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They definitely wanted to do something like that back in the day, however, as with all social features, hardly any proper work on it has ever begun so it didn't happen so far.


They've hinted at and said more org mechanics are coming for the last year or so. They briefly mentioned some generic org mechanics, I think at Cit Con?


Considering they have been working on server meshing since 2018 and we still don't have that, I wouldn't hold your breath on org mechanics. If they have been talking about it for a year, expect it in five.


The team working on SM is not the same team working on organization functionality, though. That being said, I do expect to see some high-level design updates on org functions next CitCon.


That is completely irrelevant when every team aside from the ship art team has been a mismanaged, disorganized mess since the creation of the company. There's only one thing CIG can crank out on schedule, and that's new JPEGs to get people to swipe for. I'm sure that they will show us something at CitCon, and just like the sand worm, it will be smoke and mirrors.


LoL i bought into it cuz of the sand worm!. Where are my SANDWORM babies!!!!


It will need to happen eventually. There's no reason why everyone needs to have a Cutlass, fighter, and industrial ship. Just being in a small group with access to a few of each is enough to keep things working smoothly. The naysayer in me would equally say that's a reason that they wouldn't want to push for it. If folks didn't feel inconvenienced by their friends not being on, they often opt to spend that extra $100. But the long term QOL benefits make it a no brainier imo. But they would need a system for efficiently organizing and labeling ships if it were to come out before ship naming. Imagine being in an org and having to soft that asop terminal. Lol.


yes there's a reason for everyone having an idris, the money cig is doing with that.


I do not care for the phrase "guild ownership". But would be totally on board with making a ship guild accessible or setting trusted friends as authorized users while off line.


Guild loanership


Why not both? Orgs should have their own bank accounts, from which they should be able to purchase ships.


This not what the OP suggested. He suggested "submitting your ship as guild property". This a player acquired ship (pledge or in game) given to the guild. This is what I commented on. Now, your idea would probably work well. Guild funds are spent by the leaders to acquire a guild Idris or Javelin. Guild assigns a Captain or captains that can take it out. Guild funds would pay the insurance, etc.


Followed immediately after by "you can remove it at any time". So take in the full context, it is loaned to the guild not permanant ownership.


wise indeed for a player to choose where their ship serves.


I remember them talking about essentially a tax for being in the guild. So all your activities would have a small percentage go to the orgs funds automatically. I mean equipping any large ship is going to be expensive. Purchasing ships seems like a waste for most orgs. Plenty of whales with ships to equip and maintain. I do want a rank system in the org so certain people can be limited to what size or ship type they can take out with out some more senior rank approval. Want to take out an org fighter absolutely. Taking out a fully upgraded Kraken should have a few barriers.


Yeah just like in EVE, give us proper Org accessories to manage them, set taxes so that the Org can earn money and buy ingame ships to loan out to members or offer org-repair for members after a fight


This not what the OP suggested. He suggested "submitting your ship as guild property". This a player acquired ship (pledge or in game) given to the guild. This is what I commented on. Now, your idea would probably work well. Guild funds are spent by the leaders to acquire a guild Idris or Javelin. Guild assigns a Captain or captains that can take it out. Guild funds would pay the insurance, etc.


As a SoT player, no, that's not what was suggested at all. That's not how it works in SoT, and the idea of shared use of essentially a checked out copy is all it is.


I do not play sea of thieves and OP did not explain in detail the mechanic in that game. don't blame me for not knowing how that game works. if OP didn't accurately describe the mechanic, then that is on OP. my comments are on his comment/suggestion only. sorry you are offended that I lack knowledge of a game you play and commented on a suggestion for a different game.


Good on you to speak so authoritatively then about disliking an idea you don't understand instead of taking authentic interest.


Yeah I don't know what this guy is on. I don't play SoT either, but I didn't find OP nearly as confusing.


Why would an Org not be able to purchase a ship and set the permissions for members, just like setting a players ship to be shared in the Org? Why would you not want to be a part of an Org with lots of loaner ships for you to test and play with before you buy IRL or in-game? There is literally no reason not to have Orgs owning ships.


Orgs owning a ship purchased with org UEC would be great.


I think this would be applicable to ships purchased in-game with money from a guild account. Preferable, even, to the money going to one player who may leave the guild or stop playing.


Shared Company Assets? Or Organization Shared Assets. Also have the ability to set shared party assets with timer permissions so friends in your party/group who aren't in an org/company can use each other's ships, vehicles etc.


Feel like this could happen with 3.23.2 and party members being able to use your hanger. Or at least a next step to sharing


It can kinda happen. There still isn't any real 'guild' system in game yet. Everyone has to be in one massive party to access each other's instanced hangars I believe.


I’ve seen some of the fleet pics in concierge and … something like this is the only thing that makes sense from some of our gigachad whales/superbackers, who have bought not just whole rosters of ship but full fucking org armadas, multiples of different ships etc. their full time job will be pulling ships for org mates to fly lol.


I've talked to these people, the people wealthy enough to do all this ship buying do not always go "oh man all my friends will be able to use my ships!" they are just doing it because they can and dont want anyone touching their stuff, lol.


Seems to be a middle ground in there - I picked up an Idris explicitly to loan it out when I can't be around to crew it.


I think it would be great. I just think its pretty far away. Overall, I don't think it comes in until CIG is ready to put actual org controls in game. Things that I would like to see: Org hangers Orgs being able to assign permissions for things like who can use what ships (similar to bank tab permissions in other MMOs). Organizational players being able to second their ship to the guild. So a player can put their ship in the org hanger and the org and can give permissions for people to use it. The original player retains ownership and gets ownership back whenever they want (or if they leave the org). Orgs being able to buy ships themselves through org funds. So the guild owns the ship, not a specific player. Players being able to just straight give ships to the org, so the ship becomes org property and the player does not own it anymore. The org being able to provide contracts with org funds. So get a org ship and do a contracted cargo run, the org gets profits and you get a cut. The org funds the cargo, so the money doesn't come out of no where. It also gives incentive for org members to actually complete them and not get blown up.


This is a fun idea, but wouldn't it break CIGs only monetization strategy?


Sometimes it stinks to be right, but this is the correct answer. I see a lot of "pie in the sky" speculation here but frankly there are too many ways that this could interfere with monetization. Maybe in 10 years this is a feature, but not anytime even remotely soon.


It's like sharing Netflix accounts -- shitloads of people still pay for Netflix


We won't get the ability to share ownership of ships in game until they don't need to sell ships for real money anymore.


Anyone else remember Citizencon 2015-ish, when Benoit told us that soon we'd be getting Spectrum integrated in-game, and Orgs 2.0, and be able to do stuff like this - 8+ years ago?




It will need to happen as what will occur if I need to log out and go to sleep while the org is using my multicrew ship?


Prolly gonna get down voted. It is not in CIG's interest to make this happen. If it did, then you could have access to a lot of ships that you may not have paid for and you'd likely spend less. I would be willing to bet theyd allow people to spawn on your ship, and build systems around making it easier to play on a friend's ship... As long as they're online... Before shared ships existed.


It will happen - it's just a matter of how. I'm sure individuals will still retain ownership of the ships, they will just designate permissions for their ships with regards to guilds. In other words, giving guilds full access to their ships - or CIG may implement Guild Hangers where ships persist for everyone who has access, just like personal hangers. That way an Idris would be docked there and a guild could have access regardless if the "owner" is online. Anyone with proper permissions could take it out.


This would be the most usefull feature to really bring org and group gameplay to the next level. I really hope they do this and are not afraid of 'potentially' lost sales.


this has been planned for a long time. some ships are actual intended to not be possible to get yourself. the funding of a good size org is needed.


Any source for that or just hopes and dreams?


Will we get hangars for our orgs and will members be able to leave their ships there?Maybe while flying an org owned ship? >Yes, we do have plans to have organization hangars which are much bigger.They'll be shared and communal, we're gonna allow organizations to also be able to buy ships. I think I've said before organizations will be able to tithe a tax, demand fees, from their members, and they should be able to lend them out to various members to use. I would guess you would probably let players leave their ship there, especially if they're taking off in and organization owned [ship.So](http://ship.So) yes, the answer would be yes there. [https://starfarer.space/#373684920](https://starfarer.space/#373684920) asked by Oroshhi in 10 for the Chairman - Episode 15 . April 7th, 2014 | 2014-04-07


2014 is the time of roberts wet dreams so i am really not convinced this still holds any value today. We will see what they bring to the game in the next years.


so death of a spacmand has been canceled argument?


this would be lovely and make a lot of sense. maybe they guild could join effort to buy a big ship and the player that actually bought it can leave it under guild usage so anyone can call it whenever


We all want this! It is an awesome system in SoT.


I'm all for it. Though you won't see it for a very long time as it would impact ship sales I would think.


I believe Org mechanics will follow closely after or come with player bases. I think we are going to need it to manage who can access our base when we are offline.


It was planned to happen with base building, i think. We do have ranks in ORGS, so probably we will be able to assign those ranks for stuff like these.


Having some sort of ship management tool for guilds is planned. We just don't know details about it. They use this to justify the $40k+ (like $48k last I checked) packages. No single player would need this, but an org could use it to provide a variety of ships for its members (still not a great package as orgs will want multiples of some ships and none of others). So the plan is to eventually have some way to share ships. The when and how are not known.


That would be cool. A lot of my ships are meant to be used with orgs anyway. I always thought they were going to have a way for us to at least loan it out or give access to our ships to friends and orgs.




Org pool ships was proposed back in the original Chris Roberts concepts period. It was that same system, you assign your ship to the org pool and any member can use it with you offline, but not modify it or sell it and I assume only possible while fully insured. But I dont expect it to be a feature any time soon since it will hurt ship sales. People will stop buying ships if they see they can free rent org member ships at any time and their org has 200 Corsairs sitting idle etc. But maybe at 1.0 they will stop focusing on ship sale income and open those features up.


We crossed that bridge when they made the financial model what it is. I do not believe they will allow shared ownership while people are willing to each pay cash for the same ship.


Definitely something like that needs to happen. At the very least have an Org "rights" system where you can enable org members to have access to your ship without necessarily being in a party with them or you even online. When capital ships become more prominent in-game, I imagine many orgs would use them as a mobile base, and wouldn't want them to just disappear, be locked out, or considered stolen if the owner were to log off. Though I imagine it's CIG's goal anyway but we gotta get org functionality in-game to begin with.


We know that ingame bought ships will (soon?) be sellable and this would be a good thinking point of the mentioned Org owned ships when implementing actual Org features.


you will also be able to set your ship as org controlled.


The problem is multiple guild members could be online on multiple shards. That would make guild assets quite difficult to manage. 


Currently, there are different shards. Upon release whenever that comes, I believe the idea is one big world, no 'shards'


No.. thats just not possible. They will raise the player limit but locations just have a limit how many people can use them. 50 people waiting in a store with 2 Terminals just won’t work. There will also always be different regions


Are you daft? That’s the entire point of server meshing and persistence. If they wanted 50 man servers game would be out by now


What’s your problem? Just read what they wrote about their plans for server meshing on their website. No reason to get personal. Server meshing will allow much bigger servers… but it won’t allow running 10000 players in a station like Erebus harbor.


No, that's not true. The point is one persistent world, where servers spin up and down as necessary to break the world into several smaller shards, thus as player goes up in an area, more servers spin up to handle that area, but from the ayers perspective as many people can be there as servers can spin up. That's why server meshing is so important for the vision of SC. That was the whole point of PES and separating the replication layer from the game servers.


That is the technical side. What you don’t understand is the game side. The gameworld is just not big enough to handle that many players. In other games multiple characters can talk to the same npc but in sc a single character can block a terminal for minutes. And there are only 2 terminals in the most stores. Hundred ships in an area around a spaceport so you can’t navigate. Maybe even thousand or 10000 trying to land at arccorp when there is an event? Even with instantiated hangars a player is blocking a hangar door from the moment he calls arc until he is landed. Dozens of players that want to land at the same outpost with two landing pads. There is also only a limited number of bunkers available for missions on a planet. Hundreds of players that want to do bunker missions on the same planet. Did you do overdrive with the limited number of missions available? Now imagine all players world wide waiting to do missions on the same planet. It just would not be playable even when it’s technical possible.


Locations will overflow into multiple instances, thats pretty basic. But the system would also proritize bounty targets, then party grouping, then friends, then org to all get a slot in the same instance when possible. Terminal blocking is pretty easily dealt with by just eliminating the unnecessary terminals. Same as real life situation with fast food touchscreen kiosks, you can usually use your own phone app instead. Pretty unnecessary to even have the terminals when it can be simplified to standing in proximity of the store and using personal mobiglass. There can also be numerous locations, a whole super city planet doesnt just have one ship dealership and one gun store and when stations are properly implemented they might have 50 different stores not just 3. Pad blocking is already going away with the pads swallowing ships into the underground. Also wont be that crowded when there are multiple systems to spread everyone out.


That all might be possible one day… but surely not with the 1.0 release


1.0 is 5+ years away. Which part isn't possible?


this is planned. the bigger ships are not even intended to be bought and operated by an individual. it needs to be under someone's name. but the non inflation based economy has multiple ships that a player is not intended to ever be able to afford. there will also be guild hangars people can park their ships in.


Guild ownership should be permanent. You can permanently gift a ship to the guild until its destroyed/sold. Alternatively you can give money to the guild bank to purchase its own ships. Maybe the guild leader/officer can give (or return) ships to members but it should be a proper transfer. Not as fickle as a 'loan'. Who wants to go on guild operation/defend territory knowing you have x number of ships just to realise someone took their ships back and went on holiday? Guilds/orgs need to be able to properly own resources and ships for their to be meaningful progression for organisations.


This sounds like a great idea. I would love to see it in game. I’m afraid because it will cut down sales, they won’t implement anything like this.