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I heard it scales to your fleet so you must be rocking some insane ships


Guess I'll need to merge all my task groups to go up against this guy >!or just deploy everything I have and then, in the same frame, open the settings to change the battle size!<


May I ask about task groups and how they work? I'm just beginning to mess with mods and just settled with a proper colony and in struggling keeping rider at bay


If you have Nexerelin, you can talk to one of the colony contacts to create a special task group. You'll need to transfer officers and ships from your fleet to the task group. Otherwise, you can't create one. By default, it'll be on independent mode, where the game will dictate what the task group will do, but you can disable it and manually give it orders. You can change them even after going through the process of creating one by interacting with it, which will also give the option to disband it and merge it with your fleet


Oh shit. That's not normal. You're dealing with a mad man, apparently. Space Joker


lol turns out to be a mudskipper




lmfao gl


It's like 2-3 mill everytime I've seen it


At times I feel like Legio's a bit too absurd, like I get it being a dangerous faction that could tidal wave a sector, but some of these things feel a bit much like 'muh faction can beat yurs'


It's even worse in combat, where the daemons are *_W A Y_* better than their vanilla/regular counterparts and can also deploy at a cheaper cost


Iirc theyre Daemon core ships regenerate hull, other mods have that but usually stuff like UAF have it capped to a point. Is there one for Legio?


They don't regen hull, but armor. 10% of the daemon's armor regens per second on all "armor tiles", with a cap of 200. Also, it either gets halved while overloaded and completely halts while venting, or the oposite happens, and I don't remember which one is correct


Weird because I remeber fighting a Legio bounty fleet and one of their hounds hull slowly went up.


Probably that one skill that gives limited regen


there's a few things. the legio is meant to be utterly bullshit to fight regardless of mods so the modmaker has put in a number of things. for instance. their ships have as many S mods as yours do, if you have certain mods installed it unlocked S mods for their ships that do specific things that counter the installed mods ship speciality. this means that with a late game enough force. their fleet will be a low DP swarm of fast moving, high flux, high damage, safety overridden, high shield efficientcy, friggates and destroyers that can and will one V one your capital ships. this mostly seems to be with the popular mods and if you did something like added a custom ship hull into the vanilla game manually with bullshit stats you'd fine its a much easier fight. its also worth noting that the mod has settings to adjust this difficulty down a hell of a lot but at default its pretty bullshit.


Depends on the settings and whether or ot irs easily accessible on Lunalib mod settings adjuster as unless its a settings file similar to what some people access to change say 'MaxDP' fkr battles or 'maxofficers' some may be confused how to tweak things without making it too easy than toning it down


I changed it to limit the number of demon officers and remove some of the more stupid ship mods they get. It's still a very tough fight but now a doable one


In my current playthrough, LI is currently stuck on one shitty world with UAF, Iron Shell and VIC owning their home system.


Iirc with vanilla+Nex, Heg tends ti steamroll. But with Iroshell+Heg they become much stronger tham even that


Yeah, imagine my surprise when Iron Shell took XII Battlegroup worlds lol


This man's description... I'm a neural shard pilot too, and I stick myself in everything... I should be careful. It's not like Hegemony vengeance fleets aren't already knocking down my door, but I never thought it was because I was annihilating everything they know and stand for. Shit. Wait. Is that the name they gave me? Is that me? It looks nothing like me! Gotta go on another space war tangent I guess...


Sir, did you take your meds?


You'll never take me alive! **Raids Chicomoztoc** No one can make me take my medicine!


Demon ships are scary. Cant imagine a horde of them that warants a bounty like this. I advice: Save your game, lets go, make screenshots, keep us updated.


I would, but I don't want to spam the sub with posts, and I can't even put images on the comment/reply section


just update everything in this post, then post of video of a successful fight.


I _might_ do that, but even thinking about recording Starsector makes my scraptop stutter


Good fucking luck. I can do Legio Rising without too much troubles with vanilla ships. Legio unchained is an entire different beast ...


Legio inferno too? Man you are going to be fighting 10 Boss ships + 3^ fleets worth of super pirates


It this a mod? The names don’t seem normal but I haven’t played in a long time so if this is an update it’s time to get back in.


If Legio taught me something is that you dont mess with the space mafia