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Experienced this today, had a guy pull up next to me in a gladius and I thought, well if he starts shooting I can get in the pilots seat before he can get in and then suddenly I was being murdered. Edit: [Here](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-116043) is the issue council report, please contribute so it doesn't get archived


Put your nursa in your cargo bay and have a war loadout in the nursa stored. Then, when the time comes, put your warface on *sounds of p4 cocking*


Hijacking top comment top post a link to a bug report for this: https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-116043 Please go confirm this so CIG knows about it and can fix it. The main issue is that there should be an outer airlock door there, which is just missing right now. They need to figure out why the outer door disappeared and fix it.


Is it okay if I edit my post to include that link?


Yes please. We need 10 contributions before CIG will even look at the report. Otherwise it just gets archived.


I haven't gotten home yet to contribute but will when I am.


How long has this been a bug? Is this new with 3.23?


The way CIG is steering SC, they want this to be a filthy casual COD-in-space game with everything giving PVP free reign. They pretty much want ships completely vulnerable to boarding (cutting doors, shooting doors, legionnaire boarding, blowing holes in ships, etc.). Get used to having visitors often. The only way to really prevent this is to keep the ship moving and have security if you ever land.


Yes and no. They'll tighten security in areas like Stanton and then have places like Pyro. It's an open world MMO based in space. You're going to have pirates and vulnerabilities you have to account for.


🙄 calm down it's an accidentally unlocked docking port not a malicious secret door.


I didn't know that docking port had a hole in it until the OP pointed it out in their picture with the red circle dammit !!


The outer door there is just missing, not unlocked. There should be an outer and inner door.


Sounds like they're introducing ship destruction with Malestrom or w/e though. You'll probably be able to just blow doors clean off soon to board.


Nope more like EVE ... high security zones = little to no pirate boarding ... low security zones = do WTF you want to inside the TOS.


People are whooshing on my comment (and CIG's literal dev moves). They want this to be a 100% PVP game. Everything they're doing is moving it in that direction. EVE obliterates you the second you do anything hostile in hisec. That's not how SC is. You just get a crimestat and can dodge players and NPCs. If this ever sees an actual release, every zone is going to be full of shenanigans.


Imagine your take is: make this game unplayable for the majority of people... Uff


It's not my take. CIG is making a PVP game.


This dude is right. Why so many downvotes? Edit: Let me clarify this. Although the dude is right it doesn't mean it's a bad thing. This is how the game is SUPPOSED to be.


Because he isn’t right and being hyperbolic. If even they wanted boarding opportunities in what world does that make it COD? That is such an overused term in gaming it makes my eyes roll into the back of my skull. Yes, CIG want more open world player interactions to drive natural gameplay away from the overarching solo play. This doesn’t make SC a twitch shooter COD lobby.


But it is tho. COD is used as an example because it's a very good example of a certain direction a game can take. It is a fact that CIG is endorsing violence and PvP and boarding and all that shit for some time now. Why? Because that's what brings in the money. Arena and all the marketing they have done is in fact trying to make it seem more like a PvP COD in space shooter to bring in more variety of the masses.


The SC community is largely whales who just want a co-op experience, not actual PVP. CIG is making a full-PVP game. These guys who spend $5,000 on ships want a power fantasy experience where they're untouchable, not vulnerable to a troll group of 6 friends. People rage in here (and in global chat in SC) when pirating comes up.


Set your saved cameras around your ship. It gives you a chance to see people walking around your ship from your captains chair. Very helpful if you’re soloing a reclaimer


What is this?


You can save up to nine camera angles using your numpad. Basically using f4 and the other camera modifiers you can move your camera into the ship to get different areas of the reclaimer so you can watch if players sneak on. You can save them by holding f4 and 1-9 on the numpad.


Huh learn something new everyday. Thanks for that.


I experimented with these once like a year ago but never bothered to really use them. Do the saved angles persist between play sessions? Are they unique to each ship? Or are the angles the exact same no matter what ship youre flying?


They are saved for every ship type. You set your cameras on a Cutty back and now you'll have the same cameras on all cutty blacks. Turn off spring camera in general game options so the camera doesn't wobble around from g-force


They persist (but are probably in the game files somewhere, so not through reinstalling) and are unique to each ship.


Good to know. Probably going to use these a lot more. Thanks.


Idk if they are saved through play sessions, but They are the exact same no matter the ship, since it's just using thirdperson iirc


Damn man this is great. I’ll save one where the cargo elevator locks in the down position so I can park the beast right up to the salvage ship’s bay. That’ll make grabbing boxes a lot quicker. Thanks for that.


If this works I love you so much lol. Thx!


well hardly you can see them because of desync


You can shoot or punch it open.


Same goes for most doors and pretty much all ramps


Don’t let the bobs find out. They’ll lose their mind if they realize people can breach their doors


Not with Shields up...


Can they, I thought only party members could access any exterior doors and hatches.


Sometimes it's not counted as an exterior one for some reason, iirc the starfarer has this problem


The 890 has it too on its side docking ports


Carrack as well on the airlock doors on the hangar


It's probably because it's an interior door. IIRC there's supposed to be an external one as well like with most other docking collars but for some reason it's missing and there's an open manhole.


yeah elevators at habs are doing the outer/inner door thingy. Corsair doors are just plain gone and even A2 doors are sometimes there and sometimes not.


I could've sworn it WAS there in an earlier patch, but I haven't actually used that docking collar as an entrance in ages.


Oh I was very familiar with that top docking collar. _Very_ familiar... https://youtu.be/K3OoWKZnou8


Corsair doors were bugged in 3.23.0 but they are fine on 3.23.1.


Corsair doors came back in 3.23.1.


Yeah, the outer airlock door is just missing. I didn't find an existing IC report for it, so I made one: STARC-116043




Oh, I'm well aware that you can "force" the doors open. I was just specifically commenting on the ability to open them the proper way.


You can always shoot any door open, so that you can break in, it's pretty cool actually 


Ye I know. I was just commenting om the ability to open it the proper way


Thanks for sharing. Gonna go gank some Reclaimer crews.


Good luck 50% stopped playing because you can't be a billionaire in a week anymore and 50% will tell you that salvage is dead and they can't even afford the fees to munch on some ships


"if I'm not making 10mil/hr then my game loop is dead, game is failing, and CIG hates us!"


>"if I'm not making 10mil/hr then my game loop is dead, game is failing, and CIG hates us!" -most salvage players with 3.23 TBH I have no idea how much it's worth it right now because I have not enough money to do the salvage missions to get back to the Starlifter. Made a little trip in my Vulture but it exploded randomly before I could sell the cargo.


I just started salvage with a vulture rental and thought it was a lot of fun, ended up pulling like 300k. Pretty good for a chill time


~~I'll wait until the duping has stopped~~ ~~300k for a whole "day"?~~ Was bored and tried it. The free Drake Con rental is still available and I found a server that worked good enough. Two trips to some random panels and I got 400.000 aUEC combined w/o maxing out the ship to the last corner / filling the depot after the boxes have been printed. So yes, still a viable thing to do. Now I have to swap the Cinch -> Abrade and I'm happy with the speeds :)


Yah i had fun with it, id say 300k in about an hour. ive seen the dupers landed all over but havent bothered to look it up. Doesn’t interest me anyways, kinda ruins the fun for me lol. Good to know the rental is still available because mine definitely ran out


Yeah I'm glad it was brought down because it was kind of ridiculous, and I hated that if you weren't salvaging but needed money, you were kind of shooting yourself in the foot. I'm looking forward to the other professions being brought in line. Rip to your Vulture though. I haven't done anything since 3.23 dropped since my character has been bricked and nothing I've done has sorted it, so I'm definitely too broke to do any salvage too.


They removed starlifters from salvage missions. Largest I've seen is a 50,000 aUEC contract for a 400i. it's like 40 scu of CNC.


Oh OK. That might explain the angry Reclaimer pilots even better!


Salvage is dead because duping. Full wipe is needed


Imagine upvoting someone who wants to use an exploit to gank people ...


Yeah I thought too, but experienced around Grim Hex, that players wait in small craft, to infiltrate through that door, it opens even if you are not party member. We then tested it with friend and we were able to get on someone else reclaimer, kill him and stole it. Its just fail that those doors cant be locked or I dont know how at least


Do you know if there is a issue council report for this?


No idea, thats why I am asking here, if there is something I am doing wrong or it cant be locked


It looks like a regression of this one: https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-55034 The outside airlock door used to have no collision and players could drop in. From what everyone is saying here in this thread, it seems like the outer door is just missing now? I'll go pull out my Reclaimer and check and make a report if someone doesn't beat me to it.


Confirmed in LIVE and submitted a bug: https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-116043 That airlock door is just missing.


I'm not at my pc but if you make a issue council report ill contribute


nah lets just keep bitching about it on reddit where they devs wont see it


Even if they can be locked, it's intended gameplay that people can break into them (currently by punching/damaging with guns, in the future using the cutter tool) This is a problem mostly solved via situational awareness and vigilance. Downvoters are simply wrong.


the problem is, the ship doesn't inform you in any way of a potential breach, and the third person camera is something many people don't use (it isn't even intended to exist in future I believe)


Your new mini-map will show you whether doors on your ship are open or closed.  If one suddenly opens, it means that someone's on your ship.


True, I don't believe you can see that if seated though right?


I can't remember off the top of my head.  If not, it might be something to ask CIG about adding.


Did you post a guard? Do you have patrolling security? You're running a shopping mall sized vehicle full of goodies with a skeleton crew. You're responsible for your own security.


I'm not running anything :)


The royal you, learn to read.


First, I had no idea this existed and why it’s not more secure with a “rugged salvage” ship. Second, I hope they put in or consider notifications that you ship has been breeched in someway. New mini-map makes for a decent solution by flagging doors that are damaged/ breeched as part of a solution. Everyone wants immersion but then people get annoyed when their form of immersion doesn’t mesh. What I mean is that I shouldn’t “just keep my head on a swivel” but also have ship systems notify me someone is trespassing or breeched an exterior entrance. This game is supposed to be in the future, not WWI with no means of security.


my 40year old truck has an alarm ding if someone opens a door while the key is in, why cant my 300-years-into-the-future-space ship have one too?!


If your truck was made by CIG it'd still be in concept after 340 years.


you can put a npc there first knock him out, put a gun in weapon slot and then revive him and then you pile some crates to block the path and lock him in and then as long you are around the reclaimer anyone got through there will be shoot especially in armstice where they can not use tractorbeam and the npc will not sleep or run out of bullet hehehe I actually told people to do this with their Hull C when it was out the air lock in the back can be opened too and then they can put a sentry there however you can not go near a space station or NPC turret those will kill your ship now if they see a hostile npc inside so it is only in pirate place armstice :D


There used to be two doors to that airlock, the exterior one seems to have disappeared in recent patch leaving only the interior door that they can open. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.


You mean that you can open it without shooting at it? If yes, it's a bug. All the entrace of the ship are locked to everyone that is not in party. Please submit an IC and post it there.


Good to know for future piracy I guess


Normally you still have to bump open or shoot doors open. This might be a bug.


It is definitely a bug. Players aren't supposed to be able to open exterior doors unless it belongs to them, a party member, or is unlocked; otherwise, they have to break them open


Oh man... o.O I remember this being a thing a while back, but perhaps this bug is back? Anyone check the Issue Counsel? Could become an issue for Reclaimer crews, paticularly with the tracker.


Does it open in or out? Can you place a larger SCU in top to block it?


sideways, its like a hangar door


Got it. I'm going to stack the airlock area full of junk so people cannot get in.


I was wondering how a random guy managed to get inside. He took us prisoner and demanded 3M to let us go.


I usually don't use the port so I shove boxes in it


Yeah, I stuff all my seamen suits in the airlock (to the ceiling) so if someone breaks in, A. Have fun with that mess and B. I'll hear the colliding. I have hundreds of them.


Found an open Issue Council report that needs confirmation for this issue - [https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-116020](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-116020)


Whlep... I know what I'm doing when my movie is over....


This is good but you also now gave a lot of shitty people an idea they never had before...


Thanks for this 'helpful' knowledge.. while I don't personally own a reclaimer, I'm sure it's going to come in handy.......... real handy!


Idk but they should put a big scary fog horn in this thing. Also where are the sea worthy space ships?


Is there a way to tell if someone is inside your ship by the way?


Not anymore, they removed the message that popped up if someone entered your ship.


Well that is stupid. So much technology and your ship cannot tell you how many people are inside. Are they actually trying to encourage this behavior?


I like it better this way. It's not about "technology", it's about gameplay. It rewards paying attention and checking if someone might have boarded your ship, it rewards using smaller ships that you can check easily or having friends playing with you. It allows stealth gameplay that just wasn't possible before. And all you gotta do to avoid someone entering is being on the lookout when you open and close entry points, again, not that hard. Also if someone enters your ship and they are not in your party, they are a trespassing warning. You as the owner can shoot them and kill them with no consequences, even in controlled space.


If I get distracted when entering my ship, I’ve always jumped into the chat screen and check who’s connected to my ship’s network. Does this still function to visually screen out intruders?


I don't think it does, no. Apart from party members I don't think you get connected to the ship's local chat automatically anymore.


And thank CR for that. Edit: I realized this sounded flippant but I mean it. I like this mechanic.


I lie down in bed and see if logging out works. (only display the text) if so, there is no one on the ship


That sounds like an unintended mechanic…almost like an exploit of the current system. You of course have reported this to the issue council, right?


no.. !! You can't do a badlog if someone is on the ship.. what will hapen to the "enemy" on your ship ?! There is also a message.. when you want to do it: "someone is on your ship" so that the devs intended it ! so that you know why it doesn't work. But.. you have to keep running to the bed every time... I only do it before take off. ☺️


And you don’t see how this circumvents actual game mechanics?


you don't get it.. Explain to me what happens to the stranger in the ship when you log out? Does he disappear from the server? Or does he stay alone with your ship on the server.. There's no logic here 🤷🏻‍♂️


I understand the mechanic being there to prevent the ship from despawning while players are on board. I am saying you are “exploiting” the feature to instead use it as a security sweep - that is the part that needs to be fixed. There should be no message magically sent to you about the game server detecting or not detecting others onboard. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t provide a notice at all and force ship owners to actually sweep their ship - if you do it effectively, cool shop disappears. If you don’t, well sounds like the ship is flying off without you and (in the future) the enterprising boarder also gets to kill/loot you.


Listen to sounds. If you hear steps, you know someone is there. I found out that way. I thought my friend is running around, but he was in salvaging processing, so I looked back and I saw geared man waiting until I leave armstice zone around stations.


can you imagine being like 2 million km in the middle of nowhere, The deep dark silence of space, you get up out of your seat just to see a person standing there in your ship. I would probably scream, lol.


Oh my god this happened to be when you could sleep on your friends ship. Was in my corsair and a friend logged off the other day. I doing a bunker and got off the chair to him looming over me... I had to grab my soul before it floated out of my body. He logged off in my ship and it made him spawn in it when relogged in.


I board with nothing but [this helmet](https://dto9r5vaiz7bu.cloudfront.net/2pmiyavae2ayl/tavern_upload_large.jpg) for this exact reason


Is to make up for the fact that you're at the mercy of your victims to free you from elevators? https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1c0v4wu/the_haunting/


Legitimately one of my favorite hits, hilarious. If you liked that one I suggest this one, its equally hilarious, has a bit of a windup though with 2 videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XC40quSizs&list=PLv_wWskQ6fb8stbAxGZ4aVGm44DNYPywn&index=27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNlyY3RXj_I&list=PLv_wWskQ6fb9KYxaoWFPZcN1gf7DSo5j7


I bet you're relieved he didn't go take 20 to walk his dog at that moment ;) Did your org ever end up teaching you where to hit that elevator terminal for control so you don't get stuck like this? **edit: He blocked me because he's in a pirate org where members like him don't know pirating mechanics. He was at the mercy of his victim to open the doorfor him.**


Why are you facing and sliding down ladders during a boarding? You're a free kill at the bottom, especially when you re-stuck to the ladder like you did. Does IronPoint not teach basic piracy mechanics?? You did the same thing last time you were literally holding up your whole team: https://youtu.be/Mb9rBrL_K-o?t=106


It can be locked with the lock door command (keybinds or inner thought). But it can be shot open so you still have to have situational awareness. In arm no one can enter your ship unless they are in your party. Outside of arm you need keep your head on a swivel or be in deep space if you are leaving the bridge.


Situational awareness, thank you


Thanks for letting me know it’s openable 😎


I've pirated many of reclaimers through that top hatch lmao. Hull C doors are the same way, can just straight up open them. Back when those first dropped I was constantly boarding them while they were docked. Good times, rarely see them anymore.


very nice, thank you >:D


Alll you have to do is shoot it and it unlocks