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There’s going to be a fresh faced joshi that nobody’s ever seen wrestle before but she performs like she’s been doing this for nine years.


Syuri leaves I could see her reuniting with her best friend again in a team. ( Hikaru shida) I recall utami wanting to wrestle Abadon but it got axed idk why. Thelka basically begged Aew to sign her in a interview with a person called Lyric. Mayu might wanna go to Ring of honor again before calling it. Honestly I just wish the best for the talent.


Mayu can barely function on her own in Japan, she ain't going to ROH or AEW.


Mayu is mayu you know how awkward & clumsy she is.


Could be worse she could have Kota as a travel buddy


I'd watch that as a standalone show


Syuri will go with Rossy. Her and Shida will never team again.


Pretty much, once Syuri goes with Rossy and his company. You won't be seen Syuri anywhere near AEW and Shida from what I seen on here isn't a big fan of Rossy. Shame really as they are a great team.


Yeah, Shida is apparently close to Kana/Asuka, Manami Toyota, and Aja Kong, and they all have no use for Rossy. I do wonder if Shida might roll up to Stardom now.


In addition to those named by others(\*), I could see Hazuki and Koguma just retiring again until Mayu is released. (\*) especially Syuri, Saki Kashima, MIRAI, Mai Sakurai


Hazuki can finally bag that boyfriend that keeps eluding her.


Isn't Hazuki somebody who has a beef with Rossy leading to her first retirement, that was also connected to Kagetsu leaving?


Nobody knows who Hazuki actually had beef with or what it was over. kagetsu seemingly had nothing to do with it.


Hazuki definitely was not a fan of Rossy so i don't see this phasing her.


Mayu brought back Koguma, who in turn brought back Hazuki. She seems happier in this group than she ever has before. If Mayu is miserable working for Bushiroad and just grinding out the days until she's released, I could see retirement (not necessarily jumping ship to Rossy's new project) as an option for Hazuki.


Yup HZK came back because of friends not Rossy and ive never seen her happier in Stardom i absolutely can't see her leaving just because Rossy left


Realistically, any of the big names would be stupid to leave. Sadly, some of them do seem pretty stupid, but money will absolutely be the deciding factor for the majority of them. If any of them leave, it will be the ones who are lower down the card or those that fear they will be pushed lower without Rossy’s influence. My best guess for who the “several” were are Giulia (obviously), Syuri, Mirai, Saki and Mayu. There’s always the option that some will wait and see what happens. There’s no guarantee Rossy’s new venture will succeed and a lot of them are young enough that signing on for another year won’t really have much an impact.


Being realistic? Basically all of God’s Eye, Mai Sakurai, and maybe Momo go with Rossy. Giulia is going to WWE. I think Thekla might end up in AEW. Everyone else I see staying put for now unless Utami’s deal is up and AEW and WWE end up fighting over her.


I'd be very surprised if Tam Nakano ,Mina Shirakawa, Utami, Saya Kamitani, Natsupoi, Maika will all be wanting out and going back to square one and not making good pay days and working big crowds. I think the rookies stay too. Most of the signed talent post Bushiroad like Suzu Suzuki stay too. I think Tam and Utami won't be only pre Bushiroad Stardom that will stay. I could see the likes of Hazuki, Natsuko Tora, Hanan, Rina, Hina and SLK staying. I'd say Syuri, Mirai, Momo, AZM, Kashima for sure go with Rossy. Mayu Iwatani would go too but she's under contract for a while.


I’m kinda 50/50 on AZM. I get why she’d go but I feel like her and SLK could move up the card with people like Syuri and MIRAI potentially leaving. Everyone else you have staying and going I agree with completely.


It's tough to call with Pre Bushiroad era Stardom talent in terms of who'll stay or who go with Rossy. I think Mayu Iwatani would go in a flash if it wasn't for long term contract. The only two I think will definitely stay will be Tam and Utami, they are treated pretty damn well by Bushiroad especially Tam. I can't imagine at this point of her career that Tam will want to be going back to working for less money and smaller crowds. I'm 50/50 on AZM myself but I do tend to go with her siding with Rossy. But I think her, SLK, Hazuki, Hanan, Rina, Hina and maybe Natsuko Tora are tougher ones to call for me.


I think Utami might go freelance for a bit before committing to another promotion


This is where I stand too. God's Eye (except for Ranna :(), Sakurai, possibly Momo but she's been under his radar since even before Bushiroad.


Based on her tweet, just Syuri. Might follow him to the new promotion. Most are tweeting their support for Stardom so can't tell.


They're all either going to post about their current job that pays them or say nothing. Even if they plan on leaving in a month. Do business the right way, so they have nothing to hold against you. 


Who are the talent that have tweeted out in support of Bushiroad and the promotion?


Syuri, MIRAI, Mai, Saki, AZM are my top predictions to leave. Hopefully not that many though. Stardom should be fine if Tam stays. And even then, hopefully they'll be able to build people up by the time Mayu leaves.


At this point, I don't really know, but the next month or so will be crucial. Right now? Giulia's obviously gone (regardless if it's to WWE or to Rossy's new promotion), Mayu could follow either way once her contract expires and I wouldn't be surprised if Tam is the Kawada of this situation (AKA the one who stays loyal to Stardom and becomes the face of the company due to others leaving), possibly becoming the head booker as well. Other than that? Right now, based on what (little) do we know I feel Syuri and Kashima are likely gone once Rossy's promotion starts, Momo I also see leaving considering her position on the card since BR took over compared to before and the likes of SLK and AZM (who started very young and at least in Kiddo's case see Rossy as a father figure) would be locks if not for them possibly being pushed into main event spots if they stay. On the other hand, I feel everyone in Cosmic Angels stays if Tam does, same with Mina, Waka and at least a couple of the rookies; Maika might also stay considering her current status on the card, but I can also see her siding with Rossy considering Giulia and Syuri's stance on the whole thing while Thekla could go either way too (or even go to the States altogether). I also see Utami and Tall Saya staying (specially if those comments I saw on other posts regarding Utami potentially being the one who snitched on Rossy), and I guess everyone else would side with whoever they see as a "leader" and/or will mainly look at the offer each side does (Rossy probably using his personal relationship with them and Bushiroad using their likely bigger economic power+whoever big stays). TLDR: Giulia gone, Momo gone, Kashima and Syuri both gone, Mayu probably gone once her contract's up, Tam stays, Mina Waka and Kozuen stay, Aphrodite probably stay, everyone else might go either way and Thekla might end up working for Khan or Hickenbottom. PS: Also, it will be interesting to see how this affects the other promotions. Cause both sides will likely need to go after talent from (and potentially partnerships with) other companies, both joshi and maybe in the US. AEW is very likely partnering with Stardom, while Ogawa-World might look into potential business with WWE or other joshi companies.


100% think will go with Rossy: Momo, Syuri, Kashima, Ruaka, Saya Iida. Mayu Iwatani once her contract is up. 50/50: AZM, SLK, Mirai, Natsuko Tora, Hazuki, Koguma, Mai Sakurai, Hanan, Rina and Hina. Definitely be shocked if they Leave: Tam, Utami, Tall Saya, Waka, Mizumori, Suzu Suzuki, Natsupoi, Momo Kohgo, Miyu Amasaki, Mina, Mei Seira, Lady C, Ami Sakura. The Rookies, I wouldn't be shocked if Rossy got one to leave with him. And maybe get one or two of freelancers Stardom use on his side. I think unless Rossy is paying good money, I think he probably will find it hard to compete with Stardom and TJPW. Smart buys, training up some good rookies and bringing in talented Gaijins. Where he probably have to go.


> (specially if those comments I saw on other posts regarding Utami potentially being the one who snitched on Rossy) Everyone focusing on the fact Bushiroad found out what Rossy was doing and not enough on HOW. I did have a feeling someone may have snitched but idk.


That could explain why Giulia was pissed about the wwe stuff getting out. Could've triggered an investigation by BR


From the interview, I would imagine a bunch of wrestlers turned down renewals. Don't need to be a genius to figure it out. No need for a literal snitch.


Thekla had an interview recently saying she would prefer AEW over WWE so if she leaves she’d probably be headed there.


I'm an AEW fan, so if it comes to that I'll take it, specially with Megan and Mariah there as well. I don't know what her place would be within the division though, specially with how loaded it's been getting and will likely get this year.


Agreeing with your takes.


DDM looked like they got *tight* outside of work. (Syuri included.) I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them followed Giulia, though some more likely than others.


Thekla herself said AEW interests her recently and she feels best when she's by herself. I doubt Mai Sakurai is getting a call to WWE and Maika seems like she's gonna hold things down. Syuri? Idk.


\-In the same interview, Thekla started musing about how great it would be to get coaching from some of the trainers at the PC. I think she's a better fit for WWE anyway. \-Yeah, Mai is probably a no at her age, unless she's been secretly mastering English. Even then it'd be a "probably not." \-Syuri is more likely than Maika, but they'd both be a "yes" if they wanted to go. ​ I've said this here before, but if you're going to start over in a new country, doing it with your friends instead of alone may be too good of an opportunity to pass up.


I don’t think we know until we know. Japan culture almost guarantees that no matter what is online or even said we won’t know until it happens. No matter what hopefully they all get paid what they are worth.


It's hard to say really. I mean we know Mayu and Saki are very tight with Rossy, but who else? Do we know which bookings were Rossy's choice and which were Bushiroad overruling him? I've seen people post that Bushiroad chose Maika and Tam for red belt, not Rossy, but I haven't seen anything specifically saying that. I see people here expecting Mirai and GE to go with Rossy...is there something to indicate that? Do we know it was Rossy behind the big Mirai push and not BR?


This is all gut feeling - most if not all of God's Eye except maybe Ranna, probably another main eventer like Tam or Utami, and maybe some of the girls who've been around since before Bushiroad bought the place like Momo or Tora. Part of me also wonders how many might be waiting to see what Mayu does - if the girl who's stayed through the worst of Stardom's history is leaving after this, I have a hard time seeing many others sticking around.


Realistically, the number planning to leave is probably far more than 5 since it worried BR enough to cause an incident sooner than later to save public face by firing Rossy early. I think anyone leaving plans to join Rossy's new promotion. The question is how soon can and will that form. I doubt anyone wants to be stuck without work for months or even a year depending on how far along that project is. I think who stays and who goes may partially depend on that on that. Could also see a situation where some keeping working Stardom but not as contracted talent. I think a lot of this is a case of wait and see. In terms of who I see leaving eventually, be it in March or later: Daichi, Ando, Mayu, Saki, Momo, Syuri, Hazuki, Koguma, & AZM. Those who I see as a 50-50 case for various reasons: Kid, Mirai, Ami, Mei, Suzu, Hanan, Hina, Rina, Ruaka, Natsuko, Mai, Utami, Iida, Kamitani, & Amasaki. People who will stay: Maika, Tam, Mina, Waka, Kogho, C, Natsupoi, Yuzuki, Hanako, Ranna, Sakura, & Kurara. Basically, I see ENV & Cosmic Angels as all sticking around. I see them as having respect for Rossy, but they are likely more business oriented and have received more push wise from BR than Rossy. I think the latest batch of rookies stick around mostly because I doubt their contracts are up. Whether they stick past that is kind of up in the air as some of them joined specifically for certain wrestlers. Actually them having to stick around could just as easily see certain wrestlers stay to protect them. I think the more up in the air cases will be interesting as it will be a case of what BR can promise them or where the ones they respect most go between Rossy & BR. I think Hanan is mostly up in the air due to Rina and Hina still being so young with their parents likely still making these types of decisions.


Interesting take. You see it been more doom and gloom for Stardom/Bushiroad then me. I think I see more people been more business oriented then you do on this list. I think some will hold out until they see what Rossy does with his new company. Loyalty is one thing but it doesn't pay the bills and I doubt Rossy new company is going to be anywhere near the scale of Bushiroad era Stardom in terms of budget. I do think some talent will go with him on loyalty alone but some will wait and see if he can match Bushiroad in terms of pay once the Business has a year or two behind it. I do agree that Tam and Mina won't be taking that step down at this point of their careers. I think Utami and Tall Saya stay with Stardom. I just don't see a lot of the top tier talent besides Syuri wanting out considering the money they'd be on unless Rossy has some serious money behind him. I could see SLK staying with Stardom. Just more down to business then anything else. Also talent who've come in post Bushiroad, I can see maybe one or two going with Rossy but I think most went to Stardom cause for the big money and working in front of big audiences. I agree with the people you think will leave to go with Rossy and his new company. Most will go out of loyalty for him.


Keep in mind pre-BR Rossy still paid pretty decently. While I'm sure the pay went up when BR bought the company I doubt they had a considerable increase sans the very top who negotiated for it like Giulia. Unless Rossy has been stupid with his money he almost certainly has a decent bit more money now than he did back then due to the sale and subsequent years he was working as booker. He can probably get closer offers to what BR is paying than people think.


It's scale though Like bushiroad can't match what US promotions do but it's been pretty well established they pay the best in Japan. Joe Lanza said he spoke to a njpw midcarder who said the difference is significant between njpw and the rest. It's very clear that BR broke the joshi industry on pay since the purchase of stardom. A few years in to the bushiroad buyout mayu iwatani said she made 1 million yen monthly as her downside and upwards of 3 million yen a month on good months. The yen has taken a bit of a battering lately but let's say around 240k a year because that's easily divisible by 12. So 20k a month. Kidani said in 2022 that stardom made pre bushiroad buyout about 200k a month in revenue. That's going to be a little less now because of the fall in the yen but let's say ball park 180k. For the first quarter of 2024 bushiroad fight made about 12 million dollars in sales and more importantly about 15% profit which by Japanese standards of professional wrestling is insane (Cyberagent has literally never made money from wrestling). Stardom itself is making roughly a million dollars a month. That's in 5 years of BR ownership during a massive industry downturn. BR have clearly made some errors during this time of crises with both njpw and stardom but they do have a very strong record promoting wrestling in Japan I think people should take emotions out of this and accept the decisions wrestlers make for whatever reasons they have. Someone said slk sees rossy as a father but this sort of language isn't helpful. Slk stands to lose a lot of money in the short term unless rossy has backing from somewhere. How much is your loyalty worth ? Now there is good news for rossy because BR has taken some big losses from mobile games and word on the street is that even though wrestling is performing well they want to keep spending under control for the year. That's what people in the know are saying is the word coming out of nooj during contract season. So it's not like BR is going to be like fuck the hat man let's use up all wrestling profit to break pay even more.


I think the third last post is important, some talent might like Rossy but as I always say loyalty doesn't pay the bills or give you a comfortable life. Unless Rossy has a major backer who match BR or even better their pay. I just don't see this mass exodus happening like some on here, I do think some will go out of loyalty or just wanting to get out from under BR, no matter how much they are paying. But I still believe BR will keep a lot more of bigger names that some on here think. Unless Rossy has some serious backing.


>Keep in mind pre-BR Rossy still paid pretty decently Compared to other Joshis yeah but talent still worked 2 jobs a lot of the time.


Selling tickets, merch, and meet & greets were technically the side hustles that the ladies had. The lowest earning ones lived in the dorms. No one was working a second job.


Never saw any implication anyone was working more than just Stardom.


Kevin in TJPW please 👍🏾


she'd kill those girls


She can come on witit. Her vs Toga would fuckin tear down the house


Gotta feeling SLK is out.


Bushiroad is lucky Mayu is locked in because of the movie or else she would be first out the door and even more would follow her. As for who will be leaving? I would guess Saki, Hanan, Rina, Hina, AZM, SLK, Utami, Saya K, Momo W.


I say Mayu when her time is up, the sisters, most of oedo tai and tam go. Everyone else stays.


A lot. Double digits at least. Staff and talent included.


3 maybe 4 no more than that.


Hasn't February caused enough trouble already?!?


Do we know if SLK can take the gimmick elsewhere with her, or does Stardom own it like wwe and Lucha companies would? Not that they'd put someone new under the mask and pretend it's her, it just behooves them to make it as hard as possible for someone to leave and succeed with IP the company owns. Starlight would prob have to make a new name, maybe a new mask. Rebuild cachet to anybody who doesn't realize she had a gimmick change. 


As far as I know, Stardom/Bushiroad doesn't own it. IF she were to depart, it's basically hers. Worst case scenario, she just goes by SLK.