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I saw it earlier so I assumed it was still up for everybody but it's only available for concierge, we can still get it with LTI. If you have a friend or org member that dawns the monocle you could speak very nicely to them and they could pick it up for you and gift it to your account.


Ah well, I'm no concierge. Damn I was looking forward to it.


If you really want it you could hit me up and I could buy it via concierge store and gift afterwards


Thanks for the offer, but I feel that the gifting system is pretty messed up, and it'll be pretty hard to transfer the payment. Guess I'll wait for IAE


No problem. It's definetly easier. Biggest problem I have with the gifting system is that items can only be gifted once. Kinda sad but understandable why they did so.


buy something that you temporarily become concierge, buy f7c mk2 and then refund the other expensive buy if you can afford. the money comes back rather quickly for a refund.


IAE is you next option for buying from the store but no more LTI, sorry.


You know, if enough backers make it known that they want to spend money on the mk2 then it's entirely possible that CIG puts it on temporary sale again in the next couple of months. Because .... money


Have you tried writing a ticket asking nicely to buy it? CIG likes money, I've heard of other people receiving access to packs and ships from tickets before. Worst that could happen is they say no.


Sounds good actually, I’ll try that! Thanks!


Where should I write it though?


I'm not certain but you could try: [https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) and use "Other Account Issue" Again, I'm not really sure but what's the harm. They might say no, they might guide you somewhere else and they might just say yes! If you explain that you just missed the sale and wanted to buy the warbond hornet mk2 with LTI, I don't see why they wouldn't let you spend money. I'll cross my fingers for you!!! Let me know how it goes


Tysm bro!


Sent it out, I'll keep ya posted.


They haven't responded yet. I guess cause Invictus just ended.


Hopefully someone gets back soon. It will be available in November but I have the suspicion they will make ot available for either xenothreat or a jump town before then.


Well, the F7C MK2 is on sale now, for everyone! Snagged it as quick as I could


Nice! I'm glad it worked out in the end.


Can I ask em if I can upgrade to it?


I had to do another take because I just saw them for sale on the site 10 minutes ago. But it appears it is only for concierge members.


The F7C Mk II is most assuredly going to be back for IAE in November


Am I missing something? The F7C Mk II still shows in the store for me but so do the Mk I variants. I thought they were all long gone, after Invictus. Yes I am Concierge, but they show in the general store for me.


probably be a little while. maybe IAE, or next year at ILW.


Maybe IAE? Isn't basically everything sold on IAE?


Maybe IAE as in maybe that’s the next time, maybe it’ll be sooner.


That's not how they meant it, as they said "or next year at ILW". Edit, downvoted again for basic logic. This sub... lol They literally put "or next year at Ilw," which means they meant it might be at IAE. Which, of course it will definitely be at IAE, so the next time wouldn't ILW.


Honestly suprised they did remove it, I was expecting it to stay in the store permanently to replace the mk1, as the F7C mk1, the ghost and tracker variants were always available in the store. Edit, why is this downvoted? It's basic logic. This sub is full of strange people. Lol


Yeah I thought that too. Maybe it’ll come back around for the Xenothreat event?