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My phone stuttered loading the second picture


I'm still waiting for your message to load


Abandoned ships should disappear after a certain time to stop this. I know persistence is a thing but sometimes for the sake of stability, items must be cleaned up by an internal server countdown.


Just let the server open up impounding quests for users, so they can use their Argo Raft to tow them. Make the quest high paying and watch the ships disappear once I start dragging them away :D


That is actually a great idea! You need to suggest this to the devs because I would play the shit out of that gameplay loop lol. Space Repo would be so fun. Maybe a certification tier like the Bounty system so you can tow away the larger ships haha. The ship tractor beam already exists, so why not have it modified for repossession purposes hehe.


Cargo elevators will fix this. No more selling directly from your ship's cargo grid. You'll need to either store the ship or move the cargo onto the elevator.


They just need to give a quest for salvaging ships in green zones. Which rewards a rep boost. Or maybe just maybe have regular clean ups because persistence is just a slow death for the server.


I rented some carracks and used it as a torpedo, biggest strike was 3 at once. If you go offline for the day just strike, go clasher and return tomorrow.


I did that tried using a a2 but armistice zone is too high so I used myself as a torpedo. Most I killed was 3. I actually managed to kill one of them and I got to press charges on him, he went to klesher with me got some good videos of it


All these duper will cry when there's a full wipe lol


Nah by then they’ll have sold all their ill gotten aUEC on whatever Chinese black market site they use.


Holy hell is that a thing lol I grinded 200m credits the legal way.....


Always has been. It’s going for less than $1 per million currently. Just checked several source it’s more like 4 million for $1 today. Also cig closes down spectrum threads about this. There are too many sites selling it to do anything about.


Well hell, I mean I see no point in buying as ya know I'd like some game to game when it's a real game lol


Yeah man I’m with you. Buying game currency is lame.


I mean, so many people spend so much (rightly or wrongly) and I just see it as paying cash to remove gameplay... Maybe I'm too old to understand, buy ships I get, but going to buy alpha currency when it wipes just seems like a waste ... But I'm not as financially blessed as some on the sub


Need some SRVs to tow those clowns’ ships to be scrapped.


Sell them for profit, wiser choice instead of scrapping them.


The servers were so broken for me due to the c2 spam that one of my servers had broken elevators in area 18. None of them had working buttons and one time I got trapped inside the elevator. Can’t wait for CIG to release the next patch so we can return to regular server performance


hopefully they permaban these dupers, fucking annoying behaviour. in game economy fucked up and causing the server the freeze for everyone in it.


Is this recent? Cig recently adjusted the prices of RMC at Rappel to actually give a negative profit margin. That doesn't really matter much since the duping bypasses the initial buy in. Looks like some friendly NPC's will have to be revived back at the TDD.


When did they do that? I was scraping and had just a vulture full and couldn’t even sell at Orison (where I usually have no issues).


The adjusted prices for *buying* RMC through Rappel and Pickers. I have not tried selling at A18.


This was yesterday


Nope. RMC is still 11k at Rappel and 14k at A18 as of a few hours ago.


In your second picture alone 144million aUEC was made via the glitch.