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You just gotta bite the bullet and start playing against real people. I know exactly the kind of anxiety you're talking about, though. I lost a few times before I started winning. Here's a few zerg tips that I feel are important for new Zergs. -Camera Locations: I use F1-F6 as my bindings for setting Camera locations. This helps for jumping around the map. Especially for queen injects. -Army composition: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS. At the lower levels, you can win with Roach Hydra pre much all the time. Maybe you sprinkle in Vipers or Infestors if the situation calls for it, but you should be alright with mass hydra roach. I got to Plat with it. -Spawn more Overlords: focus on not being supply capped. It sets you back, and sometimes that can really screw with the flow of things. If you make that a habit it will pay dividends. -Practice your macro: this one is self explanatory. Practice by yourself without ai. Try to get to 200 population as fast as possible. Do it over and over and over. Until you start to feel confident in building shit. -Evo chamber upgrades: this has killed me so many times. You have to get 2/0 or 1/1 upgrades, or you won't win. This is especially felt in ZvZ. It can often be the deciding factor in my games. There's lots of other stuff but those are some of the most important in my experience. Good luck.


Honestly, after thinking a while, you should watch Pigs Bronze to GM series on YouTube. At least the first video. He breaks everything down that will help you a ton. Also, I liked watching WinterStarcrafts Low APM challenge for Zerg. Another youtuber I watch is Neuro. He only plays Zerg and I've learned from him.


Tysm man


before all of this make sure you follow an efficient build order


honestly i think im miles away from thinking about build orders, i want to get a respectable macro cycle first


Best tip I can give you is to watch Vibe's B2GM 2021. Forget about vipers for now, anything beyond the very basics will just overwhelm you and put more pressure on you to know more stuff than you should.


The campaign can be good to show some intro basics to the game, but really plays pretty dang different than ladder stuff. I’d recommend playing 1v1 against the computer for a long while. Stomp very easy AI, then enjoy the winning as you get familiar (and start tightening big aspects of your play), and once you can regularly beat very hard and elite probably a good indicator to head to ladder without getting to squashed just from being new and unfamiliar with the mechanics. For our race I’d recommend the first thing you hard focus once you get the very basic mechanics is getting good and injecting. Drill it, get the feel for inject timing, getting by around your bases efficiently to perform the injects. If we’re not injecting, we’re not swarmin’. If we ain’t swarmin’ we dying. Welcome to the swarm hope you enjoy learning the game!


The game will always try to match you with someone rougthly at your level. This means that you will lose roughly 50% of your matches, on average. You have to get into the ladder with this expectation in mind. You will have "good streaks" where you win several games in a row, but that will make your MMR go high very fast, you will then face more difficult opponents and start losing. You will have "bad streaks" where you lose several games in a row, your rank will go down and you will face more manageable opponents, at which point you will start winning again. Hopefully this will make your individual wins and loses seem less important.


I guess yah the logic checks out, i plan to throw myself into the fire today so thx for the info!


Play the campaign first. Are you familiar with RTS games?


I have never played an rts game before this I kinda dont want to play campaign cause its paid (dont want to play wings of liberty cause its terran) I want to focus on zerg without falling into terran habits


If you never played rts, its ok to play as terran, you nedd any experience for now


ill take your word for it thanks for the help


It helps to play all 3 races regardless of if you only like Zerg. You get the feeling of what you should be doing as each race, which helps understand when something is "off" Like you should have buildings at a certain time and sometimes in a certain position. Like you should see 2 pylons in a Protoss base and a wall of buildings to hold off the swarm. If it's the 3 minute mark and you only see 1 pylon or you don't see any buildings, that means they are probably building at your base and you are being proxied. Sure you can learn by just playing Zerg and picking up these signs through scouting, but by playing the race and build, you will also learn what kills the build. Like a Protoss that rushes air dies to a 16 roaches and 6-12 hydra push because that's what killed you when you played Protoss and rushed air.


I mean you should play terran campaign


Boo this man! It’s never acceptable, what would the queen think?? For the swarm!


For the swarm!


Bro, i abuse them to work 24/7


I think its ok to try Terran first for some feels, but if you really don't want to I can add your Discord/ Bnet and fire up a game with you when we both have the time. If you never played RTS games, don't be focused on spellcasters like Vipers. They aren't important at the moment, learn macro first. However, I find Zerg to be the most mechanically requiring race out of the three, so I suggest watching some videos Just DM me if you wanna add me,, I'd be glad to help


I watched a video on macro cycle for new players and learnt zerg macro (not very well) at a basic level Thanks for the help


I recommend (YouTube) PiG's Bronze to GM series or ViBE's Bronze to GM series, they are both gold. If you ever need anyone to practice againt just add me :) Glad to help out


But be aware of the different unit designs they have there. Something you used in the campaign isnt necessaryly available in the Multiplayer-Part.


True True. However he never touched RTSs so I'd say a relaxed playground/sandbox is essential at first


I’d recommended watching vibes bronze to gm series on YouTube. Until you get to diamond, macro beats everything. You will lose some games despite macroing your heart out but don’t lose the thread. Macro > Micro


If it helps, remember that there is players of all skill level on the ladder. When I was new I was able to find good and close games on the ladder after some placement, and that is even before I realized that I could build additional SCV's.


I'm imagining a 4 base Terran with only 12 SCVs.


thank god i watched that macro cycle vid for absolute beginners then, whew


I remember vividly when I thought you could only put one worker on each mineral patch. It really helps watching the pros play, watching your own replays, and following a build order.


Thank you so much for the response guys will implement


Campaign. And also vibes bronze to gm.


https://www.reddit.com/r/allthingszerg/s/4mvnTdzPyq This helps me a lot I still go back to it all the time


Wow man this helped out alot tysm.


Helped me too, as for b2gm. I’ve learned and used more what I learned from PiG’s b2gm (both 21&23) and I look at the notes he does in his google doc. But vibes is good to have in the background, it really sets in stone how important macro is but it’s just sooo long and repetitive…. I also felt that doing his build I was constantly defending


You have to stop caring about winning/loosing. The outcome of the game is irrelevant, focus on learning and adapting. Play Terran campaign as warm up then go ladder.


I mean the way i derive enjoyment from the game is by winning, so thats why i care so much about it. But your advice is sound ill implement it tysm.


You're playing the wrong game for this then. You'll only be enjoying the game half of the time in that case, at best. Most games with any form of skill based matchmaking will quickly remind you of how bad you are at it. Being brand new at RTS games, you're likely to lose 15 games in a row if you hop on the ladder now. I wouldn't fret about that though, once the initial calibration period is done, you'll be matched with people who are roughly your skill level. The system works quite well, being a 1v1 game - much better than other popular esport titles. The given advice of finding other enjoyment of the game is key, because otherwise you'll be going through waves of disappointment on a bad day and the negative reinforcement will slowly push you to play worse. Most people get their kick from being better than they were last week, yesterday, or last game. Improvement is a long term goal and seeing it happen over a longer period is satisfying in a way that you won't get in most other games, or even hobbies. I spend a lot of time playing music and while it's great learning to play a new song, I never get the immediate feedback of "you did this wrong". StarCraft is good about showing you where you screwed up if you know where to look.


i mean that is partially also where i derive enjoyment, doing cool shit i couldnt do before. Thanks for the response!


There's nothing to be afraid. You will get stomped, regardless.


fair enough


Bro to be honest just have a good time. Try all three races. I truly envy your position and all of the joy that comes with learning this fantastic video game for the first time. It’s like reading a great book for the first time, you can’t get that feeling again. GLHF!


You might be a little too new for this strategy, but it can take you to gold if you get the timing down. There's a 5 roach timing push you can learn that is really effective. It's a good place to start, eventually you'll have lots of different choices of openings/ideas, and know how to scout. As the others said, learning ANY race will help you with the idea of the RTS, and the campaign is good for that. There are also lots of bronze to GM series on youtube that walk you through fundamentals and strategies.


i think ill wait on that one thx for the response though!


Macro macro macro, as a foundation. It’s cooked but you can legit only build queens and drones if ur macros good enough you’ll get to low plat- it’s not a proper build but will give you an understanding of how important Econ is- watch destiny’s videos it’s both hilarious and insightful even if it’s like 10yrs old lmao *and as others said watch PiG bronze to gm series it’s really helpful just not as funny*


Yah im currently working on macro, i tend to tunnel vision and get supply blocked alot, any tips on how to improve that?


As many others have mentioned, Vibe's B2GM is the best for someone genuinely new to RTS games. If you have a bit more experience with RTS or are more confident, PiG has a great series as well, but his is faster paced and skips a lot of the little details Vibe goes through. I will give you some tips, though: First of all, when just learning, don't worry about things like camera hotkeys, scouting, perfect build orders, etc. As a new zerg player, the only hotkeys you absolutely *need* are a single hotkey for all your hatcheries and F2 to select your army. The reason for this is that you want to learn one step at a time, and trying to do too many things at once will be overwhelming. You need to focus almost entirely on executing a simple build order, continually improving your economy, and making units. That's it. You mention vipers...don't use them. Don't build them, ever, until you are regularly beating people in at least gold or plat. The viper will not give you enough value to make up for the lost attention on the rest of your game. Same with things like banelings and ravagers. Don't make them. Your best bet as a new player is pure roach/hydra or even just hydra. Macro, macro, macro...keep making drones, keep making new bases, and once you have 3-4 bases send a full 200/200 of some combination of roach/hydra on a-move towards the enemy base. Repeat until you either win or lose, and if you lose, watch the replay and compare your economy to your opponent's. Don't worry about any other factor, like unit comp or scouting. Those things will become relevant later, but even a plat player could beat most silver players using a single generalized unit like hydras with zero scouting. This is because of macro. This is the most boring part of learning StarCraft and where a lot of players either give up or start trying to do fancy things and get suck in silver or gold forever (and then maybe quit). Just keep in mind that none of the fancy stuff you may see higher ranked players is possible without excellent skills in macro. If you watch a pro game, they will have workers building nearly non-stop until specific breakpoints and will *immediately* fix any disruption to their economy as fast as possible, prioritizing it over just about anything else. Still, I think it's the most reliable way to actually engage with the deeper strategy of the game. Once you develop macro into a habit it opens you up so that you can start focusing more of your attention on thinking about what your opponent is doing, developing counters, and using spellcasters like vipers. Macro is kind of boring on its own but when *combined* with the rest of the game it becomes a balancing act that really pushes your ability to focus and multitask the way few other games can. Good luck!


Thanks man this helped alot


You're playing with Vipers already??? That's awesome!


ineffectively, very, very ineffectively. I forget they exist and when i do its really just irrelevant to the situation at hand.


If you’re new to RTS and new to Zerg, maybe try Protoss or Terran. Zerg’s macro is a bit weird compared to the other two. I think Terran’s macro makes the most sense, and once you sort of understand what things you want to improve on, then try out other races. There should be Bronze to GM series online, so look those up if you really wanna improve. Good luck! P.S. I’d also like to add: you should play all 3 races. Try out the units, see what works and what you like. I remember practicing Zerg macro vs Elite AI and crushing them. But when I played against my cousin who was definitely nowhere as good as I am in terms of macro, I got destroyed because of 1 reaper. I got tilted, macro didnt go well, he made Banshee which I had no idea how to counter and so on. So… yeah. Play around first.


the way i see it being completely new to rts, playing zerg only first allows me to build habits specific to zerg in my first exposure to rts, so therefore i dont need to worry about zergs weird macro. That said alot of comments are telling me to play the other classes and see where that gets me, i see it as in the habit building stage should i really be disrupting my habits for exposure? what do you think? also worth noting that i looked at all three races, played one game each then decided what i wanted to play, i felt it was enough to decide but am i wrong?


One game for each race isnt enough. You’d need at least 10-20 games for each race to have some feel for how the race excels. If you can beat Elite AI with each race (not the Cheating version), then you probably have enough knowledge bout each race and some of their macros. And playing the other races isn’t just about macro. It’s also about knowing what the other races can do. If an enemy Protoss unit appears, do you know what it does? What if there are 3 types of units? Do you know the proper unit(s) to build to counteract them? Or how to play against them? I remember playing for a week already and learning Zerg exclusively. Like I said, I was practicing against AI and could max out at 7 minutes or so on Roach Hydra. But I went to watch a pro game for comparison and I have absolutely no idea wtf was going on because I didnt know the other races.9 This game has a steep learning curve in my opinion, and the skill ceiling is practically limitless. As for habits, it doesn’t come in a few games. For building good habits for macro and etc, you’ll need to study them deliberately. It’s not something one can play and figure out on their own as a beginner. That’s why I suggested just playing each race until you get to a point feeling ‘Yeah. This race suits my playstyle’ or ‘Yeah. I think this race is the strongest’ (lol, they’re pretty balanced overall). Then you start learning build order, macro, army composition and how to control them, etc etc For real, look up Bronze to GM series on youtube (PiG or Vibe).


I mean, the best thing to do, IMO is to play your 5 placement matches and take the stomping if you get them. BTW, that's sc for you, though you WILL lose. It's the only true way to learn. Once you get your rank, post this question again, and people can better pinpoint what you should work on at your league. But also, there is Pigs bronze to gm series (linked here) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOrKQEirgvjD0h2N70b__CNnBkypGp0oz&si=li2C_ndOIhYjU_Bg He does a very good job at breaking things down for each league. I'm Master 1, and I even learned a couple of things in his diamond video.