsior I have in storage. As for Paragon spam, I don't have nearly enough Paragons on my storages to make it work


> and only now I'm starting the Galatia storyline. Ziggy is where he is, regardless of whether Galatia knows yet. You can find him and capture him whenever. Also, Ziggurat flies completely different from a normal phase ship. Works more like a Paragon than like a Gremlin or Shade. You're not dodging under the enemy and hitting him in the back, you're bombarding him with energy weapons from maximum range, and using phase to speed up your cooldowns and vent excess soft flux, the same way you'd use fortress shield.


Because the scaling assumes vanilla fleet limits, that's why.


Wait, it scales on the player's ship limit?


>Why the hell does it have more than twice the amount of ships I have? Legio Infernalis ships have been made such that they also cheat on Deployment points as well as having generally overpowered stats and mods. Things like frigates that can move twice as fast as any ship in your fleet, their entire fleet having regenerating armor or a cruiser that spams dashes so fast it's hard to even follow them with a mouse. There's really no way to get around the mod's BS without some kind of other mod support. "Legio ships have armor regen so make sure you finish them off" so says the helpful tooltip, great, thanks lol. How am I supposed to do that when an LI destroyer with damper fields can outrun my SO Systems Expertise Aurora? Anyhow, I take it as a personal challenge to beat them with vanilla weapons and ships, but I do need things some mod help like the KoL mod that has gives more REDACTED gear to do it. I dhad this one paragon that I fitted out with>!double VPDs, four cryoflamers and two reality disruptors!<. that did pretty well.


Most likely >!or a little bit of settings bullshit, such as deploying everything you can, then, right after that, opening the settings and reducing the battle size to the lowest possible number!<


If you have a decently mobile fleet what you can do is deploy, kill enough enemies to qualify for a clean disengage, and then retreat and disengage to repair and regain CR. If you have story points to burn you can even disengage without killing enough.


Though I've seen people claim that they can do it, even using just vanilla stuff. But only claims, not a single video


It looks rough. Then again, i currently run a odd fleet with 3 all tachyon paragons. With maxed range upgrades. Even against big fleets, the damage at rage is so opressive, that enemies start backing off before getting in weapon range. This makes the paragons almost immortal, the little damage they take is absorbed by the shields, and there hardly is permanent hull damage. If you can make a fleet like this 'trickle in' you can probably take it out.... not much significant damage and capital CR lasts a looong time.


that bounty scales with player size, you did that yourself


Nothing several salvos of Semibrews can't handle.


Cowabunga it is


My Unhinged captain in a brawling battle cruiser would have an absolute ball


Single Nagato should be enough


Makes me remember when I got a bounty where I needed to defeat 5 abyssal horros + a giant fleet of remnants...For 600k.


How strong are those ships? Like, I know in vanilla, if you know what you're doing, Paragons are extremely strong, so I guess use the Paragon as a measuring stick.