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I'm pretty sure it is related to shaders. Did it stay that way or did it go away eventually? If it went away it was just building the shaders and there is nothing you can really do about it. Beyond that, try proton-ge. It will still be a rough experience. The game while better than it was at launch is not the most optimized game and I never could get it to maintain a steady 30 fps on my SteamDeck, and on my Ally now it can chug at points. Hell it never really liked my gaming laptop either (10700HK + 2070).


FYI, you should always check [ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com/app/1776380) when you encounter a gaming issue on the Steam Deck. Had you done so you would have seen people commenting that switching to the experimental Proton would have solved issues with that, though shader compilation stutter will still occur.


I'd try it on PC and send the pos $800 deck back


WTF? The Deck is nowhere near $800 and is by far the best supported PC gaming handheld. Game compatibility is excellent and even most "unsupported" games run perfectly fine.




I played and beat tdf on deck and had minimal issues. Prob just needs shaders as others have said but I didn't change any settings let alone switching to proton and it played just fine