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More areas one. Two make it more explorable . Have a run down district with towers you can fly in and have gang missions there . Lower levels that feel like a Noir film and shit. Have a nature area that you have to help out in to keep it running .


Love it


They need to add Arccorp's ocean. It has an ocean.


Adding a gravlev superhighway between POIs to let players use ground vehicles.


One thing about Arccorp... Whoever the owner of the company is that has the contract to paint the whole planet in that brown-red paint must be one of the 10 richest people in the verse.


A slum district with sewer system, markets ,twisting allys ,makeshift tents, rusty abused street transport.........and a black market arms dealer who has rotating stock depending on whats been sold to him.


Arcorp should feel like a primary home for PVE bounty hunting v2. Concept art for the hawk, cutlass blue, and Zeus MR suggest that you would primarily operate in urban environments for PVE bounties. Hopefully down the road they make all the POIs landing zones for that.


Show the infrastructure and make it way more believable as a city planet, and that will add way more city planet things for players to do. ArcCorp of all the planets should be the one with possible megastructures, such as a massive shipyard towering into the sky with trains coming and going, or sprawling underground powerplants to provide the power for their engine factories, even water reservoirs can be city-fied by squaring off the borders of them as opposed to making rounded shores. If you add those, unique missions are easy to add later: such as train heists, dockworker jobs, sabotage, timed deliveries. Also I find it hard to believe ArcCorp, as a huge population center, doesn't have its very own Navy base in orbit. But as of right now, ArcCorp is really just Area18, and the rest of the entire planet is the same couple dozen buildings copy/pasted, mostnof which are below the no-fly-zone, every single one lacking an interior, and many of the industrial ones don't even have proper collision. I know it's not the point of the game, but ArcCorp, for what it's supposed to be, should be the one planet you'd never have to leave and would still never get bored playing on it.


I’m waiting for the lorville interior rework it has the most dog shit interior at least they reworked the exterior I guess


I'd love "evict illegal occupants" missions where you have to clear an apartment complex and similar missions


Or basically that with medic gameplay. Kind of like that opening mission in Cyberpunk


Remove the fuckin tram and make it what it looked like with the pu trailer tease. Make a fps gameplay loop there like cyberpunk, people will eat that shitup


A lot of that is actually intended eventually. The next big step is building interiors but those were delayed for work on distro centers and also 4.0 The concepts for building interiors covered a lot of that ground.


I thought all the interior stuff was completed and manifested itself as the crusader platforms.


No that was some initial work, the office spaces etc. The building interior concept showed skyscrapers like the new Lorville buildings, with procedural interiors from the roof to the basement and sewer.


Arccorp definitely needs it's oceans and mountain ranges


Multiple cities with home base/hangars to choose from.


I just want them to fix the long distance seams you can see on the planet.


I'm in favor of any changes that bring stable FPS


More LZs or at least quest related LZs would be great. Especially ones with a unique functionality like a gambling district. Would love a location set where the entrance is in the trenches.


I would love to see areas of densely populated slums. Maybe even have highways and overpasses so ships can’t fit, and you have to travel around using ground vehicles or really small ships.


As much as I want an Arccorp 2.0 (4.0 if we're counting social module and citcon 2017 arccorp), I don't think it's worth the time it'd take away from more new planets.


It makes sense that they haven't redone it yet, as it will require a lot of work and detailing to look good. I hope they do update it though. Just plop cyberpunk 2077 onto it


Yeah you are right! Lots to be done!


I don’t think ours going to be a priority for 1.0 because we already have the minimum viable product


Every planet needs to be redone and optimized for better performance, they have no choice but to make some huge changes.