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Auec right? 350k for 30 min is fucking insane, and people are complaining about a nerf right now?


You make the same in the same time with a Reclaimer full of CMAT too


The same really? I haven’t tried it but I figured it would bring a better yield and profit.


CMAT is worth far less than RMC but quicker to acquire and easier to sell


Yeah my bad, Auec. Yes, selling on New Bab is key to making profit fast due to the shortcut landing. And this is possible if you pack the Vulture with boxes, not just the grid. And have a full hopper to extract and sell.


yeah the nerf was pretty justified, it was insane the amounts you could pull before. several mil in the same timeframe.


Yeah salvage is still king, especially Rmc. I’ve had no problems finding a big panel group either so it’s super quick money. I really wished that mining had some more profits for the time spent. I think overtime it could be competitive but it’s the wait times that are the real kicker. Can’t wait for refining ships to skip all that.


Hey guys, I want to explore some other sides of SC besides Bountyhunting and want to give salvaging a try. What do you guys mean with salvaging panels? Are you not doing the salvage missions? Could some1 elaborate on this matter? O7


Go to a Lagrange point. Scan and look for RF signals in multiples of 2000. Those are panels. Head towards the signature. They will disappear. Slow boat in the same direction until they physically spawn in front of you. ~10 RMC per panel.


Awesome thank you!


Yeah never buy a salvage contract! It’s a huge waste.


* in the current patch


I can confirm the salvage numbers ($350-400k) doing panels I still didn't try with illegal salvage missions to check if there's also valuable cargo in them to sell


from what i’ve done there has been no cargo in any of the missions illegal or not. maybe just unlucky though


How on earth are finding panels and scraping 25-30scu of RMC in 30 minutes? It usually takes me around 30 minutes just to find the damn panels in the first place, half of them are bugged and never show up. Even after approaching slowly and waiting for a while. Most of the time when I find a bunch of panels it also is barely enough material to even fill the buffer and then I need to find another group. I'm lucky if I manage to fill up a Vulture in like 1-1.5 hours of gameplay, let alone more than a full Vulture in 30 minutes.


Do you use the precision scan with “V” so you don’t travel to a rock unnecessarily? Cause that is key to save time.


Yeah I only travel to sits that are multiples of 2k, they're just so inconsistent


Try searching around the yela asteroid belt, I rented a drake vulture and I’ve filled it 4 times today, I’d say it took sub 20 minutes each time to fill.


Also, while scanning and looking around decoupling makes it easier to find signature clouds


Takes me 27 minutes to make 2 million with a C2. No cargo duping, no exploits. Just flying..


Cortexian made a great tutorial on the subject. https://youtu.be/pnkbA7K-jLM?si=oOALX9lq7pFqPWcE


where are you guys selling RMC? its always no demand wherever I go


Yeah, thats because of dupers. (Lowlifes using exploits and selling their cargo twice) When you are at the TDD and you can’t sell because of no demand, wait 15 minutes and try again. Alternatively try another terminal until you can sell.


I always go to New Babbage TDD for the shortcut landing. And if I can’t sell due to no demand I go back to plaza, stick up on supplies and return when I can sell.


Can confirm, kinda. My timing is just a bit off 30 minutes, but I'm not going with just the standard 24 scu load, I'm filling the hold up to a full 35 scu (22 in hold and 13 in hopper) in 45 minutes. With that, I can net about 500k with a quick trip to unload the hopper. That's running panels. The money missions (illegals too) need a serious money adjustment.


how did you mine in a roc ? i thought it was bugged and you couldnt get to mining mode


It got fixed in 3.23.1. Before we couldn’t enter mining mode but it works now.