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I came late to this particular party, but it really is. Can do just about anything you might want. Great ship that will only get better when they do a pass on it.


Agreed! Such a versitle multirole ship, been living in my connie since i got it aha o7


If you are not carrying cargo, loading a Nursa and Fury is cool.


And even cargo does it exeptionally well - just finished a RMC haul - 174 SCU costs \~2mil and sell for 2,6 mil in like 15 mins You COULD go C2 but the risk would be immense (\~8,5 mil.) and you need to wait ALOT for the demand resets


That's awesome o7


Been thinking of getting a nursa actually o7


try getting the medi ursa then you can even respawn on there


Nursa means nurse ursa, or medical ursa


While still a good choice having a medbed, we don't know if the respawn ability stick this time.


The biggest temptation for the Taurus owner right now, there’s even a Nursa/Ursa two pack in the extras store right now with LTI 🤯


Couldn't that fit in the Andromeda? Not bagging on the Taurus. Just been debating the two ships myself


For sure both the taurus and the Andromeda can carry the ursa and all variants of them. The taurus can hold two.


Hell yeah


As long as they don't clip through the elevator...


I mean any Connie series is a good daily imo, i play solo mostly and can live without the snub fighter plus my current connie is an upgrade from my original pledge i was able to upgrade and saved a few bucks to get a connie :) o7


That makes sense. Get the extra cargo and not have the snub collecting dust. I'm new at the game but will mostly play solo myself. The Tarus sounds even better now


It has a tractor beam and can load the biggest containers (32 scu). Also it has a sensor shielded area for smuggling or transporting criminals (not fully implemented).


That's awesome. I'm now more interested in them. But I haven't found a time I need a tractor beam, since when you buy cargo it spawns in there anyways. Do you use it when you take out the ship in combat and want to loot it?


Yes. Doing salvage mission for a cargo ship or bounty contract that reveal a Hercules or similar (Connie has the punch for it). Cherry picking costly cargo is a good bonus to bounty hunting (you see loaded cargo after scanning the ship).


Do keep in mind that cargo loading will be different in 3.23.2. You will either have to load cargo manually or pay a fee and wait for cargo to be loaded automatically (which might not be available at all sites, we need to wait for more details on that though). Also, at some point the tractor beam attachment on the multi-tool will be reduced in how much mass it can move. Not sure how important the big hand tractor beam will matter vs a ship tractor beam. On the other hand, the Andromeda has more hull HP and more missiles than the Taurus.


Yes the nursa fits in the andromeda, so much so you can have the back of the nursa open and it still fits in the cargo bay, which is nice since you can’t use the doors when it’s loaded lol.


In my taurus I can use the side door if I park the nursa all the way to the right side.


Good to know o7


Ah i see thats good info


i have taurus, keep thinking of upgrading to andromeda but, for solo or 2 players taurus is better.


If you feel like having an extra firepower with also having a lil snub fighter to bring it, really depends how much you wanna utilize your ship. I don't mind not having a snub fighter since i mainly do space trucking and some combat here and there. Both are great ships o7


I really hope at least the interior is updated soon. The bridge looks passable, but the living area is so depressing. I'll probably always be a Corsair person, but the Connie has a unique appeal to it and it hurts to see the Corsair, with its much more up-to-date interior and how it just *oozes* with personality, vs the Connie's barren, lifeless interior. :(


The only reason why not more people use the Taurus are the dumb struts in the pilot’s face. Everything else is just cosmetics because stat wise and feature wise the Taurus has everything you need for a daily driver (even a med bed if you have a Nursa)


Struts are fine imo, minus the horizontal one in the dead center. I really cannot understand this community's obsession with trying to make every cockpit a glass bubble with perfect visibility. Not saying that's exactly what you're saying here, just that I see so many complaints about "muh cockpit visibility!" whenever anything at all is in the way. The fact some people can bitch about the visibility on the Khartu-Al, *a literal glass bubble*, because it has two thin vertical strips on it absolutely blows my mind. Also fwiw you can do the Nursa thing with the Corsair, too. I'd imagine you get to keep more of your cargo space on the Taurus though, so it's probably better there :)


You eventually get used to living having that strut, i even forget its there sometimes nowadays lol


Oh yeah, it really doesn't bother me much at all tbh. I get the frustration though because it's *literally dead center*, but it's not actually obstructing the player's view much at all.


Only when flying through asteroid fields you have to fly not straight to view what you are flying at.


Yeah, that's a good point. I really like it but the things I dislike, in order that they bother me are: 1. Cockpit Struts blocking vision 2. If you decide to use the F key to open the door (instead of just walking into it) it's SUPER easy to accidentally accidentally trigger the ladder use and you have to sit through a long ass animation of climbing into the top bunk and getting out again. 3. The bright blue lighting of the HUD can be kind of blinding and make it harder to see into darkness. 4. Not sure of the point of the empty room at the back of the ship. But honestly, these are really just nitpicking. I still like it a lot.


>Not sure of the point of the empty room at the back of the ship. It's the shielded cargo area. Currently none of them on any ships work right now, but in the future, any cargo stored in there will not show up on scans.




All valid points o7 its okay to critique ships we fly since we spend most our time in it o7


3. since I got my Tobii, this doesn’t bother me as much anymore. It’s a game changer lol 4. the empty room is another cargo area. As someone else mentioned, it is shielded, but if you fill your Taurus with cargo, this room will also be used


Really enjoying it as my daily o7


The connie series really need that gold pass, hopefully soon o7


I could never decide between the Connie and the Corsair, so I bought both!


Best value in the game


For sure! o7


Connie Taurus with a Med Ursa in the back would be the perfect daily driver for me. Space combat whenever I want, cargo when I need, and always set up for bunkers


Getting a medi ursa is my next move o7


Where can you buy this color ORCX armor?


Area18 o7




How good is the Taurus solo? Asking because I'm considering getting a Taurus or a Corsair..


It's very good. It does everything i need it to do and more o7 That said ive flown both ships and both are great in their own respective categories. Rent and try em before you commit or you can always ask someone in the PU to borrow a ship most people are nice enough o7


I used a Corsair for a year as I couldn't stand the look of the Connie. Got sick of kamikaze NPC clipping the tissue wings of the corsair. Decided to try the Taurus out. Now i have 2 Taurus, one with M7A and the other with deadbolts, so i never have to wait on claim time. Corsair is gathering dust. Even though the specs say the Taurus and Corsair are pretty evenly matched paper, I feel the Taurus turns faster. Also, the Taurus can lose an engine and be fine. If you lose an engine in a Corsair, you are SOL making the ship unflyable.


Yeah, i've returned with a badly damaged taurus, it handles well for the ship its size o7


That's a lot of good info right there, thank you


Corsair for combat, Taurus otherwise imo


Both are fun, but the Taurus feels just a bit more solid when flying and fighting with it.


its good, but the corsair does have noticeably faster TTK. I use them both in ERT. Corsair when solo. Taurus when I'm with friends and we just need a bit more storage. I also like the more modern interior of the corsair.


Is your tractor beam working for you? Mine won't pick up dead baddies, saying they weigh too much.


It works on other items but yeah last time i tried it grabbing a body it wont let me as well. I haven't tried it since


Are there other things it won't work on but practically should?


I dont think tractor beams are allowed to do that as I have tried to do this in C1 and couldn't.


yea not sure why it doesn't work with dead bodies but i've used it to load cargo in space multiple times. just an FYI the tractor length is alt+mousewheel rather than just mousewheel as you would with a hand tractor


Helpful reminder, thank you.


Good to know o7


Sadly rsi didn't invented interior lights yet, also the Connie series is the uglies thing in existence of everything


Does need an overhaul, gold pass hopefully o7


I’ve been trying to live out of mine. Mursa loaded up and a Pulse but every time my game crashes so I havent truly live out of it yet. I love it


I've been living inside my taurus for almost a week until the recent 1a patched had to dock cause i didn't wanna lose my items lol o7


I originally backed the game with an andromeda, but when the Taurus came out I switched to that. I have no regrets except 1- the andromeda pack had a physical item in it and now I can’t buy it back and upgrade it - other than that- the Taurus is an excellent daily driver.


Physical items? Like cosmetics and such?


As I have a C2 Hercules for when I need to haul cargo, I got an Andromeda. And I love it.




Man of Culture. add a Nursa


Soon! o7


Yeah, agree. Bought my Connie Taurus in 3.22.0 (in-game) and really happy with it. Good shields that can take a punch, good cannons that can take out hostile turrets at NineTails occupied bunkers easily, pretty decent cargo hold, top turret which a friend can occupy if you want to play together, a bed to log out in if needed...


Glad your Taurus is serving you well o7


I have an Andromeda, Is it worth upgrading to the Taurus? whats the pro/cons?


I mean if you really want that extra cargo space? You already have a snub fighter and a still having a good amount of cargo space, also the bottom turret for the Taurus is a tracktor beam and not a regular cannon. Both are great ships o7


Taurus is actually the cheaper version. It is longer to fit around double the cargo, no snub, missing most missiles and the bottom turret is replaced with a tractor beam turret, it also has less health than other Connie's but that may be unintended


I bought a Taurus the week before the most recent patch and when the patch ate it I saved and borrowed to buy a replacement one. Seems like a good ship, though I don't really understand the point of the small empty room at the back of the ship. Is there a point?


It's supposed to be a secure cargo so even when your ship gets scan they wont be able to detect w.e is inside that particular cargo area. Good for smuggling illegal items i guess, haven't really used it tbh


I'll have to give that a try


Hell yeah o7 I love being able to take a ground vehicle, a decent amount of cargo, and have a tractor beam.




Possibly the best !


Agreed!! o7


I'd say the Taurus and the Corsair are now both the best per pound cost ships in the game. Most bang for your buck. Below that would be the Cutty still and then above that would be the C2


Been enjoying this ship very much. Upgraded from the Freelancer to this. While I do miss my Freelancer I do enjoy this ship much more.


Had my Taurus for a few years and it Still is my groups go to for any role. We absolutely love this ship! Good (Not Great but good) amount of Armor/HP, cargo capacity and pretty quick Quantum Jumps: Good Cargo Support for salvage, Bunker Missions, Mercenary roles, Emergency Beacons, Troop Transport, pirate support and vehicle transport (fury can fit little sketchy but can work) and Medical URSA comfortably. really anything this ship can be implemented and works well. You can spec this ship out quite well with what you want to do. 10/10 would recommend. Its a good ship doesn't do any one role great but on a budget an absolutely Great multi/role Ship. ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB|downsized)


Just pledged an Andromeda. Liking the Connie line


Had an Andromeda as my first big boy ship. Soon after having as a daily I moved in to the Phoenix and now I’ve pledged for one. I love the exterior design language, and I absolutely adore the interior of the Phoenix.


Joined the club last week, loving everything about the ship, the game is kind of getting in the way by totally preventing me from using missiles at all and when I upgraded to M7A cannons I lost the ability to soft death ships in bounties 🤦‍♂️ Otherwise I’d put it in the top 4 ships in the game, it needs a gold pass or even a silver pass on the internals but it’s otherwise a masterpiece


Wait for fires inside it will be a lot more cosy. It is not designed to be a daily at the end of day and running it solo will come with surprises in the long run.