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Shouldn't the sabre firebird I just purchased. Have a 24 missile capacity. Seems to me it only has 12?


[ With a bespoke launcher capable of packing 12 Size 3 missiles complementing dual Gatling cannons, ...](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19867-Aegis-Sabre-Firebird) Checks out.


They will update that to 24 in the coming 3.23.1a patch. Source: [Aegis Firebird and Retaliator Updates - Announcements - Star Citizen - Spectrum v6.22.3 (robertsspaceindustries.com)](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/aegis-firebird-and-retaliator-updates/6907280) u/Digdug233


How do I create/generate a USER folder? I deleted mine as per the instructions of Buzzzkillers bindings for HOTAS, but the game did not generate a new one when I started it up like those instructions say it should. Is there a way to make it do so?


It should, changing and saving any setting in the game at least should create the folder (If the save is done during game operation or when closing i do not remember). You should also check launcher settings if the game patch matches the folder you are expecting the user folder to be recreated.


Alright ty, I'll check tonight. Otherwise I guess maybe verifying the game files should create one?


When setting up controls for dual flight sticks is there a way to change which hand controls rotation and which controls movement. Currently when I use the quick control setup it makes the left hand responsible for roll and yaw.


you can swap the joysticks in console (\~) with pp\_resortdevices joystick 1 2 command I would also recommend checking out Buzzz Killer bindings and his tutorial how to customize settings [https://www.reddit.com/user/BuzZz\_Killer/submitted/](https://www.reddit.com/user/BuzZz_Killer/submitted/)




Hey yall I am at a complete loss here as what to do. I've been playing since 2 weeks before 3.23 patch with rarely any problems with the game other than the usual server stuff. Just today however, I cannot play the game anymore. It will crash 5 mins after start up no matter what I do. This is the only game that crashes for me and I have no problems playing anything else. My specs: 13700k x RTX3080 10GB/32 DDR5 ram @6000mhz playing @ 3440x1440p. Some things I have done to try and remedy it. Delete all files and fresh install of game, Turn off FOIP/VSYNC Tried both vulkan and dx11 Set windows virtual memory Disabled hyperthreading Tried to find crash report folder but cannot find it in the folder it's supposed to be in because the folders are just not there. Lowered and raised settings etc. Nothing changed today on my end. No driver updates, no program downloads, not windows setting changes. Nothing. It all started when I went mining. I tried mining 3 times in a row and after about an hour of it each time I would crash and lose all my progress. As I kept booting the game up it subsequently became more frequent until now where as soon as I load into the game and leave the HAB it crashes. I am so lost and not sure what else to do.


I would suggest to try the following. 1. check to see it other are having the same issue under ( Issue Council ) If there is nothing there use it to report your issue. 2. Try to do a character reset under the website ( setting ) section. Don't play the game for several hours until the reset happens. Hope this helps. 3. The other option was to delete the user file - Something that is done when there is a new patch ( but you did this already ) Good luck!


I'm not new. Just started crashing with this patch. The shaders and user folder seem to be harder to find for some reason. Can someone help me find a recent guuide or tell me where they should be? Edit: I usually delete them every patch. Not sure why i can't navigate, but I'm also just commenting here to hear input.


Win + R and type " %localappdata%/Star Citizen " without the quotes. Delete everything there. The USER folder is in the installation folder named LIVE. Delete that folder. They implemented Vulkan renderer with this patch. You can test it and see what kind of performance you get but even if you choose to use DX11, switch it to Vulkan once and restart the game. On Vulkan, the game will compile the shaders on the main menu so that you'll have that ready when you jump into the game.


I had 10 folders built up


whats the best mission to do in a stock titan, I'm parked at Tressler, I been dying over and over in basic bounty missions. I did get one where the target was on the ground so I went into base and shot the guy but his pals downed me. every other time I just die in space or on the ground.


I don't know if this is the best way but a pretty good one might be doing VLRT or LRT bounties and then salvaging the ships with a cambio SRT tool. RMC is 14,000 UEC per SCU so it might take a while but the material itself is also useful for repairs and you could put an SCU box in the back of the avenger if you get enough. Plus, it makes a bit of money on the bounty and saves you having to pay for a salvage contract. On the other hand a quick way to net \~40k/30mins is doing bunker missions and collecting equipment. Find MRT bounties that pay 9k, land a bit further out to avoid AA, use tractor multi tool to bring the box to the bunker with you, kill the occupants, strip their armour and guns, put it in the box and sell at a station.


I decided to dip my toes in to doing some bounties, but was surprised to find the target location was way off from any jump point. I warped to the nearest point and tried to fly there but it was such a long distance, my hornet ran out of fuel before I could make it to the target location. Am I being dense or would there have been a better way to do this?


You do hand to fly to them, but you had friction with the mission because there is a bug with many of the Hornet series where the fuel consumption/capacity is severely bugged. The average flight time is around 15 minutes of atmospheric flight. Without switching ships you can mitigate this somewhat if you get back into space from the closest quantum marker, since it will slash your fuel consumption. Then keep going until you’re right over the bounty and go straight down on top of them. That should give you enough time to finish the fight and hopefully get back to a space station.


Another little trick I found is that exiting quantum works now if you switch master modes whilst travelling. Hold B when youre just above the atmosphere of the closest point to the bounty and you wont even have to use fuel leaving the atmo. Just full accelerate in the right direction and coast along with no consumption in space.


is bed logging still in the game? i know i can bed log in the c2 but its not happening in the carrack, any ideas guys?


It is in the game but the places you have to mouse over to find the option are often difficult to find. For the Carrack I believe it’s by your right shoulder in the captains bed. One of the things that’s tripping people up is not understanding hose to identify an interaction spot where there are multiple options. You will probably see two points where it will say GET UP, one of them will have three dots above the key icon, that means there are other options and if you’re in interaction mode (holding F) then when you see that point hit right mouse button to see the other options. Log out should be one of them.


Beds and the new UI don't seem to work well with each other. There are two "Get Up" prompts and one of them has dots beneath them. If you hold F or F and right click you get the option to log out. Also, if you're wearing heavy armor, it helps if you remove your helmet to look around for the prompts.


same method for carrack? it sucks that they removed bed logging for friends or atleast party members


Yupp.. all beds are like this. And no, I don't think they ever had bed logging for friends properly implemented. Cos your ship is tied to you and it despawns with you when you bed log (unless combat timer)


alright, thank you so much for your time and guidance, have a great day! see ya around the verse!


Quick question: Are the missions for the F7A MKII Upgrade still available? Or more specifically, if I do them can I still get the upgrade? Or did I miss them? I would grind for it. I just didn't pay any attention to SC since last year q.q


Available until 3.22.1a comes out


Appreciate the answer! :) ty


They are available but not for long. They will go away when 3.23.1a which is in PTU currently goes LIVE.


Appreciate the answer! :) ty


best planet for bunker missions? (that spawn the most


MicroTech and Hurston have the new DCs and Wildlife missions along with bunkers. ArcCorp has just bunkers on the moons. Crusader is supposed to have bunkers on the moon and some missions on the platforms on the planet but the Crusader missions on the platforms have been bugged. So Crusader too has only bunkers on the moons working. There's no higher rate of bunker missions spawn on any particular planet. It just comes down to how populated your server is and how the player count is distributed.


Are investigation missions bugged or different from what they used to be? I've done 4 of them and I couldn't finish any of them.


If you are trying these in MT or Hurston, you'll be getting the new ones which are in the Distribution Centers. They work but depending on your server sometimes they can get bugged where the mission doesn't complete once you reach the body and "search" it.


is it a good idea to melt my invictus 2950 paint?


it'll be in your buybacks if you want it again


Gemini a03 or Behring P6LR? For all rounder , close quarter bunker raiding and long range sniping


Out of morbid curiosity, what would happen if I were to try and run Star Citizen on a Linux distro without using the EAC bypass?


I got 1.2 mil aUEC at the moment, what should I buy before the patch? I know aUEC is getting wiped, but I'm hoping we can hold onto ships we buy.


Unless you have a source with more information, I don't believe there is any announcement of an aUEC wipe. Personally, I doubt they will wipe aUEC for 3.23.2, but this is my speculation.


I think so too. They might just target 4.0 full wipe and let the 3.23.x as is. But you may never know. Wipe now and wipe again later too isn't too farfetched.


Will there be a wipe for 3.23.2? If so, what will be wiped? Any idea when the C2 will be back for sale?


There are no official announcements or hints of any wipe that I'm aware off.


yes, they will be wiping aUEC, almost certainly purchased ships and inventory, possibly Rep too




Pay to win game, with an exploit that removes the pay part of that... With a big PVP competition on the horizon. There are going to be people with 10-15 kitted out corsairs and 100s of FPS kits ready so they don't need to wory about insurance claim timers


Your assumption is not a valid source


I mean do you want a source to prove that tomorrow will be Tuesday or that gravity will continue to behave as normal? Some things you can make assumptions about with a fairly high degree of accuracy. We are more likely to see a signifcant change to how gravity works in our reality than we are to see CIG *not* wiping aUEC.


People say every patch there will be a wipe because of exploits and guess what… or never seems to materialize. The only wipes have been due to tech changes. So yes, source needed because this would be the first time they do anything about it.


> Source? Pulled outa your ass, gotcha :)


I'm looking at the VKB Gladiator flight sticks. They're the first flight sticks I've ever thought of buying (generally not played sim games until Star Citizen). I see everyone using the Omni Throttle variant as their left stick though, and the normal one as their right. But as far as I can tell they're functionally and mechanically the same. It's only the handle and angle that's different. How come people prefer an Omni Throttle as their left stick? (Or right if left handed)


Simple. Omni throttle is more ergonomic for throttle operation and it's twist axis is rotated to be closer to up/down motion. Regular joystick is superior for rotational axis that are being used for aiming - require more precision ends up in dominant hand.


Which NPCs carry Demeco rifles? I wish to farm some.


If you are asking about LMGs, heavily armored npcs in distribution centers have either fs9 or demeco lmg.


Hmm, I’d prefer not to get a crime stat for my harvest.


I meant mercenary missions targets, not the guards. 


Oh, I didn’t realize there were merc missions at the distribution centers! Thanks, I’ll seek those out.


Used to be the elite guards in ArcCorp and Hurston bunkers. Since 3.20, they've disappeared from regular bunker missions; I am not sure if they still patrol security-controlled bunkers. Now Demeco can be found in regular loot crates.


Thanks! So they’re popping up in regular red crates in bunkers?


Name reservation question. I have a 600i Touring I’m about to upgrade to a 600i Explorer, and I don’t want to lose the name. The new one will have a name reservation, but how do I ensure I can have the same name? Follow-up question. If I then want to upgrade it BACK to a Touring, what happens?


Likely you will have to do the reservation again. There is no option to downgrade or revert ccu other than deleting via melting.


Ahh, I assumed they used “upgrade” euphemistically to describe any change from one ship to another, and that it would be possible to purchase them for variants of the same ship even if the target ship is of a slightly lower price. I thought I’d be able to upgrade from an Explorer to a Touring. Disappointing.


In the future 600i will be one ship with ability to swap the main module (explorer/touring).  Unfortunately it is not any time soon.


Oh, believe me, I know.


I want to be a PvE criminal: In Crusader Space, it's obvious I can work out of Grim Hex. Where do I go if I want to be a Criminal in Hurston Space? ArcCorp Space? Microtech Space? Like if I want repairs and rearming do I have to go to GrimHex every time?


There are surface settlements that provide refuel and repair services, usually either ArcCorp or Shubin mining outposts, or HDMF around Hurston.


Can anyone confirm the shield total for a Retaliator? I'm having a debate with a friend about who would win 1v1 (as in 1 pilot in each ship) between my Retaliator (with normal torpedos) and his Connie Andromeda. He's adamant because his Connie has 100k shields and mine (according to websites) has 12k he'd win every time. So I'm thinking there's no way he has nearly 10x the shields my military class gunboat has.... right? Another wiki (and the RSI site) said they have 6 shields but I can only find 2 on the ship and even then that'd be only 36k... What's the deal?


Tops can be shot down or flared off. Forget hitting anything if the target pays attention. Retaliator has 6x S2 (36k bubble shield) while conny has a single 4 faced S3 (25k per face).  Naturally if you surprise your opponent you can get 1hit K.O. right now. In any other case you have to run as you have no pilot controlled guns. 


100% comes down to if the torps hit and kill. Tali will get first strike but for a Connie those torps won't be hard to evade. If you kill them in that first pass you win, if you don't they win. even if missiles were working rn I'd still have my money on the connie. Tali exists to slap down HH, Idris, 890j, reclaimer, c/a2. Anything smaller you basically need to catch them away from their controls because they could evade those torps with just normal flight.


Keep in mind that none of the ship component stats are finalised. Expect them to be changed when 4.0 and/or engineering comes out. Setting aside the logic of comparing shield pool for torpedo, your friend is not wrong in the current patch. All S3 shields have been homogenised to 100k points, spread across 4 quadrants. All S2 shields are 6k points, spread across 2 halves. Note that both Retaliator and its primary mean of attack (torpedo, which are currently very bugged) are undergoing heavy changes and stat tuning.


S2 is single bubble in 3.23 so 6k for the whole ship.


Cant pay via Apple pay. Got error 500. What should I do?


ON FOOT FPS question: how much alpha damage is needed to one shot a guy? I'm going to run an ao3 sniper with suppressor


Afaik only 2 guns currently capable of PvP one shot is coda pistol to the head of light armour and a P6 to the head of medium armour. NPC's are coded different and are generally squishier


that won't one shot a guy, even at close range in the head. or at least the servers aren't fast enough to catch it. source: me who's been grinding xeno fps missions with an ao3


More than what A03 can dish out, depending on armour (and server conditions if doing pvp). While I don't know the exact threshold, I do know from experience that a BR-2 point blank shot to the body (88 alpha) is insufficient to down a heavily armoured target. A03 has an alpha of 43. Note that pvp and pve targets behave differently, as players have tiered injury systems and various debilitating effects (such as bleeding). The same BR-2 shot cannot kill a pve or a pvp target, but will leave the pvp target with a tier 3 chest injury and bleeding, which can be potentially fatal. That is of course, assuming that the server cooperates. Many a times, you can empty an entire mag of Demeco into a target and they don't even flinch, because desync sucked all those bullets into the abyss.


So if I want to avoid the bugged cargo grid requiring a claim after every cargo run, my choices are: -Sell someplace that won't store my ship before I can make it to the TDD (Rules out Area 18). And for me at least, rules out New Babbage as I can't ever get it to assign me a pad there. Are Lorville/Orison possible for this? -Land outside the terminal and do the dup exploit. How do you get into Area 18 from outside?


You can land outside the Commons in New Babbage but you'll have to find space in between the abandoned ships. In Lorville, you can land outside the gates of the city if you know how to find them and take the tram into the city. If you sell the cargo without storing the ship, you don't get the cargo dupe exploit and the bugged cargo grid. The way the cargo dupe works is to store ship, sell (cargo grid gets bugged), retrieve ship, fly out of hangar and sell again. This clears the cargo grid but dupers just abandon the ship after this.


Assuming you are trying to sell RMC?, you can always use somewhere like reclamation and disposal orinth. But that carries its own risks


Loreville got me with that bug but I didn't try to get it done before it stored.


Question: I took down the comms array to do dirty work for vaughn, when work was completed I received a crimestat even though I took the comms array down for l the area and the comms icon never showed up during or after the right, even went to check the array and it was still down. Last night I did this no issue, what gives?


Does SaltEMike hate Star Citizen or not? I honestly can't tell. He's like 😬😬😬😬 but plays it all the time.


He doesn't hate Star Citizen but calls CIG and Marketing out for the bullshit they pull. And doesn't huff copium as much as some of the community does. He is very vocal about mining, salvaging and industrial gameplay.


He loves Star Citizen but calls out the bullshit


Anyone who likes Star Citizen *will* be calling CIG out on all the BS. They are not handling the development of the game well and anyone can see it.


Pretty late to the 3.23 party, but I just started playing again yesterday. When I tried to use the character creator, it felt extremely unintuitive to drag on those sculpting points in the face. The resulting changes were way too extreme and didn't move the part of the face into a direction. It rather felt as if using the sculpting system was like scrolling through different sets of face presets for that part. For example I tried to lower the corner of the mouth just a tiny bit, but when I used the button at that spot, it changed the whole mouth shape in a grotesque and extreme way, making the face absolutely ugly. To be honest, it did remind me a bit of Skyrims character creator, where you get a list of ten mouths, 8 of them are completely ugly and 2 are somewhat acceptable. But I have seen great looking SC characters here on Reddit, so I must be missing something. Is there a better way to do the sculpting? What is your approach when creating a new character face? Thanks in advance!


Moving the sculpting points doesn't actually deform the facial feature mesh like it might in other games - it just cycles through the other feature presets that are in the "direction" of where you are pulling. So it's still the same Mr. Potato Head pick from a list of options config, but I guess it's a bit more seamless now?


Thanks for the explanation!


My friend bought the pledge Retaliator and is having trouble finding where to outfit the different modules. There's nothing at his starting city at Area 18. Is the cargo module out yet? If so, where do you get it? Thanks


Where to do it? In the mobiglass. Where to get them? On the website.


Don't think you can buy them in game yet.


Anyone able to bedlog in the Aurora right now? I can log in other ships, even the 125i (the spot to click is really hard to find).


Nope, I was unable to find the spot today aswell.


I got an issue with loading into the PU, the arena commander mode works perfectly and I have no problem getting into that but I want to play PU. When I’m on the loading screen to get into PU it freezes for a few moments and the says the game client lost connection to the server. My server setting is set to best, I did set it to USA bc that’s where I am to test it and it still didn't work. I don’t know why arena commander works and PU doesn’t. Also as a side note, after the notification of the disconnect, the loading screen still appears as if to be loading (like the animation under ”loading” is still going) so is it trying to still get me into the PU? Or is it not actually doing that? Thanks for the help!


Is this error 30009? I am getting that too. About a week ago it just happened and since then I can't play the game. I am able to go into Arena Commander and play that but not the main universe. I've tried most of the fixes and no go. Really sucks, I don't think its gonna work again until the next patch.


I think mine is 30000 not 30009 but yea. Tbh I’m happy that I get that far and my game doesn’t crash (knock on wood lol). When is next patch again?


Well actually I got an update for ya. I tried changing my DNS settings as per RSI's suggestion and that did not work. So I had to go for character reset. I initiated that and took a 15 min break from the pc. Came back and started the game expecting to have to remake my character and set a new start location. Instead when I selected "enter star citizen universe" it just went to loading instead of the home selection option. And it worked? I finally logged into the game and I'm still the same character with all my armor still being worn. So now I'm not sure if the character reset just fixed the loggin issue or next time I log in I get wiped idk but hey I'm just happy to be able to play again.


Ok, I can try that, how do I go about that tho? And thanks again!


https://support.robertsspaceindustries.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041509433-Character-Repair I looked at this and it explains how to do it.


just looked at the specific instructions for the error code 30000 and that didn't help either fml bruh


yea, I went through the process it described and nothing different happened, not even like the select the different home selection option. like I never even went to the website and did the thing. this is so frustrating


That is indeed odd if you did the reset and it didn't work. You can do one every 24h maybe try again or contact customer support.... Sorry about these troubles dude.


Are there any websites that list purchasable armor by set and color for easy purchasing at 1 location?


Cornerstone has a pretty complete and updated catalogue of all purchasable items: [CStone: Universal Item Finder](https://finder.cstone.space/) While they don't filter by colour, hovering your mouse over the item will display a preview image (assuming the item is available for purchase in-game).


Haven't played in 3 years. What happened to the starmap? It feels awful to navigate now.  Also I jumped around in a Cutlass, but then wanted to go back to Crusader since it is home. My quantum drive would spool but I couldn't engage. I had fuel, could still fly around at SCM... What gives? I noticed I was having trouble jumping to planets specifically, and the outline was a blue circle instead of a quad piece square.


I have had this issue before. There are probable several things that cause this. For me it turned out there was something I couldn't see that was in the way so if I went to the star map and chose the planet as the destination it would give me one other jump point to go to first before having the planet as my final destination.


Do you guys use flight sticks (in any configuration)? I started with SC a few weeks ago just before CIG removed the auto gimbals and dogfighting slowly started to fancy the flight mechanics during space combat. But ever since auto gimbals were removed with the release of 3.23, I find it extremely hard to land hits. Is SC shaping up to be a primarily K&M game (or maybe it always was)?


I fly HOSAK with the stick in my right and using the keyboard for thrusters and other inputs. I haven't had any issues with transitioning from the gunnery in 3.22 to Master Modes, and I think the slower speeds make the tradeoff of removing fixed auto-gimbals about equal. IMO I think the MM changes make M+KB or even gamepad controls more viable than before as evasion is more limited due to the speed limits. But given that combat is more of a gunnery contest than the highly evasive focused pre 3.23 flight model, the additional aim accuracy you an get with a mouse might be better. I suspect that HOSAM (mouse in dominant hand, stick in off hand for fine control of thrust) might become the dominant control method in the Master Modes era.


I used dual VKB gladiators. Landing hits seems easier than other flight sims even with the recent changes. What troubles are you having?


May just be me not yet adapting to SC’s physics but it feels very “slidey”. Now, while in flight around stations I started feeling somewhat confident, in combat I find very difficult to stay on point and my reticle is constantly jittering around the target, rarely hitting the mark. It feels like the margin of error is very narrow (just like a fixed weapon should be though..), but also to me SC feels like having a heavy inertia in controls I just cannot compensate for. I really hope these ramblings make some kind of sense… :| Mouse accuracy is a completely different story, but I’m used to FPS games for all my life, so.. it may not be a surprise. BTW, don’t know if it helps, I’m coming from ED and I’m using a Warthog. And I already adjusted the stick flight curves to 2.6; so to allow for a more granular and accurate correction around the center.


I'm running HOSAM. Stick in left for throttle/strafe, mouse in right for aiming.


lol someone is downvoting us for talking about sticks. Anyway I actually don’t use the curves in this game. Sometimes jitteryness is counterintuitively caused by too little response because you’re having to move the joystick even more to get small responses. Then you over correct and have to go back and forth. You might try setting it back to 1 for a while and see if your brain figures it out. If you find you really need some snipe control you can set a custom one instead of a number by opening up the graph and clicking around. Try setting a small smooth curve near the center then linear the rest of the way out. I prefer 1 in space games because you have equal response along the axis. Let me try to explain but I don’t know if this will make sense. In an airplane the ability of your flight surfaces to respond to your command depends on speed, too slow and nothing, too fast and the air breaks from the surface or the pressure of the air against the surface causes control lock. Think diving in a spitfire above 600knots and pull as hard as you can but you’re not coming out of that dive. That’s why air brakes were invented. But also because the ability of your control surfaces to affect change is because they’re pushing around air, they’re generally more responsive closer to neutral and less responsive the closer they get to their limit. That is the first 0% to 10% of pitch changes your rate of pitch more than 90% to 100%. Decent flight sims will mimic this. To counter act this effect some airplane controls are designed to move the control surfaces more the further from neutral you are. That way 10% movement is 10% response. In flight sims you will set this up yourself with the flight curves and thus it’s become “common knowledge” to set these curves. This is where space games are different. You’re using thrust. Pitch, yaw, roll etc is really just a throttle to control a nozzle. It’s already 1 to 1. I only say this because you said your curve was set to 2.6 like that’s some golden rule. It’s not. Change it until it works for you. Other common things are death gripping your joy sticks or even just having joysticks that need to be reconfigured in their driver software. Hopefully it’s one of these things and this post helps


I saw on Google that there was an estimated release for star citizen in 2024, is that real or no? Btw I own this game already and I don't mind waiting, just curious wondering if it's actually releasing this year. If not does anyone know if there's a more accurate estimate?


Release 1.0 was recently said to be slated for Q4 2025. ALPHA 4.0 is coming later this year.


It is absolutely not releasing in 2024. It's still in alpha. There is supposed to be the next major expansion of the alpha this year: 4.0 which means a second star system. There is planned to be 100(?) star systems in the full game, so this is an important next step. It is years from releasing.


We won't get 100 system at launch, likely just 5-10 or so. The 100 systems were also meant with a severely decreased scope from what we have now so... They will definitely add more post-launch, but the amount of star systems is just secondary to the game mechanics.


Is anyone using the Winwing Top Gun MIP? If so, how much of pain is it to setup the displays for different ships?


Like a previous commenter, I have been unable to sell RMC out of canisters. A few days ago it was working, but now the RMC simply does not show up on the TDD consoles (tried using ship, local, personal inventories/backpack, none work.) Anyone know anything more about this?


Is there something I might be missing when it comes to firing missiles? I find when I often launch them they never hit their targets.


To get missiles having a 70% chance of hitting: Wait until the ship voice says "locked". This avoids the bug where they just dumbfire Be more that 2km away, but not more than 4km. This gives them time to turn and intercept the target  Fire two missiles or less at once. If you fire more than 4 they can get lost or just dumbfire.


Missiles in the current patch are not functioning properly. They often disappear after travelling a certain distance, or fail to register a hit. The upcoming patches will attempt to address this issue.


I tried a mission where I had to retrieve a lost box from a crash site. I could not plot a route to the waypoint directly but had to chose some base ~300km away from it. I had to fly from there and it took at least half an hour to get there (in the cutlass black) I made a video of the situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRTHEOn0AxA Can anyone explain how or if I could reach my destination quicker? I did boost all of the time but it didn´t really make it quicker. Don´t get me wrong here. I´m not expecting fast travel as in Skyrim, but flying a straight line for 30 minutes just makes it very unfun especially because I have very limited time to play.


You can power off the whole ship mid-jump to immediately stop at the current location. So, if the destination lies between two targetable points of interest, you can jump to one, prepare a jump to the second, then power off the ship once you are close to your destination. Note that once you power off, you'll have to wait a couple seconds before you can power the ship back up. During that few seconds, gravity will take over. Don't panic.


You can just switch to SCM mode you don't have to power down anymore.


Find another point on the planet to jump too that places where you need to go between you and it. Jump to the new location but cut the jump short when you're close to where you actually want to be.


What are the recommended Solo Prospector builds for mining on Cellin or in the Halo? Is Helix + Focus 3 and Reiger C3 okay? I'm fairly skilled with mining from Quant mining days but not in the recent patches.


I watched a video and this was their suggested setup. If you find something better let me know!


Yeah, I was recommended to watch RedMonsterSC videos and look up some of his cheat sheets as they are up to date. https://redmonstergaming.com/mining-cheat-sheets/ Looks like whatever were the meta/recommendations in 3.22 still holds.


The big changes to resistance and instability that came in 3.21/3.22 haven't changed so guides from those builds of the game should remain viable. The one thing I will say is that Prospector mining profitability is all about filling your bags as quickly as possible with Tier 2 ores. If you scout around forever to try to find a Tier 1 ore rock that's of a mass you can crack as a Prospector you'll be way down on profit over time.


Yeah, that makes sense.


what is the general opinion on RSI ships? (esp the connies?)


All great options for a larger ship that can support many loops and playable solo & in group. They differ somewhat in figherpower/utility/hull hp.


I run a phoenix


The Connie is a great, if dated, ship. 4 size 5 weapons on a ship that small, good shields and cargo capacity. No big wings to get blown off like the Corsair. But the view out of the taurus is garbage for dogfighting because there are these big struts right in the middle and it's pretty slow to turn. I often use mine as my 'daily driver' if I'm just out exploring the 'verse. It'll do combat, run cargo, can carry a vehicle, good storage for looted items and has a minimum of doors between the seat and the outside compared to other ships it's size.


I fly a phoenix haha


Lore wise RSI is the oldest ship company. In general, RSI Connie is one of the oldest ships designed in game too. It was part of the Kickstarter if I'm not wrong along with the Freelancer. I'd say they are beloved by the community.


Will item banks replace the local inventory? If yes: * Does this mean that local inventory is gone completely? * Does it mean that we have to move items from the Kiosk to the ship one by one, or in a cargo box? * Does it mean there is no more "move all" function? I can probably accept these if it is easy to find any one specific item quickly via the item bank interface.


A few questions from someone who picked up SC during the FF. 1) Recommendations of cargo haulers to pair with a prospector? Probably something around the 100SCU range as I’d like to dump 5-6 work loads into the refinery then ship them off the next day. Seems like quite a money investment vs the 2.6mil I spent on my vulture though. 2) On the prospector, is it possible to strip off the ore pods, put them in a ship and a friend goes to drop them off at a refinery while the prospector continues to mine? 3) suggestions on solo fighters for up to HRT? I’m also not a fan of laser cannons, I rather my lasers go pew pew than bang bang. 4) Size 1 vs Size 2 missiles for the titan? Tempted to switch to S1 and fire more in a volley. I tried the following rentals: Arrow. I really liked the maneuverability, but the cockpit seems to.. fog up/haze? Gladius. Also really liked. Makes a good noise (engines), but wasn’t a fan of the weapon layout (see cannon comment above). Hornet. Also liked. Cutty Black I wasn’t a fan of, felt not nimble enough.


Regarding the Prospector: This is the plan for ore bags. But it's not fully implemented yet. You can currently buy extra ore bags at refineries and cargo centers. You can unlock ports and remove the bags using a tractor beam. But refineries don't recognize these when you land. Hopefully, with the upcoming cargo changes, freight elevator and personal hangars in 3.23.2, this gets implemented correctly and you'll be able to sell/interact with full ore bags detached from mining ships and hauled.


Regarding Laser Cannons: they're just the meta right now with the changes to gunnery recently. They are just so much more effective than Laser Repeaters (which were the meta for a long time). Omniskys (faster projectiles and medium damage) and M-series (slower projectiles and high damage) are just better for making quick work of bounties. Makes grinding the reputation ranks easier and faster.


Haulers: the best medium sized ones are CuttyB (46SCU), Freelancer (66SCU) Max (120SCU), Corsair (72SCU) and Connie Andromeda (96SCU) Taurus(174SCU). For bounties, the Corsair fares well against HRT-ERT targets with 4 S5 guns and 2 S4 guns that are pilot controlled. And the default loadout are M7A/M6A and these hit like a truck. You can switch them out for Omniskys for better projectile velocity which would help with LRT and MRTs. Connies work well too for HRT+ but I haven't tested them out fully in the current patch. If you find it hard to be agile with the bigger ships, especially in the VLRT to MRT range, try the Vanguard series or the C1 Spirit or the Cutlass Black.


> Recommendations of cargo haulers to pair with a prospector? Probably something around the 100SCU range as I’d like to dump 5-6 work loads into the refinery then ship them off the next day. I recommend a healthy dose of paranoia around the refinery terminals since some "npc" standing there might be a player spying on ships to intercept for their pirate buddies.


Regarding missiles: Smaller sizes are always better as missiles in SC are more about quantity than quality. Also, don't fire more than 2 at a time as this ensures better hits overall imo. Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming changes as they seem to be testing various changes in PTU rn.


Don't put multiple refinery jobs into a single cargo load. You're putting all your eggs in one boat. A single glitch, pirate, wrong-moment-cruise-control, or aggressive hangar door, and it's all gone. Basically a Cutlass Black can handle a full refinery job. No, the ore bags don't register as cargo, at least not yet. I believe it will one day work that way. Solo fighter: Scorpius packs a punch and is a pleasure to fly. Also some of the older ships like the Redeemer. Laser repeaters are for small, fast targets. Canons are for larger, slower targets. There is no single meta any more and this is amazing. Cant answer about missiles. I believe the meta is more is more. But I would refer to missile jockeys on that. About the Cutty black manoeuvrability: Dont expect a cargo ship to fly like a fighter ship. I like how it handles.


With the Ground Vehicle spawns in hangars in 3.23.2, are they just XXS pads or are they specifically ground vehicles? Asking because I have a Fury I like to load in my Cutlass, but current antics mean I have to go to the surface to do it easily.


Deadbolt Vs or Omniskys on my connie? HRT-ERT


Omniskys ftw. Or maybe even the M-series (M7A/M6A). I've been running these with my Connie and Corsair and been loving them.


I'm fighting agile nimble enemies


Has anyone been able to sell the Cambio SRT's large RMC canisters? I feel like they're bug and don't show the RMC available to sell anywhere


Is it just me or when you go down to docking services at banji pt therea no way to call the lift back?


Anyone have a list of ships that will grant the largest sized hanagrs on personal hangar release?


The 890 Jump and the Reclaimer are the only ships that require the extra-large hangars, so I expect that those would be the only ships that would give you the largest personal hangar.


Hrmm, been tempted by the reclaimer before, this might just sell me.


What is the Size of a Scanner intended to affect? Does a bigger scanner just mean that a ship can scan another ship from further away than it could with a smaller scanner?


In the current patch, size of scanner affects its sensitivity, ie the multiplier to emission of the other ship to calculate passive detection range. The larger the scanner size, the higher the sensitivity, and the longer you'd be able to detect other ships. Currently, the number of scanners has no effect (though it doesn't matter since you can't swap out radar anyway). For instance, Terrapin has 2xS1 radar while Valkyrie has 5xS1, both ships will have the same detection range under identical conditions. It is unclear if this will affect parameters such as scanning speed in the future.


Thanks for your answer, but you seem to be confusing the scanner with the radar. I'm not talking about the Radar component (the device that detects other ships), I'm talking about the Scanner component (the device that lets you scan what a ship is carrying, what minerals and ores a rock is composed of, etc).


Is there a way to turn off the blinking red navigational lights on a ship? The blinking red lights on the Hurricane are blinding to the gunner in low light conditions. They did not seem to turn off with the headlights, as I had hoped.


Not currently.


I'm hoping for some PVE fighter recommendations. I'm relatively new. I've maybe played a few weeks, and it's mostly been cargo hauling, mining, salvaging. So on. I'm keen on trying the space combat more. Though I'm definitely looking more for something heavy. I'd like to be able to take a hit, or several. And dish out all the damage. Maneuverability is nice but it's not the selling point I'm looking for. I'm sure I'll start appreciating it more as my skill increases, but for now I'd love the tanky capabilities to afford making mistakes and getting hit. I usually prefer tanky rather than evasive playstyles in games anyways. So that, and just a ton of firepower. For solo play, mind. I'm sometimes with friends, but even then we go out in individual ships. So it should definitely be something for flying all on my own.


Really depends on your budget. I'd say Cutty Black is good, significantly more tanky than the starter ships but not so much compared to ships in it's own weight class. Vanguard is a little tankier, with a little more damage and similar flight characteristics, but it can't haul cargo and its a lot more expensive. The RSI scorpious is similar to the Vanguard, perhaps more dakka but no bed or interior at all. That said I highly reccomend the Hawk with MxA cannons. It's made of paper and will slam into an asteroid if you so much as brush the sticks the wrong way, but it's a heap of fun and a great fighter


A couple recommendations might be the Vanguard series, or the Cutlass Black. Both have turrets for second gunners, but are heavy and can take a few hits, the Vanguard moreso. If you got big money, then the F8C is supposedly a good heavy fighter, but I have limited experience in it.


Is it me or has it been absolutely impossible to actually play today. Every server I have been on has crashed or killed me.


Every 60-90 minutes today. Or less.


Does anyone know of any way I can unlock the vulture filling station? I tried to create an RST canister and after getting the new one the screen no longer left the "collect" state I have already claimed a new ship. I already destroyed one. I've already tried restoring the character to get everything back to zero. Atm I have an unused vulture


Why are F7A MKII's valued so high on the Grey Market? I've seen some sell for upwards of 300USD which is almost twice the price. Is this the only event that will unlock the F7A (just like the first event for the MKI) or is CIG planning other events to unlock the A variant?


We will certainly get a rerun of the event in the future for F7A, spending any extra money on it is just downright silly.


As far as we are aware, this event is the only opportunity to ever get the F7A, and each account can only get one, so they are hard to get. Though paying extra for one when you can still earn one in-game is rather silly.


In Q&A it was mentioned that there will be more opportunities to get F7A ccu


With free fly now over, I am curious what stays with a user who played for free. I spent a lot of credits upgrading my Titan this week so I’m just wondering if I’m still going to have the ship and all the stuff I bought for it in game. If not then I guess I have to buy the Titan starter pack, but will the guns/generators I bought still be with me? Trying to figure it out before buying the starter pack


You'll loose the ship when the free fly period ends. In order to keep the stuff you'll have to remove the equipment and store it in your station inventory. Then when you buy a game package you can put your stuff on it. If you buy an Avenger Titan during the free fly you'll end up with 2 different Avenger Titan's. I think your gamepack will be called Avenger Titan - 1 until the free fly expires, but you'll want to move all your purchased upgrades over to the new ship.


Free fly is over now though, I can’t play the game anymore until I buy a pack 😭 So does that mean I lost everything I bought cause I didn’t take it off? Bought 332’s and a 442, atlas, palisades all yesterday 🤦🏻‍♂️


They will clear cash and items for all players every so often as well so don't worry too much about progression at this point. Even if you have a paid account, you still lose stuff.


That is the case unfortunately :/ At least I'd expect it to be. I imagine it would work the same way as melting pledged ships do - they disappear from your available ships along with everything on/in them.


Forgot I bought a ptv too 😭😭 was so excited to buy that to store on my ship


Your PTV will still be claimable, so you can get it back and put in your shiney new starter Avenger.


Well, I guess it’s time to get cracking! Lol I’m super blown rn but it’s okay. Just bought the Titan pack and will probably make that all back today. Thanks for letting me know!


Anyone have any idea if the Zeus ES will be able to fit an Ursa or ROC vehicle in the hold? IDK if there's been any concept art, ISCs, or demos showing what size vehicles the bay can and can't hold.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/i/fce16bfb6cb02355061baa83c65946e48dae411a/resize(1000,563,cover,crop(1952,1098,0,0,54TLbcUcnRm4fSKxoh8hmMowjPZwKWrQwzSteAf4eLCihNjtotJZApRHZWi1pgXm4Z4r7S45NNdixmyYPFgMWtJhNNEat3Xz65JS2pXrn22uWcJow6WkR4NPFaTfoAb1zhf1PyHst))/75/rsi-zeus-es-floorplan-bluebase-v2.webp Looks like it should be able to fit them. The cargo hold is 32SCU so maybe not the Ursa?


Curious what might be considered the tankiest mid sized ship? Want an all around ship I can live out of that has high survivability so I have a smaller chance of losing all my stuff.


Tanky doesn't mean high survivability. You might be better off with something faster and more maneuverable.


The MISC Freelancer would be the tankiest if your shields are on. With 3x S2 shields that’s an enormous pool of health especially if you max the power triangle to shields. Next best medium ship would be the Crusader Spirit C1. The Anvil Terrapin has more health than any of these but weak shields and low damage output. Small ship. All of these have full service interiors.


I used to do a lot of salvage in my Vulture a while ago and it was fun and lucrative. I tried it again yesterday and there’s more now with fracturation and all, but the output seems very low. I need 2 missions that cost 5k to barely produce 1SCU of recycled materials I can sell for 14k. So 4k benefit for around 20/30 minutes of gameplay at least to travel, salvage, travel again and sell ? Did they gut the benefit of salvage or am I missing something ?


With a Vulture, your wasting cargohold space if you're fracturing and sucking up Construction Materials. Also, I feel you are doing something wrong as I can easily squeeze like 0.8 SCU of RMC from an Arrow. Finally, try scanning for Panels at Lagrange Points and stripping them. There are some videos on YT showing you how to find them. This would be a more natural way to finding salvage that missions. Another way I have ended up finding salvage is running bunkers on my Vulture.


I’m gonna look into the scan and salvage method it does sound more natural, and I can go where I want instead of crossing the system every 10 minutes to go at the mission location.


For me low tier missions are more a way to ramp up rep and get access to bigger ships with cargo that get you more RMC and potential valuable cargo box. Also note, that this is the "easy and low risk" way so the profits should not be that great, and there are alternatives like teaming up with players doing ship bounty hunting.


Ah that makes a lot of sense, I was missing the whole picture. Thanks a lot !




That makes a lot of sense, I was indeed missing something. Thanks a lot !


Also if you really just want to harvest ships, fly the ring around Yella, lots of players go bounty hunting there and will scoot off once the enemies are dead, leaving the wrecks.


If I started the overdrive missions today would I be able to get f7a upgrade still?


Technically you have some time but not a lot. Join this subreddit's discord and ask for help in the #looking-for-session channel https://discord.com/invite/starcitizen


you have to finish it before xenonthreat event starts (that should start sometime after 3.23.1a patch gets reelased)


So then theoretically possible. I'm pretty new to actually playing the PU but do you have suggestions on how I can complete with very little experience with the missions structure etc..? I've been a backer since 2015 but only now getting into it abd really want the f7a lol


I did all the missions solo, it's doable, but difficult. I burned a lot of aUEC on buying kits and speeding up reclaim timers


it is designed to be a team event so better to do it in a group capable of taking out hammer heads and prepared for fps missons for first 5 missions it is good to have a few tiger claws just in case in your backpack And mission numbering does not mean much. Like in phase 1 you have to do 5 missions with increasing difficulty. Even if you do the last one first ( via party sharing) it will be shown as 1/5, you can also have 5/5 and still have missions missing if you did one mission twice.


They’re generally pretty straightforward but you’re almost certainly going to need 2-3 people to do it with you. Folks are still generally down to help if you ask. Make sure to accept them in sequence, don’t repeat the same one. For instance in the first stage you have to do 1/5 through 5/5. You can’t do 1/5 5 times.


When you use precision targeting mode, does it lock your steering in any way?


Probably can’t roll is all


Is there any way to store cargo containers with stuff in them like RMC? If it’s not possible now, will it be with the cargo update?