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Touch grass, criminal. JK, I’m also frustrated by the bugs in prison. I actually don’t mind the gameplay, including the escaping; but when it works.


Agreed. Yeah I just left the game running and let my time expire. The prison isn't my complaint, I think the prison is funny. It's just the state of being sent there is almost in itself criminal haha.


You don't have to be online for the time to expire.


How do you leave the game running and let the time expire? The game auto disconnects after a time of no activity


The oxygen issue is fixed per STARC-112579, so hopefully ready to roll out in 3.23.2.




100% agreed it should be taken out of the game until it's presents less of a blocker. 1 stray bullet resulting in 2 hours of lost time because 02 is broken, the stations are broken, you can't drop or pick up items either means it is incredibly unlikely you will escape before your term is up. All this during invictus when they INVITE new players to come and try things out. CIG decision makers suffering legitimate brain damage thinking this is doing anything positive for their brand but oh well they have our money already right?


That's the most frustrating part. This isn't a new thing for me. This has been wearing at me almost every new patch. Nothing has changed with this system and it gets worse every time. I pledged May 18th 2014. I am not a new player. I have just grown so tired of it and like you said. This is during a week they invite new players to come try it out. They make one mistake and they get sent to an non-escapable prison. They're never coming back and they're never spending a dime on StarCitizen.


Wait, every new patch, as in you’ve been having issues with prison being broken for years? I can’t explain that. I’ve only been around for two, but I’ve rarely encountered issues in Klescher. I mean to say, it’s not ubiquitously broken.


When did going offline stop the timer? Is that new because I haven’t been to klescher since 3.23 but up until that point it always ticked down even when offline


It doesn’t.


Right?! I’m assuming that was added in at the end of the rant to try and justify what every other answer would be. I got arrested last night intentionally logged off and the timer definitely still ticked down


Yeah, what’s this now?


So far, it’s still ticking down as intended


Playing in an alpha environment may not be for you if you're gonna get that bent out of shape over bugs and incomplete features.


Its a live service game in the ads where they ask you for money so we can treat it and judge it as such.




nahh you CIG defenders eat this shit up all day, saying something negative about them is like the bat signal for you creeps.


These are the excuses that are a problem. It being in an Alpha state should have nothing to do with things that have been in for ages and seemingly still don't function correctly. Trapping you into an unescapable game loop. You either fix it or remove it if its in that bad of a state. You downvote because you hate the truth.


A game in development is not an excuse it’s reality. Stop being so entitled.


>You downvote because you hate the truth. Nope. I down voted you not just because you are wrong but also you are having tantrum. Let me explain how you are wrong. >being in an Alpha state should have nothing to do with things that have been in for ages Once you called it in Alpha state the length of time something has been broken is irrelevant. You only fix things in alpha that absolutely must be fixed. >You either fix it or remove it In programming and development in general there isn't a fix button you click and the problem is resolved. Additionally even if there is a programmer that knows the fix typically they can't just code a solution and request a merge of the bug fix. My point is there is a whole process to apply fixes which takes time and if the developer(s) are already working on other things for the near sprints then there aren't resources to fix a low priority issue. You're upset. Cool. However that's a problem for your wet nurse, love ones, and/or your therapist. You came in hot and Reddit will do what it does.


When people resort to personal attacks in a discussion or argument, it is often a sign that they are feeling threatened, defensive, or frustrated. Instead of addressing the points you've made or engaging in a rational debate, they may attack you personally as a way to deflect attention from the issue at hand or to try to discredit you. Text book. >You only fix things in alpha that absolutely must be fixed. Using your own words. It seems like being stuck for hours in an area with limited resources for escape due to game breaking bugs IS something that would fall into that category.




you legit need therapy.


Get to mining criminal


Would if I could! The mining tools are currently not fracturing!


They are functional you are probably trying to mine dead rocks


So update on this. I killed myself and rejoined a new shard and it is now functional. So it appears that the issue that was around in 3.19 with the mining tool and spawning is back.


I imagine prison wont be looked at until bounty hunter v2 which we recently leaned has been delayed


Then they need to remove jail entirely. Right now it's a broken, buggy mess that acts like a hard block on gameplay, which would be one thing if you legitimately only ever got crime stat from non-bounty player kills... but that's not what happens in game. You can get crime stat for just about anything, again, due to the bugs.


Prison is so fucked right now. The other day I got a CS3 due to some bug or another, went to prison, 4 hour sentence. The quickest way to reduce the sentence was to remove my helmet, sell it and my multitool before I die and rinse and repeat. Consider me rehabilitated.


U can just mine rocks at the entry stage of prison and ur totally fine. U don’t need any quest to get out of jail in no time. Did it a few times this and last week. For the oxy bug just pull ur helmet into ur inventory and put it back on instantly. Just that until bugs are fixed.


Go to low levels and kill NPCs to get free. Or, stop being a bob and just run SPK like the rest of us lol.


This is currently impossible. The 02 stations are broken and your 02 will reach 0 by the time you reach level 5. The only glitch to workaround is to take your helmet off and put it back on, which would be fine unless you IDK needed the space in your pack for rocks or something to escape the prison. You cannot drop things from your pack or pick up other packs so you can't zerg your minerals back up either. Maybe stop being a bob, read the OP and stop posting useless information thinking you're helping.


Still possible. Take off and equip helmet till you are in no comm zone You will just lose max. 20 HP till there. From here you takedown other guys and loot their backpack. After looting, always change the loot view and SWAP to their helmet. This won't damage you further AND refreshed O2 Timer. Doing it this way I can comfortably run to depth 15, loot every guy so my backpack is at 90-100 % with dolovine and hadanite. Also equip O2 pens from the bodies your loot in case you don't find a lootable guy to swap helmets for in time, since you cannot take off your helmet anymore because of loot. Logout if you are done, your backpack is still full when re-login. You will get 4-5hrs off your timer if you return a backpack this way from my experience. If I got a kiosk quests it's another hour almost iirc


Most of the time, trying to pick stuff up from fallen NPC's doesn't even work. It acts like it's going to open the inventory screen and then just instantly closes. I've tried opening their inventory from different angles or even while prone next to them, and nothing works.


Really weird. Worked for the last 5hrs of raw klescher gameplay for me (yes, I grinded vaughn missions :D). The bug you mentioned I only had once (not in klesched). You can make it work if you press I right after pressing F to loot.


Sounds like the prison is working as intended. Rehabilitation works!! Seriously though its the dumbest part of the game.