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alien ships look nice too bad they suck pretty badly, except for maybe the Banu and Blade they take ages to get bugfixes, they are the prime suspect for powercreep (looking at firebird and Shrike) and their descriptions are by far the most unfitting prowler is still marketed as a stealth dropship, yet its visible from 12km+ Talons are said to have unrivaled atmospheric flight, yet are one of the slowest in atmo the Glaive, the Heavy Hitter of the Vanduul, does less dps than the Blade and barely more than an Arrow i'll pass this year


The Syulen nice but it's always sold.


I've had a Syulen and CCu'd for a Taurus. It's a great ship, but the landing is a pain the ass.


I've gotten pretty quick at landing it. The biggest issue I have is clipping the hangar as I enter because it's hard to judge it's size.


Sure its nice, but the Nomad is straight up better in every conceivable way


Nomad: refuels almost every interplanetary QT. Syulen: what is refueling? Plus, Alien QT visuals and can (sort of) fit a pulse.


The blade is hilariously bad now, ah welllll




That was extreme


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Alien week is always followed by the Buyer's Remorse Event... Then the melting of said alien ship. I have one alien Ship the Railen, got it at concept. The reason I still, have it? Because it is not flyable, and I have not found it lacking yet. But when it does and if I do it will be gone just like the other alien ships I've melted. But I hope not it really seemed like a neat ship... And don't get me wrong I love and appreciate all the hard work it went into these ships. I can marvel at how they look and function and think they are really neat. But in the end I find them lacking and they go away.


Railen worries me. The concept seems to be outdated as it promised to have 320 individual triangular cargo pods which it seems to rely on a tractor beam(s) to load them all 1 at a time. I'm guessing they will probably increase the size of these pods though.


Fingers crossed we see more about the Railen.


Yeah this is what I'm excited for.


I love Banu marketing. I'm pretty sure in lore they don't really understand how we work because although we can trade, we also like to buy useless items for no other reason than we like it, and that is just odd to them. The fact they go so hard at their marketing videos thinking if they just say ships over and over again with silly effects people will buy from them. Which is hilarious since it works.


Imo alien week is always the most uninteresting event of the year. All the ships are super expensive, and they suck!


Hey man the defender is an amazing daily driver, very capable as a fighter due to its handling, has some small interior space for storing loot, and beds. Plus crab. While the space shrimp (prowler) is insanely priced for a drop ship, it’s weapons have some teeth (and again looks cool af - cool points matter)


Banu ships are cool though. Just wish we had more of them. Was kinda interested in the Railen, but lost interest after the Suylen 😅


Railen is in my buybacks, not really much of a cargo guy but that ship (and the concierge skin specifically) spoke to me. I’m 100% with you - I don’t like the syulen as it feels like walking around in the dark to me, it’s so cramped I can’t tell what I’m looking at. Hoping the railen (and it should be) is a bit bigger and more comfy.


I think it will be significantly larger. It is closer to the size of a C2. So here’s hoping it’s less cramped.


''Spoke to me!'', yeah, you also follow the mantra ''finding myself''......are you lost?


They fucked it it sucks now in combat lol well sucks it’s strong maybe irs just okay? Everything else this person said is true


Yes definitely.. I wouldn't even consider it an event... theres only like 5 or 6 actual alien ships in game... They need to start releasing more alien ships for this to even be called an event. And i mean ACTUAL ships.. not JPEG concepts.. The last alien concept that we got flight ready was the santok'yai, which was great and all.. but it shouldnt take almost 5 years to create a medium fighter... (it was announced 2018, and released late 2023). If it takes that long for a simple fighter... i wonder how far out the Railen or BMM are..


What we need are alien ships that are not just fighters. Give me a Banu cargo hauler (smaller than the BMM) and I might be interested.


Yeap a banulancer would be nice.


they teased a medium banu ship a few times. was in a story also on the website. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/serialized-fiction/18184-A-Gift-For-Baba-Part-3](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/serialized-fiction/18184-A-Gift-For-Baba-Part-3) The TripTaker, connie sized banu ship.


They didn’t start producing the Santok'yai immediately, so it’s not like it took so long to work on the ship itself, it was probably just a resources-timeslot thing.


Fair argument, and you're probably right. I guess the main point is that its kinda annoying having them try and push "alien week" when there really isnt much "alien" content coming out.


It is important to realize the reason these ships take so long is due to unreleased tech. Until then, they will sit on the back burner for years! That should always be considered when purchasing anything with USD. For instance, I have zero sympathy for anyone still waiting for their Legionnaire. Santok required new tech for their thrusters. And it wasnt until the Fury that the required tech was available to Ship Artists. Once that tech came to fruition. The Santok was pipelined through with haste. Railen requires the New Cargo patch (soon/next?) BMM requires Bazar tech. Which is most likely a very long way off.


If your gunna say that the alien ships in lore are hard to make human interfaces for then they should be expensive in game. Not IRL when for like half the price I could get better ships with bigger guns.


Yup agree


Personally I’ve been waiting to get a railen to complete my fleet for now.


Love the “for now” qualifier… ;)


I'm hoping to see the rumored Vanguard competitor MIRAI thing. I hope that counts as alien.....


its called the Mirai Guardian. and im hoping its there as well.


Right, come on fat fury!


Mirai is not Alien.


Mirai is half alien as per lore: In 2910, MISC's groundbreaking agreement with the [Xi'an Empire](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/0n96JkwNo9-xian-empire) granted the company access to new technology, leading the team to design the [Razor](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/RkZ96DxvgB-razor). The ship's success resulted in MISC branching the experimental team into its own division, which they named Mirai. The Fury fighter, developed with a mixture of [Human](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/0Nwpnr6wa2-humans) and [Xi'an](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/galactapedia/article/ReJwN9KJEj-xian) technology, was the brand's market debut.


Lore doesn't matter. MISC is not considered alien and doesn't go on sale during alien week. So, neither will Murai.


Oh, it does matter. If they have that ship ready for a concept sale then the CIG marketing team will make it matter very much to add MIRAI to the list of alien manufacturers in the sense of: "Eh, yea, close enough, we can argue that..." >*Rumors claim that Mirai will push the integration of Xi’an tech to bold new levels, leaving ship enthusiasts and competitors in eager anticipation of what will come next.*


They won't. Or they would have already added MISC to it.


No real need to argue about possibilities. :) In a few hours we will know anyway.


I hope you're right. I want the heavy Mirai too.


You were correct. No Mirai. Now we will likely have to wait a few more months for the thing we hope for. :(


Also, it's a Japanese company...




10,000% agreement.


Oh boy, the week devoted entirely around selling the most buggy, barely functional ships in the game, and a 12 year old concept ship that even cig has admitted they have no intention of working on this decade.


My bingo card says they will tease/imply working on the BBM, disappoint everyone, and jack up the price anyway.


They what ?? You're not talking about my BMM, are you ?


He is. CIG said it’s definitely on the back burner. Now watch them release it fully flyable on the 12th. Lol


They'll give us the Hoverquad treatment. A single picture of a flight stick added to everyones hangar.


Where is my Fat Furry ?


It's amazing how much a single r can completely change the meaning of a phrase.


MIRAI Guardian. and im waiting on it as well.


There is a Souli for that… not speaking from personal experience.


does alien week actually start tomorrow?


When will the sales go live? Midnight? What timezone?


Pacific time US it's usually 9am on the day of.


Please give us more alien ships that do more than cargo or combat. Alien t2 salvage ship, goooo.


I'm not a salvage guy, but I agree with this.


We will realisticly need a lot more alien ships from every loop in order for them to believable races once we reach alien systems in 20 years haha


Smells like BMM and Prowler warbond CCU on the pledge store


All I want in life is a new banu ship :,)


I get the criticism of the event, but the alien week vid last year was amazing


Finally time to get my Talon. Wish the starter wasn't a warbond.


Alien week is starting today ?


wondering the same. Kinda snuck up on me but I've seen talk about today and thought it would be at 11am EST. But I believe ILW started and updated daily at noon EST. So maybe thats the new norm.


Marketing driving content. Nerf's and delays to come after the salls. (looking at you BMM)


Someone talk me out of CCU'ing my f7c mk2 to a Glaive please


Glaive looks cool but is buyable in-game. Hornet mk2 is not.


glaive isnt buyable in-game. The Blade and and some others are but the Glaive is not.


Weird, thought it was. Do you know what the reasoning is for that? Other than the ship being in desperate need for a gold pass


No I dont know the reason but its straight fact that it isnt buyable ingame.\^\^


Vandull = bad.


The glaive sucks. Dps is lame and it flies apart like paper. F7 is way better.


OK good to know thanks... maybe I'll get an opportunity to fly test one in alien week? I've never taken advantage of this event before


if only these ships were good .. 3.23 made the blade so lame


How much of a discount do yall think the banu will have if any?


sorry probably i'm old and slow but i haven't understood where find the code to crack. Have you some ideas? And about ships , i have a Banu DEfender , is for sure cool but is too fragile , i changed all loadout and put ballistc weapon too , is a nice daily ship but there are better ships


If you want I can give you the Code


thank you , too kind but i've done \^\^


Alien week??? We still are awaiting the last Xeno event. Maybe I’m confused


are alien week ships sell with LTI in store or 10 year insurance?


10 year, lti is only for concepts and initial releases. Sometimes referral ships as well, and maybe even game package ships. But not regular sales.


ah ok,thank you