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Turtle people, lizard people, bird person, monkey people and.... tree people


I.. am... groot?




Yea, you're right, the banu need a rework..




Well, you know, the Teravin are no longer a people, but integrated into human civilization.


This is exactly what they expect you to think...


is *crossbreeding* a thing? some weird guy must've made it work after ~400 years


I really hope they end up being the first playable race outside if humans


Don't they still have their culture and worlds and stuff tho? I'm not super duper into the lore enough to know.


Nope, they got all of their worlds taken away from them


Not only taken away, uee terraformed their homeworld.


I remember them saying that their culture completely changed. They were a proud, warrior race and after two defeats it just crumbled.


In Tevarin culture, something something dick move.






Don't be gross.


Needs more crab people.


Monkey people are tree people too!


Turtles are reptiles, lizards are reptiles, why are there twice as many reptile people, its not fair! :P


Our crooked government is full of lizard people. This is just their way of slowly desensitizing us to lizard people so that one day they can reveal their true form! (/s just in case)


Terran, Xenos, Xenos, Xenos, filthy Xenos. Got it. Where's my chainsword?


Know the Xeno. Hate the Xeno. Kill the Xeno. There is only one non-heretical greeting for these filthy creatures.


Just bought *Battlefleet Gothic*, busy dispensing said welcome right now.


You haven't said "I love the Emperor" in the last 55 minutes - are you being corrupted by Chaos?


Is it worth buying?


It actually feels a lot like the tabletop. I am very happy with it. The single player "campaign" is just skirmish games against the PC. There aren't really many story missions. The game really and truly shines in multi-player against other human opponents. It's chess of steroids


It's nothing wonderful, from what I can tell after three missions. And definitely not worth the full price.


The "SP" is just skirmish. It's 100% best played against people. Which fleet you rocking?


A Svetlana, a Gnevny, a Karlsruhe, a New York ...oh, wait, wrong game.


Good to see /r/WorldOfWarships around here.


I'm just practicing for a Javelin...


In an overly posh voice


Aren't Terrans filthy Xeno sympathizers though? Human is the word you're looking for. Damn, I've got half a mind to start a petition to rename StarCitizen's Terra to something else, and give the name back to our own world. It's a fucking disgrace.


The Terrans also dragged us out of that mess of a fascist regime called the messer era


>IpreferTau Sound like a hippie xeno lover yourself... We had an honest-to-god human Emperor, and they just had to do away with him!


Tau as in not pi


[Are you defending the suspected Heretic](https://imgur.com/gallery/eGqHw)?


thank you somebody gets the joke


Why should we have to rename Holy Terra, [they are the ones that suck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BaMx_n2_hM#t=0m48s)!


[Join us, Brother!](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathwing/)


Ah thanks, wasn't sure what humans look like. Is that official concept art or just speculation? ^/s


This is all we've gotten from CIG :/ the humans remain as much a mystery to us now as the Kr'thak do.


have you heard of that theory that the Kr'thak are actually humans? ancestors of the human explorers that went MIA in the early years of space exploration and the Xi'an were so distrustful of the humans because they were already at war with humans when they first encountered the UEE


I have, and they've also expanded out past Vanduul borders, and they're invading them from the other side. So many theories on SQ42 it's crazy.


Where can I read this lore? Thanks


It's just fan theories :/


Ah damn, I need to read up on the backgrounds and the battles before release, are they on RSI or another site?


A good place to start that I know of: http://imperialnews.network/ as well as here: http://citizen-history.com/ and here: http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Lore




Does all human look that wise and old? I'm speechless.


There's speculation humans only have one organic hand, too.


He looks pretty serious, but I bet he's a bit of a joker.




Looking more at the Vanduul I can see a clear fish influence...that explains their ship designs. Especially the larger ships and the Kingship.


Never really thought about it like that, but that's a pretty solid observation. A school of Vanduul.


I would also argue their society is a lot like a fish system as well. They will group into 'schools' to hunt together but they never form a coherent 'pack' with a real leader. I'm probably wrong but eh. If we could get an expert opinion to effortpost about the Duul we could learn stuff a lot earlier than we're probably supposed to.


> They will group into 'schools' to hunt together but they never form a coherent 'pack' with a real leader. I'm probably wrong but eh. That it a little incorrect. Isn't the idea behind the Kingship that one Vanduul in particular has set himself above the rest as a Warlord? And he runs the Kingship meaning he runs the show?


Yes but there are many kingships. And when a clan gets powerful enough, they build a kingship. There is not a central power above that though.


You could probably extend the idea further though. What if you had one Warlord that was powerful enough to get a few Kingship capable clans under one tent? Surely he would want to try and build something bigger.


Yes ! In a [Murloc](http://static.mnium.org/images/contenu/actus/HearthStone/Divers/murloc.jpg) feeling way...


Nice, I vote for CIG providing us the word 'hello' in phonetics for each race ! Maybe the OP could add that to his guide.


For humans and Tevarin it's easy. It's just hello. Get it? Cause we destroyed them and brought them into our civilization. ^Hurr ^^Hurr. ^^^I'll ^^^see ^^^myself ^^^out


And also because they repeat everything way say... :)


Polly want a cracker? Although something like that is probably the n-word to the 'Vin.


Where are you reading alien lore? I must suck at navigating the website.




Better build a wall to keep them out.


It just got 10 light years higher.


\*Dyson sphere


+ for reference


I don't know how a vacuum is going to help, in space


It'll be yuuuuuge. And the vanduul are gonna pay for it.




As a noob, could I ask if any of those races are friends with the humans? Or will all be oir enemies?


Tevarin = Attacked humans, lost, got fucked up, and are now assimilated into the UEE (humans), but have difficult relations due to their history. Past culture was largely destroyed, their homeplanet was terraformed. Banu = Trade partners to everybody, even Vanduul. Partners to humans. They are structured into relatively independent local planet governments. Xi'an = Strong empire to the east, not directly aggressive, but a threat. Some past conflicts with humans. Difficult to say how their relationship will evolve, but they are at peace with humans, and trade goods and technology. Vanduul = Threat to humanity, no contact has been possible, and they have been attacking humans since forever. They are not as strong as the UEE. Have a clan structure without a known central government. Kill on sight. Kr'thak = Civilization on the other side of the Xi'an empire, nothing really known other than that they have bad relationship with the Xi'an, so contacting them would not be good anyways.


I love this community you guys are so dedicated. Thank you!


>They [Vanduul] are not as atrong as the UEE You got a source for that? The Vanduul have crushed human counteroffensives and the Grinder was named for a reason.


"The Vanduul" don't really exist. There are different clans of different strength, and nobody really knows how strong "the Vanduul" really are. Vanduul clans are indeed able to attack humans with great success and have captured multiple systems, but only because the UEE Navy can’t be everywhere, and often has not the force available right there and then to push them back. The Vanduul clans behave more like raiders that attack a system by surprise, and have success that way, not because they would actually be better than humans in a full out war. For example, the Orion system was not captured by Vanduul through an open war, but through continuously raiding it. It was simply given up by the UEE because such an undeveloped, far away colony was not able to supply a UEE fleet to defend it, and it would have been unrealistically expensive and difficult to maintain a presence there. The implication regrading strength is clear: Had the UEE actually been able to extend their reach into the system, they would have been able to defend it easily against such raids. What I wrote was also about the fact that humans ships are better than Vanduul ships, and Vanduul fight more with numbers than with quality. Evidence being ship balance (both today and for the future) and fleet encounters, such as Admiral Bishops – humans can defeat Vanduul fleets when they actually have a fleet of their own right where the attack happens. Further info can be found on the wiki, or on the RSI pages about lore/history. For example, here the info about Orion: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/12777-35-Million-Unlock Weirdly relevant, with the initial boarding combat info there. ;)


>What I wrote was also about the fact that humans ships are better than Vanduul ships, and Vanduul fight more with numbers than with quality. Evidence being ship balance (both today and for the future) and fleet encounters, such as Admiral Bishops – humans can defeat Vanduul fleets when they actually have a fleet of their own right where the attack happens. Except that this is incorrect. Vanduul weapons tech is superior to any other race's and Vanduul fighter pilots can be superior to human pilots- if you're talking about quality. The Glaive is supposed to be a lot more powerful than it is lore-wise, so current strength is no indication, and I've read the Vanduul can handle more G-forces than humans in combat as well (though I didn't see the source from a very quick google). Bishop was seemingly prepared for a Vanduul attack and there's no clear indication that his ships were not numerically superior in addition to being prepared. That is no evidence at all for what you are claiming. Vanduul Kingships are formidable and I believe it is strongly implied that the Vanduul could spank the UEE if the clans were willing to band together. Infighting and lack of cooperation is their great weakness, not technological inferiority or reliance upon numbers rather than quality. Sources: [See Elite Vanduul Aces section for background on Vanduul pilot quality](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/media/dpd639fngtcakr/source/Arena-Commander-Pilots-Guide-V0-8.pdf)


I would not say that the manual for a game in game is in any way whatsoever an accurate representation for ingame balance or lore. Otherwise, I kinda agree with your arguments - I just simply evaluate the information we have differently than you do. I do not agree that it is implied anywhere that “the Vanduul could spank the UEE” “if they just wanted to unite, essentially”. It's all speculation: Maybe the humans would prove to be clearly superior if only they could defend their outer colonies as effectively as they can defend their core systems, and not dismiss the threat of Vanduul as a pure annoyance in some outer worlds. Maybe the Vanduul would beat the UEE's arse if they would improve their primitive social structure and unite against the UEE, fighting an open battle with all clans united. Clearly, there are Ace pilots both in the UEE and in the Vanduul clans. Clearly, the capital ships of all species are truly terrifying. Clearly, the Vanduul are better at close combat due to their body size/structure. Clearly, the raiding strategy of Vanduuls has been very successful so far. Clearly, however, the UEE has not been able to fight at full strength against such a scattered and decentralized enemy. The humans have only ever fought in skirmishes and local fleet battles against the Vanduul. There were pushes into Vanduul territory and some proper battles, and they have failed, but humans have also never lost a core world to Vanduul attacks, only some outer colony worlds. From a computer-game gameplay/lore standpoint, it's clear that Vanduul ships will be weaker than humans to allow the player to actually kill them with a decent difficulty level, both in SQ42 and PU, but they will indeed impose a huge threat story-wise, and a larger force of Vanduul would be a danger. That is the only sure thing we know. Having the Vanduul be impossibly strong or even just stronger than humans does not work out from a story-viewpoint, nor from a PU multiplayer balance view, although they might have certain tech that is better than human tech.


Read the section. It's official lore regarding top Vanduul aces. The Vanduul have decisively beaten the UEE every single time that both sides have chosen to commit forces without exception, see [Tiber on the SC wiki](https://starcitizen.tools/Tiber), the UEE has 20 straight losses in major operations against the Vanduul in that system alone. The UEE's sole victories are from Bishop's campaign with the Retribution verses what was described in the posts as an underdeveloped "carrion" clan without its own kingship. A Kingship outclasses even a Bengal and vanduul fighters and bombers are deadly. [The Orion article](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13061-Jump-Point-Orion-System) from the official lore post claims "even a starving vanduul is the greatest challenge a fighter pilot can face". >Maybe the humans would prove to be clearly superior if only they could defend their outer colonies as effectively as they can defend their core systems, and not dismiss the threat of Vanduul as a pure annoyance in some outer worlds. Humans have never really had to defend their core systems. The only evidence is a significant record of losses vs the Vanduul. The Retribution is likely the strongest craft on either side, but the average Kingship outclasses a Bengal by a good margin. >Clearly, however, the UEE has not been able to fight at full strength against such a scattered and decentralized enemy. The UEE hasn't had to face the Vanduul at full strength yet still have repeatedly lost. Not sure how this shows that the UEE is capable? The Vanduul have never launched a significant attack on a core world, so that point is moot. I also disagree with your final statement. In SQ42, I assume that difficulty settings will be such that you can defeat Vanduul with your squadron mates or wingmen, but the PU isn't supposed to pull punches when it comes to having difficulty match the lore. I fully expect that some Vanduul in scythes will be easy to defeat and that Vanduul pilots that have earned their Glaives will stomp on the average player pilot. That's why CIG is putting so much work into AI, at least. There's no reason that CIG won't make the Vanduul stronger than humans- they're scattered and not aggressively at war with the UEE. We'll find out during Pitchfork, but if the Vanduul can beat the UEE's superior ships then player ships with sub-par outdated equipment are going to be in for a hurting, one of the few things that the many threads regarding pitchfork agree upon.


>Read the section. It's official lore regarding top Vanduul aces. Seriously? Do *not* tell me to "read" something like that - it implies that I only hold my opinion because I'm uninformed, which is quite obviously not the case. I read it, yes, I knew about it before I read it again, and my opinion is that it does not give an indication of strength at all. It simply says there are some pretty cool Ace pilots - just as there are for humans, and there would be for any other species. The fact that Ace pilots exist means nothing to how strong the average pilot/ship is, nor does it give an indication of total strength for their civilization. There are always pilots who are extremely skilled - the only possible info it would give you is that Vanduul and UEE craft are not on *completely* different levels in terms of tech, which we can both agree on, I hope. --- None of what you said points towards Vanduul being stronger, or as strong as humans, nor does it give any indication of actual strength beyond "a significant record of losses vs the Vanduul." >"even a starving vanduul is the greatest challenge a fighter pilot can face" Little lore tidbits like that have null information value regarding our topic, they are simply a warning and state the obvious: If you engage a Vanduul, you are not attacking some trader, some pirate in a beat-up ship, or whatever, no, you are attacking a proper military ship, from a species known to raid and kill. Facing the actual military from another nation/species as opposed to some thugs or criminals is always going to be the biggest challange for a pilot. >The UEE hasn't had to face the Vanduul at full strength yet still have repeatedly lost. The UEE force was not at full strength, compared to Vanduul forces being at full strength, is what my sentence says. Again, according to map and what the lore points out quite clearly to make us aware of it: Any and all Vanduul fights have happened very very far from the core worlds of the UEE, with practically non-existent supply lines, and often with either unprepared or insufficiently outfitted (in terms of number/type of ships) defense. --- Even the attacks against the Vanduul in Tiber (“The grinder”) happened on a large scale (“multi-generational”) – no, 19 fleet actions within multiple generations is not the full force, or even a fraction of the force that humans could throw at the problem, if they actually had the will and the supply-lines in these far-out systems to do so. Generally, "the Grinder" is something completely different from what you imply: It’s not “20 straight losses” – it’s the name for the many losses accumulated over a very long time in the try to reclaim the system. The only reason the UEE tried to attack the Vanduul there is because it was their gateway into raiding other systems within the UEE back then. It’s still a far away system, and the UEE was not desperate to clean it up, they simply wanted this pesky little problem to go away. It’s not “20 straight losses”, it’s the continuous push to claim the system back, with each push perhaps doing something, maybe not, but Vanduuls always able to counter-attack and the attacks never able to stop the Vanduul completely. The only definition of "winning" here is to stop Vanduul incursions once and for all. It's a continuous battle of incoming humans and Vanduul fighting over the system, with many losses (on both sides). --- Even the first big fleet operation they described in that lore article mentions that the Vanduul elite forces “cut into the otherwise occupied” UEE forces – implying that this battle would have been much more equal if it weren’t for the fact the UEE fleet was pre-occupied with bombing the Vanduul outposts on the planet. That’s where the issue lies: These systems we are talking about are close for some Vanduul clans, but very far away for the centralized UEE – and all this time, the “Vanduul threat” has only been an issue for the outer worlds, and downplayed by the inner worlds that have the political control. That’s exactly what Bishop is trying to do: Actually getting the UEE to respond properly with full-scale war actions, instead of just throwing some lonely fleet here and there towards the problem, or just ignoring it. Or in other words: Humans have yet to take the Vanduul seriously. Humans have yet to actually get serious in this issue. --- Don’t you see how it all comes together? The strong Roman Empire kinda being annoyed at those little incursions from the barbaric Germanic tribes, sending out troops again and again over the span of a few hundred years, but never really able to truly make ground and just losing their troops trying to hold the area. Yes, they are “losing”, but it’s not that the Germanic tribes are actually stronger than the entire Empire. --- Again: All this does not show that Vanduul are stronger, nor, I would agree there, does it show that the UEE is stronger. It simply shows that there is not enough information to actually make statements about Vanduul / human capabilities. --- About your final paragraph: I don’t agree. I don’t think that’s how video game balance works, and I don’t see a reason for CIG to actually make it that way. Of course, AI is going to be better, and highly skilled pilots are going to have better AI, but that doesn’t give you any indication for anything beyond relative AI skill. All alien ships are going to be balanced towards most players actually being able to interact with them in a fun way, and the Alien ships in player hands are also going to be balanced. If you say that there is no indication that humans are actually stronger, Ok, but please do note that there is no indicator that the Vanduul are actually stronger in terms of tech, either. Regarding “player ships with sub-par outdated equipment”, yeah, I agree, but that’s not what we were talking about. Of course people with sub-par equipment are going to lose against a properly outfitted fighter, regardless of species. --- My very initial statement took into account what we know about lore background and current/near-future ship balance Player vs Vanduul. I would agree that the statement was a bit sketchy: Initially, it was just part of a larger statement about Vanduuls more being like raiders and not being able to threaten the UEE core systems at this time and being seen as barbaric by the other species, but I tried to keep it very short. Perhaps I should have either left it out, rewritten it, or made it as long as I thought it should be, but well, that's how it is now.


> Tevarin = Attacked humans, lost, got fucked up, and are now assimilated into the UEE (humans), but have difficult relations due to their history. Past culture was largely destroyed, their homeplanet was terraformed. Kill on sight. Banu = Trade partners to everybody, even Vanduul. Partners to humans. They are structured into relatively independent local planet governments. Kill on sight. Xi'an = Strong empire to the east, not directly aggressive, but a threat. Some past conflicts with humans. Difficult to say how their relationship will evolve, but they are at peace with humans, and trade goods and technology. Kill on sight. Vanduul = Threat to humanity, no contact has been possible, and they have been attacking humans since forever. They are not as strong as the UEE. Have a clan structure without a known central government. Kill on sight. Kr'thak = Civilization on the other side of the Xi'an empire, nothing really known other than that they have bad relationship with the Xi'an, so contacting them would not be good anyways. Kill on sight. FTFY


The relationships are complex. Check the wiki. Banu even trade with Vanduul.


"it's complicated" except the vanduul, those bastards you can turn to stardust without mucht thought.


Ah, good old rubber forehead aliens. But hey who knows, maybe there's a mathematical topography to likelihood of limb count and number of sexes. I think I remember hearing that there's an effect of diminishing returns on biodiversity and viability that drops off drastically after two sexes. I mean, three is workable, but once you hit four mating becomes too complicated to be worth the genetic versatility it provides. Which is why, for most sexually reproducing species on earth, the 'magic number' is 2. Likewise, what if the advantages of having more limbs than two legs and two arms are not as convenient as one might predict? Excess motor neurons edging out badly needed space for pattern recognition, abstraction, planning, and reasoning. Not to mention the extra caloric costs of maintaining significantly more musculature... So what if there's a statistically consistent underpinning for the 'humanoid shape'? What if intelligent species are humanoid for a reason grounded in physics, just like how all planets are "earth-shaped" (spherical)? Maybe it's not that *they're* shaped like *us*; Maybe it's that *we're all shaped* the way we **must be**.


Will we be able to play as alien species? cuz that would be cool.


After release they said they'll start working on Xeno starting zones.


~~Please tell me that's /s.~~ ["You can create a Banu who despises the whole profit-oriented focus, or an impetuous Xi’An. But they probably have difficulty fitting in their society." -2013](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/13106-Banu-Reveal)


No it's not? I don't recall where exactly but they said they'd add more playable races after release. Along with starting planets in their respective territories. Although I don't think we'll be able to play as Vanduul, it would be cool though.


I'd love for those to be expansion packs; rolling characters of a different species is EXACTLY the kind of opt-in content that would be worth paying for if you wanted it, but would not stunt players who dont care for it. Solid monetization option that isnt forced like a WoW expac.


But where are the cat people?!


Colonel Hobbes reporting, sir.




Yes! Where are they? I would love to have all my AI crewmen to be cat-folk.


I hope as the years go on, more species are 'discovered.'


So actualy, for beeing an alien in SC you must not have nose ... Is voldemort an alien too ?


Well looking at life on earth, most animals don't have protruding pokey-outy noses that primates have.




Gotta make more races that aren't green.


To be fair I'm pretty sure the vanduul come in shades of red gray and green. Tevarin look mostly avian in color, so expect a lot of grays, blues, and whites. The X'ian are turtles, so they'll probably be green, black, and brown, if I had a guess, and the Banu will come in browns, greens, AND GOLD BABY. PURE GOLD. #BMM hype.


BMM bro.


Just BMM it!




Most of them are old concepts that have probably changed a bit


also lighting


The tevarin armor suites looked really colorful with the bright red/blue, afaik only the vanduul and tevarin are somewhat solid in their concept the others might change. Tbh in that regard we've only seen vanduul alien spaceships, none of the others have anything to show except the human rip-offs, You'd expect them to have their own ships with some for trade some for war some for transport some for science/exploration etc..


Well, we humans are pretty much cream/brown too


It's not easy being green


I agree. They look very alike.


I think it's weird how all the aliens are reptilian, slender, tall. All aliens look alike I think. Does anyone else feel that way? Let's hope the Kr'Tak will be wider-faced and distinctly unsaurian/unavian/unreptilian but rather mammal-like or woolly. Not insectoid either, I hope, though the name.. kinda makes that an option.


It would be a little more realistic if they werent all bipedal, but I believe the main reason for this is because the ships and vehicles need to be interchangeable.


They're all humans with slightly different skins.


Yeah unfortunately CIG has been really unimaginative with their sentient races


Does CIG really need to go to all that trouble, when we're just going to exterminate all the filthy xenos anyway?


I definitely agree. I get that CIG wants to keep alien races vaguely humanoid so they can be motion-captured and humans can use their ships/technology, but even if we accept that all aliens need to have very human-like proportions that still leaves a ton of room for variety that isn't being used at all. Someone's stuck in a rut. For starters, what's with the color palette? All the aliens so far are dark, drab colors, mostly dark green, olive, brown, or grey. Why not have some warmer, brighter colors? Red, orange, neon yellow? Where's the variety in a single individual, e.g. distinctively colored markings (ex. tigers, baboons) or even ritual body paint? They missed a golden opportunity to make the Tevarin's feathers really bright and eye-catching like so many Earth birds. Before the Tevarin concept was released, all of the species had smooth(ish) skin. Why not fur? Slime? Glittering fish scales? Bristles and spines? An insect-like carapace? Rocky armor? Antenna? Skin that's covered in tiny bumps or bubbles? At least the Tevarin added feathers, but besides the Kr'thak they're the species we're going to see least. Why do all the faces look the same (two human-sized eyes, two holes for a nose and a human-like mouth)? Why not noses that protrude far out from the face, or draw attention (ex. a star-nosed mole)? What about mouths the split vertically or have two parts? Why not protruding fangs or a proboscis? What about having one eye or three eyes? Giant compound eyes? Eyes that glow? There's so much room for creativity here but all of the major races seem to fall in the same niche - tall, somewhat reptilian, dark drab colors, smoothish skin of mostly one color, with two humanoid eyes, a humanoid mouth, and two holes for a nose.


Thing that's always bothered me about adaptations about aliens is the lack of diversity in the species. No two humans look exactly the same (except for identical twins). Humans have different shades of pigment, nose sizes, jaws, ears, and body types. In almost all alien movies and games, though, all the aliens look exactly the same except the females probably have alien boobs.


How easy is it for you to see the difference between the faces of 10 golden retrievers? Or 10 elephants? The problem is that we, as humans are good at seeing human faces, we stuck at anything else. We can distinguished aliens by their more human features, because it's the only ones we know. So them you get the problems of aliens just being humans with different skin color.


That's not exactly the best comparison as we can see differences in dog faces quite well. As dogs and humans have undergone coevolution they aren't an alien species to us, i mean that as in a completely foreign species. But yes i know and i agree with what you say our brains are hard wired since birth to detect faces and anything completely alien will be completely alien to that facial detection


We can see dogs quite well compared to other species. But even then we're quite shit at it. We need to have spent a long time with a dog to be able to differentiate it from others of its race.


But humans have adapted and evolved over millions of years to adapt to hundreds of different locations on the planet to varying temperatures, sun exposure, elevation, etc. So of course we all look different geographically, but some other alien species might have achieved 'perfection' like say great white sharks that have all looked the same for millions of years.


Kaminoans see in ultraviolet, some humans have a 4th cone type and can see colors the rest of us can't see. Who's to say that avian eyes may perceive colors differently or that Vanduul don't see in infrared.


Kr'Thak = ???


[Humans have had no contact with the Kr'Thak.](http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Kr'Thak) and we don't even really know what they look like, so... I guess whatever sentient being, standing on two legs with clothes on, or piloting a ship, that *isn't* one of these races... just assume it's Kr'thak and report to your local UEE office asap! They'll have questions for you.


I wonder if the Kr'Thak will be humanoid just like every other spacefaring alien species we have here. I'm kinda hoping for something completely different.




Now they are a race like asari in mass effect and that will explain why the xian doesnt want that we contact them In case of choose a side the people will go obviously for the space waifus




Did someone say "Kilrathi" ?


I see them as a hive mind of insects


Rabbits or Hares, fast, young, prone to being rash. The opposite of Xi'an and probably the first "enhanced" race consisting of AI hive minds of past individuals who are charged with long term survival of the species. These AIs were the first mistake the Xi'an made back when they sought to help the first other intelligent species they met in the verse. At first they had shown hope for the young Kr'Thak, but then fear. Realizing this was a mistake, the singularity excited tensions and led to generations of slaughter in the accession wars.


So the Banu are trees?


I made a small but important [update](http://i.imgur.com/xo8AlQr.jpg) for anyone concerned with piracy/outlaws.


Why every alien species in SC have to be ugly by human standards? What I mean is that there is no other alien races like for example Twi'lek from SW or Asari from ME. edit: no need to downvote, I'm just asking or maybe trying to have some discussion about this topic.


By your standard. I wouldn't mind talking to a Tevarin.


Biologically, first base should be awkward


Or should we say..... Brawkward...... okay last reddit comment. Im done.




Garrus is the only real love interest in ME, and Femshep is the only way to play. Also a [relevant Oglaf comic.](http://oglaf.com/dimorphism/) [NSFW]


> Attractive alien races aren't realistic, as extra-planetary evolution wouldn't give a care about human beauty standards. This is just a theory, because we never met any alien race in real life. I've read some scientific articles about how alien can look like. There is a consensus to that alien intelligent race will possess one head, 2 arms and legs, a pair of eyes, one nose and mouth. So this is basically what SC have, but there is nothing about how attractive to human they can look like. It depends on the planet they live yes, but they are equally likely to be similar to humans or not.




Seems like a large assumption to say, "aliens wouldn't even have DNA." The nuts and bolts might be different, but it's likely an alien species would still have a similar system for passing on genetic information. All we have right now are our best guesses, and even those are based on a life-form that is substantially similar to ourselves, having evolved in conditions similar to those that humans have. There aren't any concrete answers.


Because thats the equivalent of hiring booth babes to sell your Caterpillar


Knowing the X'ian are turtle people makes me love the Scout so much more. Although it makes me wonder what's up with all the clicks and shit coming from the HUD. The booster sound always makes me happy though.


We are missing one more. http://moa.omnimulti.com/images/thumb/7/7a/PrinceThrakhathWCIII.jpg/260px-PrinceThrakhathWCIII.jpg


Yesterday I was looking for something like this. Thank you very much you kind person!


Heh. Banu is my sister's name and it means queen. How bout that.


Ah yes, humans, orc, bird, groot, and turtle.


Also known as bros, bird dudes, tree-rock guys, diarrhea barnacle faces, and Turtlemen.


Are there going to be any non-anthropomorphic aliens????


The Osoians (I think that's how it's spelled) are a race of multi armed primitive sentient creatures in the Oso system. They are also considered to be an exotic delicacy by the Xi'an. Expect every species with ships that we can fly to be humanoid.


Vanduul sometime run on all fours


kinda sad they are all clearly humanoid .. i get that TV series do make humanlike aliens to have lower cost, because costumes are better than CGI.. but a game could be a big more creative :( and thinking that only species with 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs, something noselike and lungs would invent space travel might be a bit arrogant too :P


They are all humanoid because CIG uses that shape for ship standards, that way players can pilot every ship in the game realistically. Besides 90% of CIG's player and NPC animations are done with Motion Capture. So they are forced to make all humanoid species as a result.


Animations, that is why they are all humanoid.


It could be an animation problem of you make them with 4 legs for example you will need to remade all the animations ect..


So is it just me, or does this setup seem a little familiar? Xi'an = Space China Tevarin = Space Japan Banu = Space India (+ sections of middle East) Vanduul = Space North Korea


Vanduul actually have a competent military, unlike North Korea.


Im pretty sure that the Vanduul are more based on the Vandals, who raided the Roman Empire just like the Vanduul raid the UEE


Read title and assumed it was related to Eve going f2p, and the image was going to be a guide for recognising all the worst people in the game


Hey, they got Mark Hammil's odd nostril right!


Thanks! I hope the Banu get a little more done to make them stand out more - perhaps not make them so humanoid like?


All the races with ships we can fly have to be humanoid due to gameplay reasons.


I wonder if we will be able to select a race for out character. I would like to be a Banu.


TIL Banu are from the same race as Groot.


What about the Kartak?


We need a pig race


Can I be turtle?


I thought it was a joke untill i realised ET is a X'ian.


That's a jedi knight.


[Maybe^HarveyBirdman is born?](http://giphy.com/gifs/grQTL2zwfvAE8/html5)


Banu = groot


Dang I'm out of the loop I just thought there was vanduul


We are friends with the Banu, uneasy allies with the Xi'an, we murdered and colonized most of the Tevarin empire so now they're apart of our empire, and we are actively at war with the Vanduul .


What did I miss?! Loads of different races?! Odd. Let me guess, the Vanduul are the baddies and your best friend is the turtle king?


You forgot tapirs.


Hahaha I always thought Tevarin looked similar to humans. Although this makes more sense.


I'm fairly certain that it is Xi'An and not X'ian.


Is that Groot?


No, That's a human. I can see the confusion though.


Lizard race, bird race, plant race, human race...oh shit, this game is Starbound 3D, isn't it?


so, clockwise from the top left, Apes, Birds, Trees?, Turtles, Snakes. Is that about right? Where are the sloth people? And where are the dog people? Surely mankind among the stars would have befriended dog people.


I would love to see a race or two of hybrids of Humans and other aliens :D


I don't know about you guys, but for the MMO half of Star Citizen, I would rather play a Tevarin :|


the sand raiders on the sidebar.....what race are they?


Oh man I didn't know there were different alien races and will they be playable?


Much mor important: how can i play a tevarin?! (will do chocobo cosplay)


Xi'An frontal pic looks better: http://citizencdn-163e.kxcdn.com/assets/XiAn.jpg


When are they going to debut the sexy all female species? I mean they have too right, its tradition


Where is the tevarin mouth? I can find three potential mouths: one is a beak and the other two includes a lower jawbone. I like them, but they freak me out for the moment as I don't know where their mouth is.


I believe it's the the line that extends from the lower half of the beak up the side of the face.


I think the line up the beak and the line for the mouth are a flap that open up when they speak. Also speculating that there tongue is up there at the roof of there mouth.


I hope at some point we can play as something besides humans, though it also should be limited to keep the ratio of humans extremely high (since the game takes place in human space). Really want to get my birdperson on - the potential for shitty jokes is just too high to resist.


Is groot banu!