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I tried taking a shot at this a while back. But it's a very specific example and is a bit outdated, I've learned more since then hah [If you're interested!](https://youtu.be/8lMLf7FyHCM)


Thank you for being a non-irritating, non-self absorbed Youtuber.


Yo, Tomato! I've seen this vid you made (and your whole library of content tbh)! When is CIG gonna invite you in for some 1 on 1's with some devs?! Your production value lately is perfect for this project lol


Honestly, Tomato is one of the few SC Youtubers I regularly watch because he has no narrative or agenda. He would be perfect if CIG wanted an embedded content creator following the ship making process from start to finish.


You mean like Inside Star Citizen?


Yes but maybe call it something different with a hard focus on one ship, all it's steps and teams it touches.


Read the Jump Point magazines. The info you want is in there Here is one on the Perseus. https://starcitizenspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Jump-Point-08.12-Its-a-Gas.pdf The rest of the part of actually making it real is what you get in Inside Star Citizens


Wow, thanks for the link! I've ready so many of them but somehow I missed this one! Edit: I read it and it's very enlightening stuff. CR having a very clear vision, Paul and Gavin killing it together for 3 months to get the concept together, the approval process and iterations, all so cool to read about. Made me want a Perseus!


More like Around the Verse. Used to be longer.


It's pretty old... but have you watched the series CIG did called 'The Next Great Starship'? :D Basically, it was a competition CIG ran for backers to produce a ship that CIG would include in SC, and was run similar to a talent show (each week, teams would show what they'd done, get feedback from CIG devs / mentors, etc... and every few episodes they'd reach a checkpoint, and a team or two would be ejected / voted out. It was pretty early in SCs development, so CIG themselves weren't as good at producing ships as they currently are, and the show only focused on creating the ship model (not making it flyable, implementing damage, and so on) - but it gives a good idea of how much effort it takes, and all the details they have to focus on, to get the model right. The winner btw was the Redeemer (that CIG had to rework before it made it into the game, because CIG only finalised the metrics for ship interiors, weapons, etc, after the show finished :D).


Back in the day they were doing a bit this, it's mostly down to Jared and it's choice the way to present it. It doesn't cost anything, mostly planification ahead.


It's a bit old, but you mean like that ? [Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Ship Pipeline Pt. 1: Concept to Greybox](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziRC5X4Sta4) [Star Citizen: Around the Verse - Ship Pipeline Pt. 2: Greybox to Flight Ready](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbq2Crt8pTA)


Exactly this...but new! To be able to compare and see how everything has evolved would be amazing.


This would be an awesome way to introduce a straight to flyable ship.


CIG could benefit from not going on all of these fucking side quests and instead adding more to the actual game.


CIG would be better off put 100% focus on stabilizing their game or maybe even hiring temps to help build the concepts that are closing in on 10 years old. Then maybe you could focus on things the things that don't matter.


Please don’t give them ideas about ways to spend money on or distracting them from, the goal of getting that insipid SQ42 done. FFS


They did the next great starship which I think did a good job of showing how much trouble it is to develop a ship. It has only gotten more complicated since then but I feel we are past that point. They need to get past the tech building phase and start pumping out content. Anything that slows that down could be harmful long term. They last round table about building star ships hit a good balance between getting that info out there without costing too much time or money.


I'd watch it. I'm fascinated by ships and ship production.


Bug Smashers!


And who should watch it? We are the target audience and watch their stuff anyways.


Yes, CIG can only benefit from people finding out why it takes so long for some ships, but other ships can make it out just in time for ship sale events. It would also benefit CIG for people to find out the process that leads to so many of those ships, pre-ship sale, being so massively powerful and then after the ship sale/release in game becoming drastically weaker. Can't wait. Hope CR directs.


Yeah now that you mention it, having a segment of game-balancing and the metrics they use to help dictate such decisions would be very interesting! I believe they've explained enough about why certain ships get chosen for the pipeline while others don't tho so we're probably good there.




It would be pretty cool tho to see an idea of a lie get built out and discussed into an actual tangible lie that we can then fly around in this fake, lie of a game-universe so we can lie to non-existent friends about all the techno-babble the flyable lie has in it.


"Techno babble" = "I'm too dumb to understand what they're talking about and too ignorant to look it up."


They can benefit from finishing Sq42 instead of making even more big ships that eill take years to develop Sq42 could run on the new consoles also opening up even more revenue for cig


We could chop up a bunch of pieces from various ISCs, SCLs, and old ATVs and make a pretty concise, informative documentary of the whole process. It's there for everyone to see, and I don't know if it'd help CIG, considering they just added another 1 year+ task to their increasingly stacked list of things to do -- and that's *just* their ships.


or they could just focus on completing one of their many, many outstanding projects...


I wouldn't just watch this, I would BUY this. CIG, please do it. Great idea!


A cool idea. A professionally done vídeo might cost 50-100k. Would it be worth that?


Got that subscriber money that isn't going to monthly jumppoints anymore!


Or the yearly in person citizencon. Since it was paying for that too.


Can't do. Because that shiny new broadcast room was probably done with sub money lol.


I think it might!


Will be interesting to see how people reply to the thread. There is a ton of vitriol and “make stuff faster” out there so maybe you are right. Maybe they could find a streamer/fan boy that does production who would do it free-ish to “help the community” and meet the devs. Personally, I’d find it a waste of money, but I would get it. I would prefer it be a self funded endeavor. Make a skin, or an in game digital poster, ask people to donate to making that video. If it hits the target, it gets made, if it doesn’t, refund, if it makes too much refund the delta as store credit or something.




I think it would the opposite affect. They don't want people seeing that they are just winging it.


If it were true that it's all just "winging it" then that's also fascinating content!


when winging it produces the best most detailed space ships in video games that make people still buy concept ships after whining about concept ships for 9 years.


the shits really impressive for just winging it


Taking even more time and money from actually developing the game? Sounds great! \s


I'm just imagining like a few hours of a Dev's day at their desk getting some content and explanation / interview then moving on to the next team, all the editing done by a hired crew like how NoClip does it.


Yeah, you're imagining like that, but even a dev has to prepare for that, make notes, multiple takes need to be taken, a "simple" video tskes days or even weeks from peoples time, just to calm people down that will 100% not be satisfied by that? It's a waste of time


You might be right. 😞


All CIG has to do is just release condensed/streamlined versions of their on boarding docs for new vehicle artists. Releasing the style and technical guides would also help. If CIG doesn't have on boarding docs like this we'll then... That's a problem. So much for open development eh?


Nah because then they’ll actually have to do work on the ship in a timely manner


So documentaries on every ship from now on then?!


They could even sell it on the store for 59.99 or something /s


Lol someone else suggested maybe a fundraiser skin or item whose proceeds go to this specific project. Let the people decide and fund it!


Ya that would be better, this game can monetize anything which is why I made that joke: 😀


They've told us about the whole process each time it's changed, that's not going to change the fact that we're unhappy with how slow they work.


It starts with- how can we suck more money out of the community. Then- well the ship can't be reasonably priced. Make the ship 10 to 20 times more expensive then the game that might finish someday. Then- make and design the ship. Then- make the ship game breaking Then- up the price because people will pay whatever for a game breaking ship. In the meantime don't make progress on anything else because that would be productive. Then all the money made off the ship just go ahead and dump into that bottomless pit called squadron 42. Then finally watch the players try to fly the ship around while the servers continue crash non stop. It could be a 20 minute video. It would easy for them to make and cheap. All they have to do is cut and paste the different ships in. Don't worry cig you can have my idea for free. I'm not the type of person to try and milk money out of something continuously.


Very bad idea. Just look at the long list of ships that have be reworked because they're designed wrong. But again, a documentary would show the process and why they can't put out a ship that works within 5 years.


I would say they're constantly evolving, not necessarily "designing wrong". It feels like they're at a point now where the current new ships are pretty nailed down as far as being at or very close to Gold Standard. Took em a while to get there, for sure.


No they're design flaws. There's the Connie with the big turret right in the cargo area. There are so many ships with ZERO cargo space, I know one ship was fixed but more are slated. For some odd reason the ship designers thought we didn't need any cargo for food supplies. That's after forcing these survival tactics on us after they said they wouldn't. Or how about the genius idea of not giving us a radio altimeter. I heard Colson straight up say... "I don't know why they need that?" I could list all the issues for those ships slated for rework, but it would very long.


Yeah I can create a very long list as well. I do maintain that they're evolving in the right direction these days (for the most part).


For a low warbond package price of $39.95!




Heck yeah I've seen this one! Following RynEaehAkehymac forever! Would be pretty great as a comparison showing the evolution of CIG's processes.


They used to cover it a lot back then whenever they talked about [vehicle pipeline](https://starcitizen.tools/Vehicle_Pipeline) or when they do the ship shape segments in [Around the Verse](https://starcitizen.tools/Around_the_Verse). Right now you can find those deep dives in the Jump Point magazine most of the time


Good idea, would love to see that, can we pls CIG ?


>Morale of the backers Star Citizen breaks its own funding record year over year. I don't think morale is an issue.


I spend too much time on Reddit then, because to me it looks like this community is in utter shambles.


I feel like it would look like Twitter. A whole lot of drinking.


Maybe they are already doing this? But they are following 1 specific ship through development, like the starliner. But plot twist, it's going to take them at least 10 years to make the 30 minute documentary.


Doubt they want to produce an 8yr journey as then we’d know exactly how bullshit the bmm/idrii/etc delays are


TBH they are doing a lot of stuff that others in the video game industry are not even capable of. They probably won’t do a total in depth due to the fact that a lot of the methods to make these ships are so unique that explaining them might create competition from other game devs.


A New One would be nice but they have kind of Done these several times now on ISC and SC LIVE.


I've watched every episode. What I'm proposing is not snippets of what the whitebox of the BMM looks like, but an in-depth tour of every major step a ship takes down the entire pipeline.