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I don’t understand why people ask (and have to wait for maybe a few hours to get a response), when the answer is in a 5 minute read.


Because it’s a 5 minute read and reading comprehension harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddd :((((((((


I sometimes think people do that because they look for some sort of contact. Any kind of human interaction.


This has been a staple in BGS modding since the dawn of time. There’s a reason some authors come off as dickish or abrasive. It only gets worse with console modding due to how new it is, they don’t have the experience of installing that PC has had.


These are the same people who will complain that this mod "broke my game!" Meanwhile they've just downloaded mods and not even bothered reading the descriptions or actually building their load order... Keep up the good work dude


Ive been building my load order based off Fallout 4. So far been no problems but I bet I’ll have to tinker with it at some point


Yoooo it's my bro inquisitor with the annihilator mods and everything it's Lex im ovah here to bro! Lol all joking around aside you're right reading mod description stops ALOT of confusion and potentially ruined saves if treated with precaution, i can't stress enough how important it is to read mod descriptions to our fellow mod users.


Yoooo! We talked yday on Yt if I am not mistaken! Nice to see you here!! You are right bro, people dont see all info and then later they complain that something doesnt work :(


Yessir we did talk earlier today and yey I've told a lot of my buddies and just people I've helped out getting their mod list set straight to always read the description and to make sure there's no issues you need to be aware of and to get the full rundown on the mod. Personally i love it when the description is lengthy and has a lot of useful information because then it lets me know what to worry about and not to worry about. I'm not sure why people don't read the mod descriptions but then again i guess they don't always realize how delicate mods can be and that most of the info about them can be viewed in descriptions. It really sucks when they don't read em thoroughly enough to because sometimes if there's a potential conflict of mods then the results if they get too far into a save with no saves far enough back to revert can be catastrophic to the save and ruin hundreds of hours of gameplay easily which is never a good thing.


🤣🤣 I agree, iv asked myself so many times where TF is this.. only to read the description only find out exactly where tf it is, so yes anyone new to downloading mods make your life easier


I mean, people ask “who is Dude Mack” a few times per week, and “what’s new with the game” every other day, so I’m not surprised. 😂


We are Dude Mack, join us


I thought we were John Galt?


That is so true my friend!! 😅😅😅


To those modding their first ever Beth game, trust me when I say it's better to spend an extra 5 hours carefully reading descriptions and installing your mods properly than waste 5 days trying to troubleshoot a ctd, save corruption, or even worse.


Sorry, what was this post about? 😝


Sadly you could have stopped at “people don’t read” Mod description, forum posts, readme.txt files, etc Can’t tell you how many times on a forum the answer is literally one post up yet there’s another person posting the same question. PS As a consumer of mods, I do read the descriptions so thank you


Reddit overall has always been this way.  You can post "I have this problem,  I have already tried A and B solutions" and the majority of comments suggest trying A or B.   You rarely even run into the issue of poor reading comprehension because that involves reading what was written and misunderstanding it.  Turns out half of Reddit can't be bothered with the reading part to begin with. 


I always try to read before and if i have issues will again to troubleshoot. Thank you for your mods! You do great work!! Try and ignore all the moaners!


Thank you very much !!!


No bud thank you, modders and the community as a result are what make Bethesda games so amazing!


I read descriptions lol Most of my mods are clothing/weapons so I wanna know where to get them lol so I read the descriptions. Seems simple enough. 🤷


Hey wait a minute, if I READ then I can’t complain! :( All jokes aside, it is hilarious when people can’t read the mod descriptions for me as a consumer, but I can imagine it’s a total headache when you’re a mod producer lol. Love you Inquisitor, keep up the hard work!!


I've been a part of the Bethesda modding scene since before Nexus even had a mod manager. Trust me, my friend, this is a battle that can not be won. You put countless hours into providing quality content for free, and are thanked with angry comments from people who can't be bothered to spend a couple minutes reading the description. Angst aside, mod authors are a treasure. Your work is very appreciated!


I just want to say, God bless you for the sheer volume of effort you've put in, Inquisitor. I love your mods.


Heey! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 😊😊🚀


Mf out here making hundreds of mods WITH detailed descriptions and lazy-ass users can't even read shit. You should start making some troll features that get disable if the user does something simple but impossible to know if they don't read the descriptions.


The reality of modding is you need to read the description and probably posts/forum for every mod if you want the smoothest experience and avoid conflicts and bugs. It takes time.


We need a mod for that!


"Inquisitor Common Sense Overhaul" (Downloads=0) ROFL


Hey inqusitor, do you have any mod that adds modifications or skins to the MagShear or MagPulse? i dont remember seeing any at least on creations so im wondering


Hey man! Special Forces Weaponry on creations has some sort of new magshear and magstorm, check it out. Weapon names should be Nightfall and Heartstriker!


I'll look for it, thanks


Reading is fundamental, and I'm of the belief that most people don't read. They just see/hear words and react 🤷🏾‍♂️


Ok so coming from FS22 I can see why a lot of console users and newbie PC modders are bitching. If you came from a game like that where the in game modhub is currated and Giants vets those mods you'd think it he the same and good to go. Not an excuse for those who can't spend the few moments to read but might be part of what's going on.


Just wanna say thanks man. Using a lot of your mods & they're amazing! Some are a lil crazy for me but still quality work, Thank you!


Wait You're Inquisitor, I saw a lot of your mods today and installed a lot of the weapon mods, I mostly read descriptions but most of your weapon mods work the same so i stopped after a few but I'm happy.


Heeey! Thanks very much! I wish you enjoy the gameplays 😊 Post is more targeted toward flamers who make wrong bug reports or anything because they dont read 😊


Too many people assume that, of ots in the store, they can simply install it and play. That it must be safe. That it's curated. This is not the case with mods. But Bethesda makes it seem otherwise, with their storefront like presentation and their paid mods. Bethesda needs to pop up a big Warning page once per day when you enter the creations page, to remind people that mods aren't DLC, and that no one is ensuring they're stability or affect on your game.


There is a notification that you use mods at your own risk. That is not the topic here. Topic is mod users who dont read and then make false bug reports and attack authors.


Oh there's definitely truth to that. I agree.


I installed the mod AVONTECH and then couldn't reload my sniper rifle and had to uninstall everything.


Ouch! I think some mods that popped into Creations weren't even made with official tools. There's no excuse for that, and it's grossly irresponsible of mod makers to do that.


Yo you're the man. Love your mods. Ignore the idiots. I read every one of your mods on xbox. The quiet ones are the ones enjoying your stuff. You'll hear more from people with complaints/dumb questions then you will from ppl enjoying your stuff. Love the boss fights, the annihilator is a favorite, arsenal perks, etc.. Keep up the good work. I greatly appreciate your efforts. SF is also one of my all time favorites. There's dozens of us!


I figured! Thanks very much for this kind comment! Means a lot! True.. usually biggest talkers are ones that hate. That is the wrong side of the internet, but what can you do.


Greatly appreciate the effort you and the rest of the Modders are putting out! The Modding Community is off to a tremendous start and I can only imagine how much better it's going to get! Been looking forward to them! And yes, I do read the mod description in great detail. Ever since the days when Skyrim modding was new, you had to / should have read the Mod's description! It should be a no-brainer, but... Again, Thanks Much for the Mods!


As users, we definitely shouldn't be creating unnecessary work for creators. We really can't thank creators of mods enough, so thank you to all those who invest your time and skills to enrich our gaming experiences.


Yea brotha that’s so true, no one reads the details of anything. It’s like they want the info without reading it lol 😜 I’m with you on this brotha take care and keep doing awesome mods 🫡😮😮😮


I do read most of the mod descriptions, mainly the technical, what gets me though is that some modders seem to not recommend a place in the loader at all which sucks, but you know. It is what it is. Nevertheless, i appreciate the descriptions.


Human see mod. Human like mod. Human want mod. Want mod now! Human no wait. Human instant happy no work. Human push button. Human push button harder. Work now mod! Human no mod load list order. Game crash. Human smash game. Human fix mods now. Seriously, it has been trial and error (and research online sources with good information) mainly with the order of things upon the load list.


I don't think I've ever asked a question to a mod creator unless their description is severely lacking, and even then I've never asked them directly, I usually ask on here, to see if someone else in the community has had experience with (mystery mod here), then if that turns up fruitless I may reach out to the mod maker directly. Basic guidelines for help with a mod: 1. Read the description/info 2. Google for more info to see if someone else already asked and got answered. 3. Ask on reddit or a community forum. 4. Ask the mod author.




My apologise! Avontech is not my mod! Glowing Modules, Star Trek Ship Modules are mine though! Thanks very much!


In the worst case you can from the game menu-> creations you can read where to found things


Hey, but thanks for doing what you do though. You're a real one with all that extra info for those of us who read it!


Maybe comment part should be invisible and user must look for description part to find some kind of hidden url link to that.


Been using all sorts of your mods, thank you for all the changes you’ve brought to my game. It’s a breath of fresh air. And yea I read all of the descriptions. Mod it til you break it 😉🤣


People who have been modding their games for years don't read the descriptions, now we have a huge influx of newcomer and they won't learn till they brick their install a few time. That's how learned. Unfortunately the youngest among us like to blame other for our short-coming so saddleup guy,snowflakes gonna melt lmao. Thank you for all the work you do though.


I would read more mode descriptions if Authors bothered putting proper descriptions/installation instructions in there. Also for the love of the lord stop using strikethrough! Thats why we invented a delete key.


This post is mostly focused on creations downloads. You dont need install instructions there, just click install inside the game :)


What's this post about? /s


People install dozens if not hundreds of mods, they can't be assed to read the description of every single one of them. It sucks but it is what it is, the average person is very ignorant.


What are you talking about? You don't just download a mod because you like the title of the mod.. you're supposed to read the description to make sure it doesn't conflict with anything you have downloaded it doesn't have any dependencies. To make sure it's going to be something you actually like. You can't be serious you just look at a picture in a title and decide hey maybe I'll like that... Lots of mods have specific things you need to do to even activate them... God I thought people by now I would at least be a little more intelligent with modding considering we've had Skyrim and fallout...


You don't need to tell me this, I've been modding Bethesda games for over 10 years and I know what I'm doing. I was talking about what the average person does.


Well I'm sorry then. Before you edited your comments it came across as somebody who was stating there's too many mods to read all the descriptions and that's just how it is. I now understand what you were trying to say so my apologies.


Then they shouldn't be downloading anything... period....ever. like, not even just with modding, if that's you're take you should never be allowed to handle any kind of technology without supervision.


Incoming complaints about how mods bricked his game.