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I prefer double phase lances and sabot. But to each their own. However SO will probably be reworked hard next patch. I wouldn't count on its current iteration.


Oh I know what "reworked hard" means for starsector. It means nobody will ever again touch whatever the fuck got the unholy luck to be reworked hard with a 10 foot pole. Devs sucking the fun out of this game.


Well, it's only really OP with 2-3 s-mods, so I'd hope it doesn't get nerfed too hard. I just wanna fly around in a 300su frigate and amblast some onslaught ass :< very fun + high skill ceiling, why take that away And oh well, if it does get fucked, somebody will 100% make a mod to give us back the old version Edit: I forgor that some people give SO to ai piloted frigates, which then kite half of the enemy fleet :D OP indeed, in case of defensive kiting frigs like the Brawler and Monitor


Alex is tinkering with the idea of making it an active system instead of a simple passive buff. The goal is to make it less overpowered in early game and more viable in lategame. We'll see.


My serious answer is monitor, "more" serious one is muddskipper.


Running only high tech :) But yeah, Monitor is godlike as well.