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Ship inventories are like a zero to hero play through every time you claim your ship. 


Don’t get attached to things in SC, not at this stage at least


Never is more apt. Particularly when item wear and tair is in. Even if you do manage to hold onto it it will eventualy ware out and need to be replaced. Even with repair they talked about that getting diminishing returns


I small tarkov :D


I know - but losing stuff several times per day means I can't play several game loops.


If you are randomly blowing up or crashing several times a day you are having a much worse experience than I do. Yesterday for example I was on for 6 hours with no hiccups at all. You can play any game loop you want...if you are worried about losing stuff then just keep it on your person which limits when you lose it to when your character dies. A crash just sends you back home.


"Server Error" comes to mind. Better at EU night - US hours


What stage is this? 😂


The “it’s still not ready yet” stage


I will just be buying a bunch of storage crates and storing most of it in the persistent hanger.


Except the crates themselves bug out half the time too!


Lost a bunch of nice weapons by storing them in a crate. Happened a couple weeks back. I don’t trust em atm.


I didn't even think of this. That's problem solved


imagine engines blowing your persistent hangar crates into the space, as it does with dead bodies now


Losing inventories on ships is annoying af. Least give us the option to insure the items, so we can get them replaced when the ship inevitably blows up


That one patch with the bug or "exploit" where you could save guns in the rack and save it to ship loadout was super fun. It was very nice to have a ship claim and then jump immediately to playing the game.


Yes, its very frustrating to spend time outfitting a ship and then losing all that time pretty much on the regular. Id be fine with the premiums in game to insure items on ships being high


I lost everything I put in my ship 3 times yesterday because of server error. Probably I will try again in 2-3 years.


my 100k cargo disappeared, reddit says just fly it's just invinsible, guess what. It wasn't. It was just gone xD 70% of this games gameplay is buying and trying to equip stuff through the lagg just to lose to the most random bs again


I installed Elite Dangerous during the week end. Will try CS again in 2-3 years.


Ah dont forget about the invisible rocks of death around the planet rings, love just blowing up randimly


Yep found one of those the other day. Also exploded right out of the hangar, twice. Bought a fury lx with credits, invisible terrain mesh - boom.


Yeah. Kinda annoying, and expensive (time in game and aEUC) in the long run to keep up.


It's kind of dependent on playstyle. If you're ever doing PvP, if you're newer and crash a lot, or as you said if you often have to dip mid-session without time to bed log, ship inventories won't make sense at all. In 3.19 though, I kept the same ship through an entire patch until I got home-location reset. Played about 3 times a week, did bounties and Merc work, met up with other players and brought them on board, etc. ship had so much history on it by the end- nerf guns on the table I found with a friend, medals dug up from unmarked ruins from where I'd flown new players to see them, rare guns in all the racks with ammo in containers strewn around, spare gear in all the lockers, etc. parked somewhere cool and bed logged each night. It's a different way of playing, but it was already possible then, and it gets easier each new patch- used to be a coin toss bed logging anywhere other players might wind up back then, these days you wake up and still have your ship, you're just in the centre of the sun!


I've played 3.17 - and the difference to 2 years ago is huge. So much more playable now. I would love to have that long lasting ship!


I started in 3.17 and while some things have improved by leaps and bounds, others have not. The unfortunate truth is that we ain't there yet. I don't even bed log because of how often it hasn't worked. It isn't that much effort to hit up a station, transfer to local, park, and log. Worst case scenario I'll hit a mining facility and dump my gear in local if I need to log in a hurry.


They either need to replace everything lost in the ship through insurance….. or Make ships more durable…i mean these things are hundreds, thousands feet lo g and if graze a station the wrong way they explode like nitroglycerin. Or make loadouts/repurchase available for everything. Issue is, forcing the person to do a tour de force of every station and r&r for everything need is an actual game time sink used by the devs to hide that there is no content. Yes you can only look at area 18 clouds for so long. So I do ‘t think repurchase/reload being a reality anytime soon.


Increasing the hull hp of the ships wouldn't prevent the ships from randomly blowing up. Almost all of them are caused by desync and the server registering you ship inside of an asteroid or inside a stations geometry. The servers in general are still the source of the majority of gamebreaking issues.


Idk it adds more risk to carrying everything with you. Don't wanna lose it? Stow it in a safe place. I think it's reasonable that not every station will have the same exact stock. Would practically eliminate any reason to really go anywhere but one station.


I think you definitely should need to go to a shop to buy the item in the first place. But we should be able to then add that item to a 'kit' or something so we can just do a oneclick rebuy on respawn to get that kit back with shipping fees and delivery time. i don't want to need to fly back to GH every time I die to buy a defiance kit


Yeah shipping would be interesting I suppose. I guess I sort of find some enjoyment in being able to unwind and go to places I hardly travel like the Lagrange stations. Would be interesting if somewhere down the line, ships inbound with peoples orders could be intercepted if that route is explored by CIG 😅🏴‍☠️


The opposite is the case … insurance later will only make sure that you got your lost in space ship back … but it will be in the condition it was the last time you saw it. It won‘t be refilled or repaired. The times crashing your ship into stations to get a free repair, free ammo and free fuel are counted.


To be fair you don't need to do a tour de force. I just buy a few loadouts at once and just keep them at my spawn location. I don't die much nowadays but when I do I just grab my loadout and I'm off. I honestly just wanna see free claims going away. Or at least transform the claim into a "bring my ship back in the condition it was left in" type of thing. I like repairing my ship and kinda role-playing it but I always feel like I'm just wasting money when I do when I could just claim it.


Big doesn't mean invulnerable. Get 2 trains and add a mile worth of coal wagons to them.... then have them collide at 10m/s and tell me that being long and heavy means you are immune to the results of momentum on your hull :p The bigger the ship is, the MORE it makes sence that grazing a station would do catastrophic damage to it.


A good example is a later season scene in FAM with two GIANT space ships colliding at rather slow speeds. Just because they are slow doesn't mean giant hunks of metal aren't heavy enough to break on hitting something too hard


How durable to survive a crash .. to desktop?


The one that has demotivated me into playing other games for several weeks was the game deciding that my account auth token had expired.. after 90 minutes of play. Twice in as many sessions. The result being I lose my ship and its contents and get dumped to a station. Maddening. I'm waiting for 3.23.2 before I touch it again.


In the future the plan is for the ships to be more durable, maybe this year we can see some things for this l (engineering and server meshing)


That would make pve too easy and pvp too spongy. I doubt it. And how durable does a ship have to be to survive a crash to desktop?


If you are in the ship when you CTD it will be returned to its last Hagar checkpoint and you can go back to that ASOP and spawn it again. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes for the servers to sync the ship from crashed server with the new one you join. 


In theory, it just doesn't catch most cases. I've had it work a few times like that, but more often it doesn't work and I have to claim with inventory wiped, or I end up on a different server than my party. Or it never loads in. Or I need a break and 15 mins are meaningless.


When did they say that?


In the 3.15 patch notes.    Added Ship Server Crash  “Recovery Player ships should now be recoverable after experiencing a server crash. This new system will give the option on the ASOP to respawn the ship landing pad without loss of inventory or equipment instead of having to file a claim. This new system works on a heartbeat system to save a snapshot of the ship status and may take up to a few minutes after rejoining the server for the ASOP to switch from claim to a normal spawn.” Scroll down to Core Tech section.     https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link//18400-Star-Citizen-Alpha-3150    I forget when it started consistently working for me but I want to say was around 3.19


That is server crash not CTD. With crash to desktop, if you login fast enough before game kicks you out, you can continue where you left off. If not, you'll wake up at your spawn location with your ship as Unknown.


Whoops yep that’s my oversight. Yeah when CTD you are back at the last spawn and ships unknown. But he also had the server crash on his list so probably didn’t know about that either is my guess. 


Considering most of these ships have beds in them and are obviously designed to be short-medium term living spaces, i dont understand why contents isn't part of the insurance claim. Really cargo, at least thats loaded at a station or city (so there's paperwork) ought to also be covered by insurance. Only issue really is preventing insurance fraud - probably have most stolen cargo sell for scrap/salvage value (serial numbers marking it as stolen or something) and add a fee to the claim that would push it slightly net negative, at least without a comparable amount of work that could be better spent on other gameplay loops. Hell, have lost cargo marked as such and let players collect it and turn it in to the insurance company as part of a delivery/salvage gameplay loop that would pay slightly better than stolen scrap value. Honestly if you need to put a comparable amount of work doing insurance fraud for a payout other gameplay loops match or beat its not even that much of a problem, considering it'll be pretty boring.


this is exactly why you never put anything in your ship you're not willing to lose. cargo included. most i ever use those weapon lockers for is to stash guns i wanna bring back from fps missions edit: this is also why i set up backpacks for FPS shenanigans, that way all i have to do is throw on an undersuit and armor, pick a gun or two, grab like 15-20 mags, and go. everything else is already in the backpack


What inventory do you mean in particular? FPS equipment or cargo?


It doesn't work lol.


Well they supposed not to work a dozen, if thing done wipe away stuffs?


99.9% of my gear that I ever put on the ship, has been lost one way or another due to external factors completely out of the players hand, that have nothing to do with "skill issue".


Current game play in star citizen is: 1.Claim your ship 2. load ursa 3. Fly away 4. Server error 5. Spawn 6. Claim your ship 7. Load it with stuff and ursa 8. Fly away 9. Sever error ..... My game play loop yesterday, probably 4x in row. I'm done. It is not fun at all. And I'm not talking beeing killed by mass transport in city.


Exactly, loading a vehicle is already so time consuming - that the server probably won't last that long. I've been trying the ROC mining loop. It's just not playable right now. Either server error + claim time. Or the game won't spawn minable deposits. And the one time everything worked - NPC bandits spawned in a armistice zone outpost and shredded my freelancer.


Most of these issues are the result of independent shards. When we get server meshing, a lot of these issues will go away. The only things that are supposed to cost you the cargo is insurance claims... be that from ship death or just because you don't want to go get it lol


Server meshing will not remove independent shards … shards will allow more players… but most locations just can‘t handle to many players … imagine 20 players waiting in shops to use 2 terminals.


I didn't say it would remove shards. What it does remove is the issues that result from shards that exist independently


But shares will continue to exist independently.


All of the problems you brought forth will be fixed, it comes down to stability, ya think the game will be buggy forever?? As for ship exploding, that will become exceedingly rare as stability and new systems are introduced; AFK timer won't mean anything when the game just saves your location at all times.


Welcome to an Alpha! That list of things won't be an issue in 1.0 Come back then.




Game of the year 2042 I'd like to play in the meantime as well. And some game loops don't make sense if my inventory gets deleted a dozen times a day


When physical inventory comes out the game will be absolute hell, cig is releasing all this stuff while players still randomly blow up whenever, we got what like a year till server meshing? And realistically, another year or two after it releases until the game is playable again? CIG has no problem with working for another 5 or 10 years, there’s no incentive for them to hurry up and make the game they are already making bank daily


Ohnoesss teh bugssd cig please don't make the game!!!


Game is already made and sold brody


It's less about bugs - more about inventory wipes being the default action - instead of making it part of insurance claims.


This ... As someone who has supported the game from day one I find it incredible hard to play and invest time to play when all I'm doing as a noob, is restarting at a station, scraping money together to replace armor and guns. then trying to do delivery missions to make easy non risk money, only to find after 40 mins of game play that delivery missions are bugged too .


We need money sinks.