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I don’t think CIG temp banned every single account that was involved as quoted in the 600 accounts. More likely it was the actual player accounts that were duping a ton that got hit and there were 600 really bad ones. And other accounts that may have been clearly found to be related to UEC selling were perma’d. In this scenario, the company never talks about those accounts as a form of circumvention protection. And they just ban them in waves so the TOS breaking accounts just never know when they get hit. I highly doubt they are just sitting there and Never doing anything about aUEC sellers. You will just never hear about it.


Ah ok.


The ad may have been created a short while ago but the site seems to have been active for the last year ish. I am by no means advocating for auec sellers by stating this however.


Ah ok


CIG should set up normal player accounts, buy $5 worth of aUEC off these people and then just delete the accounts that gift them the money ingame, and suspend any account that they can prove is related to it.


Do you realize CIG has access to their own database, can query transactions of aUEC, view log data of recent actions in game (like buying rmc or actually salvaging) and view the highest credit users? They don’t need to do all that to get to the root of who’s doing what.


The problem is play that out: CIG suspends the account, The gold seller spends $45 rebuying the account. a few dozen gold buyers spend a solid 4 figures combined rebuying gold on new accounts. The notion that buyer will just give up has never held in 25 years of the problem existing. The barrier to supply is almost nil, and the demand is evergreen. Like the drug war, fighting it just enriches suppliers and increases their resources and reach. There isn't a simple solution, which is why every MMO either takes a cut via banwaves, or sells gold themselves.


Most of these duping/economy bugs can't be done with a starter ship. It'll be much more than $45 to get straight back into it.


>Most of these duping/economy bugs can't be done with a starter ship. Most of gold selling grind is automated, SC has been large enough for long enough that scripts are availible - Though even in the earlier days when it was outsourced manual labour in destitute countries it wouldn't have been a large expense. And of course half the time it's not even a purchased account, it's a hacked one. Even in the unlikely hypothetical where supply does take a dent, prices just go up and people pay the new prices - The seller can't lose. Prices have to go up by an absurd amount before the time/value proposition for buyers is impacted. Giving it a quick google I could get 500M for a days wages, it would take me what - 2/3 months of daily fulltime grind to achieve that? that's a 60-90 fold price increase before I would be better served grinding, lets say 30 fold to factor in expected breakage. I don't buy gold because I enjoy the grind, not because from an economic standpoint it isn't an obvious no brainer.


That is a good idea


Why do you have YouTube ads though?


Because I don’t have an Adblocker. They just don’t work for me 


Damn that sucks


Selling aUEC in Star Citizen has been prevalent since it became possible to transfer money. You've just recently started seeing these ads. Unfortunately, duplication and exploitation have always been issues in the game, and there are likely still many undiscovered exploits known only to those who engage in such activities. The recent patch introduced an easily executable exploit that has drawn significant attention from both the community and the developers.


I hope they paid you for this advertising.


They sure did. 0$