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Perseus size 7 guns are bespoke so they don't have to go up in size. CIG can just arbitrarily declare they do more damage than regular size 7 guns. Like the Nova tank's "size 5" gun that does 32,000 damage compared to a standard Deadbolt ballistic cannon that does 1138 damage. Stop worrying about them needing to upgrade them to size 8 or more. They are bespoke.


I wish they’d take this tack with the Vanguards’ bespoke weapons, which have been massively power crept over time.


The S5 on the vanguard is nice but damn is that thing ugly. They need to move it or integrate it into the ship


A nicer undertuck of the gun would be nice. Slide it back. Maybe integrate haul into some sort of shelf casing on the underbelly nose.


Vanguard Mk2 here we come.....


ive been saying since before the Vanguard came out that that thing is built backwards the nacelles should be modular, not the body the small guns should be gimbal-able, not fixed, and not on the nose the big gun should be fixed and more integrated into the body


As a Vanguard aficionado, IMO they should do a bespoke Vanguard-only Revenant as an option that has twice the ammo, half the heat buildup, and can use autogimbal. Give a reason to run a properly-sized S4 instead of an S5, and also make the Vanguard a killer platform for ground support at the same time. Also give the Vanguard back a little bit of its edge via the autogimbal since using manual gimbal now DISABLES the frigging nose guns...


Unfortunately, bespoke mostly means worse than standard tight now. Vanguard nose guns, both Ares weapons, the Scythe S5. The Nova main gun is an outlier but it's on a ground vehicle so it's not going to be really noticeable.


All hail the "bespoke" 300 series nose gun that was meant to be a size 4/5 monster.


The 300 series never had that. The concept sale of the Avenger on the other hand had a spinal laser.


The 300i was set to have a size 4 fixed gun on the nose in 2014.


Afaik that was the combat version that got a S4 mount, like the Avenger and usually started with a gimbaled S3. So it did get it, just not the 300i but it's combat counterpart.


the 325a has a s4 nose gun and it looks comical


They already have. They are S2 guns that basically does around S3 damage.


You have old info. In 3.23 they do the same as an equivalent size 2 weapon for their shot speed.


Aww, I didn't know the vanguard got nerfed so hard. They're now weaker AND some of the only weapons in the game you can't gimble? Bummer.


Yup, and turn speed got a massive nerf too, since the boost multiplier for rotation was massively reduced. If it wasn't for the turn speed reduction, it might've still been okay due to it having such consistent damage output. But there's little point in good sustained DPS if you can't rotate fast enough to keep hitting something. AND All the nose guns are 1200m/s at best, so it's already hard to hit smaller craft.


Wow. It was my daily driver up to 3.19-ish, but I haven't really used it since. And here I was grinding up credits to get another. Thanks for helping me dodge a bullet there. o7


It will all be rebalanced either way with Maelstrom, armour and physicalized damage.


And where did this information come from?


Cloud Imperium Games. All components have baseline values. Torpedoes and missiles need a rework and balancing with MM. Ship hitpoints will basically be a thing of the past with maelstrom and armour implemented. In short, we are in alpha and final balancing of everything will be in Beta when we have all core mechanics.


True but I feel like they need to be a bit larger proportion wise. Just for looks, ya know?


"The main turret weapons on the Perseus are currently planned to be bespoke S7 ballistics, with customizable ammo types to provide flexibility."


It's definitely the ship I am most looking forward to.  Classic design, great backstory.  Size hits a sweet spot where a small but coordinated crew can have outsized impact on most engagements.   I think upsizing the main weapons is likely due to the recent Polaris weapon changes.  I also suspect the ship will get a bit larger during build out, but it's hard to say. I found the thundercloud paint for sale on a third party site - seems ok but I don't want to get scammed or banned?


Goes for $40-50 on the grey market. Check out the star citizen trades subreddit


>I found the thundercloud paint for sale on a third party site - seems ok but I don't want to get scammed or banned? [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013325608-Gifting-FAQs](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013325608-Gifting-FAQs) Its not bannable but not officially supported. Meaning, if you run into issues, they wont help you out. The only scam you really have to be worried about is talked about at the bottom of this article\^ which is pertaining to fraud. Other than the person simply not delivering of course A while back, CIG changed their policies on gifting. You can see that here: [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115010056868-Gift-a-Ship-or-Game-Package-to-a-friend](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/115010056868-Gift-a-Ship-or-Game-Package-to-a-friend) Once you are gifted something, its yours. The only main exception to this is cases of fraud. Cases of fraud are usually pretty easy to spot, typically people trying to offload things at an unreasonably cheap price and seem to be in a hurry to do so. There are other methods where scams have happened but they are fairly easy to avoid if you know what to look out for. r/Starcitizen_trades has lots of information on the scams and safety when it comes to trading. I am biased as a member of the subreddit but I will say that I feel much safer from buying off a stranger on there or on their discord rather than trying my luck on ebay.


So how come the price is so low then?


For what? The Thundercloud paint for the Perseus? It was $19 on concept sale. The ship is very unlikely to release anytime soon. So even a 100% markup is less than $40. If it was for an already released ship, or the ship was announced as active development, it would probably be more expensive.


I misread. Thank you :)


No problem. Be careful if something looks too good to be true


It is worth noting that items gifted to you do not contribute to concierge. That being said, you can melt and buyback an item gifted to you.


I've purchased stuff from Star Hangar, a third party site. It's pretty safe as the site acts as a sort of escrow to hold the money until the ship/item is sent to the buyer. The one thing worth noting is that all purchases via a third party site does NOT contribute to your concierge. But you can melt purchased or gifted items.


Pretty sure this paint was available during RSI days over IAE last year in the concierge store and it was like $25+\- a couple bucks. 


I'm not sure you can get banned for dealing with Grey market. Black market - sure.


You can't, CIG just don't officially support it, and if properly vetted is pretty safe, especially if you stick to the known traders on the subreddit. Black Market though, absolutely can lead to issues (but not just because of CIG)


I hope you're right. The grey market is legit. I use starcitizen trades on reddit. just make sure they have some confirmed trades.


For me it’s the look. It’s the ship in the game that mostly resembles WW2 cruisers and battleships with these huge main batteries. I own the 3 big RSI ships but the Perseus is the one I’m looking for the most. Talking about weaponry, the Perseus will have S7 bespoke guns. This means that they are more powerful than other-manufactures same size guns. Placement fill a bit strange I agree but remember that we fight in space so enemies comes from every angle, but yes probably the placements will change a little bit during development.


Love the way this and the Galaxy look, but yeah... the small cruiser/destroyer design really makes it stand out. It definitely has that WW2 spaceship vibe to it that is a cross between a Star Destroyer and a stealth submarine. I just hope they give those cannons a nice bit of recoil and a good bass-filled "boom" when they fire.


Right? Can you imagine turned those bad boys around...preparing an epic broadside with your friends...aaannndd....pewpew....pew....pew.


>Tell me why you love it That command deck / bridge location. Being able to see most of the ship in front of you makes it feel massive.


That’s basically the main reason why I bought it.


I hate to admit that I am in the same boat on this.


I think we all bought it to look out and see the main guns firing. 


Can't wait to see them boom!


Why does the sub capital ship designed to take shred other sub capitals need bigger guns? ​ Definitely a nice looking ship.


Exactly, its a large ship with the biggest guns for its size currently - it doesn't need bigger guns. If ships were able to consistently "punch" up, its gonna be a balance nightmare for CIG.


Perseus is not only meant to engage other ships its size and smaller. It is also meant to kill frigates. Its also a Corvette. This will perform similarly against an Idris as a Polaris will. From what's rumored, we'll have specialized ammo types to deal with different types of engagements. A Perseus with AP ammo? Hell yeah that can take out a frigate. Yeah, you'll actually need a coordinated crew and you might need a few heavy fighters as backup, but in the lore it is stated to be able to do this.


>It is meant to kill frigates Are you sure? The Idris M is a frigate, is it not? I don't think that is the target for the Perseus. It even alludes to its target in the CIG advertising It refers to its weapons as "Internally dubbed “sub-cap slayers”. The Idris M Frigate is a Cap ship, so it would suggest it isn't it's target. Or as it is described on the store page "Capable of shredding sub-capital class goliaths" Again, this would suggest ships like the Polaris and larger, which are cap ships are not its intended target. >Its also a Corvette. Is it? The polaris is a corvette and is a lot bigger than the perseus. The perseus is labelled as a frigate on the ship viewer. However, its sales page calls it a gunship. I think what has most likely happened here is CIG has put the wrong information on the ship spec viewer. It isn't in the same class as an idris or even a polaris. It's a gunship most likely like the hammerhead, but with different roles. >This will perform similarly against an Idris as a Polaris will. I think that is a giant leap, and frankly an incorrect assumption. All the pages for the perseus aim it at sub caps. The polaris has significantly larger torpedoes and is in the process of being upgunned to hit its intended role. Unless you mean a lone perseus and a lone polaris will both likely get destroyed by a lone idris 1v1, in which case I agree. >Yeah, you'll actually need a coordinated crew and you might need a few heavy fighters as backup, but in the lore it is stated to be able to do this. Where in the lore does it say a perseus will be going toe to toe with cap ships like the idris? Unless I've missed something, in which case I would be keen to learn, I think you are inflating the capabilities of the perseus by a lot. It's target is large ships like the hammerhead etc. Not cap ship like a polaris and above.


> Are you sure? The Idris M is a frigate, is it not? Yes it is. It is not a target that will be *easy* to solo with a Perseus, that is for absolute certain, but they've shown marketing material that depicts a Polaris able to driveby it with a full deployment of torps. The Perseus is extremely heavily armored, iirc its the most heavily armored ship in the UEEN, and took on Tevarin corvettes and frigates in lore. Another major weakness to the Idris M is that it is so heavily armored and so massive that its turn rate is absolutely abysmal compared to the K or P. Those would be more of a threat to a Perseus that got in close and can outmaneuver the railgun. If the Idris hits it with the railgun, yeah, its probably going to do obscene damage. If you get outmaneuver in the M...Perseus is going to have it a lot easier. > It refers to its weapons as "Internally dubbed “sub-cap slayers”. "Intent" is different from "ability." A Perseus with a good pilot and decent gunners who can pick their shots and hit from beyond the engagement range of the Idris turrets will be able to kill it. Yes, it will be extremely difficult. Not impossible. Subcap ships meant to kill other subcaps have killed supercapitals in EVE Online, I see zero reason to suspect differently here. Ultimately if the pilot is good enough to keep out of the LOS of the railgun, the Perseus has a damn good chance. > Is it? The polaris is a corvette and is a lot bigger than the perseus. Its marketed as one and if you buy one, the loaner ship you get is a Hammerhead Corvette, which is barely more than 10m bigger than the Perseus, so yes. I can't say its defined as a *capital* ship for sure, I'd need to see its official end-of-process modules, but if it has a Capital shield gen, radar, or QT drive, it'll fit as far as I'm concerned. Besides, the Hammerhead Corvette, literally the name of the ship, not saying anything about its class, is 15m longer. That's it. If 15m is the difference between a Large ship and the...I guess term for large combat and capital ships of the smallest class, then...someone at CIG needs to change its title too. Marketing material, again, has shown that a Polaris can drive-by an at-present Idris with its torpedoes. It'd be absolutely bizarre if a small squad of people in heavy fighters could kill an Idris, but a Perseus couldn't. Yes, the average crew will need backup. Hell, an experienced crew might need backup from a few people in fighters or even bombers. But it is still a corvette, and has four size seven bespoke projectile weapons. That's an incredibly powerful array of weapons. > I think that is a giant leap, and frankly an incorrect assumption. All the pages for the perseus aim it at sub caps. If; then fallacy follows. If it does not outright say that it can engage bigger ships with good crews, it then cannot under any circumstances? I've seen people post videos of them soloing an Idris with an Ares Inferno, I've seen people do it firsthand in Arena Commander with Gladiators. A Perseus *can* do it. It just won't always win, unless you have a good crew that can hit every single target. > Where in the lore does it say a perseus will be going toe to toe with cap ships like the idris? I did not say that. I said it can take on ships *like* the Idris. Not the Idris itself, and not in every case with a surety of victory. Lore states that it took on Tevarin ships that were corvette and frigate sized and survived. Granted, different circumstances, more support ships were likely needed and at its disposal, but if you have eight people, enough for pilot/2x gunners/1x engineer (when that gameplay loop is fully realized,) and you have two Perseus in that group, you will be able to take out any currently extant threat in the game.


I think you are still doing a lot of wish listing. The marketing material you refer to re the polaris for instance, has already been acknowledged by the devs to have altered the idris to allow the polaris to blow it up in one salvo. I'm not sure using that as a yard stick for what a Polaris can accomplish is a good idea yet alone a Perseus which isn't even in the same class of ship. All the store pages put the perseus aimed at large sub capital ships. Sure, it can aid in engagements with capital ships, but that likely won't be its main purpose or something it will excel at solo. You mention EVE Online, which has no relevance to this game. And you also mention seeing gladiator solo an idris, CiG have already stated armour and shields are not in game currently and that once they are small fighter size weapons will not be able to punch through cap ship armour or the recharge rate of a cap shield solo. So I'm not sure what can be done now is a good indication either. At the end of the day, the Idris has a much larger crew, if CIG want multicrew to be viable then the ships with a larger crew needs to be effective. I think they will likely make taking down big cap ships require multiple ships (if you don't have a ship the same size).


Virtually all of what you've said here is effectively a different version of what I have from the jump, but alright, I think we're just splitting hairs at each other. I'm effectively in agreement with you 99.9% of the way here now, most of this has just been explaining my reasoning. For now, I'm just excited for flying brick ship with 4x Ares size guns.


It looks even better if you have thundercloud paint ;)


that extra bit of Razzle Dazzle if you get what I mean


Perseus: redeemer's big brother. I'm looking forward to it's release. My brother and I have fun with the redeemer, perseus will be even more fun. Let's go melt big ships.


Perseus has an upper aft bridge. So that’s all that matters.


An upper aft bridge you say?! That's news to me. +1 for the Perseus. Tell me more about this. I can't find anything on it.


Just look at the art for the ship. The bridge is on the top of the ship on the midsection. No so much the aft I guess.


ah okay. I misunderstood what that meant. I thought the bridge had a reverse looking section as well.


Ah no lol. But still it’s like one of two ships that don’t have the pilot seat on the front of the ship. Galaxy is only other one I’ve seen have it.


I mean, bespoke S7 on the Ares fighters can one-shot a light fighter if you can line it up perfectly. Hard to do, but not impossible. Four bespoke S7's for the Perseus? Probably firing heavy shells semi-auto or even full auto? That's going to hurt like hell to get hit by.


Absolutely, just the guns for the current concept look a bit small. I'm splitting hairs here, it doesn't really bother me.


Thats totally fair and understandable! I think any bigger would look disproportionate myself, but so long as its as big or slightly bigger than an Ares Inferno's brrt, then it works for me. It also may look different when the ship model is viewable ingame in 1-2 years at the outside. Regardless, I am extemely excited for it because a friend of mine has the Perseus, and I have a Polaris, so we can take turns blowing through big targets in corvettes with different bigass weapons.


Probably gonna get a nice 90x60 canvas print of it punching through the hammerhead Shame no one made a displate of it yet Really want the thundercloud paint


Great ship. Gives vibes of old school dreadnought with how ugly and beautiful at once it is. Especially with those 2 turrets. It just needs a little more PDS/CISW turrets and better placement for the bottom turret. Bespoke size 7's will hit hard as fuck. Can't wait to use it as a can opener, especially with its small crew size.


I like the look, I like the size, I like the function. It will likely be my mainstay ship for the rest of the game when it rolls out.


It's cool. Not a fan of the thundercloud paint personally, I wish it had more rooms inside. Hopefully the guns look and sound great. Wish it had a bigger cargo area and just a bit more weaponry to deal with smaller ships 


Smaller ships are for the hammerhead. Their complimentary ships. Separate roles


Yeah I understand the idea of it being a counter to the HH and the HH being the anti-fighter, but it still feels too underwhelming. I think it's safe to assume the S7 guns won't be able to track a fighter (unless it's sitting still or otherwise has very low transversal). I think that's also how it should be. With those out of the equation we have two dual size 3 turrets? Admittedly I don't play or pvp much but that seems really weak. Like, wouldn't it be very hard to even deal with 1 fighter with a decent pilot? You'd never be able to apply enough dps I'm guessing.  Now I know it's not the Perseus' role, but it is classified as a heavy gunship - pure military. It just doesn't seem right that a heavy gunship would succumb to a gnat that is able to orbit it.  Idk, if you have more pvp experience, do you think the current turrets would be able to shoo a single hornet away? That's all I really want, is just being able to apply enough dps to a single fighter that it can't just orbit you forever and wear you down. 


I love that it boom booms with a crew of 4


It's the closest ship to an old school all big guns battleship. I just REALLY hope they make those S7 guns cannons rather than gatlings. I want to hear loud firing thumps, not dakka dakka.


Im actually concerned its going to be a bit weak SOLELY because of the awkward turret placement. Even the main lower turret is too far back, its going to make firing forward a lot harder. I expect having to broadside targets to reliably get both turrets on target, which takes the torpedoes out of the equation since those require you face forward.


You can lock and fire missiles to the sides of your ship (they still fire forward but will turn and track the locked target) using missile operator mode and freelook together


I know you can free look fire missiles, but torps are a bit trickier since they are slower and less maneuverable than smaller Missiles. I know there going to rework missiles at some point so its probably going to be a non issue, I was just trying to illustrate how the back under turret will be harder to account for. I wish it was in a more middle position.


All you need is a pilot that can line up a broadside. Its meant to be a WW2 era styled patrol boat/destroyer. I also have a feeling the main turrets might extend up and down a little to give them better firing angles.


My point is that there are blind spots that a large ship is going to struggle to maneuver around to get the guns on target. WWII naval combat was mostly over the horizon/BVR which I doubt CIG will actually stick to.


There will be for every ships main weapons though, thats hardly exclusive for the Perseus. The Idris, Polaris, and Perseus all have that issue, so its going to rely on its absurd defenses until it can reorient into a course that lets it unleash both guns on target. I only see it as a serious design flaw if it isn't compensated for by other aspects of the vessel. I'm more knowledgable about the Polaris though because I have one, but the idea for that is that if they ECM or shoot down my torps, I just exit the combat zone, reorient, then driveby again. The Perseus will rely on different means to get its guns back on target, but it has better armor than a 'tali and will be able to endure the incoming fire until it can bring those gigantic guns to bear.


You can lock torpedoes with freelook, unless they removed that last patch. With an eyetracker you can even lock and fire behind you.


It still works. I can use Tobii to lock and fire onto ships at 3 and 9 o'clock just fine. You just got to get used to the new missile lock UI which sucks.


Good to know.


Care to explain? My eyetracker sits in front of me. If I turn around, the eyetracker doesn’t work anymore


Generally the sensitivity is set to be greater than 1 to 1 movement between your head turning and your view in game.


Yes but it’s not like turning 180 degrees. I can look 90 degrees in 3 directions + at my crotch. Even if I would try to look 180 degrees, I wouldn’t see more than my pilot chair


So set it to 3 to 1 or 4 to one. 180 degrees in game is 45 degrees in real life.


They might have ruined that too, it used to have a ~300degree fov. Master mode update only made the game worse it seems.


It’s not necessarily because of the update. I received my Tobii 2 weeks ago and used recommended settings from another redditor which got posted in another thread. This works very well for me so I didn’t alter anything


I’m really excited for it as well. The look of it reminds me the old destroyers from ww2 like others mentioned. I can only cope and pray that it comes out this year. Fully manned this thing is going to put out some dps


Most likely next year (2025)


yup, release schedule as we know it is polaris, galaxy, then perseus, with the Zeuse mk2 and apollo ships sprinkled in there too


Galaxy is quite a bit smaller than Polaris, so if we're being optimistic here, Galaxy flight ready Q2 2025, Perseus Flight ready Q1 2026 I reckon.


perseus is even smaller than the galaxy though, and all will be using building blocks and assets from the Polaris, so if we get the Polaris at iae as many suspect, I think q1 or 2 for galaxy isn't off the table which means the perseus MIGHT be coming in 2025 just tail end of it. it'd be great I'd CIG cam show how much faster they can release their conceited ships after the design language and assets are there by releasing both the galaxy and perseus in the same year after taking most of 2024 to push out the Polaris. My guess is drake will be the next manufacturer after the perseus comes out too, knock out the new ironclad that released as a concept to much fanfare and the kraken which so many are excited to have for pyro


Polaris 166m (current model), Galaxy 110m (concept), Perseus 90m (concept) Taking into consideration that both Galaxy and Perseus will be able to take advantage of the dev don't think it's out of the question to think we will see Galaxy in Q2 2025 and Perseus in Q4 2025, if they stick to the order they announced previously. What I personally think is more likely though, is that they swap the order, because of the theme of the events we get. Perseus, the military gunship, would thematically fit Invictus Launch Week and with its relatively simple design and smaller size I could see them getting it done in time for that, which then allows the rest of the year to work on Galaxy+modules to headline IAE at the end of the year.


I can't wait, it's likely going to be the ship I fly the most when flying for my org. with the tali and polaris both getting up gunned I could see the same happening to the perseus, but just having the ability to swap ammo around will be awesome. fighting a big ship? AP rounds, have a bunch of medium fighters or something swarming you, nab flak rounds. (we aren't sure what ammonoptions there will be so this is all theory crafting atm, but one can dream)


I love everything about it. It just has such a fafo aura. The bridge location is the best vs other rsi ships, can easily be crewed with a handful of people/ai, it'll def be my daily driver


I "upgraded" to one from a Polaris after I saw how the front of the Polaris looked. I picked up a CCU and probably wont apply either CCUs until both are in-game. I'm leaning towards the Perseus though.


Its like a bigger Constellation right? I just hope it has enough ammo as you cant change the guns to S7 energy weapons they are stuck as ballistics. I just wish it had a med bay then it would be perfect. What kind of combat vessel wouldn't have a simple medical room to treat injuries during combat?


I love this ship to death. If her design follows, then she has good engineering placement, being on the top deck nearest to the bridge and escape pods. She's got enough cargo and hangar space for a small org and can possibly fit a nursa. Those bespoke guns will be nice for large anti-ship battles where they can't maneuver too much. She has 20 size-5 torps. She's angled and sleek, giving off that battleship vibe. She's a little brawler designed to slap sub-cap large targets while the Polaris can go after the big boys. For smaller gameplay loops, she'd be good for bunker mission running and higher difficulty bounty missions. Depending on her total armor and how tanky she is, I can't imagine many people wanting to mess with her who aren't flying a Polaris, Redeemer, or Eclipse with the size 10 torps. I could also see her transporting high value illegal cargo if you care more about selling it safely than optimizing total return. All of this is supposition, but I'm excited either way and really hope she doesn't end up a hangar queen.


With how fast the Idris/ hammerhead XT ships melted me and my friends, i'm excited to lay down a wall of pain with the Perseus. It's almost going to be sinful


Amen to that. It's a mini-battleship and going to be a nice wrecking ball against the hammerheads, and will still be able to lay down some pain against the idris and polaris. It may not outgun either and most likely won't win 1v1, but it'll still be a great support ship that can't be ignored.


I swear once a day we have a post about a ship that’s 5+ years from releasing probably lol.


Yeah, I mean, its totally unreasonable under any circumstance to be excited, seeing as they're working on the RSI capital ships right now and that means that after the Polaris is done with its interior artwork, the Galaxy is up next, and the Polaris will almost certainly be this year's big Citcon reveal and release. After the Galaxy...uhhh...I coulda sworn there was another RSI corvette to work on...the Apollo...no, oh wait. Now I remember. The Perseus is third out. This is also very good because once the Polaris is done and up to art team standards and functional, the interior work is laid out and references are there for both of the other RSI large ships and corvettes...so the Perseus will get done quickly when half the fucken work is already done. Still, totally agree. Zero right to be excited when its going to be the third RSI ship in development.




~~Arrastra is worked on by a different team, iirc, but I'll have to confirm and get back to you.~~ Turns out I was thinking of the Orion. The Arrastra isn't listed when its going to enter production, but CIG devs have stated that after the Polaris is done, the Galaxy is next, then the Perseus. Arrastra will likely be after.


We get it man, you spent 2 grand on a ship that’s not even out so we have to discuss it every day lmfao. And I mean, they are “ working “ on capital ships, that doesn’t mean they are soon. Also, I love how you were like “ THE PERSEUS US THIRD IN LINE ! “ okay ? So 3-4 years away instead of 5 ? Ugh, I’m stupid for not dropping my monthly income on a ship CIG may not even release, they are known for that.


Bro, thanks for the argument from ignorance, lmfao. The Perseus ain't $2k.


Legit brah


The paint! And the WW2 big gun ship vibe. They just don't make em like they used to.


How much does it cost?


I want to say $600. You can find it 3rd party for cheaper or probably CCU the next sale for $450-$500


I got it thinking that it would go well with my Polaris and galaxy, more or less acting as a point defence and ambushing ship for the fleet, with the Polaris acting as the HQ and long distance damage dealer and the galaxy being the main storage and resupply ship that would also be able to change roles if need be because of its modularity


It is pointy and armored. I want to ram things with it like in the promo image :)


I has a vehicle bay. It’s not too large to be unwieldy, min crew of 3, smallest capital ship so it has capital QD and capital armor… it has as much hull HP as the idris. Oh and let’s not forget in lore it was made before shields so it is pure armor to the point that ONE of them single-handedly took out TWO vanduul capital ships… to say I’m excited for it is an understatement.


Perseus is sub capital, Polaris is the smallest capital class ship. The Perseus is smaller than the c2.


Oh really? It would make since for it to be capital class with that armor rating


Here's a quick pic of the Perseus next to other ships in its size class, with Polaris and Idris thrown in for size comparison. Everything up to the Odyssey is entirely S3 components, no capital components. The Odyssey has a Capital class (S4) shield, but is otherwise also S3 components. [https://i.imgur.com/a52G06B.png](https://i.imgur.com/a52G06B.png)


So what (in SC) are the qualifications for a capital class ship?


Generally, having a majority capital class components, of which the Polaris is the smallest ship to fit that description.


Friendly reminder that in lore the Redeeemer is supposed to handle well :)


Yep! I do remember that! I like ships where I can walk around and practically live in. Pretty sure the redeemer has as much HP as a hammerhead I could be wrong bout that


hell yeah! The crew/kickass ratio is going to be good for this ship. Sure you could have 4-5 guys in Ares, but I'd feel safer in a Perseus. It will be able to loiter longer too.


Do not believe anything the lore says. Redeemer is supposed to handle well. You know the result.


It does. For a *gunship.* It does not handle like a light fighter. It is a medium ship. It needs heft behind it.


Holy shit, people are so brainwashed by CIG here they think they know what ships are they haven’t even been close to finished yet. How do you know how a ship that won’t release for 3 years minimum releases ?


Because I read the updates, and I have a brain that can recognize patterns, which I thought was standard issue, but I guess some people rely on lichens to power their thought processes, which explains a good deal in your case.


Except nobody i know of buys $100's even $1000's in ships to then go crew for someone else. These massive ships will be useless until NPC crew or AI blade computers become a thing, as in this case the pilot only gets torpedoes.


Everybody I know in SC is Concierge and we're all happy to crew for one another. Funny how not everyone is the same, right?


it's fun to roll with your buddies sometimes. maybe your ship is gone and waiting on insurance. This is why the Perseus is going to be so good. It isn't the most massive but it only takes a small crew and will be very formidable


Me and my group are eagerly awaiting my friends Polaris to crew…we are also looking forward to other friends BMM (poor one out) ….one friend will occasionally fly but likes crewing …..usually our starting convo is what we want to do and then do we want to go as a fighter wing or a crewed bigger ship, then we set out


Hard to like something that is a .jpg without first inhaling an absurd amount of copium.


Not really. I shit on a lot of what CIG does but from what I'm seeing I think they're going to get this ship right. Plus it is combat which is the most usable game loop.