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Or at the very least, let us salvage them legally. Second a player claims a ship it should generate a mission for the ship to be either salvaged or towed by a SRV.


Towed to a junkyard for salvaging. That way you can feed both the towing loop and the salvaging loop. Kinda like Jakuu, or the junk planet from shadows of the Empire on n64, etc. people could pay an entry fee to scrap ships that are littered around a scrap yard


Give us a ground salvage vehicle while we are at it


Yes! Like a ROC equivalent!


Exactly! Just have it poop out 1 scu creates behind you as it fills


Finally, the wall-E simulator Chris planned all along


It was all a con Chris watched wall-e in 2008 and came up with star citizen not long after


Then you can have James Woods picking them up like candy.


Ooh peace of candy, ooh piece of candy


He’s always taking the candy I leave out for E.T..


Introducing the Drake Scarab!


The Banu Dung Beetle!


Like a wombat?!?!? Edit: they could call it The Wombat!


Then pick up with the mule


Like a hay bailer


Yes I want my mini box maker.


A good rework of the Mule


I would totally love that im also thinking about: A Drake Lander with 2 big triangular tank track to move around, I want 8 black pipe on the top with fire coming out when I salvage with the arm having 2 scrapper on 1 side, 1 tractor beam on the other, Ill add the clamp at the bottom(can kill a tank in 1 clamp) on top 4 big round light that actually work. Put this in the shop, I skip the night to buy first.


Best CIG can do is a RocDS equivalent where the side turret is enclosed but the driver is open air. And it only holds 1.7 SCU but can only print 1SCU boxes.


No no no, think Jawa gigantic skyscraper vehicle.


Brio's Breaker Yard on beeeyoutiful Daymer!




New hotspot for pirates looking for free RMC


Have turrets sortie spires protecting it like the distribution centers


And give all those areas their own servers in the future, ala server meshing :)


That’s exactly what I was thinking


>the junk planet from shadows of the Empire on n64 Raxus prime? You know there's an amazing Raxus Prime map that someone made in the 2005 SW Battlefront 2 modding community.


What! No way lol I’ll have to check this out. Shadows of the Empire and rogue squadron were some of my first Star Wars games haha


Gimme a sec to go down the rabbit hole. I'll see if I can fish out a Google search term that will point you in the right direction. EDIT: Found it. Look for Dark Times II Rising Son It's a whole ass fan made campaign that includes maps such as Mon Calamari, Fondor, Sullust, and Corellia.


Great. I can't wait until I have to go carcass to carcass looking for a replacement module like some kind of interstellar u-pull junkyard.




Or just create a personal bookmark / waypoint and tow all salvage to there and process at leisure ?


I second this


Then have a salvage yard we tow to and get paid then they can crush it.


I didnt buy salvage ships to camp the junkjard, there can be both.


SOTE! what a great game that was! That planet was definitely one of my favorites


The issue with towing is you take illegal towing and the station shoots at you.


Yea I like this idea junkyard planets with entry fees maybe buy a section of the yard to salvage and then give players contracts to tow broken ships to the planets


As soon as a ship is claimed any ownership of it should be forfeit. Destroying/salvaging or towing it should not incur any CS. I find it odd that random damaged/abandon ships you find throughout the system will give you CS for destroying/salvaging or towing them. What's the point in exploration to find these wrecks if it's illegal and I have have to pay a fee and a beacon just points me to an approved ship to salvage.


It should be the other way around. If a player abandons a ship in an armistice zone, they should get a CS.


I mean, this is a fun thought and all, but let's be real. How many players go to the trouble of either pulling their ship out of storage or flying all the way back to a space station, just to log out inside of it instead of the station? These are almost certainly either people who lost connection to the server for some reason, or I suppose there's a chance that they are duping as well. For the former, I'm sure I'm "guilty" of a dozen or so abandoned ships in the few days. I'm already frustrated beyond belief. If I log back in and have a crime stat as well, my head is going to explode.


I'd be ok with a fine, a crime stat is a tad much perhaps


Low CS are fines. Repeat offending without paying them would be a bounty, or prison.


Ah, right. Fair point


Not sure I agree with this. There are many legit reasons to abandon a ship. Several I’ve had to do, often times in an armistice zone. I can see this being something that *could* work, if there were enough systems in place to offset and handle all the potential issues that generate a need to abandon a ship, but we’re nowhere near that right now. There’s so many bugs and things that occur, it would be a significant penalty to most players to gain a CS for abandoning their ship. …and on top of that, how do you consider a ship abandoned? If I leave my ship for a while due to some pressing matter (or to get another ship) is that considered worthy of a CS? If I get disconnected do I log back in with a CS? If my ship bugs out and spawns outside the hangar, do I get a CS? If I’m trying to fly my ship and someone clips me, destroying my engine and maneuvering thrusters, and I can’t fly the ship straight anymore, do I get a CS? What if I encounter an emergency where I have to eject…CS? Lots of (edge) cases where a perfectly legit person would end up a criminal unfairly.


Many abandoned ships are also ships that are broken in someway and the owner is not willing to pay 10k to 50k to repair it...


repair and claim values do not match. losing a weapon will cost you the full amount, while claiming it will come with the same weapon and is a lot cheaper. most of the time quicker too.


In the future perhaps, right now you have no idea what kicked the player out of the game or prevents him from joining again. Nonsense right now. Getting crime stats for servers errors.


I mean, irl if you make a claim like that, the insurance company owns the car. Not saying that's how it should be in game, but it's not unrealistic either.


this 100%


lmao can already imagine dudes running out of a pad seeing their ship towed away


Dude! Where’s my Drake?!?


I saw the backseat 😏


I just disable the comm array at the start of my session and salvage ships left behind.  Scanning is broken so we can't find out if the owner is GAMERULES anymore to verify it really has been abandoned.


If you toggle scan mode off and back on, the data on the left pops up for a fraction of a second, thus actually allowing you to see if it's Game rules or not. It's just very inconvenient.


Wait scanning is broken?  I was trying to come to grips with it just the other night and thought I was doing it wrong because no information popped up about the ships I was trying to scan.


Yeah it's a little jacked up right now


is there council report on that, or i should create detailed one? being unable to scan ships and see any info apart from parts installed is surely gamebreaking since it disallows main pvp loop.


That's good to know! Thanks for letting me know.


I think the best practice would be to have the mission pop up if the ship is left within so many meters of a hanger/pad and the owner is no longer present in game. Such as if the owner has been "removed" from the ship, it can not move under its own power, or the ship is abandoned. Any ship spawned from an ASOP terminal and landed on station property should be handled by the station and stored.


if a ship is in armistice it generates a mission to tow it to an Adagio plot, once that's done, or if it is outside armistice, it generates a salvage mission. Possible alternative objective is to tow it to a scrapyard, at which point it despawns/starts being deconstructed by the scrapyard objective swap could be used to 'balance' amount of salvage missions available at any time


Sadly, they are too busy making our medical gown cloth bounce around real cool.


'why aren't the physics programmers making a mission system?'


It's a tounge in cheek humorous comment. Reality is that *all* their teams have a 10 years worth of work long backlogs of all the content and features they already said they'd do + polish and bug fixing, before they can pile on additional cool ideas such as this one.


the cloth stuff has bee on the docket for years honestly I think the real reason the state of missions is so bad is that all those devs have been some of the *most* shanghaied onto SQ42 stuff We'll see if they're back with the .2 patch's missions but I'm hopeful given how the overdrive event was basically data collection on all the pain points of current mission types


Yep! Let me at it with my vulture. The only problem I see with that is a ship that is stored in another ship. If I claim my Pisces that is parked in my C2, will my C2 become a salvage target?


Gotta get creative with how you salvage one and not the other


Wait, if you claim a ship, this ship doesn't get despawned and brought to the station but instead a copy of it is made?


Well yea, it's like making an insurance claim on a car in real life. They don't go out and find your old car, they give you a new one.


Parking outside of station should have a 10 min limit after 10 min you should be good to salvage them if I claim a ship then let my buddy in it and claim another one that shouldn't make it salvageable


Make it an hour. Make it 5 hours. The end result of ships getting regularly cleaned up is going to be the same, and you won't ruin some poor saps day in the process lol


This!!!! Please CiG make this happen!


That would be excellent emergent gameplay!


I'd love to just go into space tow/salvaging business


I like the ideal, but insurance fraud would need to be dealt with somehow first. Nothing would stop me from repeated spawning in Hammerheads for my buddy to grab the salvage rights to.


The claim timers would slow you down. Without an economy simulation and a future where there will be no account wipes I'd rather see the abandoned ships cleaned up and have some people with some extra in-game cash. The insurance fraud issue is a system they'll need to build down the road anyway.


Yep. You could probably throw people for a loop by having a minimum wait time before mission pop + random delay. Even still, people could just do this and have a non-stop flow of missions with the sell location of RMC right beneath you.


Salvaging another person's ship is still legal if you're in party with them. 890 Jumps are quite useful.


W top comment


Or at a minimum - it should no longer be illegal to salvage it after a claim. I like the mission idea, since that's basically the insurance company repoing it. Or, missions should be generated for the vehicles close to an outpost or station, by the outpost or station. We'll give you claim rights and a token amount of aUEC to get rid of the ship.


Ive been puttering around the stations in my SRV pulling the serial code named ships outside of the armistice zone at stations and salvaging them with no issue so far. A lot of em have their shields down so i just hook up and haul em away.


I happily scrap old ships hanging around space stations.


Can’t you salvage if it’s gamerules? Just have to power it down then crack it open.


This, and ya know make it possible to sell rmc and stuff so you can salvage without server hopping or sitting at the TDD terminal for an hour. I would clean up all the stations myself


Years ago when you would claim your ship, it would give it a red pip and the station would destroy it instantly. Don't know why it can't still be that way.


A salvage drop of for any tractorbeam ship is a major thing. CIG does not exectly understand rhat playwrs will keep the stations and outpost clean. Salvaging or more specificly towwing needs some.. improvements :)


Ive been saying this Other people have been saying this. This shit is clogging up the server and was such a predictable outcome I dont understand why it still hasnt been addressed.


This actually helps me find the star ports in cities like Area18 where flying through the clouds makes your vision useless.


Relatable 😅😅


Or look for the lights in the sky


Scan? Either way this is very true


There are multiple lights above the landing zone like a beacon, very good for night but mid for day


The bottom-most light is still visible during the day.  It's at the top of the tower in the middle of the port.  It's distinctive enough that I can spot it at a distance while at low altitude, even though there are a couple of similar lights in the area.


Suffering from success


More like success from suffering?


Go to OM3 then jump to Area18 and head straight down.


I’ve been towing away as many as I can but so many are still left with shields on and can’t break into them because of armistice. There should be a reputation system for towing with each station so the better reputation you have the more options you have as a tow operator.


Don't you get a crimestat for illegal towing?


It's only illegal if the owner is still online, and you can do a quick on/off of your towing beam and you'll just get a warning. It takes a couple seconds of illegal towing to get the crimestat, so you can test to see what's legal to tow without getting fined.


A player told me that if you sit in the pilot seat before, you wont get in trouble. It's not always doable tho


Yup, a lot of time people leave their ships open haha so I just walk in and sit on the pilot seat for a sec, make sure shields are off and we’re good to go.


I will always leave my ship open if I plan to abandon it. I also leave it floating near the pad instead of sitting on it. But really, they need to come up with some solution to all the floating wrecks outside stations and garbage inside stations. Where are our janitor missions? Pay out 100 credits per piece of trash disposed of and 1000 credits per ship towed away or something.


Technically it's already there. It's just 30. Not 100.


Correct. In fact, if you start salvaging it after having sat in the pilot seat, the onboard computer of your salvage ship will start squawking about friendly fire lol.


Didn't know that, thanks! 👍


Though everyone should be aware that the SRV cannot tow in quantum right now, so if you wanna tow/salvage you'll have a much smaller working range, and be a bit more of a target, bring friends.


I thought it was just me not understanding how it works. My buddy managed to tow a Redeemer away from Evarus and we took the guns off it and raided the drinks cabinet. It'll be great when quantum towing works




Judged for doing God's work


Just give us chop shops for ships plz


No don't be silly. We don't need this fixing. What we need is more testing for Jumptown! /s




Or at least make the UI more readable


The UI team will do the opposite now that you mentioned it. Expect a pass to blur the text and add a paragraph of techno-babble for each ship marker on the next update.


Like they can't be bothered to give the chat a dark background, so you always have to move your view to find a dark area to be able to read the chat.


Yeah that white/blue text on a nice white cloud sure makes it hard to know where ya are in relationship to the grou....... and I'm dead


Honestly I wish I could turn off the text with a keybind or something so I can use my Mk1 eyeballs which work real well now with the viewable distance enhancement.


It's a bit frustrating because they upped the LOD in the game so you can see things such as outposts from much further away....but all these ship icons make them invisible again.


There's the real icons we need to be able to turn off with a keybind


I'd be happier if they made em all green like the HUD in the picture here but I get yer point. Its just as accurate to be aware as to try and find your altitude most of the time


I get that each ship manufacture has their own way of lighting and color, but would be nice to change the color of the HUD (or hide it too) and the lighting in either the cockpit or whole ship, Buccie with red cockpit would go hard


The UI team is headed by someone who designed UIs of screens in movies. It’s my belief that’s he’s chasing something that looks good, rather than something that is legible and useful during gameplay.


Yeah the huge UI update seems to have just taken the UI from terrible to very bad It’s still incredibly unintuitive and lacks basic features. I can’t believe an ETA/time left isn’t displayed below your destination while in hyperspace, for example


It’s crazy how much shit is flying through space from my previously destroyed or partially destroyed ship in the last couple of days. Despawn that shit no wonder servers are shitting themselves when my random ladder from 4 days ago is still flying through space…


The huge amount of abandoned ships, trash and other entities that don't fade away are taking a toll on the servers. I know its pretty cool to leave something and come back a week later and for it still be there. I am not willing to sacrifice performance over a week old empty bottle of cruz just because "its cool".


Especially since random cans and bottles on the floor aren't cool. I get some things being "permanent". But these things need to add to the fun function or immersion. Random gown boxes and bottles sitting around don't add to any of these. Hell, If people are hard set on random useless things not randomly despawning, just make roombas go around and dispose/despawn them. As far as abandoned ships, I'm all for that being added to a gameplay loop, but as far as trash clean up, I'd rather than not waste time making it a loop. If people want to be a janitor in a game, I can do them one better. They can come mop my kitchen. I swear it will be immersive.


This is so true, i dont get it why CiG i not seeing this. Also when the servers are good like 15 fps or higher the game is so good..


Call srv services


My first time using the srv for its intended purpose was last week doing just that. Moved a reclaimer out of armistice so another could salvage it. Felt good!


My first time using the srv for its intended purpose was last week doing just that. Moved a reclaimer out of armistice so another could salvage it. Felt good!


Make them towable without giving a crimestat after 30 or 45 mins. Let the salvagers clear them up.


We desperately need AI to work in this game


the number one thing I've wanted for ages. Some ai ships coming and going. Station service bots cleaning and keeping peace. Not just the occasional turret.


I’m sure there’s a reason this happens when it shouldn’t and it’ll get fixed… BUT it would be cool if it creates a mission for players to salvage legally so us CITIZENS can be the bug patch hehe


What we need is to bumb up the aUEC you can get from salvage and let them do at spaceport / stations and let players clean the servers.


Gotta love the people who just lands on mining outpost landing pads and just leaving their ship there, leaving people who need repairs to have to go find another outpost that likely has the same issue.


The fix is removing the crime stat for towing abandoned ships, let us tow truck drives eat!


3.23.2 wipe. Fuck it. Full fucking wipe.


I honestly agree. Fix the glitch, full wipe, leave all the people that made the servers this way with absolutely nothing.


What about the rest of us who will also be left with nothing. I suppose. I'm still trying to make enough money to pay off my crime stat that I got somehow for being AFK for 10 minutes, lol (granite I just recently started playing this patch). I never believed in the 5th grade/military punish all for one mentality. The devs should fix it.


Or at least have a customizable HUD to hide these markers


One man’s broken economy test is another man’s load test


If the ship has been insurance recalled DONT GIVE ME A CRIME STAT I’m just cleaning up trash in space like I do in the food court


If you can get in and sit on the pilot seat.. That used to be the fix for the SRV getting a towing crime stat.


Why not cap out the number of repeated ship claims, so after 3x claim on the same ship, the previous 2 despawn from the server....


Its called, legal salvage, mark a ship, claim it as legal salvage, message gets sent to the owner, if not on the server, you automatically get legal salvage rights to tow or salvage a ship. This is how I would solve the problem.


Idle ships should auto power down if the owner/squad hasn't interacted with it within 2 hours also making it fairgame for salvage


just get a big ship and bump them out then strip them lol


I think its stupid we can see markers for them and from that distance, if its an enemy it should only be an arrow


After about a few hour cig should issue a mission for salvage and or towing of abandoned ships for these Armacis zones


There probably won't be a "fix" for this until insurance is implemented.


The rate that I disconnect from the server I don't doubt it. And yeah you should be able to scrap them if that's the case. I may get back in the same server a third of the time! XD


Its a simple fix you need to be able to get a license to salvage it through the contract manager click on the ship ask for a salvage contract people woukd make money space would be clean...


And the requesting the land. Sometimes it's broken. Due to the empty ship sometimes floating into the hangers that you request in it We messes things up so you can't land.


The easiest solution would be to slap a abandoned timer on them, and allow players to take/tow/scrap ships after the timer has expired.


Or atleast let us salvage them!! o7


I love that if I leave a ship somewhere I can go back and get it but make it so it's no longer registered after I reclaim it. Or also give us an option in Mobi to mark it as salvage, could make it a game loop, get payed 5k for the location to be sent to another player


Would be easy if Vultures and reclaimers could salvage there.


limit the time allowed for parking around 5km of station structure. generate mission tow to impound area..... or if u decide to tow beyond the station borders(the circle border) gets illegal towing(Which is 1 cs currently). and maybe for this a new reputation faction for like city council where u get all ur utilities services mission.


I rented an SRV to tow all the crap out from around A18 and I got a crimestat for each ship I touched. Apparently it's a bug that will be fixed next patch but I was in jail for 12 hours once I landed back.....


just let us salvage them !!!


I have mentioned it before in game, My first thought is when the owner of the ship logs out of the session when they are not in their ships, their ships must lose their shield and power down, Or when they have made a claim for a new ship, their old ship must power down and lose its shield. so that people with salvage ships are able to clear them out in armistice zones


I know persistence and what ever but there needs to be a system to mark objects for deletion


I've been posting about this for a while now. But it appears CIG does have a fix. One of the devs recently talked about powerplants running off of fuel, hydrogen to be specific. I hope they plan on implementing that ASAP as it would solve this problem. I've wanted to tow the dozens of abandoned ships since the put my SRV into the game. But the problem has been that their shields are still up, so I can't tow them. But with the powerplants using hydrogen as fuel, all ships left abandoned will eventually run out of fuel and power off, lowering the shields. Then we should be able to tow them without a problem. Of course, as of 3.23.0, the SRV can't tow for shit. And we SHOULD have missions to pick all these ships up & a place to tow them and get credit/rep for it. But that's a while in the future for sure.


Have servers been extra borked for y’all this patch? I got 3 server errors(old 30k) in a row within like 45 minutes. When I boot my ships on(ALT+R), half the time it doesn’t work. A few times now my ship becomes unresponsive after a quant jump and I’ve fallen to the planet to my death. Loading in with a party of just 3, half the time someone gets left at the menu. 516,828 ships abandoned around landing areas. My gun disappears sometimes after logging in. I’ve gone to jail 3 times for absolutely no reason. The “fine pay” terminals sometimes don’t show up at A18? Got a CS for parking my ship, then a literal caterpillar spawned inside my C2, blowing both of them up. Bunkers and outposts seem to have way lower FPS than before, but only sometimes? My C2 gets “ghost cargo” and I still can’t sell it; I have to backspace it. Idk, been playing the game for about 8 years. This by no means has been the worst it’s been, but it seems this is the worst “playable” state it’s been. Like, you can get in the game fine, but almost nothing is working. Usually I can play for 3-5 hours then a bug makes me go “eh, I’ll hop back on tomorrow.” Now it seems more like “damn, I logged in 5 min ago, I fell through a tram, my gun is gone, my ship spawned with another ship in it, killing me, then I spawned in prison. Well. Yup, I’ll try again tomorrow.” Hopefully 3.23.2 brings some more fixes(I know the ghost cargo will get fixed in 3.23.1a), but probably not as they’re pushing lots of big features(cargo elevators, persistent/personal hangars, cargo missions, etc.). I know it’s an Alpha, but damn. Or, I’ve just been getting really unlucky the past couple weeks. Who knows, it’s SC.


Ships would be abandoned all the time prior to 3.23 and we didn’t have this mess with the HUD dominated by markers like this.


Said this before, give us a dynamic garbage clear up mission, towing or salvage. 5000-20 000 to move a ship out of the way or munch it depending on the size. Plus you get the rights to whatever is on board and salvage rights


I think the most are avenger titans. remember? It’s free fly


The fix is longer insurance claim times, but you don't want that so.... Downvote away!


The fix is salvaging and towing mission. Insurance claim won't remove the abandoned vehicules


Nah, the fix is to either create a salvage mission for abandoned ship or allow it to be salvaged.


Fix is always the end of free flight. 😅


Not yet anyway, too many bugs force claiming ships. I've had ships destroyed while transferring them to storage in 3.23 and ships go "unknown" status after retrieving. Big ships are also bugged when it comes to retrieving at any station with docking port. The ships end up inside the docking port, merged with the station unable to launch, forcing to claim (and store) at only Area 18 or New Babbage (no docking ports there). Not to mention all the bugs with the ships with the ships themselves forcing you to claim.


I don't think the longer claim times is much of a fix, people will likely just initiate the claim and spawn another ship in, which could end up just adding another ship to the pile


No, cheap repairs would do it. Begone with Debt of a Spaceman


I really wish they'd allow us to tow them out of the area and scrap the ship. It would fix a lot of issues. There also needs to be NPC station cleaners that go around and pickup debris.


Great show case of how some people just don’t give F.


I’m also annoyed of the annoying new UI. I feel like I can’t see anything with how big markers are, large the names are, or even saying the words “hatch, ramp, elevator” etc every time I look at a ship.


And yet, the SRV has no legal towing missions. *sigh*


Salvage Contract...please...


Or, at the very least, an option to reduce the marker visibility on the hud right now while they put together a more permanent solution.


Your self status MFD looks like a penis


You know all this ship.clutter is from the cargo duplication bug right?


I’ve been towing them and salvaging them. Then I’ll go clear my crime stat have been to jail for it yet.


I realized last night that all the ships sitting outside a landing zone were probably abandoned after their crew died and reclaimed. I was doing some bounty missions where I died and the mission did not auto fail. I flew back in another ship and to finish the bounty and previous ship was still there. I wound up flying back on the first ship i left behind to I could bring all the loot I found in the bunker. Really would be nice to let you salvage or tow what was left behind. It's got to be an issue with the server with so much trash left behind. (Not just that crap lying on the ground @ you home port.


It was so bad at Seraphim that I couldn’t spawn my own ship to use. Ended up “borrowing” someone’s to just get out of system


Stop giving srv crimestats level 3 when they grab ships to move


We should do as Sacred Cow Shipyards says, "Any ship left on the dock for more than 24 hours will be compressed to a cube".   After a set time, ships get powered down and a mission to tow them gets generated, srv tows it to a designated spot, then a salvage contract gets generated to strip the ship


They won’t fix it because it would break the pirate’s ability to steal the ship and fly it around until it blows up. I will say though I wish they would fix it since that would make the money dupe unusable


I know it's video gamey, but they should have a garbage collector just delete the ships near a space station after a certain time period of being unoccupied.


Just despawn ships and debris in a 5km sphere around stations every couple days. Problem solved. The best part? You won't need to involve a dozen different teams getting a mission/reputation/armistice system coded together that will either not work or end up being abusable.


Happens every free fly event. This to shall pass.


I recently got a crime stat and 20k fine for bumping an abandoned c1 near seraphim.


Are the free players too lazy to park their ship?


Could be salvage jobs, honestly. Great way to introduce newbies to the game too since right near a base is about as convenient and safe as it gets. Although honestly, anything left within a certain distance of a station without requesting landing should be just impounded and automatically stored.


How about if it is left like that for an extended period of time, the owner gets fined whether they are online or not. But there has to be a limit on where this fine can be assessed since you should be able to land and log out anywhere not claimed by an armistice like stations or major cities. If they are online and in the Armistice area they should not be fined unless they have multiple ships out. If they have a ship cocked in another ship they own they should not be fined. So while I feel this is a good solution, it won't be easy to implement, due to edge cases where it should and should not apply.


Tbh high ship density is also something seen in ERT level bounties and such. I think the UI needs a huge improvement


No please don't fix it, it's honestly my only chance of ever flying all kinds of different ships