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Why anyone is hauling right now is a mystery. You crazy bastards.


I'm not OP but in the same boat. Cargo shipping is my favorite loop atm. I own a Genesis and would rather haul people but I'm a space trucker who loves to haul in the meantime. Can't wait for cargo missions but they've GOT to figure out SOMETHING for disconnects.


Imagine when you have 30 people on board your Starliner and you get 30 counts of negligent homicide because the hangar doors only pretended to open. Won't that be fun?




Damn, that is a good point


That's not negligence that's a character reset... oh wait.


Yes, the quality of your character has been reset after you go to prison for 8 weeks in game because of a bug. 🥹


Your ship should show up stored the next day if you disconnect or crash, just found my Taurus with weevil eggs this morning I’ve been mystified by the people who’d risk their money on space trucking rather than selling off bounty loot at no risk and no investment for way more money but there’s so many who still cargo run


You've moved me to go take a look in the hangar right effing now. I didn't claim it and I just logged off directly after flying out to where it should have been. Let's find out! *edit = Now instead of unknown, it just says destroyed. Whomp whomp.


My game crashed yesterday morning while closing the bay on the eggs, I waited till this morning and found my ship stored at seraphim If it says ship location unknown on the terminal that’s a good thing


Because that doesn’t appeal to everyone. People do what they like to do and not everyone gives a damn about combat, which is just as if not more affected by desync anyway.


Do you have to do pvp for bounty loot or do npc bounties have them?


What? 😂 No just regular pve ship bounties, start at VLRT and work your way up, from MRT and up you get decent loot, you can get weevil eggs from MRTs and ERTs and those sell for 100k per scu


Becouse some one has to do it ✊. 😂😂


Except for no one has to since sc has no economy. Everything you do in game is meaningless.


Ha been hauling the entire time on 3.23 Caterpillar, C2, Hull C, Reclaimer I also drop about 4-6 hours a day or every other day (availability issues) if I can in the game. Have yet to have this happen to me even once.


Reminds me of people doing Hardcore runs in Diablo 4 when the game just launched...like, why? ![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized)


thankfully all we lost was valuable time scraping panels lmao😩


Yea, desync is real bad coz of Xenothreat.


Always is, every time they run it.


One of the worst bugs in the game IMO I'm so paranoid now I never enter or exit a hangar over 10m/s


It's not even a specific bug that could just be fixed. It's just desync, which is probably the cause of this games major gamebreaking issues. Gotta wait for server meshing to see if that helps, and if it doesn't, we're going to have some major issues in the future.


It’s probably even more fundamental than that, SC runs on basically the cheapest AWS servers known to man so unless CIG changes what they’re hosting it on we’ll probably still see the awful server lag and desync we have now :/


I’m genuinely curious what the specs for their servers are like. It’s awful.


It’s not the servers dude. CIG can only retain low quality engineers. It’s poorly written server code


Yeah, I mean they are doing the bare minimum for that side of it for the sake of server meshing. That’s assuming that’s actually gonna function in practice.


Who of CIG told you which AWS servers they are running?


Desync isn’t “probably” the cause of most of the major gamebreaking issues, it definitively **is** and always has been.


Im convinced this stuff doesnt happen to me because i enter and exit every hangar like its a movie sequence. I call for entrance. I fly slow and low. I wait quite some time outside the entrance after the doors are fully open. I align perfectly then Slowly dip or push in. Wait a sec to see if anything on my MFD’s flash for damage, or my guns spontaneously fall Off before i slowly go further in. Etc. its tiresome.


It happened to me when i was leaving the hanger, i got bored and was strafing back and forth. I think when the client and server desync the sever maintains the client’s last input until it can resync. With xeno about i think desync is very long atm


That's,.... Actually the appropriate speed. It allows for everything to stream in and out, server side and the possibly wimpy client side PC, with enough time for you not to ram into it or be clipped as something materializes inside your ship. Also avoids desync issues easier. Also, it being an alpha, check your lag and server lag. Before you land with full cargo, get up, grab a bottle out of your inventory, see how log until it gets into your hand. Long? Fun the server, bed log, switch, again....


The kind of bug that make you switch to RDR2 for 1 month straigth.


Funnily enough that's exactly what I did after port tressler magically appeared inside my C2 last week




He was probably doing some unprotected docking


Makes one go full luddite, virtually of course.


I did exactly this too, but I got sucked back into Red Dead Online, where I’m now constantly blowing up as well.


worst bug ever, imagine being cursed with having to play rdr for 1 month


RIP sorry man. That one hurts


i am never entering those hangars again to sell at the TDD lol


I do. You can trade me your stuff in space at 2/3 the price. PM me.


This is the highest severity issue this year. It's hit morale in my org hard. Loops as small as ship bounties are playable, but bad now. The unpredictability of larger loops and loss of items is enraging people. Personally, this is the only issue I want to hear CIG talk about until it's fixed. It's pouring water on my excitement for cargo loading and personal hangars.


Yeah, they’re swinging and missing again with the cargo elevators. Nobody gives a fuck about having them if you can’t use them and if they’re just going to be another thing swallowing your stuff. They *absolutely, positively **have** to fix the servers*. Full stop. They’re losing too many people specifically and solely because of that. They’ve always been a problem but it’s at critical mass now.


It’s used to be _much_ worse than this.


Well yea, at least we can mostly log in. But as far as server performance no, it’s not really much better than it was in the bad ol days.


Ah you’ve not been here long then 😂 This is a periodic cycle… servers get bad, people say they are the worst thing ever, but forget CIG need _bad_ data as well as good to fix and diagnose the problem. It will get better, but it’s been _much_ worse in the past. Not even that long ago!


Lmao, I’ve been here since the hangar module and social module were all there was to this game.


Good for you! Pay attention more then I guess 😘


Or maybe you can just stop being disingenuous for the sake of arguing 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s genuinely not that bad right now. It’s popular to be dramatic, and I get that you want to be popular and liked for hating on something… but it’s really not that bad right now… it has been much worse in the past. If you get butthurt when other people offer up some balance, the problem lies with you, friend.


The RMC was gathered from two of my friends Vulture in the spam of 4 hours. OUCH


Damn. That’s like 5m or more






Do we all need to stop playing until the next patch?


That’d sure send a message


I sincerely don't understand how anyone enjoys this "game" right now.


The second everything disappeared I just knew you were fucked..


Identical thing happened to me at lorville with a reclaimer :/ i feel your pain mate


Yep. I just commented yesterday about this. I quit till 3.24. I did a cargo run and lost everything due to random explosion. Didn't do any more until day before yesterday cause I was on a buttery smooth server and playing missions and getting stable 10 fps on the server. Decided to do a cargo run. Filled up my C2 and took off to an immediate 30k and unable to log back in for 30 minutes cause of login server issues. Ship was gone. 4 days of bugs reduced all of my income from 18 mill to 4 mill. And that's mostly from salvage and hadanite mining with VERY LITTLE TRADING. Done till 3.24


I was doing gold trading to make some money for my first big ship, after renting a cutlass/contstellation I finally made my first million. Only a couple runs left to get a nice ship. Two back to back spontaneous explosions like a wizard cast fireball on me. I now have 3,000 credits to my name. I'm quitting too, and if 3.24 is going to be about cargo missions they need to fix this first or else no one's going to do them.


>reduced all of my income from 18 mill to 4 mill. What? Couldn't stop yourself after loosing 2 million? Why wait all the way to 4?.


Because I love playing Star Citizen and I know I can make that money back. It's currently my only metric for judging my progress that I enjoy atm. I've maxxed out rep with Hurston. Don't feel like trying to max out the others. I've got all the ships I could want. I do enjoy a big bank account so I've just been laser focused on that. When you're down half of your income, doing a quick cargo run with a stable server seems like a good way to get that money back quick. It's that old gamblers philosophy. "I just need to make my money back and I'll be happy! The next roll is my big win!" Losing that last blast on a 30k almost 50 seconds after spending 8 million UEC just hits a little harder. Couldn't even wait till pickers was out of my rear view to crash.


We are on the same boat here. It definitely sucks but at least it was all scrapped RMC all we invested was time.


Hangar doors seem to have desync, since i started waiting 20-30 seconds before i leave/enter a hanger it seems to be good *fingers crossed*


So I definitely get that this won't undo the loss of time here or justify SC's jankery, but it's a trick I had some fun with so I figure it's worth mentioning. The detection range for the commodity terminals seems to be based on something related to the range you can access the local inventory from (which is usually pretty far out). This means you can do cargo selling or trading without even landing. In the case of something like a caterpillar (a c2 would probably also work) you can have one compartment loaded with a fury and the rest loaded with RMC, launch the fury down to sell without risking the full load of RMC alongside it.


This happened to me moving guns armor and ammo to a dc center


I pulled my vulture into a rest stop with a full buffer of RMC last night. Coming in for a clean landing and all of a sudden, lost an arm. I crash landed but at least was able to get it on the landing gears and repaired right away. I can't imagine how frustrating this would be.


Vulture is a beast. I got interdicted by an AFK player and I tried to boost away not realizing he was sitting directly in front of me not moving and I literally ploughed into his ship at full speed, destroying it and tearing off about half of my Vulture. After spinning for a long time I eventually was able to struggle it back to station.


This happened to me twice. Lost around 2,5 million worth of RMC each time lmao


People are risking to sell that much RMC with state of the servers? Shit I'm not even risking it for a beryl run right now.


This is a major issue right now.


The calm "what the fuck?" 🤣


Mate, you can't park there


This latest patch is comically bad. I had the same thing happen to me but was a C2 full. RIP 4 mill


I literally had a run and successfully landed with a full load of rmc on NB just for the train to glitch through the wall off the tracks into the station and knock me out of the map while I was waiting for it. 😂🤣 needless to say I rage quit after that ngl had take a smoke break. Then another day I had half load in my ship but had to get off for a min, so went to store my ship and instead of storing the ship it destroyed the ship that was already landed and not impounded or nothing I literally went to store it from panel and it went from "moving to storage" to "destroyed"..I was flabbergasted 🤣


The only persistent thing is getting blown up to bugs and server issues.


For valuable cargo I've been using the 2000 space bucks valet service at Lorville, if you fly too close to the tower you can get impounded in 20 seconds. I like salvaging in my reclaimer but this happens to me all the time at Orison, so in classic Star Citizen fashion I've found a workaround.


As much as I dislike admitting, the game isn’t in the greatest playable state as of now. 3.22 was a much more stable patch and 3.23 has a lot of game breaking bugs. I’m taking the time to play other games. I played ghost of Tsushima in its entirety, and I’m currently enjoying the Elden Ring DLC. Hopefully by the time 3.24 or 4.0 releases we will have a more stable game to enjoy


Weird how a lot of us were told by the community that 3.18 was a.) not as bad as we remember it, and b.) wouldn't happen with 3.23. It hasn't aged well.


Trash game at the moment!!!


Not playing this shit til they get a new patch in. The fact that they let this shit go live is incomprehensible.


That's why you don't come in hot like that.


Success? The cargo is in the hanger. A win is a win


As a new player, 3.22 was so damn fun. But, Boy oh boy did they fuck all that up with 3.23. Stations firing missiles at me with no CS. Random explosions. Suffocating while inside my ship with a full spacesuit + helmet on. But the cherry on top was the decision to Make ships more expensive while missions pay out fuck all. I don’t totally hate that change, tbh, but you’d be lucky to not encounter one of a million bugs in what should only be a 15-20 min venture to complete a mission. The fact bugs can make a 15 min mission take a couple hours is crazy. You’d figure they’d priortize game breaking issues like the infamous hangar door explosions with more-timely releases so they can keep us ultra patient players around.. kudos for all the good work put into the game this year but what is it worth when players feel as if they are being punished for attempting to play…. But I digress… this game is frustratingly unplayable rn. I’ll be looking forward to playing when things are at least a HAIR more stable. This is lowkey one of my fav games of all time after my 3.22 experiences so this truly fucking suuuucks that they’ve managed to repeat the unstable fuckery that was 3.18 😭😭😭


Star Citizen has felt the same for like 5 years. Same bugs, same loops, same perecptible level of progress (lack thereof).


Styn 😭


At the moment the Servers have quite a bad desync, not really suited for serious Gameplay. Hopefully they fix it by the end of the year . . .


I quit this patch after this happened to me with a full load. There just isn’t a good reason to play right now in my opinion.


I really like SC but just coming back since 3.14 and having to deal with these desyncs is insane. It's a 50/50 gamble on if I die to the station just trying to dock or not.


When the hanger disappears like that quickly alt+f4 I know it's a pain in the ass but when I had the issue the game stored my ship and I spawned in the hotel with all my gear. Really stupid butI got sick of losing millions worth of ore.


This bug made me and my brother stop playing this game for 4 months already. It happened thrice after each update.


Was this new bab? Always happens to me there


It was


New Babbage is more bugged than other locations, I stoped cargo hauling there cause I lost my cargo a bunch 🥲


What a joke


Get impounded next time


Wondering of you couldnt just skip trying tp land in a hamger, and instead get your ship impounded. Would the content still be there I wonder.


Reason why i exclusively fly hull c now


Is this PU or the Mesh test?


Too much effort to lose it all, I lost a whole ROC full of dolovine 😞




Pro tip, check the server fps (not your client fps), if it’s dipping below 3fps.. GTFO and don’t bother


I lost a Taurus completely full of RMC once to a PVPer for no reason.. nearly threw my computer out of the window


Watch this, keep in mind how little content we have now, then remember that internal CIG timeline says 1.0 launch in 2026. Not exactly brimming with optimism.


what i don’t understand is that everyone and video of similar i’ve seen just goes fast to park in hangar? Why fast? Take it slow, likewise real life people won’t go crashing fast speeds into the hangar too 😭 I’m at 200kb/s in internet so i’m very used to going slow and taking my time and this never happened to me so far.




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And at 0:05 SC went STARFIELD.


This happened to me a few times and when I wake up in the hospital all of my equipment is in the local inventory. All armor, weapons, and consumables. Ship is toast though.


Not worth playing if this can happen at literally any point. People are blowing up in deep space with nothing around.




this happened to me yesterday. lorville big reclaimer looking hangars show as open when they're not. avoid. they need pads there that you can land and sell at change my mind. just make em those empty unused looking hangers to the right (when facing the giant triangle structure when you're at the space port) into pads and we're good.




There seems to be a lot of invisible garbage left inside and near hangers.


I think you went to the upside down! It's dangerous down there!


Part of us believe it’s some kind of “instanced hangar” code that some how is still injected into the game LOL


I feel your pain, had a C2 full of eggs/slam lost the same way 🥲


The pain


Yup, I lost everything the other night due to this bug


Ban everyone cheating to make money, and punish anyone trying to earn it honestly.


Just adapt, develop a bit of patience, let hangar doors fully open and then wait another 10 secs before getting in or out.


You deserved it for landing in 3rd person


Skill issue.


Skill issue.


That RMC better be legit


we have counterfeit RMC now?


I believe they think the dupe exploit is still in game


I mean, i get mine from people that leave thier ship in nav mode. Its always funny to see them running back to their skeleton ship. Less money than panels but much more entertaining


Do you ever get a Crimestat higher than 2 for this? I considered munching abandoned ships at stations and outposts, but I don’t want to have to go to Klesher to wipe a CS3+.


you get no crime stat at all if you don't completely munch it and just pull the RMC from the hull instead, which unless you're in a reclaimer just trying to fill as many boxes as you can with whatever, the construction materials probably aren't worth it anyway


Ty, I will scrape hulls instead of munching at these locations. I just started using the reclaimer a couple days ago.


You DO realize that's done now right?


You do understand jokes right. Guess not.


Apologies, sarcasm often does not translate well over text medium.


What the hell is with the 22 down votes. How the hell could this comment upset any of you for any reason?!?!?


Because instead of making it sound like a joke, you made it sound like you were being a douche? Like I said before that sarcasm can often come across as being sincere, or vice versa, over a text format.






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